Newsletter- Thursday, 1/30/2025

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Distinctive Cutting Edge Teachings DVDs by David Bay and Mac Dominick


Mac Dominick has given us a series of articles this week titled "PART 5OF THE GODS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD: REAL, OR SOMEONE'S IMAGINARY FRIEND? "ADDITIONAL REBELLIOUS ELOHIM" and Ron Riffe has written his comments about - "California wild fires and climate control" - Thanks to Doug for giving me a wonderful group of news articles for me to work with to keep us all up on world, USA and Israel events and more in our Daily News Updates page.

Podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

Hope, Abortion, Ecology In New World Order - In this podcast David Bay speaks about many of the tactics Satan uses to change attitudes about adultery, abortion, school and the environment to prepare man for the coming kingdom of antichrist.

Listen to this podcast -

Podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

If you can't wait to hear all 60 of these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order yours today just $39.98

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Special prayer request Update from Jim: My 99 year old mother fell and broke her hip 3 weeks ago. Now home from the hospital. Please pray for us as we take care of here at home and for healing so our mom can get her back on her feet. God's will be done. Thanks and God bless.


Mac Dominick

This is a series of articles.
We will publish one each week. Here are the titles:

THE ORIGIN OF THE GODS posted in 1-2-25 newsletter

REBELLION OF THE ELOHIM posted in 1-8-25 newsletter

REBELLION OF THE WATCHERS -posted in 1-15-25 newsletter

TOWER OF BABEL REBELLION- posted in 1-22-25 newsletter






As a result of the disaster at the Tower of Babel and the resulting rebellion of the Sons of God placed over the nations, we have identified the territorial false gods listed in the Hebrew Scriptures. These would be the "Sons of El" as mentioned in Psalms 82. The individual gods would include Dagan, Molech, Milcom, Rimmon, and Chemosh, to name a few. However, 70 (or 72 in the LXX) does not come close to the number of false gods or even the one-third of the angels cast from the spiritual dimension in Revelation 12. The Greek gods and goddesses totaled over 400. According to numerous Catholic texts, the total number of angels who sided with Satan's revolt against God was 133,306, 668. The Hindu gods and goddesses number over 330,000,000. (Yes, that is 330 million.) So if each of these is a rebellious elohim you can get an idea of the magnitude of the evil that is accosting not only the Creator God, but also His human creation.

One should not be extremely shocked by this number as the Book of Revelation foretells of the assault of an army of evil elohim that will annihilate one-third of the earth's population:

"And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails..." (Revelation 9:16-19)

Note the number of this army is 200,000,000. However, when one considers the world population is currently hovering around 7 billion, why should there not be a population of elohim in the spiritual dimensions that number in the billions? There are many gods named in the Hebrew Scriptures and ancient cultures we will not have the time and space to mention in this study.

Other mysterious "gods" are named in the mythology of ancient cultures. One such example is the Anunnaki. According to the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, the Anunnaki aided mankind under the command of the god Marduk in building the Etemenanki tower in Babylon. In this account, Marduk freed 300 Anunnaki from the underworld, and they reciprocated by molding the 36,000,000 bricks needed for the tower. There were 300 additional Anunnaki who were retained in the underworld. The only biblical explanation for the existence of the Anunnaki (if they do exist) is they were a specific group of Watcher-class angels who rebelled before the Flood and were confined by God to the underworld.

There are also what we could call the cross-cultural gods. This terminology refers to an evil entity known by different names to different cultures but is the same entity. The best example in Scripture of this is Satan himself. One can easily conclude that Satan, Ba'al, Zeus, and, by default, Jupiter are different names for the same Watcher-class angel. This conclusion can be reached because Jesus equated Beelzebub (Baal) with Satan in Matthew 12. The Apostle John then equated Zeus with Satan in Revelation 2. Thus Baal=Satan=Zeus. All three are the same. Since Jupiter is the Roman equivalent for Zeus, Jupiter is also another name for Satan. Arguments can further be made that Enlil, Dagan, and Allah are also monikers for Satan. To sum up, the same rebellious elohim may often take a different name to divergent cultures or people groups.

Before going further, a couple of definitions are in order:
• Demon-- As stated earlier, a demon is a disembodied spirit of the Nephilim, the offspring of the Sons of God (Watcher-class angels) and human women. These spirit entities were released to the earth's atmosphere when the Nephilim died in the Flood with no designated eternal abode for their spirits until after the curse is lifted from the earth. The demon has no body and is constantly searching for a host body. They may appear as ghosts, poltergeists, phantoms, and apparitions, but a demon cannot generate a physical body. The gods are not demons, and demons are not elohim.
• Fallen Angel-- God gave the angels free will just as He did man. Angels can choose to remain loyal to Yahweh or choose to rebel. A fallen angel chooses to rebel against God. These entities are known in the Scriptures as elohim, and their habitation is in spiritual dimensions. Angels can travel between parallel dimensions and appear in physical form in our space-time continuum. They can embody to appear as human, animal, or space aliens (Grays, Reptilians, etc.). They may even incorporate interdimensional craft (flying saucers, etc.) to traverse dimensions. Again, angels can manifest in physical form, but they can also possess an individual's body as would a demon. The most glaring example of such an angelic possession is given in the Bible when Satan entered Judas to betray Jesus.
Just as the Sons of God in Genesis 6 were fallen angels, so are the Sons of God placed over the nations (Deuteronomy 32). We are told in Revelation 12 that one-third of the angels will ultimately rebel against Yahweh. The fallen, rebellious angels are the gods that were worshipped in antiquity and are still alive today.


California wild fires and climate control
Followed by Cutting Edge comments from Ron Riffe

Article from The Gateway Pundit

Kachelman: Democrat Reaction to Historic LA Fires Is Just as Saul Alinsky Ordered
by Jim Hoft Jan. 12, 2025

Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and California Governor Gavin Newsom fiddle as LA burns.

“Let me suggest that just as punishment is the failure of discipline, crises management is the failure of proper management with families, finances, relationships, and politics. It is regarding the latter that I offer these thoughts.

Proper management utilizes this principle, “A prudent person sees evil and hides himself, but the naive proceed, and pay the penalty” (The Bible, Proverbs 22:3). The results of “crises management” is the consequence of those in charge—they will bring chaos or calm.

Chaotic crisis management arises because the governing structure has failed. This failure fuels insecurity and instability. A republican governing, founded upon human values and mutual respect, encourages the citizens’ productivity and leads to success and citizens’ strong self-esteem. These components build a strong nation. (Allow an aside: “Republicanism” is a political ideology that emphasizes the principles of representative government, individual rights, and the rule of law. “Republicans” believe in a system of government where power is vested in elected representatives who are accountable to the people who voted for them.)

Read the full article here

Following is a quote from : Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong by Michael Shellenberger

" Climate scientists are speaking out against grossly exaggerated claims about global warming.
Environmental journalists and advocates have in recent weeks made a number of apocalyptic predictions about the impact of climate change. Bill McKibben suggested climate-driven fires in Australia had made koalas “functionally extinct.” Extinction Rebellion said “Billions will die” and “Life on Earth is dying.” Vice claimed the “collapse of civilization may have already begun.”

"Few have underscored the threat more than student climate activist Greta Thunberg and Green New Deal sponsor Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The latter said, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.” Says Thunberg in her new book, “Around 2030 we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.”

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills took aim at the state’s Democrat leadership, holding them accountable for the ongoing wildfire crises and accusing them of policy failures, mismanagement, and corruption.

His critique painted a damning picture of a state he described as held hostage by a Democrat supermajority, where reckless policies and blatant mismanagement have led to catastrophic outcomes.

Los Angeles County is grappling with multiple wildfires that have claimed at least 16 lives, left 16 individuals missing, and forced approximately 150,000 residents to evacuate their homes.

"I challenge you today if you don’t like what I’m about to say: California has been under unmitigated Democrat control—100% power control.

A Democrat supermajority. What does that mean? It means nobody can oppose their decision-making.

Now you’ve got a situation where a catastrophe came, and the billions of dollars you and I gave were diverted to other woke, stupid Democrat projects. That’s not hyperbole—it is a fact.

You don’t like it? Change your party. If you don’t like it, change something. I’m upset and angry, and it’s the right kind of anger."

Cutting Edge comments from Ron Riffe:

Mass insanity! The current fires sweeping huge portions of California are undoubtedly exacerbated by tremendous Santa Anna winds. And fires in that region are nothing new—so lessons should have been learned years ago regarding the necessity of implementing preventative forestry procedures used across the nation. “Primitive” Native Americans used fire as a means of consuming underbrush to prevent massive burn-offs—a technique still used by forestry departments of many states, coupled with sensible, periodic, removal of dead trees and other combustibles as a routine measure.

Yes, California and other parts of the West Coast have experienced long periods of drought, which resulted in even more dry underbrush—but to utterly ignore the danger that it presented is nothing less than mass insanity on the part of elected officials: Democrats for the most part. Their left-wing “woke” ideology of DEI etc., has now bitten them in their hinder parts and I sincerely hope the thousands who lost everything they owned will wake up and clean house politically.

Do you know the etymology of the term “politics?” The syllable “poly” means “many.” And “tics” are blood suckers. (Smile).

I’m all for true science, but notorious scientists like Anthony Fauchi, et al are a disgrace to humanity. How he is avoiding prosecution is a mystery. Perhaps the Trump administration will take that under advisement very soon.

Pastor Ron Riffe


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There are 6 DVDs in this series shown below.
Click one for the write-up or to order.


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Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved