God destroyed Israel for the sins which we have studied. Since America has now committed the same sins, even though we have received at least the same amount of spiritual light as Israel, can we not expect that God will destroy us?
Attitudes are the best logical place in which to start, because attitudes produce actions.
Crimes for which God decreed the DEATH penalty:
* Incest. Lev. 18:6-16.
* Sexual relations with an in-law. Lev. 18:12-16.
* Sexual relations with a neighbor's wife. Lev. 18:20.
* Sacrificing children in a religious ceremony. 18:21.
* Homosexuality. Lev. 18:22; 20:13.
* Bestiality. Lev. 18:23; 20:15-16.
* Cursing father and mother. Exodus 20:17; Lev. 18:9.
* Anyone who is a medium and has a familiar spirit, or is a wizard. Lev. 20:27.
* Murder. Exodus 21:12.
* Anyone who kidnaps another
person. Exodus 20:16.
1. DIVORCE The Statistics:
* The divorce rate has doubled since 1965
* Half of all first marriages will end in divorce.
* Six out of 10 second marriages collapse.
* One third of all children will live in a stepfamily.
* One of every four children today is raised by a single parent...
Divorce has left a devastated
generation in its wake...everyone suffers... People are hurting."
"Dr. David Musto, a medical historian, calls (alcohol addiction) the `American disease'.
According to statistics from (Government) sources alcohol is involved in:
* 66% of fatal accidents.
* 70% of murders.
* 72% of assaults and robberies.
* 52% of fire deaths.
* 50% of problems at work.
* 60% of suicides.
* 56-70% of fights and assaults
in homes. 3
Drug abuse and addiction
are now at a high epidemic level in the U.S., with the corresponding
crime rate.
The SCOPE of the problem: EVERY USA BILL IN CIRCULATION bears microscopic traces of cocaine. That amounts to 12 billion bills worth $230 billion." 4
Every nation in history
has had some drug usage, but NOTHING with this MAGNITUDE.
The real culprit is:
Federal Government leaders are preparing the people for legalization of drugs. The process works like this:
1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.
2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.
3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.
4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.
5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.
6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.5
These steps are now being
applied to the campaign to legalize drugs in the USA.
Also, America has passed
through Stages One and Two of Satan worship. Satan worship and
the New Age religion have always required its members to use drugs,
so that they can achieve the proper elevated
levels of consciousness.
Child abuse is present in today's America, to a degree that will shock you. Jesus had some very serious words to say to the child abuser. Punishment to child abusers would be physical death.
Remember our thesis: when a nation's leaders refuse to carry out the punishment specified by God, then HE will, at some time, carry out that sentence upon the entire nation.
Consider the National Statistics:
* Reported cases has skyrocketed to more than 2,100,000 cases in 1986.
* More than 1,200 deaths result from such battering each year; some estimates put the figure closer to 5,000."6
* From 1972-1976, the incidents of child abuse cases rose an astonishing 730%!!7
* Child abuse is the fifth most common cause of death8
* Incest..(which is) an EPIDEMIC
in America...40,000 children are victims per year...9
There is also a spiritual abuse of which society is guilty. It directly relates to Jesus' anger that a child who believes in Him should be made to stumble, to sin, or to lose their faith.
"We are raising a generation of children to be psychics, shamans, mediums, and occultists..." 10
Child abuse has been discovered in some baby sitting centers. The core abuse is sexual but it takes spiritual dimensions. Investigators had discovered that, as these children were being abused, the perpetrator would be wearing one of several outfits:
* Policeman's uniform
* Robe of a judge
* Clergy suit, with white collar
Once a child was sexually and physically abused by someone wearing one of these outfits, that child would never again trust anyone that was legimately wearing one. They would not open up to a policeman, a minister, or to a judge in a court room.11
Child abuse has also been
a key aspect of Satanism.
The National Statistics:
* Suicide has become an EPIDEMIC among teenagers.
* 2,000,000 high school-age Americans have attempted suicide.
* Over 5,000 succeed annually.
* That's TRIPLE the
rate of 30 years ago..." 12
Focus on the influence of Rock music upon today's teen suicide epidemic. Human beings are complex creatures. We do things for a combination of reasons, particularly actions which carry heavy consequences.
* Consider the Suicide pattern.
The problem may be:
* "Suicide Solution", from the Blizzard of Oz album.
* "Shoot to Thrill", AC/DC's hit song that instructed its listeners with the following lyrics, "...put your head up to me, pull the trigger, really do it now, shoot to thrill, way to kill.." (These are actual instructions on how to commit suicide!)
* "Killing Yourself to Live", by Black Sabbath.
* "Don't Fear the Reaper",
by Blue Oyster Cult.
Many people have seemingly
bought the lie that you are not affected by what you listen to,
even if you listen to it REPEATEDLY. (Phillipians 4:8).
The roots of rock music, and what makes it so popular.
* Churning 12-bar changes, stopping and starting in the same hypnotic sequence time after time, evolved from African voodoo beats and tribal music." 14
A Brief History:
* In 1947, a rhythm-and-blues singers named Bill Moore sang a rinky-dink tune, "We're gonna rock, we're gonna roll."
* In 1956, Elvis Presley broke on the scene, the most potent symbol rock has ever produced. Ever since Elvis, rock has been a huge money-making operation.
* In mid-1960's, folk rock music was introduced. Themes were anti-Vietnam, drugs, and free sex.
* In 1964, Beatles changed rock scene thoroughly. Themes were despair of life, drugs, Eastern Mysticism; subliminals were first utilized by the Beatles.
* In early-1970's, Heavy Metal bands began to become popular. Themes were boldly Satanic--macabre.
* In 1989, the once-scandalous
behavior of the various rock groups is finally "mainstreamed";
they are given the appearance of complete normalcy.
Remember the stages and the dates by which America progressed through these stages of Satanism?
* Stage One -- Started 1965 -- The initiate was introduced to parties where free drugs, free and uninhabited sex, and unlimited alcohol consumption.
* Stage Two -- Started 1975 -- The initiate is introduced to actual devil worship and beginning doctrines.
* Stage Three -- Started 1989
-- The initiate has now taken the concrete step of actually joining
the coven, and has started the process of discipleship in Satanism.
Do you realize Rock & Roll has progressed in the same manner, and even followed the same general time schedule?
What are the themes of Rock? There are seven main themes:
(1) Nihilism -- a negative attitude toward life
(2) Suicide -- is explicitly encouraged.
(3) Man is little more than, or better than, a machine,
(4) Violence and rebellion
(5) Sex is the most ancient of themes. Sub-themes of sexual Rock are too disgusting to speak about, but I have listed them all in the book.
(6) Spiritism, occultism, and outright Satan worship. All religions are taught to be equally valid. Standard withcraft is everywhere in the lyrics. Examples are in the book. Some songs are written so that they actually open a person up for demon possession. 15
(7) Drug usage glorification.
Americans are so active in this forbidden area: Results:
1. America is now experiencing the greatest epidemic of Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (STD's) in our history. "...Cases, since 1963, are up 148%." 17
2. USA has highest teen birthrate in the Western World.
3. One million American teens get pregnant yearly.
4. 400,000 teens get abortions yearly.
5. By 17, over half of teens
have had sexual intercourse
Attitudes again play a huge role. Teen's attitudes are heavily influenced by teachings they receive in school.
1. It is normal to have intercourse outside marriage.
2. When you do have intercourse, protect yourself with condoms. Some teachers even supply condoms.
3. Both heterosexuality and homosexuality are O.K.
Teen about attitudes
toward sex: Very casual. Prostitution is also a huge problem.
We have widespread homosexuality, which has now spread to all areas and levels of the nation. Our laws are being re-written or re-interpreted so that homosexuality is officially de-stigmatized and blessed.
How wide-spread is this phenomena of homosexuality?
* " The (U.S.) bureau has counted 1.6 million same-sex couples living together..." 18
* "...Estimates of (homosexual) prevalence...indicate that minimums of 20.3% of adult men in the U.S. are homosexual." (A Scientific Survey). 19
Now, let us turn our attention to another, high-profile method in which the legitimization of homosexuality in America is being accomplished. A very popular, charismatic U.S. Congressman, Barney Frank, (D., Massachusetts), recently admitted to an illegal homosexual relationship with a male prostitute.
Do you see how this incident actually works to ADVANCE homosexuality in America? Remember the 6-step ATTITUDINAL CHANGE process by which Americans are being conditioned to accept drug legalization? Precisely the same steps are being utilized here.
But, the key problem lies even deeper, and no one is addressing the horror. Remember the two cities so given over to the `unnatural' and `perverted' practice of homosexuality that God literally and physically destroyed them? These cities were Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 18:16-19:29.)
God so angry with these people that He wreaked complete devastation. God's actions here amount to a national capital execution.
The entire society of Sodom must have been supportive of homosexual activity: Schools, churches, courts, social organizations of all types.
Printed exerpts from the "Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide, DDHS Pub. #(ADM)89-1621, August, 1989 (US Federal Government).
* Family -- Action Plan: ...families should be educated about the positive nature of homosexuality. They MUST be able to accept their child as gay or lesbian. (3-110). "Parents need to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the ABUSE of the children related to their homosexual orientation."
* Religion -- "presents another risk factor in gay youth suicide because of depiction of homosexuality as sin..
* Youth Groups -- "Gay youth face rejection and abuse from family members and other youth and are often unwelcome in youth groups or recreational activities...INTEGRATE these high-risk young people into the mainstream ..including:
* Schools -- "Action Plan: End discrimination against youth on the basis of sexual orientation. "Family life classes should present homosexuality as a natural and healthy form of sexual expression..."
* Social Organizations -- Gay male and lesbian adults are prohibited in most states from being foster parents. "We need to make a conscious effort to promote a positive image of homosexuals at all levels of society. Marriages between homosexuals should be recognized..."
Why would heterosexuals in the Government be so adamant in promoting the homosexual lifestyle in America?
The real answer is that the practice of homosexuality does not produce babies. 20
Each homosexual is a precious soul, for whom Jesus Christ died. However, God condemns the practice of homo-sexuality [both gay and lesbian].
1. Leviticus 18:22: "...Whoever commits any of these abominations shall be killed. "
2. Leviticus 20:13, "If a man lies with a male as if he were a woman, both men have committed an offense -- perverse, unnatural, abhorrent, and detestable; they shall surely be put to death... "
3. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "...Do not be deceived; neither the impure and immoral nor those who participate in homosexuality...will inherit the kingdom of God."
If God felt very strongly
against the practice of homosexuality back in `ancient' times,
He feels just exactly the same today. If America continues to
condone and encourage homosexuality, especially as a matter of
official policy, God must carry out His prescribed sentence for
this activity: Physical Death. God never changes.