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The Scott Brown Massachusetts Republican Senate Victory Really A Blessing
For Conservatives?
Genuine Conservatives are about
to be snookered! National Editorial from World
Net Daily proclaims the same warning as Cutting Edge did about the practical
effect of the Republican Senate victory in Massachusetts! Do not think
the genuine Conservative cause will be enhanced by this G.O.P. victory!
is devastated by 7.0 Earthquake - 500,000 feared dead!
Was this terrifying quake triggered by scientists
wielding the weapon of electromagnetic wave technology -- H.A.R.R.P.?
Next Pope Could Very Well Be The False Prophet of Revelation 13
A 12th Century
Catholic prophecy concerning the final number and destiny of popes have
been fulfilled to the letter; will the next pope be the False Prophet
of Revelation 13?
St. Malachy's prophecies
are being closely followed now that they have come true to the letter
for the past 900 years! Does God allow the demonic host any prophetic
Benedict XVI Begins The First Step In Canonizing Pope Pius XII, The Pope
Who Stood By His Friend, Adolf Hitler All During World War II!
Pope Pius XII was dubbed "the silent Pope" because
he never spoke out against Adolf Hitler and his genocide campaign against
the Jews. After the war, numerous European newspapers openly called for
War Crimes charges to be levied against the Pope.
You will soon see that Pope Pius XII considered Adolf Hitler
to be an important ally and that he aided the German war effort significantly,
especially at the end of the war when the Vatican set up the infamous
'Rat Lines' which enabled many Nazi leaders to escape capture by the Allies!
Pope Benedict is going to crown Pius a Saint! An incredible
rewriting of history.
Just Because Something Is Fervently Believed Does Not Necessarily
Mean It Is Supported By The Word Of God
of Thousands Protest Copenhagen Climate Talks"
Did you know the Illuminati funds, controls, and directs all
protests at all their global meetings?
Most people are not aware of the dynamics driving Anti-War and Anti-Globalist
protests. Such protests only drive to solidify the support of the globalist
meeting and of the president's followers. When Eldridge Cleaver realized
that protesters were being funded by the very Industrial Complex forces
he was trying to overthrow, he exclaimed, in his book, "Do It":
"The wealthy were buying themselves
a revolution!" [Epperson, The
Unseen Hand, p. 404]
News Is Deliberately Written To Discourage You!
You should never listen to the news just before
you go to bed!
Global Warming Rhetoric Reaching The Planned End Stage of Global Dictatorship!
President Obama is said to be ready to join other
world leaders at the Copenhagen Summit in signing an agreement which shall
create a new Global Dictatorship! If this type of agreement is signed,
the Illuminati has expertly used the Global Warming issue to create their
coveted Global Government, just as Cutting Edge has been predicting for
years (NEWS2193).
President Obama About To Announce That Aliens and UFO's Are Real and Are
Our Friends?
Aliens and UFO's are a key part of the New Age Agenda,
for they are being used to explain away Biblical creation and cause hundreds
of millions to lose their faith in Jesus. Also, a belief in UFO's and
Aliens is essential for people to believe in Antichrist! This sudden bombardment
of Alien/UFO stories, movies and TV shows in recent years may be yet another
portent of the soon coming of Antichrist.
Letter To President Obama: Stop Apologizing
For America's Past!
Why is our President jetting all over the globe, apologizing
for America's bravery in World Wars I and II. We don't ask for praise
from any country we have liberated or kept free, but at the very least,
our own President has no business apologizing for the incredible bravery
of our soldiers!
Muslims ARE the Enemy!
The Ft. Hood attack should serve as a strong 'wake-up
call' to the American people that fanatical Islam is the enemy of America,
and any Islamic soldier in American uniform is to be considered a possible
terror threat to our country.
But, the propagand campaign against genuine Christians
can turn on a dime, using this Ft. Hood tragedy as the excuse. How can
this be possible? You might be surprised!
Thanks to an Unknown "God"? From Truth
to Mysticism -- by Global Design
Al Gore: "My own faith is rooted in the unshakable
belief in God... and an awareness of a constant and holy spiritual presence
in all people, all life, and all things."
Barack Obama: "I am a Christian.... I believe that
there are many paths to the same place.... I am a great admirer of our
founding charter... and its resolve to prevent disruptive strains of fundamentalism
from taking root in this country.... I think Gandhi is a great example
of a profoundly spiritual man who... never slipped into intolerance or
Dan Brown in The Lost Symbol: "The Buddha said,
‘You are God yourself.’”
such a time as this."
The Triumph of Patient Submission
to God (Esther 1-8)
Scouts Proven To Be Based On Freemasonry!!
Scouts Are Now Training Their Scouts To Be Good Global New World Order
Citizens -- Antichrist is even depicted as a Boy Scout in Washington,
Shockingly, an Eagle Boy Scout is depicted in a
major sculpture on 15th Street in Washington, D.C., as the Divine Child
(Perfected Man, Masonic Christ) with his Divine Father and Divine Mother
behind him!
Boy Scouting is proven to be Masonic from its origin!
Body" Movie Resurrecting The Satanic Demon/Vampire Lilith - Antichrist
Conditioning of the Masses
Conditioning For Antichrist Continues In Western
Entertainment! "Antichrist cannot arise until and unless a significant
proportion of the people are pre-conditioned to accept him" (New
Age Author)
This movie conditions people to accept values
of Demonism!
Lilith Is Satan's lover. At the right
moment in history, Lilith is believed to give birth to Antichrist!.
This movie is simply a "Sign of the Times" event, pointing to
the coming appearance of Antichrist.
NOTE: This article contains one image which may be sexually
offensive to some.
ONE Prophecy Which Guarantees That America Will Not Suffer Total Economic
Collapse Until God Mightily Judges Her With Fire
You never need to fear economic ruin rumors again.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! Prophecy is
very clear - America will not be economically devestated until she is
destroyed by God's fire -- and the Illuminati Plan parallels this prophecy.
Government May Gain Virtually Unlimited Powers To Shut Down Privately-Owned
Proof Positive That Our Economy Is Now Fascist!
Government only wields this kind of power under a Fascist
Economy. Our prediction of May, 1993 is finally coming to pass.
Obama Falsely Reassures Muslims: America Is Not At War With Islam And
Never Will Be At War With Islam
The Truth is quite the opposite: America launched annihilating
wars against Islam in 1991 and 2003, condemning as many as one-half billion
Muslims to death by the silent, incessant warfare already waged! The Illuminati
planned many decades ago that all members of monotheistic faiths had to
be eradicated -- Islam, Christianity, Judaism. The genocide was to begin
with the Muslims - and it certainly has!
Have you missed it?
Rising Darkness in Children's Games
Training kids to love evil more than good
What a battle Christian parents will face in the years ahead. It’s
so sad! This spiritual darkness is more threatening than physical war,
terrorism, socialism/communism, economic chaos and everything else that
is changing. Yet it all fits together. It’s to be expected in a
world that rejects the true God.
President Obama - Future Pharaoh
Preacher Tells Obama: "I know Messiah, he is a friend of mine.
And Mr. Obama, you are no Messiah"!
Are YOU Prepared To Go To Prison?
President Obama promised a convention of Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals,
and Transgenders that he WILL get the 'Hate Crimes' bill passed into law.
The President has just issued a Declaration of War against the Church
and the Bible upon which it is founded!
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what
this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented,
you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Occult Holidays
Too many Christians are enthusiastically celebrating pagan holidays,
thinking they are Christian. Once you understand how very pagan America
and the rest of the Western world has become, you can see how God's judgment
cannot be far behind.
"... all who hate me love and court
death." (Proverbs 8:36b)
You will never look at America's holidays the same way again!
Strategists Are Using The West's Preoccupation With Iran's Nuclear Program
As A Tool By Which They Can Force Israel To Give Up Her Nuclear Arms!
Don't be surprised if Israel
agrees to scrap her nuclear weapons. They are, after all, totally obsolete!
Stands Condemned For The Supreme Court Decision in 1962 Throwing God and
Prayer Out of Public Schools
The truth behind this ungodly High Court decision is now being
made public for all the world to see. This ugly, sinful fruit of Freemasonry
is now made public so you can see the truth of Masonry for yourself.
Wall Street
Is Now Packaging and Selling "Death Plans"!
Investors will not make money unless a great number of people
die suddenly -- and soon!
"They must eventually resort to war to balance the account,
because war ultimately is merely the act of destroying the creditor
and the politicians are the publicly hired hit men..." (William
Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49)
Training in Orwellian Thinking?
Assaults on Faith and Family - Part 2
Genocide: Annihilating Entire Races of People - The Prophetic Future of
the World!
"... scientists in their laboratories trying to devise
certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic-specific so that they
could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races" (Defense
Secretary William Cohen, addressing the Conference on Terrorism, "Terrorism,
Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy
Sam Nunn Policy Forum", on 4/28/1997)
Glenn Beck
Fears President Obama Might Seize Dictatorial Power Overnight
Is Beck's anxiety legitimate? Might we wake one morning to
discover our nation has been locked down in Absolute Dictatorship?
President Obama Defends His Health Care Plan By Saying, "We are God's
Partners in Matters of Life and Death"
President is taking a page out of Adolf Hitler's playbook
by invoking the language of Christianity to garner support for his government
initiatives We have pointed out in the past that this New World Order
is simply Nazism Revived; Obama has just provided one more good example
that the "Nazi Wolf Is Back"!
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand
what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented,
you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
The Vatican
Is Boldly Lying To Refurbish Public Image of the Pope, Especially To The
Since the Roman Catholic Pope has been selected to be the
Top Religious Leader of the coming New World Order Religion (the Biblical
False Prophet), he must not be vigorously opposed by Jews. Since
Jews consider Pope Pius II to be 'HItler's Pope' the wartime image of
that Pope must be rewritten.
We may now be seeing a deliberate propaganda campaign designed
to refurbish the image of the Papacy, in preparation for the appearance
of Antichrist?
“Behold, I shew you a mystery” 1 Corinthians 15:51a (KJV)
Obama: The Most Frightening President Ever!
We show a newspaper cartoon of 1934 which proves that Obama
is implementing the same type of radical Marxist program which President
Roosevelt rammed down America's throat.
Will Antichrist
Arise On 12/11/2012 And Be Pronounced World Messiah On 12/21/2012?
The mathematics are quite startling!
Is This
Crisis Over Obama's Birth Place Leading Us To A Constitutional Convention
The Illuminati is only two states away from gaining their
coveted Constitutional Convention, also known as Continental Congress.
If this crisis explodes because Obama is proven to be a naturally born
citizen of Kenya, not Hawaii, will Conservatives be so anxious to get
rid of him and to put real teeth into the Constitutional provision regarding
citizenship that they will support a ConCon to "fix the problem"?
This article is also a primer on the dangers to our liberties
of a Constitutional Convention.
Esteem others better than ourselves (Phil. 2:3)
Obama's Fascist
Health Care Plan Is Dictatorial Socialism!
Americans who have their own health care plan now will be
reduced to government numbers, will have to give government access to
your bank accounts and will be told in certain health and age situations
that you will have to just die as your 'Quality of Life' is just not
assured enough to give you the health care you need.
President Obama's health care plan will advance the "Deathmaking"
in America to unprecedented heights, and you could easily be a victim.
Two Facets Of The Same “Gem”
Israeli Threats To Bomb Iran Is Setting The Stage For Fulfillment of the
Russian-led Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39)
Iran has reacted to the incessant threats from Israel by seeking
protection from the Russian Bear. This "Rumors of Wars" campaign
is having the effect of cementing the prophesied alliance between Russia
and Ancient Persia (Iran).
Family Freedom to Global Control - Part 1
The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
Iraq Is Now
A Radioactive Wasteland - Depleted Uranium Poisoning Is Starting To Take
Its Toll Upon The Civilian Population
Isaiah 13 prophecy is now being fulfilled to the letter from
America's war against Ancient Babylon, Iraq. "Seize and destroy
the whole land" is now becoming reality.
However, the form in which this final destruction is taking
is so shocking and is so carefully hidden from Western eyes, the average
Cutting Edge reader has no idea the kind of genocide which Skull &
Bones Bush unleashed upon Iraq and her people.
“And He said to them, I saw Satan falling like a lightning [flash]
from heaven” Luke 10:18 (Amplified Bible)
Will God
Use His Rapture of the Church As The Means By Which He Will Protect Us
From The Global Mind Control Part 3 of 3
How will God protect His people from the all-encompassing
global mind control which we describe in Part 1, NEWS2370?
Just as He protected the children of Israel from the plagues of Egypt,
He can protect each member of His Christian Church individually by surrounding
our minds with His Hedge of Protection (Job 1:10).
But, at this unique moment in time known as the End of the
Age, God could also use His Holy Spirit to snatch us out of this dimension
through the Rapture of the Church! My heart burns within me, whispering
that the Rapture is very, very close.
Global Mind
Control And The Rapture of the Church - Part 2 of 3
Before we study the question as to whether God might snatch
His Church Bride out of this world in order to protect her against the
encroaching Mind Control of the Illuminati, let us take the time to examine
the Biblical Basis for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture!
Does The
Mandatory HDTV Switchover, HAARP and GWEN Towers = Global Mind Control?
This forced HDTV switchover may represent the final phase
in planning for the appearance of Antichrist. Once you realize the enormity
of the potential control over minds of people all over the planet, can
the Rapture of the Church be God's answer to keep His people from the
grasp of the Evil One? Part 1 of 2
Iraq War
Not Over Yet - Part 2 - Why Did Skull & Bones Bush Invade?
It makes no apparent sense to order an invasion of
an indefensible country when you know that all your charges of Weapons
of Mass Destruction were fabricated lies. The answer as to "Why"
Bush set out to invade Iraq will shock you, as it is part fulfilled
prophecy and part Satanic doctrine.
And all the people answered, Let His blood be on us and
on our children!”Matthew 27:25 (Amplified Bible).
War - Not Over By Any Means
U.S. Still Headed For Planned Defeat
From Freedom to Servitude
- Part 3 by Berit Kjos
Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Told Believers How To Read The News At The End of the Age!
Are you obeying Him? If you are not reading the news as the
Bible tells us to at the End of the Age, the likelihood is that you are
being daily deceived.
Preeminent Abortionist
Doctor George Tiller Murdered
Why would a medical doctor like Tiller so adamantly kill babies?
We shall reveal that abortion doctors WANT to kill babies! Why?
The answer will shock you to your inner heart, as we examine
how Satan looks at Abortion! This revelation will increase your understanding
as to why world events are occurring the way they are today!
There Is
Only ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A Clear Gauge By Which
We Can Know The Approximate Time That Antichrist Will Arise!
As daily events occur at a rapid pace now, clearly moving
the world toward the appearance of Antichrist, people are anxiously
believing that the Man of Sin can arise within one or two years. Let
us examine that one prophecy by which we can know that Antichrist's
coming is truly close. You will most likely be shocked at what we learn.
As always, Christians must maintain a firm footing in Biblical
Prophecy as we review the swirling events breaking with such great sound
and fury all around us.
No Room for God
by Berit Kjos
Reviving the 'Science' of 'Re-education'
by Ron Riffe
“And He said to them, I saw Satan falling like a lightning [flash] from
heaven” Luke 10:18 (Amplified Bible)
2009 - The
Year Homosexuality Will Come Completely Out Into the Open!
All signs point toward this being the year when political
and cultural forces combine to force the Gay/Lesbian/Transgender movement
into Mainstream America. American Idol's gay contestant wins second
UPDATED Thursday, May 21
Strikes Obama's First White House Correspondents Ball As Black Comedian
Called For Rush Limbaugh's Kidneys To Fail -- New President Laughs At
What sort of spirit invades these annual Correspondents Balls?
Do you remember Laura Bush's jokes in 2005 about her husband committing
bestiality with animals on the farm? President Bush laughed at these
jokes too!
Latest Outrage
In Gun Control - German Government Moves To Ban Paintball Guns and Laser
Tag In Response To School Shootings Earlier This Year!
This ridiculous action probably will be the precursor step
to banning actual guns. These are somber times as the future dictatorial
governments throughout the world cast about for a way to move toward
a real gun control and confiscation, without which the planned dictatorship
cannot arise.
Montana State
Governor Dares President Obama On Gun Control
The State of Montana is to be congratulated! They have written
and passed into law the most broad-minded Gun Control laws imaginable.
The Governor and the Legislature have thus thrown a stiff guantlet down
to the White House. The ensuing battle will be more than just
interesting; it will have monumental consequences for the Constitutional
freedoms of every single American.
Over! Israel's National Symbol Was Never The Hexagram (Star of David)
Modern Jewish scholar confirms Cutting Edge contention that
the Star of David is an Illuminati symbol with its roots in the Kabbala.
This revelation also proves that God allowed wicked men to found modern
Israel, just as prophecy foretold!
“But Jesus looked at them and said, With men this is impossible,
but all things are possible with God” Matthew
19:26 (Amplified Bible).
Swine Flu
Public Health Emergency Proclaimed - Disease Feared Going Global
PROOFS That Global Epidemics Are Planned As This "Old
World Order" Is Overthrown.
Freedom to Servitude - Part 2
Learning" through Soviet Brainwashing
Berit Kjos
The Nazi Holocaust - 64 Years Ago - 6 Million Jews Murdered Part 1
New World Order Disciple Adolf Hitler Slaughtered
His Millions; Coming New World Order Disciple Antichrist Plans To Slaughter
His Billions
Part 1 - How Hitler Transformed The Christian German Nation
To Accept The Wholesale Genocide Of An Entire Minority - America has
been conditioned for 30 years now exactly as Hitler conditioned Germany!
The Nazi Holocaust - Part 2 - Studying Antichrist Through Understanding
The Reich (Government) Church. You must understand that the
New World Order Plan envisions setting up a government church, overthrowing
current genuine churches into the "dust bin of history".
The Nazi Holocaust - Part 3 - Study of Antichrist By Studying Hitler -
Nazis Targeted The Young Children
New World Order leaders have always targeted the young. As
any good Satanic messiah would do, Hitler targeted the youth of Germany
in his drive to change German culture so it could accept his New World
Order. You will see many parallels between how Hitler re-trained the
German children, and our current American public school indoctrination.
The Nazi Holocaust - Part 4 - Study of Antichrist Through Understanding
Adolf Hitler -- Changing Times and Seasons
Just like Antichrist is prophesied to act, Hitler changed
the German calendar and days of festivals. He replaced the "Christian"
festivals and events, plus the Christian based calendar, with pagan
holidays. Just as Antichrist will do!
Warning To
All Pastors of Tax Deduction (501C)-3Churches! The Federal Government
Is Moving To Control You and Your Church
The Federal takeover of the banking, insurance and auto industries
is only the tip of the iceberg. The government already has a legal right
to control any (501C)-3tax charitable
organization, so the time seems right for pastors to get that dreaded
knock in the middle of the night from the anti-christian government
Pastors, how will you respond? You were foolish enough to
get your church in this predicament. What will you do now?
or Lies?
Warren's Moral Facade
Are Guns
The Real Enemy?
We Have Met The Enemy And
He Is The PEOPLE Among Us!
You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
Bush Administration
REALLY DID Knowingly Arrest and Torture Innocent Islamic Men!
In pursuing his coveted "War On Terror", President
Bush's forces really did arrest people who were innocent, kept them
in prison without specific charges for eight long years, torturing them
severely -- even though they were innocent!
American and International laws were severely broken and innocent
men's lives shattered - Bush does deserve to stand trial for War Crimes!
Freedom to Servitude - Part 1 by Berit Kjos
The Power and Perversions
of Laws
"Watching the markets... two interlocking phrases
immediately come to mind: Ordo ab Chaos, and Crisis Equals
Opportunity. Ordo ab Chaos is a Latin phrase and the motto
of the Thirty-Third Degree of Freemasonry. It means, 'Order out of
Chaos.'”Carl Teichrib
"Never waste a good crisis." Hillary Clinton
[see video]
"...the financial crisis will
lead to the creation of a global central bank and a global single currency
within 15 years."Stephen Gallo
“Once a nation parts with control of its currency
and credit, it matters not who makes that nation’s laws.” W.L.
Mackenzie King [former Prime Minister of Canada]
"I set before you today a blessing and a curse:
the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God... and
the curse, if you do not obey...." Deuteronomy 11:26-28
Jesus' Triumphal
Ride On Palm Sunday - Fulfillment of the Most Precise, the Most Incredible
Prophecy In The Entire Bible!
When Jesus fulfilled this prophecy, He stamped "Valid"
on His entire Messianic ministry and office. But, sadly, most people
have never, ever heard of this wonderful prophecy -- certainly not from
our pulpits!
An exciting study of Daniel 9:24-27
Comitatus Protections Seem To Be Effectively Dead!
When U.S. military soldiers
can easily and quickly pour into a town which is not in the midst of riot
or insurrection, the threat to our personal liberties and Constitutional
guarantees is stupendous. With the government scheming to disarm us on
the one hand while ignoring Posse Comitatus on the other hand, the sinister
face of the coming dictatorship becomes both inevitable and more frightening.
Cards of the Illuminati Card Game Depict Scenes of Major Current Events!
Remember, each card
of this role-playing game is designed to represent an action the Illuminati
is going to take to overthrow this "Old World Order" so the
New World Order can be established. You will be shocked to realize that
current events ARE planned by the Illuminati and are part of the prepared
100,000 Financial Cops To Regulate New Fascist Economy!
This call for a new army
of financial overseers is to be expected as the Federal Government gears
up to thoroughly regulate businesses all throughout this complex economy.
the Memory of our Christian Roots - How
America lost its way By Berit Kjos - March 2, 2009
is our government so hostile to the Christian message of God's love?
Why would America follow the intolerant ways of Communist and Islamic
nations that outlaw genuine Christian ministries to the hungry and
homeless? Which social and political goals are fueling this war on
God's Truth?
“…Him declare I unto you.”
Acts 17:23(b) KJV
Turkey Now Moving Steadily Into Anti-Western Iranian Orbit!
Last piece of the
prophetic puzzle now slipping into place! Turkey is prophesied in
Ezekiel 38-39 to march with Russia and Iran to attack Israel .
Reason The Illuminati Will Not Allow This Current Economic Condition
To Deteriorate To Levels of the Great Depression!
The Global Elite
fears an aroused population, especially if they are aroused to take
to the streets in open confrontation with government forces. Therefore,
this current economic condition will not be allowed to get even
close to this type of mass panic.
On Earth' - Demons Scouring The Earth During The Great Tribulation
You don't want
to miss the Rapture, for then you will have to deal with Antichrist,
Satan, and the demonic hordes which God lets out of prison so they
can afflict mankind. Have you ever stopped to think what kind of
'Hell on Earth' these demons will inflict upon mankind?
In The Days of Lot" -- Re-emergence of Homosexuality In Society
Sure That Sign Jesus' Return Is Close
You will be shocked
to learn how much power the homosexual lobby has amassed in American
and other Western nations. But, after reading this article, you
will gain a new sense of the lateness of the prophetic hour.
“…WEEP WITH THOSE WHO WEEP” (Rom. 12:15b, Amplified Bible)
Will You And Your
Family Be Next?
Partnerships Ban
& Freedom
Selling our souls in the name
of service?
by Berit Kjos - February 9,
Republican U.S. Senator From New Hampshire Wears A 'Phoenix Bird
Pin' To News Conference Introducing Her As Judd Gregg's Successor
Wearing this Phoenix Bird Pin sends a signal to the
most powerful elite that Bonnie Newman will continue to follow
the prepared script as she fills Judd Gregg's Senate seat as he
assumes the post of Commerce Secretary in the Obama Administration
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand
what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily
NEWS1875 ---
"D.A.R.P.A. Is Funding An Implantable
Chip Far More Advanced Than 'Digital Angel'! M.M.E.A. - Multiple
Micro Electrode Array Is So Advanced It Can Fulfill Rev 13:16-18!
Part 1 of 5
We explain the actual science of
MMEA in this article so you can see how all humans on earth can
be completely controlled by this implantable chip! Emotions - fear,
euphoria, depression -- plus pleasure and pain, can be controlled
and even caused, by R.F. (Radio-Frequency signal)! Silent, large
funding is occurring that soon will be ready for "The Christ"
to use once he arises. RFID is just the "tip of the iceberg".
-- Part 2 of 5 - The funding source always reveals the ultimate
goal the Illuminati has in mind for this human implantable chip.
America is leading the way to establishing the greatest, most repressive
global dictatorship imaginable, one that will fulfill Bible prophecy
of the "Mark of the Beast".
NEWS1875c --
"M.M.E.A. - Multiple Micro Electrode
Array Is Viewed by Occultists as 'Transcendence", Becoming
God"! Part 3
of 5
-- "M.M.E.A.
- Just Another 'Satanic Insert', Like
Inserts Going Back 4,000! Part
4 of 5
NEWS1875e --
"M.M.E.A. - Buying
And Selling Is Easier Than You Might Think
This The Year The Illuminati Will Set Off A Terrorist Nuke At
The NFL Super Bowl?
Subtitle: Since the key details of the attacks of
9/11 were foretold by Tom Clancy's novel, "Debt
of Honor", we have always felt that the nuclear
suitcase attack against a Super Bowl would also occur sometime,
because another of Clancy's books, "Sum
of All Fears", depicts just such an attack!
We have believed since the attacks of 9/11 that a
Super Bowl at some date will be attacked before the final "Wars
and Rumors of Wars" produces the Masonic Christ.
Plan To Force People To Leave Florida Continues To Jolt Forward,
Using Hurricane Damage As The Excuse!
"Re-wilding" of Florida continues as the
state's largest insurance company refuses to continue homeowner's
insurance! Many people will begin to make plans to relocate
elsewhere. The time is coming when a global charismatic leader
is going to declare that people must be forced to leave so 'Mother
Gaia" can be protected.
The Re-wilding Plan foresees that most of Florida
will be "cleansed" of human population.
Obama Immediately Throws His Weight Behind Masonic President Abbas
of the Palestinian Authority In A Renewed Drive To Create A Palestinian
Rather than condemn Israel for her attack on Hamas
in The Gaza Strip, President Obama calls Palestinian (Masonic)
President Abbas to restart the process of creating a Palestinian
State! With Hillary Clinton now confirmed as Secretary of State,
Obama seems poised to restart efforts to create a Palestinian
With Hamas badly weakened at this moment, Palestinian
President Abbas may be able to speak for the Palestinian people
and reach an agreement with Israel to create a nation carved
from Biblical lands. Now you know how important Israel's attack
against Hamas truly was, and how in line with the Illuminati
plan to create the Palestinian State.
at Socialism & Scorning the Bible
by Berit Kjos
“… socialist change agents
still believe that with a bit more psychology, sociology, surveillance
and assessments -- all part of today’s re-education --
the dream can be accomplished. But they are wrong! Whether subtle
or coercive, the march toward global solidarity will bring terror
and totalitarianism, not peace and plenty. And it will surely
raise hostility toward Christianity, which is incompatible with
the rising socialist system. As Marx and Engels wrote in The
Communist Manifesto (1848): "...communism abolishes eternal
truths... and all morality, instead of constituting them on
a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past
historical experience."
Obama WILL FACE The Obelisk As He Takes His Oath of Office
President Obama continues the practice
begun by Ronald Reagan of "facing
the obelisk" - Washington Monument -- during his
inauguration as the 44th President. This practice further demonstrates
the reality that this President is going to be thoroughly Illuminist
pagan. :
Kissinger Has Proclaimed That Obama Is Primed To "Create
New World Order"!
We have felt since 1992 that the final
events needed to conclude the New World Order might occur during
the administration of the 44th President. Now, one of the most
powerful member of the Illuminati has just stated that Obama
is uniquely positioned to create the final New World Order,
a.k.a. Kingdom of Antichrist.
“With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord
our God to help us and to fight our battles…” 2 Chronicles 32:8[a]
(Amplified Bible)
These are words King Hezekiah of Judah spoke to the captains of war
he had chosen to defend the nation against Sennacherib the King
of Assyria. And they clearly indicate that he had his head screwed
on straight! Even though they were facing an army that vastly
outnumbered them—the preceding verse (32:7) tells us the basis
for Hezekiah’s bravery:
During the toughest of times, God has promised His Saints
protection, promises we need to take to heart as we pass through
these difficult End Times
We will examine the possible religious and New World
Order ramifications that might flow from many pastors and key
leaders of Christian churches being Freemasons. You will be shocked!!
in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” Genesis 2:17 (Amplified Bible)
Man’s very existence has always been threatened by the “big three” of disease,
war and famine, but there is a silent plague stalking us that
renders those things trivial by comparison.....
The prophesied 10-Nation Reorganization is being fulfilled.
South and Southeast Asian countries have just signed their charter
which will produce Nation #9 of the Illuminati Plan!
Now, North American Union (Nation#1) and the South American
Union (Nation #6) can continue their march toward fulfillment.
End of the Age prophecy is being fulfilled - are you paying attention?
Antichrist cannot arise until these 10 Super Nations
are formed!
Central Banks around the world are taking coordinated
efforts to devalue their currency so the planned Regional Currencies
can be created and set in place. For citizens of the North American
Union, the AMERO is not too far away!
We will demonstrate that demonic possession of a large
part of a national population is possible; we shall also detail
the various doorways a person can open that allows demons to enter
them. Once we describe these doorways to you, you will realize
that our entire American society is allowing itself to be
infested demonically right NOW!
You can clearly hear this talking baby doll - "Little
Mommy Real Loving Baby Cuddle and Coo" - say, "Islam
Is The Light"!
"The New Age Christ cannot
appear until -- or unless -- a significant proportion of the people
have been preconditioned to accept him" -- New Age
Plan, "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow", by Constance
The Illuminati DOES INDEED have a plan to break North America
up into 6 Military Patrol Zones!
Which "God"do we
thank? And why? by Berit Kjos
A warning concerning
Stephanie Myer's best-seller:
Seven reasons to shun this vampire tale
by Berit Kjos
President George H.W. Bush called for "volunteerism"
in 1990, and Clinton's National Community Service Program of 1993
were based squarely on the Hitler model, just as Barack Obama's
Universal Service Plan.
Do not be deceived: the coming New World Order is Nazism
revived, in so many different ways. The Nazi Wolf is coming back.
When we carefully compare the myth of Santa Claus versus the
real Biblical story of Jesus Christ, we are presented with the
shocking truth that Santa has thoroughly supplanted Jesus Christ
in too many people's lives.
There is truly "not a dime's worth of difference
between the Republican and Democrat Parties"!
Conservatives elected George W. Bush in 2000, but got
the policies of Al Gore! Likewise, Liberals elected Barack Hussein
Obama in 2008, but will get many of the policies of Bush!
Spreading Islam through Christian
& Public Schools
"This warm introduction to Muhammad was followed
by glowing descriptions of Islam's miraculous beginnings, noble
beliefs, vast conquests, amazing scientific discoveries, and
exceptional tolerance toward unbelievers. But were they true?"
Did you know that Satan has organized Hell into seven
(7) major divisions, called Principalities? And, he has placed
a most powerful demon at the head of each Principality! Each
of these demons has the responsibility of spreading his particular
brand of temptation and bondage thoroughly over the world. Once
you understand how this division works you will understand how
and why the world is facing the problems afflicting us today.
And, you will get yet another glimpse as to how very close we
probably are to the End of the Age!
A "Demon Trap" is a most powerful Satanic
device a witch can utilize to achieve his/her specific goals.
A real demon trap when utilized properly, actually brings a
demon into our dimension. Did you know that you handle demon
traps every day of your life?
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth
and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal”
Matthew 6:19 (KJV).
Is Obama The Coming
Can it be that Senator Barack Obama is THE Antichrist
foretold in the Bible?
He certainly has run a Messianic type Presidential campaign
and has been called a 'Messiah' by Farrakhan.
Are we witnessing the public coming to power of the
Antichrist? You be the judge after reading this article. Matthew
24 and key prophecies in Daniel are key passages if we are to
understand this issue.
"Universal" Plan for Service" - Part 2
Mind Change and Collective Service
“Remember, the primary goal behind such group
service is ‘service learning,’ NOT compassion for
the poor. The latter is mainly a feel-good incentive for group
participation in a communal purpose, vision, activity and transformation.
This scheme matches the old Nazi model. Young Germans from age
10 to 19 had to serve in the Hitler Youth program. And, as Hitler
affirmed back in 1933, 'the whole of National Socialism [Nazism]
is based on Marxism.'"
"Men's Hearts
Failing Them For Fear"! (Jesus, Luke 21:26)
As financial markets look as though a global meltdown
could occur at any day, it is helpful to realize that the world
is being deliberately subjected to financial rumors and events
designed to make our hearts fail for fear so the Global Elite
can accomplish the sweeping changes they so ardently desire.
Let us review some of the stories designed to scare
us to death.
Iranian President
Ahmadinejad Revealed To Be A Freemason! Another Reason That Iran
Will NOT Be Invaded or Attacked!
Proof positive that Illuminized Freemasonry controls
both sides of any conflict. President Ahmadinejad is one of the
Global Elite and, as such, his country will not be prevented from
playing the role which Biblical prophecy has assigned it.
Proof positive that the conflict between the West and
Iran is staged according to the principles of the Hegelian
Financial Coup Completed:
American Economy Now A Tightly Controlled, Severely Regulated
Transition To Severely Regulated Fascist Economy Is
Now Going Global -- Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, and Iceland
Are Going Through Same Planned Disaster As American Companies!
The Whole World Is Transitioning To The Planned Regulated Economy
of The Coming Masonic Christ
The "Bailout Plan"
was never intended to solve the economic crisis, but only designed
to grant the Treasury Secretary dictatorial powers -- an Economic
Capitalism is DEAD in
America - Fascist Economy is now a reality
Did U.S. Military
Set Off Micro-Nuke Which Destroyed the Pakistani Marriott On Sept
The huge blast which destroyed the Islamabad Marriott
created too large a crater to be a conventional bomb. Islamic
radicals do not possess this sophisticated type of bomb.
The Pro-West Pakistani government was nearly caught
by this blast; was this bomb a warning to Pakistani leaders to
continue a pro-Western policy or face destruction?
'Christian Theologians'
Preparing People To Accept Aliens!
The depth of the Apostasy of the Christian Church gets
deeper as Christian leaders are now preparing people to accept
Aliens, using Christian words and concepts. This current new story
focuses on whether Jesus can redeem aliens!
Prophecy: "Let no one deceive or beguile you in
any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes
first , unless the predicted great falling away of those who have
professed to be Christians has come, and the man of lawlessness
(sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition)."
(2 Thessalonians 2:3)
"Universal" Plan for Service" - Part 1
Training a Socialist Army of World Servers
There's nothing wrong with the old voluntary, personal
service to the poor and needy….
Obama's plan is radically different. Aimed at socialist change,
it would raise "religious" boundaries, limit free speech,
and ban divisive truths. It must be tolerant of today's amoral values
and militantly intolerant toward traditional values. And -- like
the tactics outlined in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"
-- it would use deception and "agitation" to create conflict,
and the Hegelian/Marxist dialectic process to manipulate minds and
establish the planned solidarity.
Obama learned all about it during his years as "Community
Organizer" in Chicago.
Flashing A Masonic Handsign During The August 29 Photo Shoot With
Governor Sarah Palin and Their Children!
As we demonstrate through pictures, Todd Palin is clearly
inserting his hand into his coat in a typical Masonic handsign gesture.
This gesture sent a message throughout the occult world that Illuminized
Masonry is in control of the Republican Presidential Ticket, including
the selection of Governor Palin as McCain's V.P. candidate!
“…Do You See All These?...” (Matt. 24:2a, Amplified
Hurricane Gustav Bears
Down Upon The Gulf and New Orleans. Proofs of Weather Control / Weather
Warfare Abound!
Award-winning NBC Weatherman, Scott Stevens' video about
current Weather Control / Weather Modification is wonderfully instructive
as to the degree to which Scalar and HAARP wave technologies tightly
control weather and weather disasters worldwide!
As Hurricane Season gets underway, we are seeing indications
that the Plan may be calling for an active and devastating series
of storms as the Old Order is demolished to give way to the New.
(Hurricane Card To Left is from the "Illuminati
Card Game" Role-Playing Game in 1995. Each card depicts an
action the Illuminati is planning to undertake to overthrow our existing
civilization (Old Order) so they can establish the New World Order)
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand
what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily
Barack Hussein Obama
- THE Most Liberal, Antichristian Presidential Candidate EVER!
Are the American people so disgusted with "Conservative",
"christian", Bush that they will gladly accept a President
far more Liberal than Bill Clinton?
Rick Warren Leading Evangelicals
Into The Prophesied Global Ecumenical Religion!
"Purpose Driven Church"
is fulfilling Biblical prophecy in its leadership toward the prophesied
One World, Anti-Christian Religious Church which shall serve the False
Prophet and Antichrist.
ONE DREAM" -- But what about Truth and Freedom?
Communism has always clashed with truth, freedom and integrity,
and China's choices illustrate the point. Only by unthinkable compromise
can the "free world" find "common ground" with Communist totalitarianism.
Yet, compromise is fast replacing conviction everywhere, and countless
other clues suggest that we are blindly marching toward an illusion
of unity.
Russian Invasion of Georgia
Is Meant To Be A HUGE Warning To The West
Once Russia pulls off this invasion without military intervention
from the West, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 will have come a lot
closer to happening! If God has "put hooks into the jaw"
of Russia's Putin, Russia must bring Georgia back under her control
if the attack on Israel can proceed!
“…his right eye shall be utterly darkened” Zechariah 11:17(b),
Who's Guiding
the Olympic Vision? by Berit Kjos
Ancient myths, human might, a massive marketing system!.
These visible signs of the modern Olympics stir the imagination and
draw the masses. They also hide the global politics and the cold-hearted
pragmatism behind the scenes. For Olympic masters celebrate the strong
and mighty, but they show little compassion for the poor and weak,
whose homes are razed to build stadiums, beautify surroundings, and
impress visitors.
The history of the Olympics takes us back to about 776 B.C.
-- the apparent birth of the original Greek games -- when superstitious
mortals worshipped ancient gods on Mount Olympus. This extended family
of promiscuous deities was ruled by Zeus and birthed by Gaea (Gaia),
supposedly the mother goddess of all.
Both McCain and Obama
Strongly Hint of the Planned Military Dictatorship Coming Soon To
YOUR Neighborhood!
Both candidates are tightly controlled by the Illuminati,
so we should not be too surprised to learn that they are proposing
a military dictatorship proposing different ways to get there.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he
is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:7).
Prince William Taking
Two Huge Steps To Become The "Masonic Christ"!
Step 1 - In line with our belief that Antichrist will come
from the House of Windsor, Prince William joined the "Order of
the Garter", a secret society formed in 1348 which has long exercised
great control over the global Illuminati.
Step 2 - Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II announce
plans to put Prince William through an unprecedented course on how
to be a King -- a course of training never done before in all England's
long history! Is William going to be trained to be Antichrist, the
coming "Man of Lawlessness"?
didn't exist? Moses a myth? by Berit Kjos
Archeological and historical evidence of Biblical accuracy
By Andy and Berit Kjos
Obama and McCain Are
22nd Cousins of King Edward I of England!
As many as 15 American Presidents and numerous Presidential
candidates are also related to King Edward I. Can anyone see an incredibly
long-running conspiracy here? British "Generational Witchcraft"
is operating here.
“…Evil Men And Seducers Shall Wax Worse And Worse…” 2 Timothy
3:13[a] (KJV)
Can President Bush Win
The Nobel Peace Prize?
It is possible that several seemingly intractable problems
can be "solved" in the last months of the Bush Presidency.
If this trend continues, President Bush could be radically transformed
from a discredited President into a Nobel Peace Prize winner!
Is it possible that the last six months of the Bush Administration
might produce the False Peace of which the Apostle Paul warned in
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3?
Ramifications could be huge!
Christian Joy In These
Most Difficult, Trying and Dangerous Times!
"... let us also be full of joy now!" - Romans
"And these things write we unto you, that your joy
may be full." - John 1:4
Senior Military Officials
Planning Military Action ONCE Wall Street Crashes
Shocking news comes out of Navy War planning meeting that
Military scenarios have been created once the Stock Market crashes
“For The Love Of
Money Is A Root Of All Evils…” (1 Tim.6:10, Amplified Bible)
Saber-Rattling Against
Iran Reaches New Heights!
Since crude oil prices are being manipulated to produce
these high oil prices, the time will come when they will fall, because
key world economies cannot sustain this price for a long time.
You can know what signs to look out for which will tell
you when the prices will begin to fall.
or Demons?
Todd Bentley
and "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Berit Kjos
"I went into a trance-like state and I saw, for
the third time over the course of a few years, the angel of finance....
In that trance I experienced one of heaven’s realities and
then that
experience became a reality here on earth.... I found myself
in a treasure room in heaven. The only item in this room was gold
coins, and I began stuffing those coins into my pockets until they
were falling out." Todd Bentley
"... my spirit guides, Jesus and Mamacita, where with me, teaching
me to overcome the lower spiritual entities. Now, during the many
hours spent in meditation waves of light and peace would flow over
me...." Joanna Michaelson, The Beautiful Side of Evil
'The Shack' And The
New Age Leaven - Guest Column by Warren Smith
"Christian" novel attacks the very essence
of Biblical teaching, promoting instead Hindu and New Age doctrine
“A little leaven leaventh the whole lump.”
- Galatians 5:9
President Bush May Have
Converted To Roman Catholicism During His Unprecedented Meeting With
Pope Benedict XVI!
If true, prophecy is being fulfilled in your Daily News,
in front of your very eyes!
Sky High Oil Prices
- Certain Signs By Which You Can Know When Prices Will Be Coming Down
Since crude oil prices are being manipulated to produce
these high oil prices, the time will come when they will fall, because
key world economies cannot sustain this price for a long time.
You can know what signs to look out for which will tell
you when the prices will begin to fall.
Police Forces In Iowa
Are Reported To Be Breaking Into Homes Using Flood Disaster As The
Breaking into homes without warrant, intimidating citizens
who complain, and arresting people protesting their detention at
checkpoints. All these "Martial Law" actions are occurring
right now, in flood-stricken Iowa.
Are police units getting "on the job training"
for the planned national implementation of Martial Law?
Congress Continues "Re-wilding"
America's Map is being quietly redrawn, to create vast
areas where no human activity -- especially living -- will be tolerated.
This plan is called the "Rewilding" Project. Once it is
fully implemented, you will be told where you can live and what
occupation you will be allowed to work, if you are allowed to live
at all.
This Draconian Plan will probably not be fully enacted
until the Masonic Christ completes his "Cleansing Cycle"
of the Earth!
North American Union
Conditioning And Planning Moving Forward At Breakneck Speed!
You might be surprised to learn of the daily progress
being made toward establishing the North American Union -- right
under our noses. You will note that the Illuminati plans to move
a huge amount of goods and services through this new continental
nation - a fact which simply shouts that they plan on a prosperous
new nation.
Did you know that the establishment of NAFTA fulfills
End Time Prophecy of Daniel and Revelation?
Suddenly, "Global"
and "World" Institutions Are Being Proposed As The Solution
To High Oil Prices!
Using "Six Step Attitudinal
Change Plan" as the model, leaders and opinion shapers
throughout the world are calling for "Global" institutions
as the solution to high oil prices.
The continuing "Rumors of War"
campaign against Iran is also contributing to this advance toward
the prophesied Global Government and Economy!
Tough Economy Moving
The World Into A New World Order
America must be shaved down, the rest of the Industrialized
world built up, if all nations are going to join a Global Economy.
This hard economy is shaving America down!
High Cost of Oil Threatening
A Most Important Goal of the Global Elite -- A Global Economy
Since 1914, the Illuminati has been pushing relentlessly
for a Global Economy, a Global Government and a Global Religion.
High oil prices are said to be encouraging governments
to pull out of the trend toward a global economy and pursue individual
solutions. Indonesia is the first major nation to pursue local economic
cures, pulling out of OPEC.
Oil prices must
come down NOW to prevent other nations from wrecking the trend
toward globalization which is the coveted dream of the Illuminati.
Are You Guilty Of Making Them?
Freemasonry Officially
Admits That The Luciferian All-Seeing Eye Symbol On The Back of the
One Dollar Bill Is Masonic!
After years of denying that symbol of the All-Seeing Eye
hovering over the pyramid on the One Dollar Bill is in any way,
shape, or form Masonic, official Masonry is now bragging to their
members that this is precisely the case!
Just another indication of the
inherent Satanism within Masonry!
R.F.I.D. Use Is Exploding
Throughout Western Society!
Since R.F.I.D. is a precursor to the 'Mark of the Beast',
we should expect that its would usage increase dramatically in the
years before Antichrist and his False Prophet arise. When the False
Prophet forces all to take the 'Mark', people will have been pre-conditioned
to accept it because they are used to a similar device.
That broad usage is now occurring, setting the stage for
the 'Mark of the Beast'.
Three Peas In A Pod
- Political Editorial by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Albert Einstein - "Insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting a different result"
Declare War On Energy!
Completely Change Our Way of Living!
Is this goal the ultimate agenda for the Illuminati? Is
this the reason oil prices are being driven skyhigh? Doubt it not!!.
Narnia with Bacchanalian Feasts
"...the girls had waked to see Aslan standing over
them and to hear his voice saying, 'We will make holiday.' ... Bacchus
[the Roman god of wine, madness and debauchery] and the Maenads—his
fierce, madcap girls—and Silenus were still with them....
Everyone was awake, everyone was laughing, flutes were playing,
cymbals clashing." …
Lewis knew how to make pagan fantasy sound like Christian reality.
One key to his success is the dialectic process, the formula is
simple: God’s truth (thesis) + myth or suggestion (antithesis)
= a new worldview (synthesis). In this evolving process, even Christian
children are drawn away from their Biblical foundations.
Holographic Technology
Takes Huge Leap Upward! Technology To Stage Antichrist Is Perfected
New Age leaders love to brag that, when their New Age Christ
arises, his image shall be projected globally using Holographic
technology. That moment has now arrived.
Christianity Without
Jesus Christ?!
Only Christian Churches Can Open The Door
For Antichrist To Arise! That Door Is Now Almost Completely Open!
Who Was He?
As A Sober World Commemorates
The Nazi Holocaust, Sane People Still Are Asking 'How Could A Madman
Like Hitler Seize Total Control Over Civilized Germany, Viciously
Murdering Tens of Millions?'
The answer lies within
a knowledge of Black Magick Witchcraft. The sequence is: Satan -
Witchcraft - Specific Rituals -- Monstrous Sexual Perversion --
Incredible Genocide
"Men's hearts failing
them for fear ..." (Luke 21:26)
“…reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and
doctrine” 2 Tim. 4:2b (KJV).
Real Witchcraft In Your
Toy Store! Elementary Lessons In Witchcraft Being Sold At Toys-R-Us!
(UPDATED April 22, 2008)
Most parents relax when they take their beloved children
into a toy store, instinctively believing that nothing within that
store can hurt their children in any way, shape, or form. Little do
they realize that much Witchcraft is woven in and through many of
the toys on the shelves.
But, we discovered a book which teaches elementary Witchcraft!
Actual Witchcraft.
The name of this awful book is 'Wizardology:
The Book of the Secrets of Merlin'
President Bush -- America's
"First" Roman Catholic President!
George W. Bush once again is NOT the man he appears to
be! Not only is he NOT a Born Again Christian as he claims, he is
also so pro-Catholic he can be rightly considered the "first
Roman Catholic President"!
While President John Kennedy was officially
America's first Roman Catholic President, he sought to divorce his
religion from his office; but President Bush is bringing Roman Catholicism
into the White House and is basing decisions upon its doctrines! In
this manner, President Bush can be considered as this country's first
Roman Catholic President!
Your eyes will be opened as to the
true inner spiritual heart of President Bush.
If Obama Is Elected
President -- Will He Be Assassinated?
Scuttlebutt is streaking throughout the Internet that Obama
will be assassinated soon after he ascends to the Oval Office. Remembering
that the Illuminati loves to telegraph their punches ahead of time,
we conclude that this scenario might actually occur!
plot revenge by Berit Kjos
"Our children are learning to kill and learning to like
it; and then we have the audacity to say, 'Oh my goodness, what's
Reviewing the consequences of occult entertainment
1. Desensitization & Brutalization
2. Classical Conditioning
3. Operant Conditioning
Trade It In On A New One!
Warning To All Islamic
Haters of Israel -- Unrelenting Fury of Hatred Is Setting Palestinians
and Other Muslims Up For God's Prophesied Judgment
You Are Embarking On 'Mission Impossible'
When You Plot To Destroy The Jew
Fresh Unique Look At
The "Mark of the Beast" - From A Witchcraft Perspective
The long-awaited "Mark of the Beast" will be the
latest in a 3,000-year-old tradition of "Satanic Thorns In The
Flesh", i.e, inserts under the skin! Satan has been marking his
followers and his victims with these inserts for over 3,000 years!
Was the "Thorn In The
Flesh" spoken of by the Apostle Paul (2 Cor 12:7) simply a Satanic
How Can You Know That
President Bush Ordered The Iraqi War Invasion Based Upon Hitler's
Concept of The "Big Lie" - Repeated Often?
Not since the days of Adolf Hitler has a world leader lied
so often about so many things, in order to justify an illegal war.
Oprah and
Tolle fuel New Age revival by Berit Kjos
Blending East/West mysticism into A New Earth spirituality
New Scandal Breaking
Upon Senator Obama's Campaign -- Direct Connection To Islamic Terrorist
Just as Obama's Presidential Campaign is reeling under the
impact of the hateful, hate America speech of his Pastor, a new scandal
tying Obama to Islamic terrorism is raising its ugly head.
The Wages Of Sin Is Death (Rom.6:23a)
Jesus' Triumphal Entry
On Palm Sunday -- The Day He Was Presented to Israel As Their Messiah-King
Our Savior fulfilled THE most exciting and exact prophecies
in the entire Bible when He rode into Jerusalem on the donkey with
Palm branches spread out on the road, to be proclaimed by the crowd
as the King of Israel. Sir Isaac Newton said that the validity of
all Bible prophecy could be proven by this one startling fulfillment!
Cutting Edge Subscriber
Notes That Perry Stone - "Voice of Evangelism" - Is Reporting
News That Is Most Consistent With Controversial Cutting Edge Teachings
About Israel and the Palestinians
Current News "on the ground" confirms Cutting
Edge teaching on the establishment of the Palestinian State and on
the long-term conspiracy which is creating a Palestinian State out
of tiny Israel.
Visit the Archives for older articles.
You can also E-Mail us if you have any
questions about our outreach ministry.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually
Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there.
Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch
you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our
Salvation Page now.
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