Cartoon Captures New World Order Plan to Stage Anti-Christ


STEP # 1 --- "The Christ cannot appear until a substantial proportion of the world population is conditioned to accept him". (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow, p.121.)

STEP # 2 --- The gradual evolution of individual's thought processes to where his/her mind is naturally thinking in tune with the desired thought pattern consistent with the New World Order. The objective

is to so thoroughly condition people that they will not realize that their thinking is being framed by any outside agency or people; rather, they will think that their thoughts are spontaneous. This is known as the "Evolution Of Human Thought". (The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy, Bailey, p. 588)

STEP # 3 --- Begin actively and publicly to promote the New World Order, with men and women anxiously attempting

to bring about conditions that would establish this coveted goal because it will bring much peace.

However, the world will be experiencing great stress and violence, both domestically and inter-

nationally. This condition will get worse and worse, until there is seemingly no hope left and the

peoples of all nations are hopelessly worried and frightened. The entire world is dark, without hope.

War is an essential ingredient. (Bill Lambert, House of Theosophy, Seminar, Possible and Probable Events In The Future, August 18, 1991).

STEP # 4 --- Suddenly, a superman appears, startling everyone in the world with his miraculous signs and wonders. He will claim to be the Christ Consciousness which fell upon Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha, but superior to all these World Teachers. People will be convinced this man is God and will fall down to worship him and to obey him. With the power of his Being, this superman Avatar will singlehandidly

bring peace in the world. Thus, the world will be deceived into thinking this is God, for their own good, since this will be the only way in which to achieve a Millennia of Peace and Safety. (Peter Lemesurier, The Armageddon Script, p. 229-241.)

Block 1 -- Average American is being inundated with Info commercials and other TV indoctrination. The idea here is that his/her mind is being so absolutely filled with this con-

ditioning that their mind is just "blown away".

Block 2 -- A now older person is now "thinking on his own", arriving at his ideas about matters based on New World Order conditioning received in Block 1. These ideas, though, seem normal and spontaneous to the average American.

Block 3 -- "Duck Down And Map

Out New World Order"

Men and women are trying to draw the map of the world in such a way

as to achieve the twin goals of "Peace and Safety" which the New World Order promises. They are being stymied by the violence being experienced in the USA.

Block 4 -- A Superman suddenly appears to remedy the violence and hopelessness. This Superman is identified as the USA President; but, his appearance fulfills everything people are expecting from Anti-Christ. Note words, "On The World Stage", popular buzz words for Maitreya The Christ.

Since we are apparently getting very close to the actual appearance of The Christ (Anti-Christ), we must expect that conditioning would begin to become more obvious, more bold, and more explicit. Thus, we should be too surprised that just such a conditioning vehicle ran in The Boston Globe, Monday, October 25, 1993. This political cartoon, shown on next page, contains all four elements in the planned staging of The Christ.