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News Alert - Friday, 7/12/2024

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." (Romans 8:28-30, KJV)

Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. How long will it be until this Chaos turns into the night-mare of World War III?

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden and Trump Exchange World War 3 Accusations at US Presidential Debate," Greek Reporter, June 28, 2024

"President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump exchanged World War 3 accusations during the first US presidential debate ahead of the November election on Thursday evening. "

"After Trump accused Biden of 'driving us' to a third world war, Biden responded by saying a Trump election win would see Vladimir Putin’s Russia overrun Ukraine."

Whenever two presidential candidate accuses the other into following a path to destruction which will lead to a global conflagration, you can be excused for not entirely believing it.

The proof lies in immediate buildup by one or both sides. Both sides weighed in. Russian President Vladimir Putin was repeatedly referenced by Biden and Trump as they vied to show who was tougher on foreign policy.

“If we had a real president, the president that…was respected by Putin, he would have never invaded Ukraine', Trump said of Biden, kicking off a series of clashes between the two candidates over the wars in Ukraine and in Gaza."

President Biden counterattacked:

"Go ahead, let Putin go in and control Ukraine, and then move on to Poland and other places. See what happens then. He has no idea what the hell he’s talking about', Biden said of Trump."

What did Russian President Putin have to say?

"Putin has previously expressed indifference towards the election’s outcome. 'Basically, we don’t care [who wins]', Putin said earlier this month when asked by Reuters whether he believed the outcome of the US election would make a difference for Moscow.

“For us, we do not think the end result holds much significance. We will work with any president the American people elect,” he said.

Turning to Gaza, began his lying tongue.

" 'We saved Israel', he said."

True, at the beginning of the Oct 7 war, Biden and his inner circle constantly voiced their undying support for the Jewish state, but then silently began to impede Israel's progress and later, begin to actually stop military shipments enroute.

Now, pundits are saying that Biden is actively fighting Israel's progress.

Trump, on the other hand, proclaimed, " 'Israel would have never been invaded in a million years by Hamas' militants had he been president."

"“He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one', Trump said of Biden."

This reference is very odd, because God prophetically spoke ill of the Palestinians during the time frame in which the :Palestinian people are annihilated. LIsten:

"Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.|" (Obadiah 2, KJV)

NEWS BRIEF: "Rep. Mike Waltz Warns of Global ‘Chaos’ as Adversaries See U.S. President Declared ‘Mentally Unfit’ by Own Party," Breitbart News. 11 July 2024

"“Chaos” is the inevitable result of our country’s adversaries witnessing a United States president whose ;own party has declared mentally unfit according to Florida Republican Rep. Mike Waltz. He argued Joe Biden’s weakness has 'emboldened our enemies' and led to a series of international humiliations and increased threats, with the 'wide-open' southern border serving as a 'recipe for disaster for America'.”

One author believes that an irretrievable slide into global war has already begun:

NEWS BRIEF:"World War III is already here, so let’s start winning it," The Hill, July 6, 2024

"On July 4, 1776, our nation’s fighting spirit and will to win were born .. Two hundred forty-eight years later, we are again at war. Beginning on Feb. 22, 2022 — the day Russian President Vladmir Putin invaded Ukraine — the world as we have known it since the end of World War II has again turned upside down."

Now, this war now growing globally is not one that Americans understand.

'"It is rapidly becoming global in scale and scope. Initially sparked in eastern Europe, it is exploding beyond Ukraine and has spread to the Middle East, the Sahel in Sub-Saharan Africa, and it is threatening to engulf Taiwan as well."

"We are already in World War III. It does not look or feel like Hollywood said it would. Nuclear mushroom clouds are not exploding around us, nor are we waking up to radioactive day-after scenarios, trying to survive in fallout shelters. "

"Rather, this real-life version of World War III is far more insidious and deceptive. We are facing death by a thousand Russian and Chinese cuts around the globe, and the vast majority of the country remains unaware of our growing peril. "

Just as President Biden weakens us on every front - from economics, to our military, to our Southern Border, our adversaries continue sneaking up on us, tiny cut by tiny cut, until the time to strike arrives!

Foreign nations are preparing, markets are trembling, while American people are focusing on frail Joe Biden!

She even moved her aircraft carrier to the Philippine Sea.

2. China surrounded Taiwan with its largest naval and air exercise EVER.

NEWS BRIEF: "66 Chinese aircraft detected hovering around Taiwan, as China deploys aircraft carrier in Philippine Sea," Taiwan Sun, July 11, 2024

"Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence (MND) on Thursday said that it had detected 66 Chinese military aircraft and vessels around the island ... The media outlet embedded a statement by Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence on its X platform."

"66 PLA aircraft and seven PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 am (2200 GMT Wednesday) today," the statement said ... Fifty-six of the aircraft crossed the sensitive median line bisecting the Taiwan Strait - a narrow 180-kilometre (110-mile) waterway separating the island from China, it said."

"Taiwan's Defence Minister Wellington Koo was cited by Focus Taiwan as saying that "the MND had a 'full grasp' of the Shandong's movements."Meanwhile, Philippines on Wednesday expressed concern over China's deployment of a "carrier strike group" in the Philippine Sea.

"State news agency PNA stated that reports said the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong, along with a guided missile destroyer and a frigate, were spotted some 323 miles off Miyako Island. The Chinese aircraft carrier was observed conducting flight deck operations with its embarked jet fighters and helicopters, it reported."

NEWS BRIEF: "Companies mull moving Taiwan staff from China," Taipei Times, July 6, 2024

"Some foreign companies are considering moving Taiwanese employees out of China after Beijing said it could impose the death penalty on “die-hard” Taiwanese independence advocates..."

Personnel is often pulled out of a combat area just before violence strikes!

3. Very quickly now, Biden's crisis is turning America into a new Communist State!

NEWS BRIEF: "Now Hurtling Our Way: ‘Democrats Replace Biden With Anarchy’," Canada Free Press, 11 July 2024

"The embarrassing collapse of the Joe Biden Presidency, news of which we have been force-fed daily ever since the staged CNN ‘debate’, is a made-to-order DIVERSION to keep the masses from knowing what the Obama-led, power-crazed Democrats are really up to. Biden’s Democrat-planned departure is no less than the beginning of the end—the opening for the final chapter when Anarchy gets to finish off the entire West."

"Anarchy is already in varying stages of Takeover Progress in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, England, Ireland, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, and gathering steam in many other nations. But the biggest prize for anarchists and their One World Order masters in the now underground World Economic Forum (WEF) is America, the one outstanding country where patriots are still very much alive and kicking."

"The anarchists leading battles of chaos in countries cited above, originated from Antifa, Black Lives Matter and lately Hamas. Their main goal is delivering America into full fledged Anarchy ... "

NEWS BRIEF: "Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union', "Canada Free Press, 11 July 2024

"Leonid Brezhnev led the former Soviet Union as General Secretary of the Communist Party until 1982. But like most Russian apparatchiks who excessively smoked, drank, and gained weight, he aged prematurely. Also like them, his disabilities never led to his abdication."

"By Brezhnev’s late sixties and early seventies, he was too ill to travel abroad or make public appearances. Indeed, his debility left the Soviet Union without a real leader for the final six or seven years of his tenure."

"Brezhnev got away with it because the Soviet state-controlled media doctored photos and videos to attest to his supposedly vigorous health and constant hands-on involvement.

“Journalists” sent out false communiques. They spun narratives that Brezhnev was robust, hale, and working long hours on behalf of the Russian people. Any dissenting journalists who sought to report the true, sad state of affairs were in danger of losing their jobs, freedom—or even their lives."

Mass Media then abruptly stopped talking about Brezhnev and began extolling the virtues of Yuri Andropov!

"Something similar has happened to a calcified America under President Joe Biden. Like the late-stage Leonid Brezhnev, Biden is now a president in name only ... Now, Biden can no longer even perform his assigned ceremonial tasks of putting a moderate veneer on radical, nihilist agendas that are stagnating the country."

"Yet our Pravda journalists have sworn to the American people that, in private, the reclusive, three-day-a-week Biden outpaces the energy and drive of those half his age. Obsequious staffers plant stories in the Soviet-like ears of reporters about Biden’s singular dynamism.

"Any dissenters are publicly demonized as peddlers of “cheap fakes.”

"What is next for our increasingly Soviet state? One day, the same reporters who swore Biden was a virtual Socrates behind closed doors and then suddenly just confessed he was not when their lies were no longer operative will sing the praises of our new comrade leader—the brilliant, accomplished, eloquent, and articulate Kamala Harris.

4. If 10 million gun owners who are not registered to vote do register and vote, our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms would be a lot more secure.

NEWS BRIEF: "Gun Rights Would Be Ironclad if All 10 Million Gun Owners Voted Trump in November," American Greatness, July 11, 224

"Gun owners of America, unite—or lose your right to own guns for good. A stunning 10 million gun owners and hunters are not registered to vote in 2024 ... a potentially dire statistic for the Republican vote overall."

I had no idea whatsoever that 10,000,000 American gunowners were not registered to vote!

"Such a large voter bloc could easily secure former President Donald Trump a landslide victory—and defend the Second Amendment for years to come from the radical left—but gun owners have a sad history of being vocally active on social media and quiet at the polls."

"If we could convert 2 percent of all licensed hunters and get them to vote, GOP would win in a landslide,” said Baker Leavitt, an adviser to Vote4America on the District of Conservation podcast."

So, get out and VOTE!!!

The national Republican Party is guaranteeing our Constitutional Right to own guns:

The 2024 Republican Party platform defends our Constitutional guarantee of gun ownership.

NEWS BRIEF: "2024 Republican Platform Defends ‘the Right to Keep and Bear Arms’," Breitbart News, 10 July 2024

"The 2024 Republican Party Platform explicitly defends “fundamental freedoms,” including “the right to keep and bear arms.” Point seven in the 2024 Platform Preamble says, “Defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms.”

"... Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has made clear his determination to protect the Second Amendment from all foes."

"On May 18, 2024, Trump told an audience of NRA members, 'Let there be no doubt, the survival of our Second Amendment is very much on the ballot. It’s under siege'.He continued, “We need the Second Amendment for safety. Forget about going hunting and all the things you do — we need it for safety. Because you know the bad guys are not giving up their guns. The bad ones are not giving up their guns.”

5. The Biden White House just released a supply of 500-lb bombs to Israel.

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden admin unfreezes 500-pound bomb shipment to Israel," Israel365 News, July 11, 2024

"The Biden administration will unfreeze a shipment of 500-pound bombs to Israel at the heart of a public dispute between Washington and Jerusalem. The bombs “are in the process of being shipped” and should arrive in the Jewish state in coming weeks ... The 2,000-pound bombs meant to be part of the same shipment remain embargoed, a U.S. official told the Journal. The original shipment was to have included 1,800 of the heavier bombs and 1,700 of the 500 pound-bombs."

"“This is what is most disturbing to me—is that we’re withholding weapon systems that I have signed off on and Congress has appropriated with the intent of sending those weapons to Israel,” McCaul said. “Remember the supplemental? They were effectively withholding seven weapon systems."

Israel was most definitely short-sighted in allowing Armenian sources to control the ammunition resupply, for that has allowed a newly hostile White House to shut off the flow of weapons at just the time when your troops are in the field!

"Israel, America’s closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies,” Netanyahu continued. “Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. "

"Netanyahu reportedly told Blinken during their meeting last month that while Israel would continue to fight without U.S. support if necessary, the arms embargo gave Iranian-backed Hamas and Hezbollah a strategic edge, raising the chances of a prolonged war on multiple fronts in the Middle East."

6. Suddenly, its Russia, Russia, Russia - Hoax never dies!

NEWS BRIEF: "Intelligence Officials Claim Russia Is Trying to Influence the 2024 Elections in Favor of Trump," Breitbart News, 11 July 2024

"Senior U.S. intelligence officials have decided to weigh in on the 2024 presidential election, warning Russia is seeking to influence the outcome on behalf of former President Donald Trump."

Some Americans are so gullible that they can drink in another huge "fake news" depicting that Russia is trying to tilt the November election in favor of Trump!

"The warning will likely fall flat among Republican and conservative voters, after the intelligence community and federal law enforcement falsely claimed that Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton and win in 2016."

"A special counsel investigation by Robert Mueller found no collusion, and an investigation by then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) uncovered involvement by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The Justice Department inspector general and Special Counsel John Durham uncovered inappropriate and even illegal behavior by FBI officials against Trump and his advisers."

"And in 2020, 51 former U.S. intelligence officials claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation ... Iranian government actors are posing as activists online, seeking to encourage pro-Gaza protests in the U.S. and even funding protesters. The pro-Gaza protests have been aimed at pressuring the Biden administration to curtail support to Israel, and has been a major source of dissension among liberals inside the Democrat Party."

The National Democrat Party is the force of unmitigated lying, on such a huge scale designed to both deceive you and lead you into the Abyss!

7. AOC files Articles of Impeachment against Conservative SCOTUS Justices.

NEWS BRIEF: "AOC Files Articles of Impeachment Against SCOTUS Justices" The New American, July 10, 2024

"Pack the Court" is the label and it is being unfairly used.

"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC, D-N.Y.) announced she has introduced articles of impeachment against U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. In a press release today, she claimed the justices’ refusal to recuse from “consequential matters” has created a constitutional crisis"

"Ocasio-Cortez accused Thomas of committing high crimes and misdemeanors by receiving gifts from real-estate billionaire Hartland Crow. She also alleged Thomas did not report property sales..."

Remember President Franklin Roosevelt? A number of key pet programs of his New Deal program were struck down by the Supreme Court during the early part of his Administration, as the Justices proved themselves more Conservative than the President. Enraged, Roosevelt threatened to get Congress to pass a Constitution Amendment that would expand the numbers of justices sitting on the court, allowing him to "pack the court".

Fortunately, the Constitutional obstacles to getting such an amendment passed proved too insurmountable, so Roosevelt abandoned his idea. American Freedom was safe from another generation.

The world stands at the precipice of the final acts designed to bring in the global New World Order!

And, Antichrist stands in the wings, the 'Man of Destiny'!

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NEW DVD -- by Chris Pinto

'I do not like the late resurrection of the Jesuits .... If ever any Congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell ... it is this company of Loyola' -- President John Adams

'It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty.' -- Marquis de Lafayette

'This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.' -- Abraham Lincoln

'[Dr. Anthony Fauci] takes great pride in his Jesuit education, as he proudly professes, it has formed his life and his career.' -- Jesuit Father Daniel Lahart

American Jesuits may be one of the most important documentaries ever produced concerning the social and political conflicts in the United States today. The influence of Rome in America is one that was written about extensively by authors throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, with many warnings about a hidden plan by foreign powers to enslave the country. Nevertheless, most modern history books have been carefully rewritten to remove critical infomation that would likely warn the people about what has been happening behind the scenes for more than 200 years. Is it just a coincidence that many key figures in power today (Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Anthony Fauci), to name a few are either directly or indirectly associa1ed with the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order? And what will be the ultimate influence of this notorious society, which has been expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states, and cities around the world?

Run Time 2 hours 50 minutes


The true church has the light of life this searching world desperately needs. Will we succumb to the one-world mind or stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness?
Thousands of years ago, the Bible prophesied the Antichrist’s global agenda for the end times. The prophesied one-world government, economy, and worship mindsets are taking root across the world. The stage is being set for the biblical end-times scenario.

Unmasking the agendas at work in our world seems intimidating. Fear threatens us into silent submission. Guilt trips trick our emotions to get on board with the global agenda. However, we do not need to be scared or intimidated. More than merely listing the problems with the one-world mind, this book seeks to offer solutions.

This is not the time to go into hiding; rather, this is the time to stand boldly upon God’s truth. Some of the solutions offered in this book include:

•Understand how the one-world mindset is rising.

Discover God’s blueprint for conquering this mindset in your personal life.

•Be ready for eternity.

•Be equipped for this battle.

•Stand strong as a faithful watchman on the wall.

•Focus on Jesus.

The true church has the light of life this searching world desperately needs. Will we succumb to the one-world mind or stand out as a beacon of light in the darkness?

Joshua R. Davis (M.Div., Southern Evangelical Seminary) serves as Staff Evangelist with Southwest Radio Ministries. He also serves on the pastoral staff of his home church in Bristol, Virginia.



New Podcast

Deliver Us From Evil Part 4

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Part IV
The Forces of Evi

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded the following words in the book of Ephesians chapter 6:

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God..."

This passage is very familiar to the large majority of those in Bible-believing churches, but it is no exaggeration to conclude that most people who read these words take no time or effort to grasp their full implications. The reason for this situation: Our modern church culture has turned its back on the supernatural foundation of the Word of God and has transformed even the most conservative of congregations into a people who only skim the surface of that which the Bible teaches. Yes, many churches are justifiably working very diligently on evangelism, discipleship, caring for those in need, and other critical aspects of the ministry to those in this age. However, Christians today generally fall short of understanding much of what the Word of God has to offer because they tend to be so absorbed in the "here-and-now" that there is little effort given to teaching the supernatural nature of God, His Word, and the spiritual dimension that is all around us.

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