News Alert & Bookstore Bulletin

Friday, July 17, 2009

Two Dynamic New Books

"The Lennon Prophecy: I've Sold My Soul To The Devil - John Lennon Confesses To His Best Friend"

I've sold my soul to the Devil - John Lennon reveals to his closest friend during the time of the Beatles greatest popularity
This author meticulously reveals the overwhelming evidence that Lennon exchanged his soul for the unbelievable popularity of the Beatles. Do you know how to spot the signs which a person exhibits when they are demon possessed? This book arms you with that knowledge.

Examines the many "Death Clues" which people thought foretold Paul's death, but which really eerily foretold John's premature death Did you know that Satan normally grants 20 years of wealth and fame to a person willing to sell his soul? John Lennon was murdered 20 years to the day after he sold his soul to the Devil!

I personally recommend this book to everyone who has children at the age where they are tempted with Rock-n-Roll and with drugs of any type. This author's writing style is easy to read and his research is meticulous. David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries.

Related Bookstore Item: "They Sold Their Souls For Rock-n-Roll", has a significant section on John Lennon and the Beatles. You will see evidence with your own eyes that the Beatles paid homage to Lucifer again and again.

"2012: Is This The End?"

Countdown To Midnight Has Begun!

Will the world come to an end on December 21, 2012, as so many people of so many religions are now saying? Hang on to your hats, for it is possible that Satan has been preparing his people for this date for a very long time

Hildebrand examines the most intriguing fact, that a wide variety of ancient religions teach that the world will end in cataclysm on 12/21/2012!

These religions include: 1) The Mayans - their calendar is one of the most quoted of all sources in the world today; 2) The Q'ero Inca Shamans; 3) The Toltecs and Aztecs; 4) The Book of Changes; 5) The Hopi Indians; 6) The Cherokee Indians; 7) Merlin, the Magician; 8) Mother Shipton; 9) Nostradamus; 10) Roman Catholic Church - Last Pope Prophecies tie into this date; 11) Hinduism; 12) Buddhism; 13) Modern Science; 14) Zoroastrianism; 15) Islam; 16) Judaism; 17) The Web Bot Project; 18) The Holy Bible

As you can see, a lot of people over a lot of centuries have predicted cataclysmic, end of the age events in 2012

What does the Bible say? What should Christians do to prepare? This book shall intrigue you, inspire you and possibly frighten you. 259 pages -

Key News Events

I. One analyst is predicting that the price of crude oil -- now at $61/barrel -- could collapse to $20 by the end of this year!

If this prediction is true, consumers might be getting a real price break at the time the economy needs the extra consumer spending a recovery really needs.

NEWS BRIEF: "Verleger Sees $20 Oil This Year on ‘Devastating’ Glut", By Grant Smith, Bloomberg Financial News, July 16, 2009

"Crude oil will collapse to $20 a barrel this year as the recession takes a deeper toll on fuel demand, according to academic and former U.S. government adviser Philip Verleger. A crude surplus of 100 million barrels will accumulate by the end of the year, straining global storage capacity and sending prices to a seven-year low, said Verleger, who correctly predicted in 2007 that prices were set to exceed $100. Supply is outpacing demand by about 1 million barrels a day, he said."

The global recession is biting hard on demand, lowering it more than most analysts had predicted. In fact, analysts have been wrong about economic trends for that past several years! They simply do not understand the huge paradigm shift from Capitalism to Fascism which has been directly driving economic news for over two years now. Until analysts understand this reality of such a tremendous shift in the type of economy under which the world is now operating, they will never get their predictions correct.

One of the most important reasons the world crude oil price is dropping is that oil producers have been extracting oil and then storing it, trying to prop up the world price. But, storage containers the world over are now full.

"“Global refinery runs are going to be much lower in the fall. If the recession continues and it’s a warm winter, it’s going to be devastating'.”

What Verleger means when he uses the word "devastating" is that prices will drop so much it will be devastating to oil producers.

The rest of this Bloomberg article quotes other analysts who contradict Verleger. We shall just have to wait to see how events transpire, but the beleaguered economy could certainly use a dramatic drop in oil to stimulate demand.

However, the long-term trend for oil is planned to be markedly higher. Democrats have traditionally supported higher oil prices, starting in 1992 when Al Gore wrote his book, "Earth In the Balance". In this book, Gore lamented the inexpensive price for oil and said that the internal combustion engine posed a greater threat to mankind than did atomic weapons!

Now that the Federal Government can force automakers to produce ugly, light, unsafe and higher fuel efficient cars, they need a systemic way in which to encourage consumers to abandon their lovely traditional vehicles and to buy these cars which they have always hated.


II. As Goldman Sachs reports unusually huge profits, we learn that the reason for these gross profits is that Goldman has been the driving force behind commodity manipulation for decades and is responsible for the current rise in oil prices!

Now we know the culprit behind the manipulation of oil prices!

NEWS BRIEF: "The Great American Bubble Machine", Rolling Stone Magazine, July 13, 2009

"From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression - and they're about to do it again ... By the beginning of 2008, the financial world was in turmoil ... With the public reluctant to put money in anything that felt like a paper investment, the Street quietly moved the casino to the physical-commodities market — stuff you could touch: corn, coffee, cocoa, wheat and, above all, energy commodities, especially oil. In conjunction with a decline in the dollar, the credit crunch and the housing crash caused a "flight to commodities." Oil futures in particular skyrocketed, as the price of a single barrel went from around $60 in the middle of 2007 to a high of $147 in the summer of 2008."

"That summer, as the presidential campaign heated up, the accepted explanation for why gasoline had hit $4.11 a gallon was that there was a problem with the world oil supply ... But it was all a lie. While the global supply of oil will eventually dry up, the shortterm flow has actually been increasing .. Not only was the shortterm supply of oil rising, the demand for it was falling — which, in classic economic terms, should have brought prices at the pump down ... the root cause had almost everything to do with the behavior of a few powerful actors determined to turn the once solid market into a speculative casino. Goldman did it by persuading pension funds and other large institutional investors to invest in oil futures — agreeing to buy oil at a certain price on a fixed date. The push transformed oil from a physical commodity, rigidly subject to supply and demand, into something to bet on, like a stock. Between 2003 and 2008, the amount of speculative money in commodities grew from $13 billion to $317 billion, an increase of 2,300 percent. By 2008, a barrel of oil was traded 27 times, on average, before it was actually delivered and consumed."

"Armed with the semi-secret government exemption, Goldman had become the chief designer of a giant commodities betting parlor ... Its Goldman Sachs Commodities Index — which tracks the prices of 24 major commodities but is overwhelmingly weighted toward oil — became the place where pension funds and insurance companies and other institutional investors could make massive long term bets on commodity prices."

Now you know why crude oil prices skyrocketed beginning in 2008! Goldman Sachs had developed a program called the "Commodities Index" which was used to track and to manipulate oil prices. The American consumer was left sucking empty air while a few Goldman Sachs executives get filthy rich.

But, this all may have just changed!

NEWS BRIEF: "Goldman Sachs code stolen – a key to manipulating stocks", Bright Side of the News, 7/7/2009

"On July 3rd, Sergey Aleynikov, a Russian immigrant living in New Jersey was arrested and charged with stealing top secret computer code. He was charged with stealing and sending secret computer code overseas which his former firm uses to automatically trade stocks and commodities. The rumors are swirling because Aleynikov was a $400,000 a year employee at Goldman Sachs who lead development of a distributed real-time co-located high-frequency trading (HFT) platform. The main objective of the platform was a very low latency (microseconds) event-driven market data processing, strategy, and order submission engine. The platform was obtaining multicast market data from NASDAQ, NYSE, CME and running trading algorithms with low latency requirements responsive to changes in market conditions."

If foreign firms could use the same computer program that Goldman Sachs alone had access, that could stop this single company manipulation in its tracks!

NEWS BRIEF: "Can Goldman Sach’s Stolen Code Be Used to Manipulate the Markets?", By Jennifer Johnson, Associate Editor, Money Morning News

"The financial-services industry is closely watching the mysterious case of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) and its stolen code: a proprietary computer program that some think could be used to manipulate the financial markets. According to federal authorities, the program rapidly processes market developments and uses mathematical formulas to make lucrative automated trades. Former Goldman employee Sergey Aleynikov allegedly stole the program during his last week of employment ... "

'The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways," U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti told the judge at the July 4 hearing, Bloomberg News reported."

This quote opens the door to understanding that the program can be used to "manipulate markets in unfair ways", which is exactly what Goldman Sachs has been doing regularly since the Great Depression! An intriguing development occurred almost immediately after the computer program was stolen.

"In an intriguing note in the saga, Aleynikov’s arrest immediately followed the disappearance of Goldman Sachs from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) weekly tally of program trading, which Goldman typically dominates."

Now you know how the Illuminati can, and does, drive prices upward and downward as they see fit in order for their global change agenda to be driven forward with maximum force. Further, this manipulation is very sophisticated. Illuminati bankers know just when to drive prices up and when to back prices down, and then back up. Their objective is to gradually overthrow the existing Capitalist economic system and to replace it with the heavy regulation of the Fascist economy -- and make a lot of profit in the process!

III. Democrats may be sneaking the heinous "Hate Crimes" bill through on a military appropriations bill!

Sensing the groundswell of anger and opposition to the Hate Crimes Bill from so many American citizens, it seems as though the Democrats are looking to sneak this bill through silently.

NEWS BRIEF: "Dems sneaking 'hate crimes' through on soldiers' bill?", By Chelsea Schilling, World Net Daily, July 15, 2009

"Democrats are expected to sneak the hate crimes bill through the Senate as early as tomorrow after they offered it as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill. The Senate approved the same hate crime legislation last year as part of the military funding bill, but it was never reconciled with the House's bill. The current House version – H.R. 1913, or the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 – was passed April 29 and referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Now the Senate is considering the military appropriations bill, or S.1390, and the Senate "hate crimes" act, or S. 909, may be passed as an amendment soon."

What difference does this manipulation mean to us?

"The "hate crimes" legislation now faces its best chance in years to become federal law. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced Senate consideration of S.909, or the "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act" on Tuesday. Sen. John McCain, R.-Ariz, blasted the hate crimes amendment today, saying it is unrelated to the defense bill. 'The hate-crimes bill is not without controversy', McCain said, according to a CQ Today report. 'This is a complete abdication of the responsibilities of the Judiciary Committee, but more importantly could hang up this bill for a long period of time while we have young Americans fighting and dying in two wars'."

This legislation is most threatening to Bible-believing ministers and anyone who upholds the Biblical prohibition against homosexuality. Can you hear the footsteps of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?


"Gods of Entertainment:The Power of Mass Media to Influence and Corrupt"

Now you will know why Mass Media is so full of lies, distortions and exaggerations. Your eyes will be opened to the manipulations of TV, Newspapers, Magazines, and Establishment Internet sources!

Freedom has historically been part of American idealism; yet today's mass media attempts to erode traditional values, American liberty and social decency.

This eye-opening video explains the agenda behind the power-grab of five U.S. mega-media conglomerates that control 95% of mass media and entertainment worldwide. -

"Brotherhood of Darkness" Book

Dr. Stan reveals how secret societies have directed the course of history and of our entire civilization. Stan reveals how the Illuminati created Freemasonry, Communism, and the House of Theosophy.

Monteith reveals the Luciferianism in the highest offices of government throughout the world are using supernatural power to bring about the Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a. New World Order.

Media, Government and Education are all under the control of the Evil One and are driving the nations of the entire world into the arms of Antichrist

Truly, once you understand the truth contained in this book, you will never look at history, or the current news, the same way again. Considered to be one of the classic exposes' of all time on secret societies and their roles, as it is the fruit of over 40 years research.

One of the most important books ever to properly understand the role of the secret societies in today's world and their command of Lucifer's power. As one Masonic author gloated, "When the Master Mason learns the secret of his Craft, he will have the seething energies of Lucifer in his hands." 160 pages --

Two Pastor Hoggard Triple DVD Combination Offers!

Each combination offer only $29.97

"King James Bible Numeric Code Combo Offer"

by Pastor Mike Hoggard

Regularly $44.97, On Sale For Only $29.97, Saving You $15.00

You will appreciate the power and Wisdom of God like never before when you see how wonderfully consistent He is in using basic numbers - 1 through 9 - to convey His power and authority to all mankind, through both His Word and in His Creation

Video 1 sets the basis for how God uses numerology in the Bible and then shows how Satan has copied Gods plan. Hoggard then shows how God uses Numbers 1 and 2 throughout the KJV and in His Creation

Video 2 demonstrates how God uses the Number 3 consistently in Scripture to depict His Trinity and his creation and how Satan has copied his usage of 3 as the pagan trinity.

Video 3 demonstrates how God uses the Number 4 as His number for Creation and how Satan has copied this meaning in his system of worship. Pastor Hoggard also speaks in this DVD about how this number links with DNA and the Sons of God mingling with the Daughters of Men to form a Fourth Kingdom.

You will be staggered at Gods greatness and Satan's limitations like never before when you watch these three videos -

"Church Invasion" DVD Series Combo Offer"

Buy 'Invasion 1', 'Invasion 2', and 'Emerging Church' DVD's and save $15!

1) Invasion, Part 1 DVD - Details Satan's destruction of Biblical Authority - Part 1 of the "Watchman on the Wall Series" - Satan is truly attacking the accuracy and the supernatural inspiration of the Bible as the appearance of Antichrist draws near

2) Invasion, Part 2 DVD - Demonstrates Satan's War against or homes, our churches and our country - Part 2 of the "Watchman on the Wall Series"

3) Emerging Church DVD describes the Hidden Agenda behind the modern Church Growth Movement. The Illuminati is even using its Dialectic Struggle tactic against God's beloved church! Part 3 of the "Watchman on the Wall Series"

Pastor Hoggard is the most popular video speaker today, and you will see why once you view these DVD's.

Watch Dynamic Trailer - From Invasion Part 1

Incredible Trailer - From Invasion, Part 3, entitled, "Emerging Church"


Major New DVD On Islam!

"Islam Rising: A Call To One-World Domination"

This fast moving presentation powerfully unravels the complexity of Islam as an overall engulfing legal, economic, military, dietary, social and religious system of life. Four forty-minute (approx) programs reveal Islam's founder and prophet Muhammad, his teachings, Islam's 1400 year blood-thirsty history, Islam's contemporary threat and growing impact in the West, and its plan for world domination - Ummah.

Dynamic topics include: 1) Islam's global agenda to force ALL nations on earth to submit to its Sharia religious code; 2) Islamic warriors believe they must use all means available - both violent and non-violent - to overthrow all other religions worldwide; 3) All Muslims are uniting now to achieve these goals; 4) Jihad - Holy War - is the heart of Islam's theology; 5) Da'wah exposed - the missionary movement of Islam to overthrow all other systems through non-violent means; 6) Exposure of Sharia as a system of slavery and the dehumanization of women and children worldwide.

Introductory Sale: Regularly $24.95, Now On Sale $19.95, Saving you $5.00


Save $10 buying a combination offer of these two DVD's!

DVD - The Obama Deception: Savior, Messiah, or Illuminati?

Now that the establishment has anointed and installed Barack Obama as president and the corporate media has heaped effusive praise upon this banker front man, it is time for a documentary to reveal the real agenda behind the man billed as our savior and messiah.

In this non-partisan, no-holds barred analysis, Alex Jones reveals how Obama is a creature bought and paid for by the New World Order: a puppet controlled by Wall Street, the secretive Bilderberg Group and the Federal Reserve. Jones exposes how Obama's policies are the continuation of the globalist policies carried out under the George Bush, Clinton, and Bush Senior administrations.

These two DVD's will make it abundantly clear to you the intense danger we all face from a militant worldwide Islamic Movement whose greatest supporter may be the new man in the White House!

Spiritual Warfare Combination Offer

by Pastor Hoggard - 2 DVD Set

Regularly $39.98

Combo Offer Only $19.98!

You Save $20.00

Pastor Hoggard presents both the Godly and the Satanic sides in the never-ending spiritual battle in the Heavenlies.

"The Seven Spirits of God" DVD reveals through a study of Revelation 1, that the spirit of Antichrist would manifest itself as the OPPOSITE of each of the seven spirits through lying spirits who seek to destroy lives. You will learn how to discern the manifestation of the Holy Spirit or the spirit of Antichrist in a persons life. You will also be prepared to better to discern the real Antichrist when he arises

"Where Dragons Live" DVD reveals through Revelation 12, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Malachi how the demonic host can wreak severe spiritual damage on you and your family

Great Spiritual Warfare study, and you save money by buying them in this combo offer.


Current Best-Selling Bookstore Items

America Forfeits Her National Sovereignty

United States' financial system is about to be legally disemboweled -- gutted to the core!


Veon's original DVD, "2008 Credit Crisis: Creative Destruction" demonstrates that this economic crisis was deliberately planned with some very specific goals in mind, chief of which is the destruction of American sovereignty.

Veon's second DVD, "When Central Banks Rule The World" shows us the specific way in which our financial -- and political -- sovereignty are being surrendered to global authorities.

A global currency can now be established! Time is later than you think

Regularly $49.98, On Sale For Only $39.98

Buy Each DVD Individually

"The 2008 Credit Crisis: Creative Destruction"

"When Central Banks RULE The World"



"Obama Deception" DVD

It is time for a documentary to reveal the real agenda behind the man billed as our savior and messiah.

Watch the trailer

"Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" DVD Series

Buy 2, Get 1 FREE

"Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" DVD's Plus FREE Declaration of Independence Frameable Poster

Watch Trailers

"Eye of the Phoenix"

New Atlantis / Riddles In Stone

Video 1 - New Atlantis - demonstrates that the Secret Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon

Video 2 - Riddles In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures, and street layout in Government Center and show how the original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions demonstrate that America was founded according to the Baconian Plan


Video 3 - Eye of the Phoenix examines the two Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S. Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design of these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick" of any other document in history. These two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example of the hidden plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist).


The Rapture of the Christian Church Is The Real Deal!

How Close Can We Be? Are There Signs?

'Buy The 2-DVD Set, 'Biblical Teachings of the Rapture' for $24.99 and Get Hardback Book 'Great Mysteries of the Rapture' FREE'

Do Demonic Nephilim Walk Among Us TODAY?


"Nephilim, Fallen Angels and Aliens" Book

Dr. Cathy Burns Says "No"

"Nephilim Walk Among us Again - Serious End Time Deception" DVD

Cutting Edge Author Mac Dominic Says "Yes"

You have the opportunity to examine both sides of this most important issue! Who is right? These two Bookstore Resources set up a terrific debate.

"Sons of God & The Antichrist" - DVD

Did you know that Fallen Angels have their own DNA? And, did you know that plans are in place to start mixing Fallen Angels DNA with human DNA? Nephilim are among us, just as in Genesis 6 and are marrying and cohabitating with human women.

HAARP The Update: Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP - DVD

HAARP is America's electromagnetic weapon

Startling DVD

Russia's Secret Weapon Designed To Defeat America - Scalar Weapons Revealed!

This weapons system will change the world and how mankind conducts war - forever.

New DVD's

"Contemplative Prayer"

Takes the participant into a mystical state where the unconscious mind is separated from the conscious, opening the person to supernatural occult forces


"Emerging Church & Interspirituality"

Unmasks the unique occult, New Age spirituality behind this movement and proves its risk to individuals caught up in it.


"New Age Invisible Denomination"

New Age Movement is like an ancient tune played by a fancy new band. Many millions of church people are now dancing to its melody from the Abyss.

"The Medical Conspiracy" DVD

A strong Medical warning which only an Illuminati insider could give. Systematic poisoning of the entire population through medicines is a key part of the Plan to reduce the population of the world by 66%.

"Must-See" New DVD

"Life On The Edge of A Bubble: 200 Years of Planned Economic Collapse - 'Blowing The American Dream' "

Financial Crisis. Panic. Bailout. Dire headlines urged quick action to prevent the collapse of the financial system. Crisis appeared to materialize out of nowhere.

Examine 200 YEARS of DELIBERATE financial erosion

"John Wayne" trailer, plus "Financial Overview"

North American Union Forming


NAFTA is Nation #1 in Global 10-Nation Reorganization Plan

New Revelation DVD

"Dynamic 'Book of Revelation' Study -- VOLUME 9 - Rev 2:9-11"

6 DVD Set - Exciting Trailer

COMBO OFFER: Dynamic 'Book of Revelation' Study - All NINE Volumes -- all 54 DVD's - On Sale! You Save $60.00 --

View Trailers From These Nine Videos


"The Origin of Evil - When Did Satan Fall? You Might Be Surprised"

We know that the angels were created before God created the Earth. We discover that Satan had already fallen in Genesis, Chapter 3. The great Biblical Mystery is, exactly when did he fall?

We see substantial Scriptural references to his rebellion, his agenda against God and God's authority, and finally, the eventual catastrophic judgment which ensued because of his sinful rebellion.

Warning For Our Time

"Already Gone" -

"Why Your Kids Have Already Decided To Leave The Church And Just Haven't Told You Yet

What You Can Do To Stop It"



DVD - "The Occult In Christian Music "- by Pastor Hoggard

Did you know that much Contemporary and Rock music being played right now in Christian Churches are heavily laced with Luciferian occultism?

"DVD - The Occult In Your Living Room"

2-DVD Video Set

Have you ever wondered how and why our culture has become so filled with overt Satanism? The images and symbols that fill TV screens and video games is so shocking, it is unbelievable!

How did this happen and how can I protect my family?

See our Huge Selection of DVD Videos

View Our Entire Video Viewing Room

New Headline News Articles

From Family Freedom to Global Control - Part 1

The UN Seizure of Parental Rights

Iraq Is Now A Radioactive Wasteland - Depleted Uranium Poisoning Is Starting To Take Its Toll Upon The Civilian Population

Isaiah 13 prophecy is now being fulfilled to the letter from America's war against Ancient Babylon, Iraq. "Seize and destroy the whole land" is now becoming reality.

    However, the form in which this final destruction is taking is so shocking and is so carefully hidden from Western eyes, the average Cutting Edge reader has no idea the kind of genocide which Skull & Bones Bush unleashed upon Iraq and her people.


“And He said to them, I saw Satan falling like a lightning [flash] from heaven” Luke 10:18 (Amplified Bible)



"Iraq War - Not Over By Any Means" - Part 1
"U.S. Still Headed For Planned Defeat"

Can you believe that most Americans actually believe that the Iraq War is over and that we have won it? Because people cannot find any news on Iraq anywhere on Mass Media, they feel that the Iraq War was over and that President Bush had won it.

We have lost the war in Iraq, a fact which will become more and more apparent as the next 12 months unfold. One day, people will wake up to realize that Iran does have firm hegemony over Iraq!! -

"Iraq War - Not Over By Any Means" - Part 2"Why Did Skull & Bones Bush Invade?"

The answer as to "Why" Bush set out to invade Iraq will shock you, as it is part fulfilled prophecy and part Satanic doctrine.


New Subscription Offer -- FREE  Stuff!

If you have never become a Cutting Edge Subscriber -- which gives you access to all our Headline News Articles for one full year --  or if you need to renew your subscription, now is the perfect time to subscribe!      For your subscription or one time gift of $25.00 or more you will get a one year subscription to the Headline News Articles and a free gift which you can choose below.

CHOOSE A, B, C for your free gift below each which is a $19.98 retail:
A. Seminar 1 and Seminar 2 in MP3 format . Now both seminars 1 and 2 on one CDROM! MP3 Audio format for play on your computer as well as CD and DVD players that will play MP3 format. Once you understand the evidence and truth we share with you, you will never look at the news the same way again. You will understand how America has become the nation she is, and you will be able to see the direction in which we are heading. Save $5.00 off buying them separately. Nearly 10 hours of seminar material plus printable passout notes for the seminars is included on the disc.
B. Our first 10 Cutting Edge audio radio programs on CD in MP3 format. Now you can enjoy the "Best of Cutting Edge Radio" programs!! This assortment contains 10 of the best selected radio programs.
Titles are as follows:

CER1098 Introduction To C/Edge + U.N. Millennial Summits, CER1099 Has Covenant of Antichrist Been Signed?, CER1104 God's Attributes Biblical Study, CER1105 Public School Conditioning Of Your Children!, CER1107 Changing Values Invisibly For Entire Populations, CER1108 Christians Should Read Daily News With Insight From Prophecy, CER1110 Proofs of Single-Party Control In USA, CER1111 Virgin Mary & Modern Pagan Goddess Worship, CER1112 Election Voter Fraud Deliberate and Planned, CER1114 George W. Bush Shows His True Colors Already!

C. "Relentless War" DVD - Peace Between Israel and Muslims Will Always Be A Myth" --   For the past 50+ years, peace between Israel and her Islamic neighbors has always proven to be a mirage, and will always prove to be! Just as the Bible foretells! When Israel pledged to pursue "land for peace" with the Palestinians, the undiscerning world breathed a sigh of relief, believing that peace in the Middle East had finally been given birth.

Watch Dynamic Trailer



If you choose to give more than $25, you can select more gifts, and receive more years of subscription.  For example, if you give a gift of $75 you will receive three FREE gifts, plus three years of subscription! This offer applies to gift subscriptions also.

Cutting Edge cannot continue unless we keep a certain level of Yearly Subscriptions and so once or twice a year we run a special giveaway subscription offer.  Please reach out at this most difficult time to help support Cutting Edge Ministries.  We are reaching 120,000 people a year with the Gospel in five languages so your gift will enable that wonderful spiritual eternal fruit to continue.

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Thank you so very much for your continued support.


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As always we ask you to pray daily for this ministry.

Be sure to visit the Sale items and Special offers sections where you will find 28 Special offers and 121 items on Sale.

David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
