Links to Our Favorite Sites
We are providing these Cool Links for your edification and enjoyment. While we have reviewed them to ensure that these links do not contain anything that is offensive to our positions and doctrines, we cannot guarantee their total content, especially in the future. However, we believe that these Cool Links will provide much enjoyment and good information for you. We encourage you to provide us with feedback on these links.
May God Richly Bless You.
A Espada
do Espírito
The Cutting Edge web site has many pages available in Portuguese.
La Espada del Espíritu
The Cutting Edge web site has many pages available in Spanish.
Berean Beacon Ministries
Berean Beacon Ministries is proclaiming the Good News of salvation
(the Gospel of Christ). The President and founder is Richard Bennett,
a former Roman Catholic Priest. A number of tracts, booklets, and
tapes are available to help those in Catholicism to find the true gospel
of Christ, which is being "saved by grace, not through works".
Creation Science Evangelism
Dispelling the Myth of Evolution
One of the best sites on the web we have seen for information about creation
versus evolution. Very good information on dinosaurs also. I have seen
some of the seminars advertised here and they are top notch.
Baptist Church,
Webster, Florida -- Fundamental Baptist Ministry, teaches from the King
James Bible, With a Statement of Faith totally in agreement with ours.
You will enjoy their sermons and Bible studies.
Coolshaving.com - Where the men
on our staff at Cuttingedge buy their shaving razors, blades, soaps etc.
of Churches
David Cloud at Way of life ministries has compiled a worldwide list of
Independent Baptist and Fundamentalist churches. We felt this was well
done and that we need not repeat it. So we will offer this link for your
use. If you feel there is a church that should be added or deleted from
the list, please contact them directly.
Ex-Masons for Jesus
- was formed by men who left Freemasonry to follow Jesus Christ. We work
with former members of the many Masonic organizations, including Blue
Lodge, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine (Shriners), Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters, DeMolay and Eastern
Star to reveal the truth about Freemasonry to the Church.
Kjos Ministries
Great articles on current events and issues.
Saints Alive
Good information on the anti-Christian nature of Mormonism and Freemasonry.
U.S. Veteran
Compensation Programs
for Veterans Dealing With Addiction
would you want to lead a man away from the Masonic Lodge?
Plenty of reasons can be found here as well as good ways to go about it.
This site has excellent testimonies from former Masons and pastors.
With One Accord
Just as Cutting Edge Ministries has a unique outlook on world events because
we know Black Magick Witchcraft, so does Bill Schnoebelen. Bill was a
former Witch, who was directed into higher levels of Witchcraft by the
leader of his coven. What were these higher levels of Witchcraft which
Bill could never reach any other way? Freemasonry and Mormonism!
Government sites of Interest.
Thomas Legislative Information
on the Internet
Find out about bills in congress. Search the text of bills. Check out
current legislation. Find the e-mail address and website of your Senator
or Representative.
your US Senator
Lookup and write your Congressman
Fax Numbers
and web sites To Congress | House & Senate - Also has Guidelines
and Tips for Contacting Congress