Wednesday, 2/05/2025
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Cutting Edge Teachings DVDs by David Bay and Mac Dominick
Mac Dominick has given
us a series of articles this week titled "PART
TODAY" and Ron Riffe has written his comments
about - "10 Burning Questions That Everyone
Should Be Asking About The Black Hawk Disaster In Washington
D.C. January 30, 2025 by Michael Snyder"
- Thanks to Doug for giving me a wonderful
group of news articles for me to work with to keep us
all up on world, USA and Israel events and more in our
News Updates page.
Podcast from David's
earlier radio shows.
Election Voter
Fraud Deliberate and Planned
- This is from a radio program David did over 25 years
ago when the democrats were trying to steal the election
for Al Gore. David shows how the media covered up the
voter fraud. We have just witnessed one of the greatest
media cover-ups in history with lying about Biden's
cognitive decline while making up lies about republicans.
So I brought back this radio show as a podcast so we
can see how the media and the lies fit right in to the
protocols of the learned elders of Zion.
For more on the protocols get our DVD
- The
Illuminati Protocols of Zion: The Plot Against Israel
- video #5From Doc Marquis In Secrets of the Illuminati
to this podcast -
from David's earlier radio shows.
If you can't wait to hear all 60 of
these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them
all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs
by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order
yours today just $39.98
Cutting Edge needs
your continuing financial support!
Cutting Edge will be here free
for everyone with thousands of articles David
has written and ongoing articles that will bless
you. I will continue to do God's work as long
as He gives me strength and our faithful supporters
continue to provide the financial needs to keep
it going.

You can check out with
PayPal or credit card from the link above. If
you prefer to donate using our book store check
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this link even if you are not making a purchase. |
For many news articles each
weekday morning visit our
Special prayer
request Update from Jim: My 99 year old mother
fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago. Now home from
the hospital. Please pray for us as we take care of
her at home and for healing so our mom can get her back
on her feet. God's will be done. Thanks and God bless.
Mac Dominick
This is a series of articles.
We will publish one each week. Here are the titles:
in 1-2-25 newsletter
in 1-8-25 newsletter
in 1-15-25 newsletter
in 1-22-25 newsletter
in 1-30-25 newsletter
territorial rebellious Sons of God were frighteningly
powerful until 32 AD. One only needs to study Daniel
chapter 10, the account of the "Angel of the Lord"
in a conflict with the "Prince of Persia."
The Prince of Persia was the cosmic ruler and territorial
god of the Persian Empire. The Angel of the Lord (the
Second Person of the Godhead--pre-incarnate Jesus) had
to call for the help of Michael the Archangel to battle
this powerful entity. This means that God intentionally
limited His power to afford ultimate control of these
people groups to the Sons of God. However, that changed
in 32 AD.
We see this change in
the words of Jesus in Matthew 28. In one of the most
well-known passages of the New Testament, Jesus left
His disciples the charge known as the Great Commission
"Go ye therefore,
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end
of the world. Amen." (Matthew 28:19-20)
What most readers of the
New Testament miss in this passage is the "therefore."
One of the more notable cliches among Bible students
is, "When you see a 'therefore' in Scripture, you
must go back to the previous verse and determine what
"therefore" is there for." In this instance,
the "therefore" is very revealing. Please
note the preceding verse (verse 18):
"And Jesus came and
spake unto them, saying, 'All power is given unto me
in heaven and in earth.'"
The implication of this
verse is very profound. Jesus tells the disciples that
all power in heaven and earth has been given to Him.
This statement implies that He now has more power than
He previously exercised. If the Incarnate Christ was
God in the Flesh, He had always been God, the Second
Person of the Godhead, God the Son. One also realizes
that His Resurrection from the Dead became the new standard
for the Power of God.
(The previous Old Testament standard was the Red Sea
Crossing.) In the context of our study, the comparison
of Daniel 10 and this passage in Matthew reveals that
the cosmic rulers of the nations--the Sons of God appointed
after the Tower of Babel are now subordinate to Jesus
Christ, who rose from the dead. The Resurrection of
Christ put the cosmic rulers on notice that their time
to work their dastardly deeds on mankind was coming
to an end. Even though the rulers of the Jews rejected
Jesus as Messiah, His Resurrection informed the gods
that they would be losing their jobs as well as their
lives. (We will address the details of their demise
The "Resurrection
Power" of Jesus Christ significantly decreased
the powers and activities of the gods in the Western
World, where Christianity influenced much of the population
by the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of individual
believers. However, the hindering power of the Holy
Spirit has been assaulted in the last 2 centuries by
those who turned their backs on what once was a Judeo-Christian
culture to embrace atheism (humanism) and the occult.
This became a serious issue in the 19th Century, which
witnessed a major occult revival in the Western World.
Nations that were once bastions of Christianity and
the nexus of world missions (the U.K., for example)
have become devoid of Christian influence on their populations.
In the spiritual dimension, this equates to a restoration
of control by the fallen Watcher-class angel who presides
over this people group. With the rejection of the work
of Christ on the cross by the population (just as the
family of Noah rejected God at Babel), more power and
influence is given back to the god assigned to spiritually
lead the human population. We see this action confirmed
in Revelation 13:5 &12, describing the rise of the
Antichrist and the "False Prophet":
"And there was given
unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies;
and power was given unto him to continue forty and two
months." (Revelation 13:5)
"And he exerciseth
all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth
the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the
first beast..." (Revelation 13:12)
In the above verses, these
two evil entities will be empowered with the cosmic
capability to dominate the earth's population during
the Tribulation period. The question then arises, "Who
gave them this power?" There is only one answer,
as we know from Matthew 28:18. Their power will be given
to them by the One who has "all power in heaven
and earth" --Jesus Christ. The transference of
this power in the spiritual dimension is necessary for
God to accomplish His will and cleanse the earth.
The same is the case in
our current era, as power has been ceded to evil individuals
to complete God's plan for this age. As a result, in
today's world, there have been significant increases
in Islam, Eastern Religions, New Age philosophies, Wicca,
and other movements that attempt to promote and access
the gods of antiquity. While these groups may or may
not name specific gods and goddesses by their ancient
names, an investigation into their rituals and activities
reveals these groups are doing no more than worshipping
the same entities that once dominated ancient cultures.
(As a predominant example, the god of Islam, Allah,
is a "dead ringer" of the Babylonian entity,
Another major evidence
of the renewed working of the gods in the modern world
is the UFO/UAP/Alien Abduction enigma. Though there
are sporadic legends and folklore of unidentified aerial
phenomena in ages past, an unprecedented floodgate of
"flying saucer" activity opened in the late
1940s and the early 1950s. The sightings were so prolific
that the U.S. Intelligence Agencies formed specific
groups within their ranks to research the UFO phenomenon
and formulate a plan of defense and/or cooperation with
the entities onboard the unidentified craft. According
to Nick Redfern in his book, Final Events, one such
group buried within U.S. Intelligence is the Collins
Based on Redfern's research, the Collins Elite concluded
that "the UFO presence in our world is wholly deceptive
in nature and of purely occult origins." (10).
This group of highly skilled government agents also
"came to the jaw-dropping realization that black
helicopters, military interrogators, and vast alien-human
underground labs must be hallucinations generated by
demons and fallen angels projected upon the minds of
the abductees while they slept...no basis in physical
reality." (11) The implications of these conclusions
boggle the mind of the average citizen. For years, the
public was bombarded with the idea that UFOs were natural
astronomical phenomena, weather balloons, U.S. military
aircraft, or simply figments of over-active imaginations.
While this propaganda was making any average individual
who even "believed in UFOs" deemed a "nutcase,"
there was a major debate brewing within the U.S. Intelligence
and U.S. Military establishments as to whether the "alien
occupants" of UFOs were visitors from outer space,
the manifestation of demons, or the return of the gods
of antiquity. Even more amazingly, Redfern records that
the Collins Elite concluded the UFO onslaught, which
began in 1947, resulted from the efforts of one man--
Jack Parsons.
Jack Parsons (1914-1952) was an American rocket engineer
and chemist. Parsons was one of the principal founders
of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering
Corporation in California. He was proclaimed a consensus
genius in the realm of rocket fuels. He died from a
massive explosion in his home in Pasadena, California,
on June 16th, 1952. On the surface, his death would
appear to be a horrific loss of a brilliant, young mind
that could have done so much for humanity had the "accident"
never occurred, but the truth is stranger than fiction.
The truth is that Jack Parsons had a sinister dark side.
He was an ardent follower of Aleister Crowley--who claimed
to be "the most evil man on earth." Parsons
also would perform a ritual to invoke the god Pan before
each rocket test. (12) He further claimed to be the
Antichrist and was planning to relocate to Israel to
rule the world from Jerusalem. In 1946, Parsons joined
forces with occultist L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology)
to perform ritual magic to incarnate the "Whore
of Babylon" into our dimension. They dubbed the
project Babalon Working. One needs but turn to Revelation
17 to learn all about the "Whore of Babylon,"
who is portrayed as a drunken harlot on the back of
a red, seven-headed dragon. There is no question that
the goddess Ishtar is the entity pictured in Revelation
17. Parsons and Hubbard claimed success in the ritual,
but no one anticipated the consequences of their toying
with supernatural powers.
In 1988, the Collins Elite reported on their research
into UFOs and Alien Abductions. They concluded that
Jack Parsons was at least responsible for opening the
ancient and mighty doorway that ushered in the UFO phenomenon.
(13). After Babalon Working, UFO sightings began en
masse as if a Devil's Floodgate had been opened. Parsons
himself also conceded there probably was a connection
that linked the wave of UFOs that commenced in 1947
with his door-opening actions. (14). Five years later,
Jack Parsons was blown up.
In addition to the Parsons story, government agents
in the U.K. also met with the infamous self-proclaimed
witch, Sybil Leek. In the presence of these agents,
"Leek channeled an entity that described itself
as Caxuulikum, a venomous, spiteful, and overwhelmingly
evil entity whose origins can be traced back to ancient
Babylon...who bragged in a literally hysterical and
maniacal fashion about the way the world was being fooled
into believing that aliens were among us when, in reality,
the Forces of the Prince of Darkness himself were readying
and steadying themselves for the confrontation with
the powers of good." (15)
If the information revealed by Nick Redfern is true,
we can reach some fascinating (and somewhat terrifying)
• The occupants of UFOs are none other than evil,
fallen angels.
• Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were empowered
by the Forces of Evil to open a portal that allowed
evil entities to invade our time-space continuum after
being held in check in the West for almost 2000 years.
• These entities are none other than the same
elohim worshipped from the time of ancient Babylon until
they "had their wings clipped" by Jesus Himself.
• The "space aliens" are not from outer
space, but from another dimension--the spirit dimension.
Their agenda is a program of deceit to prepare the way
for the Antichrist and his One World Government.
On another note, if Parsons and Hubbard did incarnate
the Whore of Babylon, that means the goddess Ishtar
is walking the earth and working her evil on the human
population. What does this mean for today's world population?
It's not good news, but a look at Ishtar will answer
that question:
• Ishtar is the Sumerian (Babylonian Inanna) goddess
of war, sex, and power,
• She is called the Queen of Heaven in several
passages of Scripture.
• She supposedly hatched from an egg that fell
from heaven into the Euphrates. (The Astarte Egg).
• She is equated with insatiable nymphomania.
• Her worship included perverted sexual rites.
According to Derek Gilbert:
• "The goddess
was not a girl you'd bring home to meet your mother.
• She wasn't always female- Ishtar was definitely
the goddess with the mostest. When it came to sex appeal,
she was also androgynous- her cult followers included
eunuchs and transvestites, and she was the first in
history to make a practice of sex reassignment. It is
wonderfully ironic. The 21st-century progressive ideal
of gender fluidity was personified more than 5000 years
ago by the Sumerian goddess.
• Inanna/Ishtar is a woman who craves sex and
fighting as much (or more than) men, taking on all comers
in love and war, and better than men at both.
• From a Christian perspective, Inanna/Ishtar
is not complex at all. She is a bad Hollywood screenwriter’s
idea of a 15-year-old boy’s fantasy woman. Ishtar
is selfish, ruled by her passions, and destructive when
she does not get her way.
• As the Queen of Heaven mentioned by the prophet
Jeremiah, her cult continued for thousands of years.
She became Aphrodite, Astarte, and Venus…"
You get the idea. If there
ever has been a woman (supernatural or mortal) who not
only portrayed but exuded wickedness, it is Ishtar.
Ishtar first appeared in Babylon. She is one of the
supernatural entities that have advanced the Babylonian
Spirit for the last 5500 years. Furthermore, there is
no question that Ishtar walks the earth today. Just
one look at the 1960s Sexual Revolution followed by
the proliferation of the LGBTQ+ and "Trans"
movements in the last few years. These events show even
the least spiritual citizens that something of pure
evil is afoot.
So the bottom line on
Parsons (with Hubbard's assistance) is that he not only
opened the door for the UFO and alien abduction enigma,
but he also brought the Whore of Babylon (the woman
who rides the beast) through the portal. If these are
both true, there is no way to know what other evil forces
are making their way into our space-time continuum,
and we can only speculate as to the damage such forces
can do with the mass deception harbored within their
Other conclusions drawn
by Redfern's sources include:
• Deceptive entities
that can be traced back to Babylon are manipulating
humanity to accomplish their sinister agenda. (17)
• With this grand deception in process, one would
do well to analyze the workings of the false gods of
antiquity. (18)
• These powerful entities are attempting to bring
about a complete paradigm shift to convince humanity
they are the ones to be worshipped, not the One True
God. (19)
10 Burning Questions That Everyone
Should Be Asking
About The Black Hawk Disaster In Washington D.C.
Followed by Cutting Edge comments from Ron
This is Author Michael
Snyder’s excellent web site and with his permission
Cutting Edge Ministries is republishing some of his
articles: (copied verbatim)
Burning Questions That Everyone Should Be Asking About
The Black Hawk Disaster In Washington D.C.
January 30, 2025 by Michael Snyder
What in the world just
happened at Reagan National Airport? Like many of you,
I was deeply distressed to hear of such a great tragedy
that should have been so easy to avoid. There is no
way that we can bring back those that have died. Many
believe that if competent people were running things
at Reagan National Airport, they would still be with
us. Others are entirely convinced that we aren’t
being given the entire picture. There are so many unanswered
questions, and I am going to share quite a few with
you in this article.
But let’s start
with the basics. On Wednesday evening, a Black Hawk
helicopter violently collided with an American Airlines
plane that was attempting to land…
A massive search and rescue
effort was underway after an Army Black Hawk helicopter
collided midair with an American Airlines jet at Reagan
National Airport in Arlington, Virginia, on Wednesday
According to the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), a PSA Airlines Bombardier
CRJ700 regional jet collided in midair with a Sikorsky
UH-60 helicopter while on approach to Runway 33 at Reagan
National Airport (DCA) around 9 p.m. local time.
PSA was operating as Flight
5342 for American Airlines, and it departed from Wichita,
With all of the technology
at our disposal, there is no way that something like
this should happen.
But it did.
People are demanding solid
answers, and hopefully we will get some soon. There
is just so much about this story that simply does not
make any sense. The following are 10 burning questions
that everyone should be asking about the Black Hawk
disaster at Reagan National Airport…
#1 Why was staffing “not
normal for the time of day and volume of traffic”
at the air traffic control tower that was giving directions?
#2 Why was one person
doing the jobs of two people at the time of the crash?
#3 Why was the pilot of
the plane asked to change runways just before disaster
#4 Who ordered the runway
#5 How is it possible
that whoever was operating the Black Hawk could not
see a huge commercial plane?
#6 Why didn’t the
helicopter take evasive action to avoid the plane?
#7 Was the plane equipped
with modern collision-avoidance technology? If so, why
didn’t it prevent the crash from happening?
#8 Why are military helicopter
training operations being conducted at such a busy airport?
#9 How is it possible
that the helicopter “was going straight at the
airplane for an extended period of time” and nobody
did anything about it?
#10 Why weren’t
precautions taken after a nearly identical disaster
almost happened the day before?…
A passenger flight had
to abort landing at Reagan National Airport in Washington
DC the day before American Airlines Flight 5342 collided
in midair with a helicopter.
Republic Airways Flight
4514 was forced to back out of touching down and had
to make a second approach after a helicopter appeared
near its flight path.
That’s according
to an audio recording from air traffic control captured
on Tuesday and heard by The Washington Post.
In my opinion, the military
should be banned from conducting training operations
at major airports.
There is just way too
much traffic constantly coming in and out, and as we
have seen, mistakes can happen.
Unfortunately, this was
not the only air tragedy that occurred within the past
few days.
In Santa Barbara, California
a small private plane “crashed and burst into
flames” near Highway 101…
And in Alaska, an F-35
fighter jet experienced a “malfunction”
and tumbled violently out of the sky…
What is up with the F-35?
It is supposed to be one
of the most advanced fighter jets in the entire world,
but it has experienced one problem after another.
If even one of our most
sophisticated fighter jets can lose power and tumble
out of the sky, what does that say about us?
We live at a time when
evidence of an “epidemic of incompetence”
is everywhere we look.
The tremendous tragedy
that just happened in Washington is also a reminder
to all of us that life is so short. One moment everything
can seem perfectly normal, and the next moment you can
be facing eternity.
Live every day as if it
may be your last, because none of us is guaranteed tomorrow.
Sadly, I fully expect
that there will be a lot more great tragedies throughout
the remainder of 2025.
Global events have started
to move at an extremely rapid pace, and the resulting
instability is going to have very serious consequences
in the days ahead.
[End of Snyder article]
Cutting Edge comments:
As usual, Michael Snyder
asks some very pertinent questions. And when we take
the time to look for ourselves, the days in which we
are living often do not make sense! And quite frankly,
I am still trying to come to terms with the undeniable
fact that approximately half of the voters in this nation
cast their ballots for Kamala Harris! I do not wish
to be thought a nasty and political person, but give
me a break! The “word-salad queen” proved
beyond any reasonable doubt that she was the very definition
of an “empty suit.” The old epithet “yellow
dog Democrat” comes to mind when I look back on
the campaign for President. (That phrase of yesteryear
was intended to portray the average Democrat voter as
being someone who would vote for a yellow dog if was
credentialed and had Party backing!) And please understand
that I am not trying to demean those who vote Democrat
(or the dog). I just marvel at the ever-expanding insane
asylum in which we live.
Mr. Snyder’s “epidemic
of incompetence” is an apt name for the last four
years of the Biden/Harris administration. And all of
us (Republicans, Democrats and Independents) need to
be praying for God to have mercy on us and to guide
us in the way we should go. After being around from
the beginning of WWII until today, I have been an eye-witness
to a lot of history and in the process learned that
knowledge does not always equal wisdom. Adolph Hitler
surrounded himself with a cadre of PhD’s and look
where that got him!
“We the people”
desperately need a good dose of Holy Ghost revival,
but I must confess that I do not foresee it in the offing.
This old sinner saved by God’s Amazing Grace firmly
believes we are now in the “little end of the
funnel” that opens into the presence of our Lord
and our God…...Please bring it on, Lord Jesus—the
days are evil (Eph. 5:16)!
Pastor Ron Riffe
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