When the pilot of a ship begins to enter a port, he must line up three points of reference to insure that he is heading on the proper path to his dock. Likewise, I have been guided by multiple points of reference.

1. The Bible teachings of doctrine and logic. I have studied the Biblical teachings on God and on how He has dealt with Israel in the past.

2. The conclusions of every author which I have read must agree with the Biblical prophetical teachings on how the world is going to be aligned in the final days, just before Jesus returns. Simply stated, the Bible declares consistently that the nations of the world will align themselves into a global government which has been created by diplomacy, not force of arms. Furthermore, the economies of the nations will become global, and will be controlled by some device that is so sophisticated that it can finitely control everyone to the point where no one can buy or sell if they do not possess some mark in their forehead or right hand.

3. New Age writings have dramatically proliferated since WWII. The authors of these books claim their inspiration has come from "guiding spirits", which we Christians know as demons. These writings detail in shocking manner the specific Plan by which the New Age Movement intends to move the world into a one-world government and one-world economy. In fact, these writings are a mirror image of Biblical prophecy.

4. I have utilized many books and articles from Christian authors and authors which make no claim to be Christian.

There are several fundamental concepts underlying this study.

1. God's nature is eternally unchanging.

2. God created this universe and is active in operating it every second of every day.

3. God had a global plan for this world, from beginning to end, and a timetable for the completion of His plan. Consequently, history is controlled by God. There is nothing which happens which is accidental or out of God's control.

4. Satan is God's supernatural enemy. He has been trying from the beginning to wrest control of this world and the universe from God.

5. God works through men and nations to accomplish His plan. Satan also works through men and nations to try to thwart God's plan and institute his own.

6. God intended the world to be comprised of many individual nations, none of which would be allowed to gain supreme control of the world. Satan has been trying from the beginning to unite the world into a supreme government.

7. We take the Bible literally as to principles, prophecy, and history.

This study is really a study in Biblical logic, not of prophecy. We shall study according to the following formula:


A + B = XYZ (result) and if we can show that

B = C, then A + C = XYZ (result).

In this study, A = God; B = Israel; C = America.