have Biblically shown that America is in danger of God's physical judgment.
Since I believe this judgment is imminent, I offer a possible scenario
of how this judgment could actually occur. I want you to understand that God's
judgment of America is both logical and simple, given the facts which I present
First, let us review the pertinent facts.
1). God's nature is Immutable (unchanging).
2). God has given America more spiritual knowledge than He has any other nation, even Israel.
3). America is guilty of the same sins of which God accused Israel and for which He destroyed her.
4). America is guilty of sins of which God made no mention against Israel.
5). God revealed a definite pattern of judgment, which we should expect to see applied to America today.
6). God's Holiness demands that He destroy whatever would degrade or threaten to destroy His creation. God removes infected people or nations for the same reason that a surgeon would remove a life-threatening cancerous tumor.
7). We have studied that sin defiles the very land in which the people are dwelling (Leviticus 18:24-25).
8). God repeatedly urges sinners to repent and gives them time to do so. However, "...(the person) who, being often corrected, hardens his neck, shall SUDDENLY be destroyed... without remedy." (Proverbs 29:1) God describes Himself as "a consuming fire." (Deuteronomy 4:24).
Let us turn to our study of America.
Let us review these Godly tools of His judgment:
1). Pestilence (disease). God used disease among the population to cause hardship and widespread death, weakening the nation. Consider AIDS: There has never been a disease like AIDS.
2). Famine -- Possibly wind-pattern shifts, taking rain away from our breadbasket regions.
3). Wild beasts -- Possibly killer bees, which destroy the normal bees, and then which do not pollinate. Or, God could use ravenous grasshoppers which prove resistent to our pesticides.
4). Sword (War)--God utilizes another nation, usually more wicked than the nation He is punishing, to deliver a knock-out military punch. Jeremiah 50:25: "The Lord has opened His armory and has brought forth [the nations who unknowingly are] the weapons of His indignation and wrath..." (Amplified Bible).
5). The final step in God's judgment against Israel has always been His judgment and destruction of the more evil Gentile nation which He has used to destroy Israel.
IF He uses Russia as the foreign power with which to bring judgment upon America, then He will turn against Russia and destroy her. Indeed, we see this exact prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39.
Why was God going to cause Russia to invade Israel?
* Ezekiel 38:16--God receives the glory in destroying Russia for her immense wickedness.
Many Bible scholars believe that
God is foretelling the destruction of the nation of Russia herself.
This is when Russia is destroyed. We have seen that it is God's
pattern of judgment to destroy the nation whom He has raised up,
after it has destroyed the nation upon whom He has
delivered judgment. If this is when Russia--God's attacking tool
upon America--is destroyed, then America's destruction must have
occurred before this invasion.
America is not mentioned in the
last day's prophecies!! One Bible scholar believes the reason
America does not defend Israel is that she has suddenly disappeared
from the world scene as a world power.1
Let us review the logical progression of God's PATTERN OF JUDGMENT as applied to our current situation.
1. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He must punish sin, both individual and national. Massive national sin always triggers God's judgment.
2. Jer. 12:17--God's words here are of complete, total, and thorough destruction. Russia attacks America.
3. God's destruction, when it finally comes, is very sudden, without specific further warning.
4. God uses a more wicked nation (Russia) to attack the nation under judgment (America).
5. God then turns immediately to
destroy the nation which He has used to bring judgment (Russia).
(Ezekial 38-39.)
For many years, the New Age Plan has contained a scenario for disarmament which contains the elements of our destruction. Let us first talk about disarmament. World-wide disarmament has been a goal of the New Age Movement since 1957.2 Several assumptions are implied here:
1. A Plan has already been drawn up and agreed upon to disarm the nations.
2. A governmental authority, as yet unseen, exists which will force nations to disarm.
Daniel 11:31-39 and Revelation 6:2. The Bible declares that the world would be drawn together by DIPLOMATIC means, not by force of arms.
This Plan specifically addresses atomic weaponry:
"The atomic bomb...is a means in the hands of the United Nations to ENFORCE the outer forms of peace...The atomic bomb...belongs to the United Nations for USE (or let us hope, simply for threatened use when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head)..."3
Notice Alice Bailey identifies the organization which will supra-nationally force the individual nations of the world to disarm--the United Nations.
If the United Nations will be the organization to whom all the nations will surrender their individual sovereignty, we must see several changes occurring:
1. The U.N. must be seen as being able to force nations to obey its will. It must have respect. It must have a permanent military.
2. The U.N. must have a proven record in solving conflicts and problems.
Once these two above criteria are in place, there will be a terrible nuclear crisis between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. that will be solved by the U.N.
What will be the response of the
peoples of the world? They will be saying, "Peace and Safety".
Remember Paul's end-time prophecy in 1 Thessalonians 5:3:
How does God destroy America?' Turn to Daniel 2:33.
When the Anti-Christ takes power diplomatically, he will reorganize the world into ten (10) supranational states. But, this organization will be partly strong and partly brittle, since it lacks one man as dictator at the top.
Consider this possible scenario of how this prophecy could literally be fulfilled.
1. Mutual nuclear disarmament is planned worldwide, with the leaders of America and Russia knowingly involved.
2. The minds of America's leaders are changed by God so that they begin to trust the Russians.
3. America negotiates mutual, 100% elimination of all nuclear weapons. All weapons are targeted for destruction. This could only happen as a result of a crisis in which the world was almost destroyed by war. At the peak of the crisis, American and Russian leaders meet and agree to transfer nuclear weaponry simultaneously through the United Nations.
4. World-wide euphoria occurs. All nuclear weapons are publicly transfered, with great fanfare.
5. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 comes into play at this point.
6. Russia secretly hides a few nuclear weapons, with which to suddenly attack America. `How could this happen when Russia's transfer for destruction of its nuclear arsenal will be closely monitored?' The answer lies, first, with a proper understanding of the EFFECTS of exploding nuclear bombs.
"On October 30 (1961), the Russians loosed the GIANT of all nuclear devices--one involving between 50-70 megatons of blast..." (Normal tests were between 1-3 megatons).4
"Question: What could a 100 megaton Super Weapon Do?"
"Answer: It's blast effect... could level almost any US city... Its great heat could cause lethal, third-degree burns to everyone who is exposed within about 50 miles of the explosion. And radioactive fall-out from the burst, carried by winds, could destroy MOST LIVING THINGS within an area about the size of New England."5
It also makes sense for the Russians to use the LARGEST YIELD warheads possible, so they would have to hide as FEW AS POSSIBLE. It was no mere chance that the Russians chose to test-detonate a 50-70 megaton warhead in 1961. Russian military leaders knew they would get only ONE opportunity to destroy America; they had to be certain they could build such a huge warhead that would properly explode. Therefore, they simply FELT COMPELLED to conduct a nuclear explosion of the PRECISE YIELD which they were planning to use against America.
The second part of the answer as to `how' Russia could hide enough nuclear bombs to utterly destroy America lies in a proper understanding of what constitutes the MINIMUM NUCLEAR DETERRENT. "If Russia retained 12 rockets and bombs of 1-3 megatons each, then Russia's blow could demolish 12 of our largest cities..."6
7. Without warning, Russia launches the attack. At this point, the clay separates from the iron.
Errors of judgment concerning Russian intentions.
1. Our political leadership will conclude that we can trust the Russian leaders to be truthful and to keep their word. We will make this fatal error because we have rejected the Biblical revelation that the heart of man is desperately wicked; rather, our leaders and much of our populace believe that man is inherently good.
2. America's key leaders
are professed New Agers. New Age doctrines and methodologies
match up almost exactly with those of the Communists.
This commonality in all major points has produced a new
personal bond between American and Russian leaders--
genuine on our part, but manipulative on their part.
Now consider this astonishing conclusion: Mikhail Gorbachev...is NO LONGER AN ATHEIST. His is now the `god of forces'".7 (As predicted in Daniel). This conclusion brands Gorbachev as New Age.
Now I can understand why American leaders--including the closet-New Ager--George Bush, can relate so well to Gorbachev. The circle of understanding has now closed. If Gorbachev is a bona fide New Ager, then he knows the PLAN!! What Plan? The Plan for establishing the `New World Order'.
We know this `Plan' has a supernatural
Of the planned nuclear crisis-- "...when the Russian government threatens America with nuclear war, the American people will demand that their government accept ANY solution other than a war. The American president will ask the Russians if there is any option they will accept other than nuclear war. Their response will be that the merging of the two countries into a world government will suffice..."8
After the planned nuclear crisis is resolved in such a way as to convince the American public to destroy all our nuclear weapons, the countdown to our destruction begins.
Non-Russian New Age leaders will
be absolutely shocked when they discover that while the Russians
were cooperating with the `Plan', they were secretly plotting
to attack once the advantage was theirs.
God revealed to the prophet, "And
I will show signs and wonders in the heavens, and on the earth
blood, fire, and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to
darkness, and the moon to blood, BEFORE the great and terrible
day of the Lord comes." (Joel 2:30)
See also: (Isaiah 24:18-20, 23). (Amplified)
This is a classic description of the way in which the earth has been shown to react to nuclear blasts:earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, enormous uplifting of mountains, and gigantic tidal waves. Entire continents could disappear beneath the sea. Dr. Albert Einstein wrote:"such displacements of the earth may take place as the consequence of COMPARATIVELY SLIGHT FORCES exerted on the crust..."
God also seems to be foretelling nuclear judgments in the following passages: Revelation 9:16-18; Zephaniah 1:18, 3:8; Deuteronomy 32:22-24; Isaiah 24:6, 33:12, 14; 2 Peter 3:11-12; Psalm 75:3-8; Ezekiel 22:20-22.
But, God also promised He would do nothing without first warning those people whom He recognized as His own. (Amos 3:7)
In Revelation 8:10-11, "... the name of the star was Wormwood. A third of the waters was changed into wormwood, and many people died from using the water..."
"The Chernobyl nuclear power station had an accident there which released radiation..."
"In the Ukraine, there grows an herb which is commonly called `wormwood'. The name for this herb in the Ukrainian language is `CHERNOBYL'."9
God has told us that the Wormwood star coming from the heavens is nuclear blasts which will contaminate one-third of the world's rivers and fresh waters. Note also that the Russians were attempting to contain the nuclear contamination of the FRESH WATER supplies.
Is there a part of the world which contains one-third of the world's supply of fresh water? YES!! The Great Lakes alone account for 20% (one-fifth) of the world's fresh water supply.10 Combine this enormous amount of fresh water with the huge rivers and lakes on the North American continent. Finally, add the tremendous under-water aquifers. The North American continent probably contains one-third of the world's fresh water.
Further, as the Chernobyl nuclear
blast originated from Russia, so will the `Wormwood' star (nuclear
bombs) originate from Russia. And what will be her target? The
United States.