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NEW DVD 'MIND CONTROL' "Invisible, Invincible Mind Control: YOU Are Targeted" Prophetic DVD "Egypt's Prophetic Tsunami" Pastor Crone New DVD's - On Sale! Final Countdown Update 1 - Volume 12 Final Countdown Update 1 - Volume 13 - by Crone - Sale "Proofs of the Resurrection" DVD by Crone On Sale - Only $9.99
"If the Supreme Court rules in June that so-called gay marriage is a 'civil right' protected by the U.S. Constitution, then Christian pastors who refuse to perform same-sex marriages 'will be breaking the law' dependent upon how that law is written, said former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who is also an ordained Southern Baptist minister." Huckabee is NOT writing in defense of gay marriage, but is simply warning Christian pastors that they had better be prepared to go to jail if the Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage. This new reality is real and disturbing: America's political establishment has declared war on American Christians. The time has finally come when the full weight of the political government is going to come down hard against Christians in this country. If you disbelieve me, listen to a recent bold declaration from Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, speaking to the "Women in the World Summit": NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary Clinton Wants Christians to Give Up on Bible Beliefs", Charisma Magazine, 4/28/2015 "... laws don't count for much if they're not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice—not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed." Did you catch the boldness of Hillary's statement? Our "deep-seated religious beliefs have to be changed". But, what if I do not want to change my "deep-seated religious beliefs"? Clinton has the answer for that problem, as well. Laws have to be "enforced". The "right" of LGBT people to marry is more important than my right to practice Biblical Christianity. When gay people deliberately seek out local Christian pastors to demand that they marry them, any pastors who refuse based upon Biblical command may be subject to arrest, trial, and imprisonment! The time for persecution of Christians in America is coming quickly. The time is coming quickly when lukewarm Christians are going to jump ship because they are not willing to go to jail for a belief they really do not possess. Under a President Hillary Clinton, America will become the "New Sodom"!
HOT NEWS II. Phase Two of Saudi Arabia's war against Yemen has now begun! Yemeni rebel forces are now attacking Saudi Arabia on her own soil. NEWS BRIEF: "Deaths as Yemeni rebels fire rockets into Saudi Arabia: Two civilians killed, five Saudi soldiers captured", Ghana Broadcasting, May 6, 2015 "Yemeni rebels have fired rockets and mortars into Saudi Arabia, killing at least two civilians and reportedly capturing five soldiers. Saudi authorities say armed Houthi fighters carried out the attacks in the town of Najran, forcing the authorities to suspend all flights at a local airport, and shut down all schools." This news is grim to Saudi authorities. They have been bombing Houthi military locations for weeks now, but have not degraded their capabilities significantly. To demonstrate their lasting military capability, Shi'ite Houthi forces just launched an attack on Saudi soil. Their soldiers captured five Saudi soldiers and launched missile and mortar attacks on Saudi targets. In our new DVD, shown above, "Bringing Saudi Arabia Down", we stated our belief that, when Yemeni forces began to daily take the fight to Saudi soil, the Desert Kingdom would not last long. To refresh your memory, this Middle East Map depicted below is the Pentagon's Plan for this region as printed in the American Armed Forces Journal in their June, 2006, issue. As you study this map of the future, Saudi Arabia suffers grievous loss of territory according to President Bush's new map. She gives up land on all parts of her current border. * She gives up land on the Red Sea so Jordan can be expanded * She gives up land on the Persian Gulf so Iraq's Shia State can be created * She gives up land to the south so Yemen can be expanded. From time to time, we have posted articles to Daily News Updates where American forces are fighting rebels in that country. Perhaps we shall have to be more vigilant in paying attention to Yemen. The incredible fact is that, if this map is implemented, Saudi Arabia will be stripped of almost all her access to the ocean -- both on the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf! This reality must mean that some other nation is going to control Saudi Arabia's oil export terminals! How can the Saudis tolerate this violation of her sovereignty? She must go to war. And, she has, against Yemen. Most shockingly, Saudi Arabia is going to be stripped of all management and control over the Islamic Sacred Sites! I cannot imagine any Saudi leader voluntarily giving up control of the Islamic sacred sites! Perhaps this map is the reason Saudi leaders recently received Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the first time in modern history! Perhaps this map is the reason Saudi leaders are fighting the most serious outbreak of rebellion in any country other than in Iraq. Saudi Arabia will not only be defeated, she will be humiliated! This war now underway will reduce the House of Saud to a level of defeat she has not experienced for a century. NOTE: This newsletter continues after this advertisement, below.
Since no new nation can be established without resolving the issue of citizenship, this news development points to the reality that the Elite are determined to push ahead for the North American Union. NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton calls for path to citizenship, countering GOP immigration views", L.A. Times, May 5, 2015 "Hillary Rodham Clinton staked an early claim for Latino support Tuesday by calling for a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants living in the country illegally, elevating the debate on an issue likely to play a vital role in the 2016 presidential race." The Democrats are counting on overwhelming Latino support to win them elections, both local and national. While Republicans are insisting on a "letter of the law" approach to immigration, Clinton is advocating a "spirit of compassion" toward illegal immigrants, even if it means changing the law. "If Congress failed to go along, Clinton said, she would do 'everything possible under the law' to act unilaterally — emulating moves by Obama that outraged Republicans ... immigration is extremely important for how it shapes political perceptions, among Latinos as well as Asian Americans." Democrat success in courting the Latino vote is seen as crucial in carrying states that usually go Republican -- California, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. This issue of immigration is so hot that even Liberal / Moderate Republicans are starting to change their stance. "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has called for a pathway to legal status — though not citizenship ... " Since Jeb Bush is considered by many to be the Republican frontrunner right now, his call for "legal status" will be properly seen by many as a clue that, if he were President, he would move to changing the law so illegal immigrants -- especially from Mexico -- could become American citizens.
Therefore, the best way in which the Elite can guarantee that the North American Union will be "birthed" in the next few years is to arrange the ticket so that both Republican and Democrat candidates wills support the new supernation (Watch the plan to reorganize the nations of the world into the Ten Kingdoms of Daniel 2:40-41 and 7:7-8, by getting the DVD shown left, "The Prophetic Beast Arises") NOTE: The newsletter continues after the Bookstore advertisements, below
"As a wobbly cease-fire keeps eastern Ukraine’s warring factions apart, Russia’s ruble is conquering new territory across the breakaway republics. In Donetsk, the conflict zone’s biggest city, supermarkets have opened ruble-only checkout counters to serve the fighters in camouflage lining up along pensioners. Bus and tram tickets come with a conversion from Ukraine’s hryvnia to the Russian currency. Gas-station workers are paid in rubles ... 'There are no problems in shops, they all accept rubles' ..." Just six months ago, no-nothing pundits were predicting that Russia was going to be hurt so badly by the combination of Western economic sanctions and falling oil prices that she might just suffer a broadly based economic collapse. She certainly did not possess the currency reserves to last very long. Then, other predictors predicted that, because of the pressures brought on by economic collapse made a nuclear war between Russia and America almost certain. Now, we know both predictions were very, very wrong! Russia is acting like a superpower as she forces Ukraine closer to joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), as she continues to carry out her plan to bring a single currency into the EEU and as she continues to play a powerful role in the world oil market. And, now, we learn that Ukraine is under more pressure from the Russian Ruble than through the threat of Russian tanks. "The ruble’s creeping advance shows how the troubled regions are slipping further from the government’s grasp ... The precedent in ex-Soviet countries from Georgia to Moldova shows that similar shifts can help entrench pro-Russian insurgents." Widespread use of currency is a sign of sovereignty over that nation. "The increasing use of the ruble is yet another sign Russia’s going to keep de facto sovereignty over the territory it and the separatists control ... Georgia’s breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, where Russia has backed separatists for years, use the ruble as their main currency ... Russia introduced the ruble in Crimea shortly after annexing the Black Sea peninsula from Ukraine last March." Currency use is the key to eventually determining which country rules another. In Ukraine, the Russian Ruble is steadily encroaching upon the Ukrainian Hryvnia ... the ruble is replacing the hryvnia and backs setting a timetable for a full switch, like in Crimea." Soon, Ukraine is going to collapse, or threaten to do so, and Russia will step in to win this struggle without the major conflict with Western powers so many fear-mongers have long been predicting. At that point, Ukraine will disappear into Supernation #5 of the Club of Rome Plan. The timetable for Antichrist's appearing will have moved forward significantly, as another of the prophesied and planned ten supernations will begin operating on the world's scene. Christian, it is time to look up and rejoice. Fulfilled prophecy proves that our Redemption is drawing nigh! GREAT VALUES See all our $4.99 DVD's - 21 Titles See all our $9.99 DVD's - 72 Titles See our Sale Items - 20 titles See all our Combination Offers - 34 Titles See all our New Items -- 39 Titles New Headline News Analysis Articles This Illuminati Plan may well result in the beginning of the wave upon wave of enemy invasions of Jerusalem as foretold in Zechariah 12! "Iran Is Conquering Middle East: Last Target Israel" Iran's prophetic participation in the Russian-led invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) takes on a deeper understanding once we comprehend Iran's preparations currently underway How can Saudi Arabia be overthrown without the landing 'boots on the ground' and planes screaming through the air, for such overt military action would cause ripples which can destroy the world economy?
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"Russian Bear Poised To Attack Israel: Ezekiel 38-39" Awaiting only the SUPERNATURAL call to attack ========== "Bringing Saudi Arabia Down" DVD New DVDs "Temple of God and the Last Sign of Christ's Return" - DVD See Exact Location of Third Temple Adjacent to the Dome of the Rock! ========= "Behold A Red Horse" New DVD From Chuck Missler Today, the "Great Sword" hangs over every geopolitical decision on the Planet Earth! 2 Hours July Shipping "Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free" 1 hour 30 minutes
ObamaCare Exposed DVD
"Spiritual Gifts" DVD by Dr. Chuck Missler "Prophecies Churches Are Ignoring" DVD Combo Set by David Bay - Volume 1 Reg $89.94, Only $39.95 Why are so many pastors so reluctant to teach prophecy? Cutting Edge Director, David Bay, teaches six hard-hitting lessons on six unique End Times instances where events are fulfilling prophecy, but no one is reporting it. Six hot topics on three discs DVD "Hell
Is For Real: Cancel Your Reservation" New "Christian Worldview" Teaching DVD Series by David Bay "Judgment On Iraq Worse Than Believed Possible" "Eternal Security: God's Anchor In A Brutal Storm " "Rapture Precedes Israel Final 'WEEK' of History" Volume #3 In "Christian Worldview" Series "The Prophetic Beast Arises: Ten Toes of Daniel Are Forming"
NEW DVD "On The Trail of the Nephilim" - Volume 2 " New Archaeological Research" New Book by L.A. Marzulli: Free Nephilim Calendar! Regularly $29.95, On Sale For Only $24.95