The sins which we listed in the previous chapter were of sufficient magnitude to bring Israel to destruction. Therefore, if we can show that America's sins are of equal magnitude, then we can expect the same judgment; and if America's sins are greater, then our judgments will be much more severe. Remember, this concept is valid, because God warned in Jeremiah 12:17, "If any nation will not hear and obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation."
You will see an America which
you did not know existed.
America and Israel are so much alike, receiving more spiritual light than any of their neighboring nations.
Remember our earlier formula? If:
A + B = XYZ and if B = C; then
A + C = XYZ (same result).
In this formula, A = God; B = Israel; and C = America
God does set a specific time
period during which He will deliver His judgment. Once the day
has arrived for judgment (the specific day that God has chosen)
the destruction is sudden, swift, and completely without further
warning. "He, who being often reproved, hardens his neck,
shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy."
This principle of SUDDEN
and COMPLETE destruction is extremely important to our
discussion concerning America in the latter chapters of our study.
Please continue to keep it in mind.
"I spoke unto you in your prosperity; but you said, "I will not hear. This has been your manner from your youth, that you obey not my voice." (Jeremiah 22:21)
God urged Israel to repent,
while prosperity was still in the land, but the people
of Israel absolutely refused. Look at conditions today in America.
Collective private morality
quickly becomes the national morality in God's eyes.
America has been sysyematically
abandoning God in virtually every aspect of private and
public life.
* Pregnancies to girls 10-14: +553%
* Suicide Rates for 15-24: +102%
* Suicide Rates for 20-24: +98%
* School dropouts: +650%
* Divorce: +140%
* Violent Crime: +160%
* Sextually-transmitted Diseases: +148%
* Alcohol Consumption per
person: +24%1
* False cults * Apostate churches
* New Age Religion * Materialism
* Satan worship * Vain
amusements (sports)
Some examples of false teaching in Apostate churches:
* Homosexuality is just as acceptable as heterosexuality
* Many churches teach that man is inherently good and that the traditional teaching on sin and eternal punishment is no longer "valid".
* People can get to Heaven
by more than one way; it does not matter what you believe. This
contradicts Jesus' own dogmatic assertion: "I am THE
Way, THE Truth, and THE Life; no man comes to the
Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
This cultural change is all the more sinister, because it is invisible to those who already become captive to its lie....They don't even realize the lights are out."2 (Remember our comparison of America to the disease of leprosy?)
In many instances, a person
who is not involved on either side of the issue, but who is well-informed
on the issue, can offer the most detached and objective analysis.
In this instance, let us look at the comments of Anton LaVey,
in his best-selling book, The Satanic Bible. "...Look
at how liberal the churches have become...If many religions are
denying their own scriptures because they are out of date, and
are preaching the philosophies of Satanism, why not call it by
its rightful name -- Satanism?" Truly, the change
in the liberal churches in America constitutes Satanism.3
What is going on here, in American Christian ministry?
We are living in the last days -- when `wicked men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others, and becoming deceived and led astray themselves.' (2 Timothy 3:13).
Consider also, that the end
times is the age when the love of the great body of people will
grow cold, because of the MULTIPLIED lawlessness and iniquity.'
(Jesus speaking in Matthew 24: 11-12). Satan is trying to bring
down the American civilization, which was rooted in its foundations
to Christian principles.
Murder is rampant in America
today, as it was in Israel. God complained again and again that
"murder and bloodshed fills the land".
There are 8.1 million serious crimes like murder, assault, and buglary. BUT:
* Only 724,000 adults are ever arrested.
* Only 193,000 of them are convicted.
* Only 149,000 of them go to prison.
* And, 36,000 serve less than a year (in prison).
* If all this isn't enough,
the 8.1 million crimes, above, represent only 50% of the actual
crimes committed. The rest are never reported to the police."4
God's standards for sexual conduct, and His decreed punishment for violators.
"You shall not commit adultery." Exodus 20:14.
But, God's standards of adultery expand to include all impure thought, songs, books, songs, and pictures.
In Deuteronomy 22:20-21,
God forbids pre-marital sex. Perpetrators were to be taken and
stoned to death, "so shalt thou put evil away from among
you." Further, in Leviticus 18, God dealt with sexual immorality
of every stripe, i.e., incest, bestiality, homosexuality. "[Do
none of these things] lest the LAND vomit YOU OUT when
you defile it..."
Punishments which God has decreed for individuals would ultimately be carried out against the nation as a whole.
Additional Sexual Sins:
Pornography, prostitution,
x-rated movies, and very serious child abuse.
Ezekial 16:49, "Behold,
this was the sin of your sister Sodom" pride, over-abundance
of food..."
Three Stages Of Satanism:
1a. SELECTION EVALUATION --- Select people who showed the following personal characteristics:
* Completely devoid of a moral conscience.
* Considered themselves to `be with it'
* Vaguely dis-satisfied with their experiences.
* Dis-satisfied with their environment.
* Possessed a peculiar kind of instability which makes them ripe for drugs, witchcraft and crimes.
* Had to have some fear about something.
* Had to have a certain amount of guts, yet also a weakness.5
1b. SELECTION INVITATION-Invite the people who were selected according to the above criteria to a wild, uninhibited party. Drugs and alcohol flowed freely; sex was so wild that a person was completely caught up in the unique thrill of it.
2b. MILD INTRODUCTION TO WITCHCRAFT -- "...the meetings were pretty mild... "6
3a. INITIATION EVALUATION -- People who have willingly given themselves to witchcraft are then invited into the Third Stage.
a full-fledged member of the coven.
The USA -- as a country -- has undergone these exact steps!!
"The year 1965, overall, seemed to be a downward turning point for the entire world -- for mankind." 7
Many people seemed:
1). Devoid of a moral conscience.
2). Dissatisfied with their lives in particular and with America in general.
3). The general attitude of those who were protesting during this period was one of smugness and self-admiration. They felt assured that they "knew the score".
4). The entire scene seemed to possess instability, which made its participants ripe for "drugs, withcraft, and the crimes that went along with it".
The signature crime
which identified this era was the murder of eight nurses in Chicago
on July 14, 1966, by Richard Speck. This case was so unusual
that Bill Martin, chief prosecutor for the Cook County state attorney's
office, asserted, "This case, in a sense, defined an era...It
ended the sense of security, even naivete, of the American public
about the presence of evil and what evil was capable of."7a
Evil began its explosion here.
5). The fear of nuclear war grew steadily.
6). War protestors during
this era demonstrated courage in the face of the American legal
system; yet, they also exhibited personal moral weakness.
We also should not be surprised that Satan would want a formal Church. On April 30, 1966, Anton LaVey founded the World-Wide Church of Satan. LaVey systematized all valid doctrines and practices which had always constituted Satanism in the past, creating a church similar in structure to any other church in the Western World.8 Satan now was ready to attempt a take-over of America.
We should then expect America
to participate in a series of orgy-type parties. Thus, America
thoroughly moved through all points of Stage One of Initiation
into Satanism.
This stage lasted until 1975, at which time America began to move into Stage Two.
Consider, also, the following events which helped to move America through Stage Two:
1). New Age Presidential advisor named in 1976
2.) New Age began to penetrate large American businesses.
3). Courses in New Age thinking offered in many channels: TV, radio, magazines, mail-order.
4). People dissatisfied with environment.
5). Apostate churches dramatically shifted away from the truth.
6). Federal Government leaders advocated New Age objectives.
7). Prominent personalities began pushing New Age.
8). Rock groups acted more evil and bizarre.
This country then slipped into Stage Three in 1989, and is now pursuing the course of discipleship. I select this date for two reasons:
1). Mr. Brzezinski felt 1989 was a target date for holding a Constitutional Convention. 9
2). Age of Aquarius officially began March 11, 1989. 10
"1989 -- Changing
The Course Of History"
If America has really passed into the third stage of Satanism, this means that her foundation has changed from Christian to Satanism. This is devastatingly powerful for two critical reasons.
1. No Pagan nation has ever escaped God's physical judgment.
2. Since attitudes and values stream forth from a nation's religious foundation, we should expect fundamental changes occurring, most of which are visible to the alert observer. Every society has several types of citizens.
(1). Those who are on fire for their religion.
(2). Those who are serious about observing their religious practices.
(3). Those who are mildly serious about coming to church, but who solidly believe in the moral precepts taught by their religion.
(4). Those who aren't serious at all about the predominate religion of their culture, but who feel constrained to live according to those moral values which are most important to others in the culture.
(5). Those who could not
care less about the moral teachings of society's religion, not
even caring about pretense.
If America is in the third stage of Satanism, we should be able to see individuals 1-4 subscribing to its values. Note that individuals 3-5 may not be actual Satanists, but still possess many of its values.
What are the predominate values of Satanism?
Satanism urges indulgence in each of the following areas:
* Personal selfishness, i.e., greed and pride.
* Lust
* Anger
* Envy
* Gluttony
* Sloth, i.e., laziness.11
The elevation of these Satanic values to the level of encouraging its members to deliberately indulge in them has produced tremendous societal effects.
* Desire for sex, power, and money.
* Life is cheapened.
* Obsession with violence and murder.
* Lack of compassion or empathy
* Obsession with death, including demands for human
America, as a nation, has
now entered into the Third Stage of Satanism, and is now going
through the discipleship process, the final step in maturation.
And, it all fits in with God's timetable.
Dramatic change is in the