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News Articles 
Earth / Gaia' Is Angry With Us -- Nancy Pelosi
Subtitle: Nancy Pelosi Plunges America Into
the Luciferian Hell of Antichrist As She Blames 'Mother Earth (Gaia) For
The Furious Wildfires on The West Coast
'Rewilding' is truly underway, as Gaia forces
people out of lands where we should not be living, in the first place
Democrat Party Is Attempting To Re-write American History
Study of Democrat Party Control
Of Confederate South, of Slavery and of the 'KKK' atermath"
Even though the Democrat Party is
the party of Southern Slavery and Repression of the Black Man, the party
which forced the blood-soaked Civil War and the party which created the
'KKK', they are now attempting to pour that filthy historial sewage on
President Trump and the Republican Party.
President Trump Be Forced To Implement Martial Law During The North Korean
Liberal Democrats have already proven
they can put hundreds of thousands of people into the streets over any
issue they desire. How many millions can they mobilize during a time of
nuclear war crisis when they have already declared the incumbent President
to be incompetent?
Critical Message to All Genuine Born Again Christians:
This time period will produce the most terrifying events the world has
ever seen, as people's minds will be blown away by events, and their hearts
will fail them. BUT, we Christians have the potential to be part of the
greatest era of soul-winning the world has ever seen.
Since Christians are fully assured of their
eternal salvation, we can keep calm and under control while everyone around
them is suffering severe meltdown.
"Christian Churches" Are Continuing The Ancient Baal Worship
Practice of Celebrating his Day with Easter-Themed Egg Hunts!
God adamantly proclaimes for eternity
that His followers cannot mix the "Holy with the unholy", nor
the "Profane with the Godly"! Pastors who carry out Easter Egg
Hunts on their property are signaling to us all that the prophetic lateness
appearance of Antichrist is very, very close.
Shack' Movie Presents A Spiritual Danger Which Shall Introduce You To
Satanism While Taking Your Breath Away
The official trailer contains colors and filters
which creates a look and feel of the 'Wizard of Oz', which introduced
hundreds of millions to the Black Magick world of the House of Theosophy,
and created a most important "Mind Trigger" for the Master MK
Mind Controller.
The time has arrived for all genuine Christians
to jump off that Broad Road leading to Hell and jump on that Narrow Road
leading to Heaven! But, at this most deceitful era, how can you correctly
discern the genuine Narrow Road?
Trump Will Be The Most 'Gay-Friendly' President EVER! Conservative
Republican Activist Believes
Now, we can understand how the new Education
Secretary, Betsy DeVos, could lobby to keep Obama's' Transgender Bathroom
Law in place!
Apparently, President Trump is a man of 'many
Democrats -- Led By Hillary Clinton -- Desperately Want To Strike Down
The Hyde Amendment, Which Will Kill 2 Million More Babies in the Womb!
Why are the Establishment Liberals
so anxious -- even hungry -- to murder MORE babies within the womb? The
answer will shock you to your inner core and fully substantiate our discoveries
in our new DVD 'Hillary
Clinton: Sun Goddess Unleashed'!
Clinton Pledges To Surrender American Sovereignty to the North American
Union Within Her First 100 Days in the White House
Supernation #1 is planned to be formed by the
next President! Will Hillary's pledge spark political volcanic explosions
in the Presidential campaign, giving Donald Trump enormous advantage!
Will Trump ride forth to save America on his brave white steed?
Election Special Report: "Not a dime's worth of difference"
Why politicians never plan to keep their campaign
promises. Will never look at politics the same way again.
Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Every Other Leader Who Are Aggressively Pushing
LGBT Agenda Are Guilty of Sexual Abuse (Dr. Richard Land, Southern Baptist
As America is swept by this sexual practice
condemned by God, is it possible for an entire nation to suddenly suffer
demon possession?
Type of President Is More Likely To Ram The North American Union Through
A Reluctant Congress?
The answer to this simple question will shock
you and change the way in which you think about politics forever!
ever before in history has a RESPECTED Expert speaking from a RESPECTED
forum to advocate that the U.N. start implementing the draconian Biodiversity
Treaty in California.
Using extreme drought as the excuse, millions
of American citizens are to be FORCED to move to a designated Settlement
Area! This program was to wait until the Masonic Christ was ruling from
The Iranian Nuclear Deal Just Concluded Allows Iran To Possess Her Own
Nuclear Warheads, Does That Mean She Will Use Them Against Her Neighbors?
Why Does The World Give America Trust In Nuclear
Arms Possession?
End Times Prophecy Unfolding In Israel!
Prominent Jewish Rabbi Declares Appearance of Jewish Messiah
Is So Close That Jews Around The World Must Come Home!
Supreme Court Ruling Declaring Same-Sex Marriage to Be Legal Has Officially
Forced America To Cross That Dreaded "Sodom Judgment Line".
America's new god whom the Elite worship is Baphomet, the Transgendered
Demon of Hell.
Baphomet's human symbol is now Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner!
Loving Sovereignty Over His Chosen Nation, Israel
Pattern In Dealing With Israel Revealed - From Ancient Israel To Today
In The Pulpit
your Pastor or Deacons are Freemasons, the Holy Spirit has written "ICHABOD"
-- the glory of the Lord has departed" above the door to your Church!
Troops To Impose Nationwide Martial Law
the practical effects of the operation, "Jade Helm 15". Will
America be in Dictatorial Lockdown once this exercise is completed?
Obama Is Using The Iranian Nuclear Talks As A Shield Behind Which He Is
Seen Protecting Iran's Nuclear Facilities From Israeli Attack!
This Illuminati
Plan may well result in the beginning of the wave upon wave of enemy invasions
of Jerusalem as foretold in Zechariah 12!
Is Conquering Middle East: Last Target Israel
Iran's prophetic participation in the Russian-led invasion
of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) takes on a deeper understanding once we comprehend
Iran's preparations currently underway.
Mass Media Reports That The Russian Economy is Crashing!
Watch and Learn. Out of the ashes of the crashed economy,
a new, more powerful, Eurasian Economic Union will be "reborn" like
the mighty Phoenix bird of Ancient Egypt and Illuminized Freemasonry.
Saudi Arabia Down! How Can The Illuminati Destabilize Saudi Arabia In
Accordance With The 'Pentagon's New Map' Strategy (2001) ?
How can
Saudi Arabia be overthrown without the landing 'boots on the ground' and
planes screaming through the air, for such overt military action would
cause ripples which can destroy the world economy?
and Tired of All This 'Sky Is Falling' News?!
Little News Media always takes a news story to the absolute maximum, even
though the news hardly ever warrants such an evil report. News is designed
to be bad and to discourage as many people every single day as possible!
You can avoid being such a casualty of the news.
Genocidal War Against Muslims Continues!
The Illuminati
In The Streets' Strategy Against Muslims Is Bearing The Evil Fruit
The Elite Planned In The First Place
Enraged enemies are easily neutralized
and manipulated by superior power and strategy. From October, 2001, when
America led forces into Afghanistan, to March, 2003, when America led
forces into Iraq, to ISIS of today, the Global Elite carry out their 'Silent
War' designed to annihilate all Muslims.
But, now the time has arrived for
the Elite to provoke exceedingly hot hatred amongst Western citizens against
Islam, a hatred which will allow them to annihilate all Muslims.
Creator Has Revealed That The True Objective Is To Kill People At 75 Years
of Age!
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel has also taken the first
step of the "Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan".
Are you prepared to obediently
die at 75?
Surrenders Her National Sovereignty To International Authority!
Will this action by the Prime
Minister condition Canadian citizens to surrender Canada's sovereignty
to the North American Union (Supernation #1) at the right moment in
Surely, The Counterfeit Old Testament Commands Known As The Kabbalistic
"Noahide Laws" Is Being Prepared To Be The Ultimate Law of the
You and I will be found guilty
of "idol worship" and "blaspheming God" and beheaded
when we pray to Jesus. In fact, Jesus was condemned to the cross for "blaspheming
God", Kabbalistic Noahide Law #2.
Bush/Obama 'Regime Change' Plan In Action: A Final Scorecard
Have the interventionist overthrow
actions -- in Iraq, Afghanistan, in Northern Africa, the Middle East and
Central and Southern Africa -- by Bush/Blair/Obama failed or have they
succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination?
Is The Required Diet During The New World Order
Higher marketplace prices for all kinds of meat will drive untold
millions of Americans into a diet of Vegetarianism. This reality is why
meat prices are skyrocketing!
Genetically created diseases are also planned to contribute
to the goal of reducing population levels to only 500 million.
Israel Secretly Given The Vatican Control of King David's Tomb? Then The
Plan To Create A Jewish/Christian/Muslim Area of Jerusalem Is Being Enacted!
Signs abound that Israeli authorities have secretly given the
Vatican control of An Upper Room Above King David's Tomb. Such an agreement
would violate traditional Judaic laws.
But, if the Vatican controls King David's Tomb, that is a clear
sign that the Plan for announcing all religions to be one is underway
just as planned.
If the Government is ever forced to admit that
soldiers by the tens of thousands are dying from exposure to our own weapons,
Presidents Bush and Obama and many of their officials could be charged
with "Crimes Against Humanity" at the International War Crimes
Nuclear Missiles Are Controlled By Exceedingly Obsolete Computers Still
Using Floppy Disks
Subtitle: Why am I not worried?
Calm down as you take this reality pill.
A Shooting War About To Start Between Russia and the United States?
Subtitle: Is World War III Possible
over the current Ukrainian crisis? What saith the Prophecies?
Triumphal Ride On Palm Sunday - Fulfillment of the Most Precise, the Most
Incredible Prophecy In The Entire Bible!
When Jesus fulfilled this prophecy,
He stamped "Valid" on His entire Messianic ministry and office.
But, sadly, most people have never, ever heard of this wonderful prophecy
-- certainly not from our pulpits!
A most exciting study of Daniel
IT CAN FULFILL REV 13:16-18! Part 1 of 5
We explain the actual science of MMEA in this article so you
can see how all humans on earth can be completely controlled by this
implantable chip! Emotions - fear, euphoria, depression -- plus pleasure
and pain, can be controlled and even caused, by R.F. (Radio-Frequency
signal)! Silent, large funding is occurring that soon will be ready
for "The Christ" to use once he arises. RFID is just the "tip
of the iceberg".[For full details of D.A.R.P.A., read NEWS1739]
The funding source always reveals the ultimate goal the Illuminati
has in mind for this human implantable chip. America is leading the
way to establishing the greatest, most repressive global dictatorship
imaginable, one that will fulfill Bible prophecy of the "Mark of
the Beast".
"The Brain Machine Interfaces Program will create new
technologies for augmenting human performance through the ability to
noninvasively access codes in the brain in real time and integrate them
into peripheral device or system operations ... This
technology is just another church, a place to worship ... The
kingdom of God is within us all, so these technologies are expanding
the environment ... God is all powerful love. You can do no wrong when
the spirit of love, the Holy Spirit is with you. " ["Technical
- Part 4 of 5
Satanists make extensive use of special inserts in a person's
body who is in witchcraft, or a person they wish to control. The Biblical
Mark of the Beast would be a natural "insert" for the most
powerful Satanist witch in world history to use to control the entire
population of the world. Stand by for startling insights!
MIGHT THINK! - Part 5 of 5
Technology to "buy and sell" with the M.M.E.A.
chip is both simple and in use right now! Too many people believe
the technology to "buy and sell" with an implantable chip
is complicated and that the chip must be updatable -- not true, as you
shall soon see!
ALERT! President Obama Is Quietly Forming The North American Union!
Progress toward forming Supernation #1 of the Club
of Rome Plan is suddenly lurching forward.
Daniel 7:7-8 is now rapidly moving toward completion.
This prophecy is the only one in the entire Bible which must
be fulfilled before Antichrist can arise!
President Obama Going To Make An Announcement Confirming The Existence
of Extra-Terrestrials?
He has just appointed a UFO adviser!
Ronald Reagan A Secret Member of the Luciferian Secret Society, The Rosicrucians?
While the information I am about to share with you seems to
answer the question as to how Reagan could allow himself to be made an
honorary 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason just before leaving the White
House, we must be very careful in assessing a complex person's life well
after that person has died.
Ronald Reagan uttered one statement that rings true with me:
"I went through a period in college". We all have gone through
different phases in life, so when someone zeroes in on one time period,
are they capturing the essence of who we truly are? Students of history
have to be very careful in our conclusions.
Francis I Preparing To Be The False Prophet Revelation 13:11-18
Your hair will stand on end when you read of the doctrinal heresies
and reversals initiated by Pope Francis !
ALERT! Abruptly, Significant Progress Occurs In Prophetically Reorganizing
All Nations Into 10 Supernations
Since Antichrist cannot arise until all nations of the world
are reorganized into 10 Supernations (NEWS2363),
we must watch the formation of these supernations to gain an understanding
of the lateness of the prophetic hour.
In the past few months, impressive progress has been made. The
prophetic hour draws near!!
Control / Seizure Advocates Enter Through Back Door To Achieve Control
Without ammunition, the most accurate of guns becomes just a
"We will pry your gun from your dead, cold fingers"
(Lt. Col. Bateman, Homeland Security)
Obama Is Unilaterally Disarming America!
From the Middle East to the Far
East, American forces are signalling all-out retreat. Will America survive
Barack Obama?
Prophetic News: Revelation 18 Prophecy Reveals That America Will NOT Suffer
Economic Collapse Until Antichrist Is Here
Furthermore, a study in Revelation
reveals that key nations will enjoy some degree of prosperity in the first
3 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period as they cooperate with Antichrist.
Armed Iran Fears Can Be Buried Once and For All!
New information about this incredibly
long false propaganda campaign against Iran's nuclear development program
-- 10 long years -- should deeply bury this "Rumors of Wars"
Mass Media campaign! Cutting Edge has held firm on the basis of prophecy
that Iran would never be attacked. Now, it appears our stand is going
to be proven true.
Supernation #9 is forming, with a deadline of December, 2015
South and Southeast Asia (ASEAN)
is now coalescing into a single giant nation. When this nation is formed,
it will be part of the fulfillment of Daniel 7:7-8
Leaders Sense That President Obama Is Leading America Out of the Middle
East And Abandoning Israel
Arabs and Russians can sense this
diplomatic movement and Israel is beginning to panic
Current Events
Are Propelling Egypt Down The Abyss Into Her Final, End of Days, Prophetic
You will be shocked at the accuracy of current events compared
to Egypt's devastating final prophetic judgment. (Isaiah 19)
Jesus warned that once believers see End Times prophesies occurring,
they were to look up, for the Redeemer was drawing nigh!
'Killing Me
Softly' With Food, Water, Air, Medicinal, And Vaccine Poisoning
Poisonous ingredients have been infused into our food, water,
air, and medicines. How can we protect ourselves and our precious children
at this End of the Age from such a widespread attack?
Seals Two and Three are being prepared right now: famine, deadly
plague and pestilence!
The New World Order Was Officially
'Born' On September 10, 2000, Hundreds of Millions of 'Demonic Spirits'
Have Reportedly Swept Into Human Beings All Over the World"
These spirits are 'Walk-ins'
and have arrived to "aid mankind" in achieving the necessary
spiritual "Quantum Leap" for the New Age Christ to arrive.
Is your neighbor, a co-worker, or a friend now a 'Walk-in"? https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2510.cfm
Despite the terrible Daily News to which we are
subjected, Christians during this End of the Age can experience even greater
Peace and Joy than Christians of bygone eras. The key to this type
of experience is your Daily Walk.
You Aware of the Hidden, Deeper Significance of the Snowden
NSA Surveillance Crisis?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste".
(John D. Rockefeller, CFR, Illuminati)
"In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Franklin Roosevelt, 33rd Degree Mason, Illuminati)
To 501(C)3 Pulpit: Shut Up
No wonder the Church no longer has an impact in our society!
Pastors are under the heel of the IRS and they know it. No wonder no significant
pastor spoke out against the many wars since 9/11.
President Obama
/ Malik Obama - IRS Targeting Scandal -- Supporting Radical Islamists
While Targeting Patriotic Americans
Is this the scandal which shall impeach President Barack
China Steals
Cutting-Edge U.S. Military Technologies, Is Confrontational With Japan,
and Is The Major Power Supporter of North Korea
Is China headed for a major shooting war with the United
Pope Francis
I Displays His Ecumenical Heart, Preparing To Lead Untold Millions Into
Major Prophetic
The exceedingly poor African nation of Nigeria is forcing
its citizens to go cashless! 'Mark of the Beast' prophecy cannot be
fulfilled until the economies of all nations of the world are operating
without cash, including Africa.
President Obama
Is Gutting The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.
Defense Department Is So Gutted
By Sequester Budget Cuts That Planes Are Grounded, Naval Ships Are
Being Docked and Marines Lament That They Cannot "Handle Even
One War"!
A Former Pope Moves Back Into The Vatican To Live and Work Side-by-Side
With the New Pope
Is The False Prophet Being Set In Place?
Iraq -- Ancient
Babylon -- is nearing the End Times' final annihilating judgment just
as God foretold 2,500 years ago in Isaiah 13. "Mighty Babylon"
is falling and her days shall not be prolonged!
The clock of death continues to tick and soon, Iraq will
be history's first "Dead Nation", a place where no person
or animal can possibly live. Mighty Babylon is clearly succumbing
to God's inexorable judgment -- and Skull & Bones George W. Bush
drove the prophetic stake through the heart of the ancient nation
of Nimrod!
The Federal
Government Has Bought Almost 2 Billion Rounds of Ammunition. Is It Planning
To Go To War With The American People?
As frightening as this scenario sounds, we will demonstrate
that the Government is NOT planning to go to war with the American
people, as they have a far different plan in mind.
10th Anniversary
of the Iraqi War: At Last, Mass Media Is Admitting The War Was Launched
On Lies And Is A Monumental Failure - Part 1 of a Series Entitled, "Iraq
War: Mad Dash On The 33rd Parallel"
Cutting Edge was trumpeting this fact months before Bush's
invasion! We knew the Illuminati had planned this war at the 1954
Bilderberg Meeting and we had filtered this knowledge through Bible
prophecy and found a precise match.
Iraq's "Operation Enduring Freedom" meant only
the 'freedom of the grave" for millions, but the worst is yet
to come.
The New Pope
Is The First Jesuit Pope In History!
Red warning flags should be flying high in your mind
from this development, as the Jesuits have the blood of tens of
millions on their hands. How evil is the Jesuit Order and their
leader, the Black Pope?
Depleted Uranium
Poisoning Steadily Spreading Throughout Iraq!
God's final End of the Age prophecy against Mighty Ancient
Babylon is occurring precisely as Isaiah 13 foretold 2,600 years
Major Positive
Proof That America's Economy Is Fascist
Capitalism is dead and buried. It will take less than a
decade to move the entire economy to a Fascist economic system. This
development is a major step toward the New World Order.
President Obama's
State of the Union Address - February 12, 2013 -- Utopian Socialist /
Elitist Vision
America's 44th President set forth a Socialist / Elitist
vision of a future America which will thrill the Liberals and infuriate
the Conservatives. Get ready to be infuriated.
America Is Leading
Western Powers In A Full-Scale Invasion of Africa!
Now that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down,
the West is in full invasion mode destabilizing a major part of the
"Non-Functioning Gap" region of the world. The "Pentagon's
New Map Strategy" is being brilliantly applied. Have you noticed?
Mass Media is either clueless as to what is occurring or
they are part of a worldwide coverup.
In Just 50 Years,
America Has Turned "PINK"!
In February, 1963, the Supreme Court "kicked
God out of public schools"; in January, 2013, President Obama
allowed a large Lesbian/Gay marching band to participate in his Second
America has come full circle, from God's blessing to God's
curse. America is the new Sodom, and we are living "in the days
of Lot" (Luke 17:27-29)
War III Will Be History's Greatest Lynchpin Event!
Many major events are planned to occur just as World War
III begins. Mankind will be hit with unparalleled disasters of every
kind as this planned global war unfolds. But, none of these events
will occur until the lynchpin called "World War III" is
Bloody Obsession With The Magick Number '33'
The Number '33' is considered by the Satanist to be a most
powerful and mysterious number. Significant bloodletting on the '33'rd
Parallel is considered most magically powerful. Even the Battle of
Armageddon will be fought astride the 33rd Parallel.
John Kerry Is Said To Be President Obama's Choice For the Next Secretary
of State
Kerry is an Adept in Skull & Bones, one of the most
insidious of all covens worldwide. To gain understanding as to the
true nature of John Kerry, let us examine the actions and the motives
of another Skull & Bones Adept, Senator Prescott Bush, as he worked
mightily to support Adolf Hitler and his Nazi machine.
The somber fact is that many American soldiers died because
Skull & Bones was providing money and material to the Nazi military.
Clause versus Jesus Christ
When we carefully compare the myth of Santa Claus versus
the real Biblical story of Jesus Christ, we are presented with the
shocking truth that Santa has been thoroughly created to replace Jesus
Christ in too many people's lives.
This Gaza War The Time When The Islamic Dome of the Rock Is Going To Be
'Reduced To Rubble'?
The Illuminati Plan calls for the Dome of the Rock to be
reduced to rubble just before the Masonic 'New David' arises. But,
shockingly, the Arabs are going to blow it up
The Republican Party Getting Ready To Cave To The President On Illegal
We might be seeing the beginning of the final stage to
form the North American Union -- Supernation
#1 of the Club of Rome Plan
Pakistan's Paranoia Pushing It Into A Nuclear War With India?
The possibility of a nuclear war between Pakistan and India
grows every day.
Out, Come Out From Her, My People.
Jesus is calling for His people to come out of this wicked
system at this prophetic End of the Age!The New World Order
is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World
Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will
be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
The Stifling Global Power Dominating / Controlling Both Democrat And Republican
Both major American political parties are tightly controlled
by a master global plan designed to bring every nation in the world
into the New World Order. No political leader is independent of this
insidious power and neither party can exercise sovereign control over
their own affairs.
Pastor installs a Pentagram on the floor of his church school.
Pastors simply do not know the "wiles of the Devil"
anymore. Such pastors are spiritually 'blind'
To ALL Evangelical Christians Who Are About To Vote For Mitt Romney As
"The Lesser of Two Evils
After discovering Romney's unchristian public record, can
you really justify to Jesus that you voted for him? Why suffer loss
of reward by casting a vote for either one of these candidates?
Is Surging, Now A Global Scourge!
Murder, wars, genocide, abortion, adult euthanasia, teen
euthanasia, infanticide, assisted suicide, are all "Deathmaking"
straight from the Pit of Hell.
Will Happen When Israel Refuses Integration Into Club of Rome Supernation
Is this refusal to integrate into an Arab-dominated Supernation
be the catalyst for fulfillment of Zechariah 12?
Election 2012: Are we REALLY faced with the choice of "Lesser of
Two Evils"?
How would Jesus have voted? Which Party Would He Have Considered
The "Lesser of Two Evils"? Pharisee or Sadducee; Democrat
or Republican; Obama or Romney; Baphomet or Baal?
Games" Movie Review, by David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries
The key to understanding this movie message is to focus
on the Elite Willy Wonka type citizenry of this kingdom of Panem (New
World Order), not only the Hunger Games or the Tributes or the all-pervasive
control of the Absolute Dictatorship.
So Good About Evil?
A review of the latest teenage hit: The Hunger Games
Trade Organization Has Just Overruled American Law!
National Sovereignty Continues To Slide Into The Abyss.
This WTO ruling is a major step toward the planned global Absolute
falling to $1.13 per gallon?!
Might this development be President Obama's "October
Surprise" which might guarantee his reelection?
Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan - Insidious Technique To Change The Mindset
of An Entire Population, Invisibly
You will be shocked to discover how much of our daily lives
is being bombarded by the tactics of this mindset change program!
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand
what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily
Pastors Are Betraying Their Own People!
Truly, religious leaders today are fulfilling the Scripture
- "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if
the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Matthew
This indictment deserves to be aimed more at the spiritually
/ politically blind pastors rather than to the Government.
Terror Is The Final Stage In The Drive To The New World Order
Introduction to and reprint of reprint of a 1993 Radio Program,
/ Supernatural Conspiracy Is Directing The New World Order!
A heresy sweeping the Christian world today states that,
while Satan is certainly conspiring against God in world events, no
human being is consciously participating in the effort against God.
One day, all End of the Age prophecies are going to miraculously snap
into place with no human effort whatsoever.
Troops Will Be Out of Iraq by December 31, 2011, As The First War Conducted
According To "The Pentagon's New Map Strategy" Concludes
The Global Elite considers the Iraq War a complete success,
because they measure "success" far differently than do you
and I.
Proven To Be Demonic!
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits
whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out
into the world." (1 John 4:1)
Aliens, And UFO's
Luciferian Plan: "UFO's and Aliens
are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which
will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They
will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ appears."
Lying Masons
"... all liars shall have their part in the lake which
burneth with fire and brimstone..." (Rev 21:8)
Christians Insist On Tearing Down The Washington Monument?
Even though the Washington Monument is the most disgusting
symbol in all Satanism, Americans have allowed it to be honored as
the most important symbol of this country! Do you know enough to be
How 'Perfect'
Is God?
Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your
Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)
When Antichrist
Steps On To The World Stage. How Will People See Through His Deception?
To misstep in identifying Antichrist could cause you to
be cast into Hell for eternity!
Halloween -
The Most Important Holiday During The Coming New World Order
As Americans all across this land celebrate another Halloween,
we need to examine this celebrated day in light of the coming Satanic
New World Order. Once you read this article, you will never look at
Halloween the same way again. Guaranteed!!
of False But Scary Economic Collapse Headlines - Beginning in 2001, Continuing
through 2005 -- Part 1
We shall prove that fake news headlines screaming imminent
economic collapse have occurred regularly every single year since
2001! All these headlines have proven to be false, but people still
are scared when another fake collapse headline occurs in their daily
What did Jesus predict at the End of the Age: "...
men's hearts failing them for fear"
Ezekiel 38-39
Russian Led Invasion of Israel
- Demonic Overlord of Russia Will Lead The Way!
Mitt Romney
Is Hiding A Secret He Does Not Want You To Know
Mitt Romney – The Man Who Plans To Become A God In This Lifetime!
A guest column from Ed Decker, Founder, Saints Alive
America In Danger of Being Taken Over By Islam?
You can ignore the three Brotherhood people in the White House, the
ascendancy of Islamic culture within our public schools and in our court
- The
Fall and Rise of Human Violence by Berit Kjos
- Why crime plunged in the 17th century but is rising again
in the 21st
As centuries come and go, history occasionally reveals sudden, momentous
changes that transform cultures in ways that defy human logic. One of
these astounding leaps began about 400 years ago. It brought light into
the darkness of the Middle Ages and safety to people bound by fear,
superstition and tyranny.
If Satan Preached
The Gospel, Could People Still Be Saved?
In today's Apostate Churches, this question has more merit than
at any other time since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Bad News Is
Designed To Depress and Scare YOU!
Incredibly, the Plan was written almost 200 years
ago to use the Mass Media (Press) as the bloody battering ram to destroy
the present world order so the New World Order may be established, through
"oceans of blood and tears"!
review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
2: Harry's Last Battles By Berit Kjos - July 18, 2011
Is Your Pastor
Absolutely Blind As To How Current News Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy?
article is for all pastors who are not aware of the schemes, powers,
and devices of Satan during this most occult hour in world history!
Your Pastor A Member of Freemasonry?
If he is, you must either
get him removed or leave that church!
Seems To Be Splitting From the United States, Cozying Up To China
If Pakistan resumes her
traditional alliance with China, the prophecy of the "Kings of
the East" in Revelation 16:12 can occur!
French and English Establishment
Radicals Who So Completely Created The Disdain for Christianity By America's
Founding Fathers Were Influenced By Catholic Pontiffs
French and English Establishment
Radicals Who So Completely Created The Disdain for Christianity By America's
Founding Fathers Were Influenced By The Heretical Beliefs of the Catholic
Guest Column by Chris Pinto,
Director of 'Secret
Mysteries of America's Beginnings'
Harold Camping Sets His Rapture Date of May 21, 2011
Subtitle: Another false religious teacher, another false date
of the Rapture, and another black mark against genuine Christians and
their beloved Bible! You can mark this date on your calendar as THE one
date the Rapture will NOT occur.
"Beware!! Republican
and Tea Party Leaders Are Beginning To Sound The Fraudulent Warning That
'Liberal Judges' Are Threatening 'Conservative' Values!"
Their phony solution? Political activism which
will elect Conservative officials and judges! (Remember: Terri Schiavo
was killed by Republican Judges - Republican judges provided the majority
to legalize Sodomy and Abortion with Roe vs Wade)
"Truth is not what is; truth is what
people think it is." (Adolf Hitler)
"What luck for rulers that people
do not think." (Adolf Hitler)
Chinese Troops Pre-Positioned Along U.S.-Mexico Border?"
Subtitle: The New
World Order Plan does, indeed, call for China to control the region of
Los Angeles all the way to the border between Mexico - Guatamala https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2443.cfm
Over Mormonism!
National Association of Evangelicals is getting ready to align with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2442.cfm
Milk and Global Tyranny
Squeezing America into the New World
by Berit Kjos, February 21, 2011
EPA has decided that, since milk contains oil, it has the authority to
force farmers to comply with new regulations to file 'emergency management'
plans to show how they will cope with spilled milk, how farmers will train
'first responders' and build 'containment facilities' if there is a flood
of spilled milk.
Why Is China Building
Large Cities Completely Devoid of People?
The answer will
shock you, for a nearly unknown part of the Plan is being implemented.
This development means that the appearance of the Antichrist is closer
than many think possible.
Public School
Teachers Grading Parents?
If passed, this law will instruct Public School teachers to
evaluate, to grade, parents! Asking unchristian teachers to evaluate Christian
parents is asking for disaster!
Scientists Warn Residents To Prepare For A Major Earthquake!
The Plan of the Global Masonic leaders is to use an earthquake
to knock down the Dome of the Rock so the new Masonic Solomon's Temple
can be built on that holy spot!
New Israeli
Mossad Chief Validates Cutting Edge Teaching On Iran!
For seven long years, Cutting Edge has adamantly taken a stand
based upon prophecy that Iran (Persia) would not be physically attacked.
Now, the new Mossad Chief has declared there will be no Israeli attack.
of War Now Engulfing The African Nations Comprising Prophetic Supernations
#7 and #8 "
The flames of war and revolution and threats against
individual states is now engulfing the region in the Middle East where
Supernations #7 and #8 are planned to go. Two of the remaining Ten Supernations
are likely "under construction" right now. In fulfillment of
Daniel 7:7-8!
"The Pentagon's
New World Map" plan is being followed precisely!
"The Ominous
Approach of the Noahide Laws!"
One more proof of
the coming Antichrist.
Unfortunately, Satan
has corrupted the Ancient Judaic Law and the Talmud, with the Noahide
Laws! Violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital
punishment by decapitation."
"Wicked Men
of This Age Are Working Hard To Earn Their Eternity In Hell!"
You will realize
how sinners love their sin so much they are heading into an eternal Hell
with no worry whatsoever. Has God darkened their spiritual eyes so they
cannot see? https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2434.cfm
Christians Actually Know What Mormonism Is And Why The Bible Forbids Us
To Have Anything To Do With It?"
A longtime Christian brother talked to me last week,
all excited about Glenn Beck. I quickly learned that this Sunday School
teacher knew nothing about Mormonism. He did not know enough to be concerned
about a Christian making an alliance with Mormonism.
Yes, Virginia, Satan Has Mounted A Global Conspiracy Against God - Just
As Prophecy And Doctrine Foretell"
I find it incredible that many knowledgeable Christians prefer
to not believe that a human conspiracy will set the prophetic stage for
the appearance of Antichrist. Rather, these type of Christians prefer
to believe in a "prophetic evolution" where all prophecies will
spring to life out of some sort of primordial goo!
W\e shall demonstrate the futility of denying Biblical doctrine
and teaching that God's prophecies will occur just as He foretold because
Satan has caused his adherents to create a plan which will fulfill all
His prophecies. https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2432.cfm
2010 - Analysis"
The 2010 midterm elections were the first salvo fired for the
2012 election! Conservatives will be frustrated greatly during the next
2 years and will be told that, in order to complete the overthrow of Obama
Liberalism, they must win the White House and the Senate in 2012!
Deliberate Frustration will be the order of the day for Conservatives
during the next 2 years!
Beck's New Blockbuster Book 'BROKE' Is Selling By The Millions"
The premise is that America is financially, spiritually and
mentally bankrupt and must be rescued. However, it is simply not true
that America is financially bankrupt! CAFR is the greatest secret out
in the open in a very long time, perhaps in all of human history.
Haven't you been surprised that the 'Gloom and Doom' people
have been wrong about an imminent economic collapse every year since 1998?
They are wrong because they do not account for $60 trillion in CAFR monies!
Is this book the first major salvo
in setting a Mormon on the path to the White House, so he can fulfill
the old Mormon prophecy known as the "White
Horse Prophecy"?
The Legend of
the Guardians - The Owls of Ga'Hoole
A review of this mystical book series for children
and youth - by Berit Kjos
Conflict Bringing About Controlled Change" - The Hegelian Doctrine
In Constant Use In Today's News"
Once you understand this tactic used daily by the
Global Elite, in so many circumstances, you will never, ever view the
news the same way again! As we head into the 2010 Mid-Term Elections,
you need to understand that all political parties are based upon this
Hegelian foundation -- Controlled Conflict Bringing About Controlled Change.
WARNING! The 'Livable Communities
Act' (SB1619) Is The Official Implementation of the New Age 'Re-Wilding
of America"!
For decades, very few people ever thought the radical New Age
concept known as "Re-wilding America" would ever be enacted,
as it was simply too radical, too crazy.
But, Senator Dodd (D-CT) is fast-tracking this legislation through
the Senate! Concerned, enlightened Americans must act NOW! https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2430.cfm
On Foreign Relations (CFR) Pronounces The Winner of The Iraq War To Be
-- IRAN!
Incredibly, Cutting
Edge posted an article five years ago in which we declared that Iran would
be seen eventually as the winner of the Iraq conflict, because that was
the Illuminati Plan! -- https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2427.cfm
"New Prophetic
First -- One-half of Jewish people now support rebuilding the Temple on
the Temple Mount"
Normally secular Israel has never shown this strong
of support for rebuilding the Temple, showing the effects of Orthodox
Judaism. Will the Islamic Dome of the Rock be destroyed on the 'Ninth
Day of Av', the most horrible day of the year for Israel?
"Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple;
leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to
the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would
at once decay and die ... " (Noted 33º Masonic
author, Albert Mackey)
"Top Secret
America Is Now Here!"
Virtually every single communication in America can be copied
and reviewed. The unparalleled surveillance capability which is foretold
in the Mark of the Beast prophecy is now enveloping America. The face
of the coming Absolute Dictatorship is now visible; the attacks of 9/11
were the keys to making this possible!
We quote extensively from the warnings of NEWS1576,
posted in early November, 2001, to demonstrate that our warnings were
exceedingly accurate!
Priestly Sex Abuse Is Now Oozing Over Every Continent on Earth!"
The sheer magnitude of the
priest's sex scandal is shocking beyond belief; but, remember, the statistics
we are about to share with you is simply the proverbial "tip of the
iceberg"! The true total numbers of deviant priests and victims reach
into the many millions of victims.
Even the infamous Kinsey
Report may have its roots in the 12 Centuries of sexual deviancy from
priests and nuns and their victims!
"Why Liberals
Should Love The Second Amendment Which Guarantees Our Right To Own Guns
One day, they will
be very sorry they do not have any guns, when foreign troops start their
attack to take them away.
The BP Oil Spill Planned To Be The Greatest Single "Rewilding"
Event Yet?
If a cataclysmic event like a Category 5 hurricane or a massive
tsuanami triggered by a huge earthquake now hits the region, a storm surge
of frightening proportions could sweep over enormous sections of the Gulf
Coast, pouring crude oil and toxic dispersants over beaches, farmlands
and cities.
National Guard troops are already on site, ready to react to
such a catastrophe. Could the region be "Rewilded"?
To All Islamic Leadership: You Will Be Destroyed If You Persist In Plotting
The Annihilation of Israel!
God's Omen
of Protection is hovering over Israel today just as it did in Ancient
Israel. No weapon can destroy God's nation, or God's promises will be
proven to be impotent and He a liar -- which is utterly impossible!
Iran Outflanked and Outmaneuvered The West In Its New Deal To Swap Nuclear
Fuel With Turkey?
Suddenly, the Western powers are faced with a nearly complete
loss of "moral high ground" on the issue of Iran's enrichment
of nuclear fuel needed to produce nuclear warheads. Talk of severely tight
sanctions on the Persian Kingdom is almost meaningless.
Iran, Brazil and Turkey have turned the tables on the West;
will Israel, the United States, and the E.U. now accept the very proposal
they originated several years ago? The Anti-American bloc has scored a
significant diplomatic coup.
Illuminized Freemasonry Is Secretly Committed To The Preservation of National
Secretly-held Masonic doctrine absolutely guarantees
that the Illuminati will not allow national Israel to be destroyed. Even
though current news seems to be demonstrating that President Obama is
not Israel's friend and may desert her in favor of Islamic nations, the
President's controllers will never allow national Israel to be defeated,
for such a defeat would destroy Freemasonry.
Seven Divisions of Hell -Organized To Put Men and Women Into Spiritual
Bondage And Then Destroy Them Utterly
When you understand that the key ailments afflicting our society
-- sexual addiction, drugs, alcohol, murder, wars, Witchcraft -- are all
under the control of a specific demon in Hell, you will realize how Satan
has such control over people and over events at this most important time
in world history.
You will understand your own struggles more completely and the
struggles with which your loved ones are battling
Health Care Bill Contains the Skull & Bones Illuminati Signature of
This reality means that the National Health Care
is simply part of the Illuminati Plan to finally bring America to dictatorial
subjection President Obama is simply following the script written for
him, "... a despotism of such magnificent proportions
as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any
... who oppose us by deed or word."
Health Care Law Will, Indeed, Set Up Death Panels
This law crowns the Independent Medicare Advisory
Board (IMAB) as an untouchable regulatory authority wielding dictatorial
powers. This law is the Worst Case Scenario for Americans who fall into
one of the "Devalued" categories, Elderly, Terminally Ill, Vegetative
State, or Insane, or Politically Incorrect.
President Obama's Health Care Law gives rebirth
to the Nazi Biomedical Vision - the bloody Nazi Wolf is back!
War on Christian Values - Part 1
by Berit Kjos
Unity in
an Anti-Christian World
Israel Might Start World War III
Is it possible that
the fake propaganda effort against Iran might lead to an all-out global
is giving land away to the United Nations under the guise of declaring
certain sites and lands as "World Heritage Sites". Can you
say "Sovereignty Surrender"?
Jerusalem was given away to U.N. control in 1999.
This past week, Israel handed control to the U.N. of even more ancient
Jewish sites. Why are Palestinians so angry? Because designation of a
site as a 'World Heritage Site' also deprives the Palestinians from exercising
control over those coveted sites.
Cry, our beloved America
- by Berit Kjos
Sliding Down the Communitarian Slope - "It made
perfect sense for President Obama to speak yesterday to the Business Roundtable.
Businesses big and small could use a pep talk just now.... But instead
of giving a speech about reviving business confidence in the economy,
Mr. Obama gave a speech about reviving business confidence in him."
Is President Obama Assassinating American
Reports tell us that Obama has ordered the 'targeted
assassination' of more American citizens than did Bush/Cheney! Obama's
campaign supporters are once again being betrayed by this Illuminati President.
Ford, Toyota Has Never Demonstrated A Desire To Let Their Customers Burn!
Documenting the
unfolding saga of how the American Government seems to be mounting an
unrelenting P.R. campaign to so damage Toyota's reputation that sales
of government-controlled automakers will increase. Obama's Bottom Line
is at stake!
Change Now Proven To Be A Huge Lie!
Top Climate-gate
scientist now admits there has been no Global Warming since 1995!
Mind-changing Myths of AVATAR
Blending Hinduism, Shamanism and Goddess Spirituality
By Berit Kjos - February 7, 2010
World Is On Fire In The "Non-Integrating Gap"!
The Pentagon has divided the world into two segments.
Since the attacks of 9/11, Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes in divers
places, volcanoes, and pestilence has ravaged countries in the 'Non-Integrating
Gap'! Events have shown both a pattern and a purpose, not occurring by
accident or by random. Millions are displaced and are dying.
But, the worst is yet to come!
Is Dying!
The entire land is covered over
with poisoning from toxins and Depleted Uranium. People are slowly succumbing
to death through cancer and other diseases brought on by D.U. Remember,
both Iraq and Haiti lie within the "Non-Integrating
Gap" region of the world, as envisioned by "The
Pentagon's New Map".
Has Now Murdered 50 Million Babies Through Abortion!
How does a Satanist view Abortion? Did you know
that the Illuminati views Abortion as a major and indispensable tool to
enable them to achieve the New World Order?
ARCHIVES 2008-2009
Visit the Archives for older articles.
You can also E-Mail us if you have any
questions about our outreach ministry.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually
Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there.
Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch
you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our
Salvation Page now.
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