Chapter V

Sins Of Which America Is Guilty, For Which God Did Not Indict Israel


Observers could see that America was going to be the dominant nation. American inventions helped to revolutionize the world: Inventions such as the telephone, telegraph, airplane, and computer.

Within a generation (in the Twentieth Century), American inventiveness produced a world unrecognizable from the previous one.

However, this leadership is a double-edged sword.

It has also created tools by which people of all ages are being led astray from Jesus Christ. These offenses seem to fall into one of three categories:

1) New techniques involving special knowledge or skill, i.e., Education, or Advertising.

2) High-technology areas: pornography videos, medicine.

3) American political and monetary leadership.


America is providing spiritual leadership in teaching New Age (Satanic) doctrines and rituals to American children right in our public schools!! 1

* Children are the key targets.

* Ways in which children are being taught the values of the "New World Order".

1. Contacting personal spirit guides

2. Research personal astological signs

3. Drawing mantras for art class

4. Practicing magic rituals

5. Dungeons and Dragons school edition 2

Early New Age plan for Education advancing the cause:

"C.F. Potter, author of `Humanism, A New Religion' (1930), said `Education is thus a most powerful ally of Humanism, and every American public school is a school of Humanism. What can the theistic Sunday Schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?'"3


American scientific ingenuity has been greatly used by Satan, thus incurring God's wrath in ways that were totally unimaginable just a few years ago.

Consider what some of the New Age leaders have to say about this matter:

* Computers: Marcel Vogel --IBM computers--a demon worked through Mr. Vogel to create the computer!! 4 Now consider other inventors which were also occultists.

* Thomas Edison:

* Both inventors of the Apple computer.

* The developer of the Xeroxographic process.

* The atomic bomb "emerged from a first ray Ashram (demon) working in conjunction with a fifth group" (scientists working for the American government).5

Does the Bible have light to shed on this situation?

1. The Holy Spirit began to withdraw His restraining power, as the Apostle Paul predicted He would do in the last days.

2. Jesus' Timetable:

Required technologies to create a one-world government and a one-world (global) economy:

* Computers

* World-wide instant communication.

* Transportation: world-wide, efficient, and fast.

* Mass media, especially TV, for re-conditioning.

Satan may be responsible for the incredibly quick technological advance which has been achieved since World War I.


American political leadership has been instrumental in anti-God activities, specifically the one-world conspiracy.

History of this Satan-inspired conspiracy to take over the world: Secret societies" which began in Europe in the 1700's. Objectives: To abolish:

1. All ordered, established government.

2. Private property.

3. All Inheritance.

4. Patriotism (nationalism).

5. The Family and Marriage, plus all morality.

6. All Religion. 6

Notice the goals of the secret societies are the same as those of organized Communism.

The philosophy of secret societies and Communism identical:

1. Man is inherently good.

2. Restructure man's environment completely

3. Man's reason would solve all his problems

4. The ends justify the means.

5. Nationalism must be abolished, replaced by one-world government. 7

Secret societies created and control Communism; further, the entire conspiracy is controlled by MONEY.8 This should not surprise Christians too much, for the Apostle Paul warned us in 1 Timothy 6:10, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil."

Where is this greedy conspiracy headquartered? By wealthy interests in New York. (America). Communsim is simply a major player in a plan which Satan began in 1776.9

The concept that the Illuminati created Communism linked Communism with New Age. Our historical understanding is now complete. The linkage of organization is:


Illuminati (secret societies) -- Communism -- New Age.

"When we come into our kingdom...who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?"10

American leadership will have been uniquely indispensible in creating the anti-God One-world Government.


(Matthew 24:12 -- "and the love of the great body of people will grow cold, because of the MULTIPLIED sin." (Amplified Bible).

There is no other single scripture of prophecy that so convinces me that Jesus' Second Coming is very near than this one. Jesus is saying that the sins with which every age has struggled will be so multiplied that they will chill the love for Jesus that has been normal in the past. Sins are so multiplied today, and only in this period of history.

* Never before has any age possessed the mass media.


Some statistics:

* American box office intake in 1988 was $4.38 billion

* Video-cassette sales are the largest source of income

* Hollywood is the movie capital of the world.

* Hollywood is the symbol of America's dreams

* Children are watching violence at a rate like NO OTHER GENERATION IN HISTORY.11

* Violence has increased 720% since 1982.12

* Film can "create" violence not normally seen.

* Constant exposure to violence creates an insensitivity to violence in reality.13

* Average American child watches over 50,000 deaths on TV by age 18.14

* Average child sees 75,000 incidents of drinking by age 21 on TV.15

* Rape occurs in 1 film in 6.16

* American violence has incresed over 300% since 1960.

* NO OTHER GENERATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND SINCE CREATION has gained a major portion of their `socialization' from a machine.17

* The cultural values that (TV) is teaching:

* Both children and adults have difficulty distinguishing between reality and illusion after continued, long-term exposure to TV and movies. "We have silently passed an amendment to the sixth (Biblical) Commandment: Thou shalt not kill, but it is perfectly all right for you to enjoy watching other people do it."

* Murder, rape, and assault are over 300% higher than any previous generation.

* New breed of young offender appeared in 1970's--child murderer who feels no remorse for his crimes.18

* TV desensitizes people.

* Sexual Violence now very popular in music and movies. Definition:

Some MILD examples of movie sexual violence:

* Woman's head is cut off while she is having sex.

* Woman's head is graphically blown off.

* Woman's breast is cut off.

* During a bath, a woman is stabbed in the eye and chopped up by the killer.

* Woman's tongue is ripped out while she is raped.19


* When girl chopped off her Dad's head and ate it as birthday cake.

* When alien ate lady's head and kept burping.

* Lady was chopped up, squirting white out of her body 20

These movies are all available at video stores to any young child.

TV and movies are CONDITIONING AGENTS to prepare us for the ARRIVAL OF ALIEN BEINGS. "...In 1982, Michael London of the L.A. Times gathered together a group of 8 people experienced in UFO and extraterrestrial encounters for a special screening of Steven Spielberg's movie "E.T." London noted the following reactions of the group to the movie:

`This is a true movie, not a romance. It's part of a CONDITIONING PROCESS TO PREPARE US FOR THE ARRIVAL OF ALIEN BEINGS.'21

When the Anti-Christ stages his appearance, he will claim to be an Ascended Master from another dimension, i.e., an alien being that is friendly and just has our best interests at heart. New Age leaders feel that a belief in the claims of the Anti-Christ will be accepted more easily and by many more people if these people will have been con-ditioned to believe in the existence of friendly aliens.

I would like to allow a statement from the Satanic Bible to have the last word:

"(Anton LaVey) was also becoming widely sought as...production and/or technical adviser to scores of televison producers and moviemakers turning out satanic chillers...the ornate ritualism that is central to LaVey's films may reasonably be seen as a mechanism to involve and focus the emotional experience of the cinema audience."22


Subject matter to which people are given access in adult stores.

* Heterosexual Intercourse

* Homosexual Intercourse

* Anal Intercourse

* Oral Sex

* Bestiality (Sex between a human and an animal)

* Bondage

* Necrophilia (Sex with the dead)

* Brutal and painful rape with objects, like beer bottles.

* Sado-Masochism, in which men subordinate men, or in which men are dominated or tortured by women.23 "Porn video accounts for more than $1 billion.24

* It is very easy for anyone, including children, to rent these sexually explicit videos. Further, pornography is widely available.

Telephone Dial-A-Porn: How big is Dial-A-Porn? 800,000 (phone) calls poured into New York (City) dial-a-porn services EACH DAY.25 This amounts to 292,000,000 calls per year in New York City alone. When you add in the calls from the other major markets, Americans must be making several BILLION dial-a-porn phone calls yearly!

This saturation with evil sex is naturally creating changes in attitude and behavior:

1. 24% of the boys and 16% of the girls said it was acceptable for a man to force a woman to have sex with him if he had spent money on her.

2. 65% of the boys and 47% of the girls said it is acceptable for a man to force a woman to have sex if they have been dating for more than 6 months.

3. 31% of the boys and 32% of the girls said it wouldn't be improper for a man to rape a woman who has had previous sexual experiences.

4. 50% of the students said a woman who walks alone at night and dresses seductively is asking to be raped.26

Pornography's latest effect on our society is in the field of High Fashion. Beginning in the mid-1970's, fashion advertising magazines began to adopt the themes of pornography. What are some of these themes?

* Violent sex --

Safety pins through ears, other pins through other

body parts, i.e., nipples and genitals.

Lips painted bruise-blue

Ripped clothing to suggest sexual battle

* Sadism-Masochism (S & M Deviancy)

Studded black leather wrist cuffs and spikes

Women in bondage

Men in bondage

* Debasing Women

"Some photographers rode to glory on pictures debasing women, including the late Chris von Wangenheim, with his dogs-and-women shots..."

* Madonna Porn Styles

Pointy Bras

Tight bustiers

Under-wear as outer-wear27

But, some people say, "there is no evidence that Pornography really hurts anyone." The most powerful refutation of this lie comes from Trevor Ravenscroft, the White Magic occultist who authored the classic expose' of Adolf Hitler's Black Magic, The Spear of Destiny. Revenscroft wrote, "...leading biographers of altogether to understand that a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his whole existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity."28

This is the true depth to which a person can sink in the pornography abyss. How many Americans has Satan pulled down?


* Subliminals: Definition--content planted within media which readers are not supposed to see or read, at least on the conscious level.29

* Success of subliminals depend on 2 factors:

1. They must avoid triggering conscious mind.

2. They depend on the "repression" defense of the conscious mind to want to not know that the mind has received a subliminal message. 30

* Two basic types of subliminals:

1. Audio (sound): records/radio/ tapes/ TV sound track.

2. Visual: Newspapers, magazines, and TV.

* Subliminals like Con Game--the victim must first be drawn into a _______________ relationship with the media. Then, person's normal defense mechanism is turned off, and the victim can be manipulated easily. 31

* Main Themes of Subliminal Advertising

1. Love (Sex)

2. Death 32

* Subliminals accompanied by a cultural or religious taboos lock in the subliminal permanently.

* Devout Christians are the most susceptible to this deviant advertising! 33

Our taboos are so deeply set that our repressive defensive mechanisms would deny it the most severely, even if we are looking right at the subliminal!

* Most common types of subliminals used:

* Words are spelled out, i.e., sex, fuck, suck

* Faces of both men and women.

* Faces of animals, such as dogs and wolves.

* Occultic symbols

* Sexual symbols, such as phallic-shaped objects (Understand that the artist's rendition of the symbols just have to be approximate. By using these symbols together, artists can simulate many different situations, i.e., sex orgy or a sexual encounter either hetero/homosexual.)34

* Near taboo words are very effective. These near taboo words differ from the taboo words only by one or two letters. Some examples of this are listed below.

* Shot (shit) * Tastes (testes)

* Whose (whore) * Cult (cunt)

* Pints (penis)35

"Twenty-six advertisements in a recent issue of Life magazine used the word come in their ad copy."36

* Subconscious mind can also instantly perceive back-words or upside-down mirror words.

* "Alarm Clock" or "Time Bomb" Subliminals: A subliminal which can trigger activity weeks, months, or years after it had been implanted within the subconscious. The victim will act as ordered, without ever knowing why he is acting the way he is; his activity will seem both "spontaneous" and "normal" to him/her.37

* Passive Receptivity (relaxation) is critical for the successful implementation of the most deeply-buried (and effective) subliminal triggers. Activities like Yoga and hypnosis allow greater penetration of the subliminal trigger as do drugs.38

Each day, the average American:

* Perceive 20,000-30,000 printed words, out of the 70,000-80,000 to which we are exposed.

* Listens to radio 75 minutes, hearing several thousand more words.

* Is exposed to another 70,000-80,000 more words from the 6.5 hours of daily TV.

* Is exposed to over 500 advertising messages daily.

* These advertisements bombard us with 100,000 words.39

One secular author feels that we Americans are losing the ability to distinguish between reality and illusion. This ability has always been the clinical difference between sanity and insanity; therefore, America may be moving toward insanity.

TV's potential to manipulate:

No other medium has as much potential as does TV for brainwashing and mass programming.40

We need only to share with you the example of a Labatt's beer commercial. This 60-second commercial contained one 8-second scene of a young man standing next to a seated young women in an outdoor picnic situation. The young man was drinking from a bottle of Labatt's beer. The only obvious sexual stimuli present was that the woman's head was in the man's genital area. As these two young people were talking, the man slowly leaned over to place the beer bottle on the ground. Nothing disturbing was visible; however, when a video of this 8-second commercial was played one still section at a time, a subliminal scene of shocking proportions became apparent. As the young man moved forward with his beer bottle, the woman had her mouth open. As the beer bottle passed in front of her mouth, the bottom of the bottle was in precisely the right location as to simulate a fellatio scene. Remember, soda, beer, and liquor containers have all been constructed so as to resemble a man's penis. This shocking fellatio scene was no accident; this particular 8-second scene took an entire day of takes ands re-takes to get it right. And, the actor and actress involved had no idea as to what was being done.41

TV is also very effective in moving the "anchor points" of both individuals and nations. Anchor points: Definition- the position between two opposed concepts from which an individual evaluates loud or soft, heavy or light, good or bad, moral or immoral..."42 (Emphasis added)

Satan literally is using this "art" of subliminal advertising to move America's "anchor points" to his value system.

* The most terrifying aspect of subliminals is that it operates at the "subsensory" level. You can't see it, hear it, or feel it.43

"...The problem currently appears more intense in America than in any other nation. It is almost a unique symptom of American corruption.44


* Matthew 24:3b-4: THE hall-mark of the end times is deception.

* Children are THE targets of conditioning.45

* A child's mind soaks up all images, consciously and subconsciously. The child visualizes the toy with the powers and abilities which the cartoon showed. In this way, occultic images and values are programmed into the child's mind.46 Examples:





The time has come when Christian parents need to either turn off that T.V. or get rid of it altogether. We are allowing our children to be programmed for the New Age.


DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS (D & D) is not a is a teaching on demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, Satan worship, gambling, Jungian psychology, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon summoning, necromantics (communication with the dead), and divination."47

Other games which lead people toward Satan: Ouji board


(Proverbs 8:36, "...all who hate Me, love and court death.")

America today loves and courts death.

* Reincarnation always pulls its believers into a love of death. A person who welcomes death personally soon begins to feel that others should feel as he does. He then begins to believe that a quick death is the highest good for everyone.48 Thus, when a government makes a strong and a determined case for the need to "cleanse" society of those people who are unproductive, it finds ready and even enthusiastic support from those people who have embraced reincarnation.

Thus, we see one way in which the slide into holocaust was prepared. This process has begun in the United States of America, and leads directly to Genocide.


Genocide is defined as "the systematic, planned annihilation of a racial, political, or cultural group."

America has already started the next Hitler-style Holocaust. What are the values of Satan?

* Intensely powerful personal selfishness. Followed by:

* Intense interest in satisfying the desires of the flesh, NOW. Examples: Drug and alcohol abuse, sex.

* Intense interest in gaining power over people and/or wealth, with the attitude that it is all right to gain even at the expense of breaking the law or breaking other people. This translates into a lack of compassion and/or empathy. The god which is thus raised up is the god of Personal Pleasure and Gain. Therefore, the ends justify the means, no matter what the means may be.

* Hatred replaces Christian love in dealing with people. Certain groups of people begin to be devalued.

* Obsession with death is a major component of Satan-ism. We should be able to see this in murder and suicide. We should be able to see many symbols of death being popular with a sizable proportion of the population. To see how wide-spread these symbols of death are today, visit a comic shop or a record and tape shop. Look inside the comics and on the album covers. Look at posters. Death is everywhere.

* The New Age Movement is really sanitized Nazism.

The first concrete step in Genocide is to persuade people to remove themselves from society by dying quickly and obediently. Thus, personal suicide is explicitly encouraged, with the media ascribing great courage and nobility to those people who have killed themselves.

* Nursing Care is killing patients in ways that disguise the true cause of death.

How serious and widespread is this practice in America? The excessive use of psychoactive drugs is killing at least 100,000 persons per year.49 Then, Dr. Wolfensberger adds:

"It is my personal estimate that various forms of deathmaking account for at least 200,000 deaths per year of handicapped and afflicted people. If this estimate is correct, WE ARE KILLING FAR MORE HANDICAPPED PEOPLE PER YEAR, THAN THE NAZIS DID BETWEEN 1939-1945."50

* Living Wills are killing people.

* Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

* DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Orders are killing people.

* Surrogate decision-makers is a device which is allowing medical personnel to kill patients.

* Wards of the Court are killing elderly.51

* Refine Death from Judeo-Christian standard of heart stoppage to: "cessation of brain death". This is allowing hospitals to operate on living patients to remove their organs!! 52

* Euthansia is now being promoted widely, both individually and legally.

* Death itself is becoming an industry which has an economic incentive to harvest organs.53

* Final Redefinition of Death: "Proper Self-Awareness" This definition of life is setting the stage where anyone who is not New Age will be considered dead, and be ripe for disposal, because they are already dead! This scenario would fulfill the many prophecies that the Anti-Christ would kill many of God's people. See: Revelation 12:11; 14:12-13; 20:4; and in Daniel 7:25; 11:35.

This entire scenario happened exactly this way in Nazi Germany, and it is happening now in America.

* "The likelihood is relatively high that persons afflicted with multiple devalued conditions will not leave a hospital alive--even if their affliction and/or illness is relatively moderate...Often, the only way to assure the safety of such afflicted persons in hospitals is to place at their bed a 24-hour guard...who want to see that person live." 54

The hour is really very late.

Infanticide is defined as "the killing of an infant" outside the womb.

* Abortion -- the killing of the infant baby INSIDE the mother's womb.

America is murdering 3,477 unborn babies PER DAY.55

The Bible is not silent on the issue of when life begins -- when the eternal soul is present.

* In Matthew 1:18-20:

* In Psalm 139:13-16: God reveals that the soul is incarnated in the womb, at the point of conception. Attitude of Americans toward abortion.

* 59% were in favor of the 1973 (Roe vs Wade) decision.

* Only 36% were opposed to the 1973 decision.

* 63% said they would want abortion to be legal in their state..."56

Abortion is now the most common surgical precedure...of every 1,000 live births, there are 353 abortions.57

The total tally on the numbers of babies killed thus far in America: over 27 million!!58

We have equated Hitler's Nazi's and the New Age on several occasions. To eliminate any doubts as to the validity of these assertions, I want to conclude this part of my study with a quick comparison of the doctrines of the two systems.

Comparison of New Age beliefs with Nazism:

Nazism New Age Movement

An offshoot of occultic Based occultic practices

practices and teachings. and teachings

Taught doctrine of Aryanism Stresses doctrine of Aryanism

and Aryan purity, and that and Aryan purity.

the `New Age' would feature

an Aryan mutant `master race'.

Hitler was an initiate of occultic The New Age Christ--

practices: yoga, Tibetanism, hypo- seventh degree adept

tism, and the `Secret Doctrine' of Entrance to New Age

Helena Blavatsky and the Tibetan. requires initiation

Believed in the Law of Karma and Believes in Law of

reincarnation. Karma and reincarnation.

Used mescaline to speed up Uses drugs for con-

consciousness expansion. sciousness expansion.

Nazis believed they had evolved New Agers

into a new/superior species by have evolved into a

means of `spiritual disciplines' superior species--

and `consciousness evolution'. noeticus'--by means

`spiritual disciplines'

and `consciousness


Sought to institute a New World Seeks to institute a

Order. New World Order.

Nazism was hostile to orthodox New Agers are hostile to

and fundamentalist Christianity fundamental Christianity

seeking to replace the cross and seek to replace the

with the swastika. cross with swastika and


Nazis declared people whom they New Agers label victims

wanted to kill as already dead as already dead or as

or as mentally dead.59 lacking proper awareness/

level of consciousness.

Nazis instituted a program of New Agers have advocated

quietly killing children with and supported legislation

birth defects and mental patients. and the medical practices

of euthanasia--death by

starvation or termination

of life-support systems.60

America is very far down the path where she will participate in, or direct, the New Age holocaust. She has begun the process in great secrecy, just as the Nazis began.

America is very far down the path where God will finally say, as He did to Israel, "Therefore, thus will I do to you, O Israel; and because I will do this to you, PREPARE TO MEET YOUR GOD, O ISRAEL." (Amos 4:12).

America, because you have sinned in all these horrible ways, your "sins are piled high to heaven, and God has remembered her wickedness and [her] crimes, and calls them up for settlement." (Revelation 18:5).

Therefore, America,