AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea:
Charles, Prince
of Wales, Foretold Second Edition
Sale: Reg. $49.96, Sale $44.95
This is the SECOND EDITION of
the definitive and foremost book on the subject of the
AntiChrist. Massively updated, this new edition covers
Charles' July 2022 global promotion of Ba'al-Molech
worship, his May 2023 coronation, what may occur in
Israel after Charles visit to the COP climate accords,
to include new details of his extraordinary influence,
power and wealth as king—and a very great deal
Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence
to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining
to the coming AntiChrist — that can be fulfilled
before he assumes control over a global government during
the Great Tribulation — are already fulfilled
in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of
no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage:
he claims descent simultaneously from Israel's King
David, Islam's false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false
occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has
the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat
of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation
Pages Long!!
of this World brings the unfathomable to life
thanks to an open eyed and detailed analysis of
the science and theology brought to our doorsteps
by the real possibility that unidentified flying
objects are manned by extraterrestrial beings
that are likely much smarter and far more spiritual
than earthlings. Are they a threat to our national
security and to our faith in God? Do they come
peacefully or as conquers? For decades US Government
officials have denied what many citizens now believe
that alien beings are among us and our government
knows much more than it has revealed to the public.
Do we really have alien craft and “biologics”
as Congress was told by former officials?
332 Pages.
New Podcast
Us From Evil Part 4
with Mac Dominick after filming
Part IV
The Forces of Evil

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, recorded the following words in the
book of Ephesians chapter 6:
"We wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers against
the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the
whole armour of God..."
This passage is very familiar to the
large majority of those in Bible-believing churches, but
it is no exaggeration to conclude that most people who
read these words take no time or effort to grasp their
full implications. The reason for this situation: Our
modern church culture has turned its back on the supernatural
foundation of the Word of God and has transformed even
the most conservative of congregations into a people who
only skim the surface of that which the Bible teaches.
Yes, many churches are justifiably working very diligently
on evangelism, discipleship, caring for those in need,
and other critical aspects of the ministry to those in
this age. However, Christians today generally fall short
of understanding much of what the Word of God has to offer
because they tend to be so absorbed in the "here-and-now"
that there is little effort given to teaching the supernatural
nature of God, His Word, and the spiritual dimension that
is all around us.
Full Description
Run Time 2 hours - 
Deliver Us From
Evil - 1-4 in the Series
Now Available
as a 4
DVD combo pack - Save $10
Or purchase individually

Important News Articles - Analysis
1. They are planning
to come after you and throw you in prison!
Relativism and its Ties to Conspiracy Theory Beliefs",
Neuroscience, 9/23.2023
" Researchers explored
the link between the belief that truth is relative and susceptibility
to conspiracy theories ... Results revealed that those believing
truth to be subjective were more inclined towards conspiracy
beliefs and resisting contradictory facts. This subjective
truth approach paradoxically tied with dogmatism."
Wow! A person is more likely
to hold conspiracy beliefs if they hold fast to bedrock
This statement means that
Christians are the last ones who should be considered to
be a Conspiratorial Theorist, because we belief in a Bible
that never changes and we worship a God Who never changes.
However, how conspiracies
tie so firmly into Christians? We believe that world events
are created by long-running conspiracies. What is the classical
foundation for Conspiracy?
President Thomas Jefferson
provided us with a definition that will last forever:
a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period
and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers,
too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing
us to slavery." ["The
Unseen Hand", by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 196]
Notice that this definition
automatically weaves a dictatorial repression into the very
definition -- "a series of oppressions".
As Nazism did, Progressives
are touting a scientific basis for determining who is a
"Conspiracy Theorist"!
What does the Bible teach
about conspiracy?
This New World Order Plan
is spiritually based. It is a conflict
between God and His forces on the one hand, and Satan and
his demonic forces on the other side. Anyone who does not
know Biblical doctrine about God and Satan, and who does
not know Scriptural prophecy, cannot comprehend the nature
of the struggle facing the world today, and will be duped
by apologists like Rush Limbaugh was.
Jesus aptly described the
situation of apologists like Rush trying to convince his
listeners that there can be no conspiracy. Listen to His
words: "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the
blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall
into the ditch." [Matthew 15:14]
person is also displaying his lack of understanding of the
Scriptures when he attempts to debunk conspiracy. The Scripture
speaks strongly of a conspiracy of the final days' of time
that will produce the Global Economy and Government of the
Antichrist and the Global Religion of the False Prophet.
I have discovered, during my seminars, that Christians who
know their Bibles do not need to be convinced that a conspiracy
exists; rather, they are eager to know the specifics. Let
us now review the Biblical evidence that the End Times'
government, economy, and religion, is prophesied to be caused
by a conspiracy.
* Definition of conspiracy:
"A planning and acting together secretly, especially
for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder or treason."
What does the Bible have to
say concerning the direction of world affairs? There are
only two fundamental viewpoints which a person can have:
either a person believes that events occur as the result
of a Plan or that events occur randomly and by chance. The
Bible is quite clear that God controls world events.
Therefore, a Christian must
hold to the belief that world events occur as a result of
God's intervention and control. Consider the following Scripture:
1. Isaiah 46:9b-11
2. Isaiah 40:15, 17,
3. Daniel 2:21 - God
controls earthly kings and kingdoms, even if the king is
evil and rebellious against God.
4. But, God has a
super-natural enemy, Satan. Satan is nowhere near God in
power, ability, and authority, since he is a created being.
But, Satan is above the powers of this earth, hence, supernatural.
The Bible states that Satan conspired against God before
the world was created, in an attempt to remove God as Sovereign
of the Universe, and reign in His stead. Listen to the Biblical
account of Satan's attempted coup against God. Let us pick
up God's account in Isaiah 14:12:
"How art thou fallen
from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou
cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit
also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of
the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High."
Yet thou shalt be brought
down to hell, to the sides of the pit." [Isaiah 14:12-15]
Lucifer dreamed in his heart
of supplanting God as Supreme Authority in the Universe.
We see the thoughts and plans he held in his heart, as he
persuaded one-third of the angels of Heaven to join him
in his rebellion. In five (5) separate instances, Lucifer
envisioned himself in God's place. Bible scholars will tell
you that this passage is the ultimate in showing sinful
elevation of a person in his mind, in rebellion against
God. Of course, God had no trouble putting this rebellion
down. He cursed Lucifer, changing him into the chief of
demons, and changing his name to Satan. God also cursed
the rebellious angels who had sided with Lucifer, changing
their countenance from glorious angelic beings to grotesque
This scene is the first recorded
rebellion in universe history. Lucifer planned in secret
to carry out an unlawful act: overthrowing the constituted
authority of God, and replacing God's government with his
own. Thus, the precise definition of a "conspiracy"
resulting in treason, was fulfilled.
now need to shift the time frame many years into the future
following this conspiracy in Heaven. In the new Garden of
Eden, Satan takes the form of a serpent in order to entice
Eve into partaking of the forbidden fruit. [Genesis 3:1-7]
Here, again, Satan is carrying out a conspiracy against
God, attempting to overthrow God's plan for mankind, substituting
his own, with himself as the object of worship.
Fast forward several thousand
years later, to the book of Daniel. In chapter 10, we see
the prophet, Daniel, praying and fasting for further understanding
of, and insight into, the Great Tribulation Period. Daniel
waited for three entire weeks for God's answer. Finally,
at the end of the three week period, an angel appeared to
give Daniel God's reply. Before the angel gave Daniel the
message, he told him why it had taken him three weeks to
get to Daniel, as God had given His reply on the first day
that Daniel had prayed. The angel said that he had been
temporarily prevented from getting to Daniel, because he
had been attacked by a very powerful National Demon, whom
the angel called, the "Prince of the Kingdom of Persia".
What or who is this demon?
In this era known as the "Times of the Gentiles",
Satan has assigned his most powerful demons to stay close
to the rulers of the various nations in order to sway that
ruler to take actions that would advance Satan's kingdom.
However, God has also assigned Godly angels to each ruler
of each age. These opposing supernatural forces are constantly
battling in the supernatural realm to attempt to influence
the rulers to take action that would advance either God's
kingdom or Satan's.
Of course, we know that God's
angels will prevail. However, for the purpose of this article,
Satan's attempt to sway the rulers of the nations constitutes
a conspiracy, according to our dictionary definition, above.
Satan is constantly working through human rulers to try
to get them to take actions that would advance his kingdom.
God is constantly working through His angels to influence
human rulers to take actions that would preserve God's plan
for mankind. Satan's activity in this matter constitutes
a conspiracy against God.
God reveals that the coming
of Antichrist will be preceded by the deliberate action
and planning by 10 rulers that will gain all political power
in the world just before Antichrist arises. In fact, the
entire world will be reorganized into 10 Super Nations.
consider the most important verse which teaches conspiracy
at the End of the Age:
Revelation 17:12-13, 17:
10 horns that you observed are 10 rulers... who are to receive
power and authority for a single hour, along with the beast.
These have one common policy (purpose), and they deliver
their power to the beast... God has put it into their hearts
to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering
their royal power and authority to the beast, until the
prophetic words of God shall be fulfilled."
This is the Plan, secretly
set in motion over 100 years ago, and coming to fruition
in our daily news. All the current ten rulers are simply
the last in a long line of rulers committed to this New
World Order Plan. The desire to surrender U.S. sovereignty,
and the sovereignty of all the other nations in the world,
has been in place for over 100 years. This Plan constitutes
treason in each of these countries, including the United
States. Therefore, this plan to surrender all national sovereignty
has had to occur in secret and be implemented in tiny stages
over a long period of time, so that no one will notice that
the final destination is a global government, guaranteeing
the final destruction of all sovereign nations. This is
treason, by definition, and conspiracy, by definition.
Summary: Christians who understand
Scripture and the prophecies concerning the last days should
be expecting a conspiracy to develop and should be looking
for the evidences of it. However, this is not the case today,
as many Christians disbelieve the existence of a conspiracy
as completely as do non-Christians.
2. After hundreds
of Chinese Communist practice bombing runs against Taiwan,
the new Taiwanese president adopts a "rope-a-dope"
NEWS BRIEF: "Taiwan's
president says wants to work with China after drills",
Newsbreak, May 26, 2024
"Taiwan's new president
said Sunday he was still ready to work with China, despite
this week's military drills around the self-ruled island
... Three days after Lai Ching-te was sworn in, Chinese
warships and fighter jets encircled Taiwan in drills that
China said were a test of its ability to seize the island."
"During the two-day drills,
China vowed that "independence forces" would be
left "with their heads broken and blood flowing".
Lai told reporters on Sunday that
he wanted Taiwan and China to "jointly shoulder the
important responsibility of regional stability".
Passed a bill pledging
"to work" with China on issues.
I believe that this new Taiwanese
President is throwing himself deliberately against the ropes,
pretending to be hurt; once the Communist force takes the
bait and aggressively launches an attack. Once Taiwanese
forces see an opening, they will launch a counter-attack
with modern forces of their own.
"The rope-a-dope is a
boxing fighting technique in which one contender leans against
the ropes of the boxing ring and draws non-injuring offensive
punches, letting the opponent tire themselves out. This
gives the former the opportunity then to execute devastating
offensive punches to help them win. The rope-a-dope is most
famously associated with Muhammad Ali in his October 1974
Rumble in the Jungle match against world heavyweight champion
George Foreman in Kinshasa, Zaire. "|(Wikipedia)
China must be alert as the
Taiwanese forces are very well equipped and trained!
3. SURPRISE! After
8 years of coddling Iran by President Obama and 4 years
by President Biden on the issue of Enriched Uranium, the
anticipated result is announced:
Iran’s Enriched
Uranium Stockpile Is 30x Bigger than Obama Nuclear Deal
Iran’s Enriched Uranium Stockpile Is 30x Bigger than
Obama Nuclear Deal Allows", Breitbart
News, 28 May 2024
"The International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a confidential report on Monday
that discovered that Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched
uranium reached 30 times the limit Tehran accepted in former
President Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal."
For 8 years under President
Obama and nearly 4 years under President Biden, we Conservatives
who voiced firm criticism from Obama and Biden, being contemptuously
told that their Liberal appeasement policies would not work.
Many Liberals actually said,
"My policy of appeasement is not dangerous because
it will prevent Iran from getting the nuclear bomb. I am
going to prevent Iran from getting the bomb on my watch."
But, here we are, Iran flipping
the West off as they parade their nuclear material.
And, the world is incredibly
baffled and bewildered!
4. The entire world
is suddenly debating the concept of declaring a Palestinian
countries now recognise a Palestinian state:
Has infuriated Israel,"
Newsbreak, 5/30/2024
"Israel's war in Gaza
since the October 7 attack has revived a global push for
Palestinians to be given a state of their own ... breaking
with the long-held view of Western powers that Palestinians
can only gain statehood as part of a negotiated peace with
What was Israel's response?
"Their move, which has
infuriated Israel, brings to 145 out of the 193 UN member
states that have recognised a Palestinian state."
This agenda steadily moved
forward under a number of guises:
* "In November 2012,
the Palestinian flag was raised for the first time at the
United Nations in New York after the General Assembly overwhelmingly
voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinians to "non-member
observer state".
* "Three years later,
the International Criminal Court also accepted Palestine
as a state party. "
* "In 2014, Sweden, which
has a large Palestinian community, became the first EU member
in western Europe to recognise a Palestinian state. "
What level of support do Israeli
citizens provide? After all, their lives and those of their
families are in close proximity to a violent and intransigent
Survey: 64% of Israelis Reject
Normalization with the Saudis as Reward for Palestinian
State," The Jewish
Press, May 29, 2024
"A new survey by the
sometimes dubbed 'neo-conservative' Jerusalem Center for
Public and State Affairs (JCPA) reveals that fewer Israelis
than before favor establishing a Palestinian State as part
of a comprehensive regional agreement and normalization
with Saudi Arabia."
"... 64% of the Israeli
public opposes the establishment of a Palestinian State
under normalization conditions."
How did the brutal attacks
of 'October 7' change people's minds?
"the October 7 massacre
caused a third of the respondents who previously believed
that a Palestinian State could be established under certain
conditions to change their minds, and today they are completely
averse to the idea."
"Dr. Dan Diker, the current
JCPA president said, 'The Israeli government and the Knesset
rejected the idea of a Palestinian state as a solution,
especially as a reward for Palestinian terrorism or as a
post-Hamas solution. Public opinion polls now reflect the
Israeli public’s understanding of the importance of
the issue after the seventh of October.”
World governments
appear to be determined to force a State even if the Palestinians
do not want one.
BRIEF: "Palestinian
Columnist: ‘We Do Not Want a
Ceasefire, We Want Ongoing War’,"
Breitbart News, 14 May 2024
"A Palestinian columnist
writing in Arabic in a Qatari newspaper declared this week:
“We do not want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war.
Victory is at hand.”
Why doesn't the Biden Administration
listen to the Palestinians, who are saying in a variety
of ways that they do not favor a state located right up
against the Jewish state?
"... We do not
want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war. Victory is at hand…"
Therefore, Israel
must defeat/destroy her Palestinian neighbor!
5. Israel and Egyptian
military forces suddenly exchanged gun fire, killing one
And Egypt Exchange Fire," Forbes,
May 27, 2024
"Egyptian and Israeli
forces exchanged fire near Egypt’s border with the
Gaza Strip on Monday, killing at least one member of Egypt’s
security personnel, multiple outlets reported—a tense
encounter just after an Israeli Defense Forces airstrike
in Rafah left at least 45 people dead according to Gaza
health officials."
Both sides must refrain
from going to war! A widening war in the Middle East can
- Reg. $19.98, On Sale $9.98 while quantities last- SALE
Public Schools are closing, as private schools proliferate!
schools are closing as school choice takes off,"
World Net Daily, May 27, 2024
"As Republican Florida
Gov. Ron DeSantis has pushed school choice initiatives,
leading to a spike in charter and private school enrollments,
public schools are shutting down. Across the state, public
school enrollment is declining."
"School choice and private
school enrollment has been steadily rising over the last
decade. Since 2013, over 600 new private schools were established
in Florida, and about 120,000 students opted for private
education over public ..."
Why is Common Core so relevant
today for your child? (NOTE: The name 'Common Core\has been
changed several times since we published this video, but
the content is depressingly the same.)
Now Is The Time For God's
People To Separate And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers
of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Rev
18: 4)
God is calling all Christian
parents to separate their precious children from Public
Schools to save their eternal souls. Common Core is a new
label for state -controlled public education standards in
an ongoing attempt to dumb down' the American educational
system, a struggle that has raged for 200 years. Common
Core is a deficient education designed to produce the Common
Herd work force for the New World Order.
Parents must yank
their children out of public schools, their precious eternal
souls are at stake.
We are NOT advocating that
Christian parents aggressively try to reform the public
school system from within. That concept is NOT biblical,
has been tried for 40 years, and will never work. Scripture
commands families to provide Christian education, not a
secular or godless education.
We advocate that Christian
parents remove their children from public schools to enroll
them in the safe sanctuary of private Christian schools,
home school or online Christian education. The Bible tells
the believer: 'Come out from among them and be ye separate,
says the Lord...' (2 Cor. 6:17) This 'Call To Action' is
Biblically based! Many parents today refuse to address the
spiritual forces endangering their children's beloved eternal
souls in public schools. Many are too in love with the world's
system - even if they have to send their precious children
to a pagan, atheistic, hostile public school. Our approach
is Biblical, following the express teaching of the Bible
on how to raise and educate children, an essential part
of our Christian walk of faith and obedience to Christ.
Are you ready to answer to
Jesus on Judgment Day for why you left your children in
hostile, pagan Public Schools?
NOTE: We are hoping
that customers will be encouraged by our Sale
Price of 50% off to buy extra so they can give them
away to friends and loved ones!