News Alert - Thursday, 5/23/2024

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Out of this World brings the unfathomable to life thanks to an open eyed and detailed analysis of the science and theology brought to our doorsteps by the real possibility that unidentified flying objects are manned by extraterrestrial beings that are likely much smarter and far more spiritual than earthlings. Are they a threat to our national security and to our faith in God? Do they come peacefully or as conquers? For decades US Government officials have denied what many citizens now believe that alien beings are among us and our government knows much more than it has revealed to the public. Do we really have alien craft and “biologics” as Congress was told by former officials?

332 Pages.


New Podcast

Deliver Us From Evil Part 4

Interview with Mac Dominick after filming Listen


Part IV
The Forces of Evi

The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, recorded the following words in the book of Ephesians chapter 6:

"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God..."

This passage is very familiar to the large majority of those in Bible-believing churches, but it is no exaggeration to conclude that most people who read these words take no time or effort to grasp their full implications. The reason for this situation: Our modern church culture has turned its back on the supernatural foundation of the Word of God and has transformed even the most conservative of congregations into a people who only skim the surface of that which the Bible teaches. Yes, many churches are justifiably working very diligently on evangelism, discipleship, caring for those in need, and other critical aspects of the ministry to those in this age. However, Christians today generally fall short of understanding much of what the Word of God has to offer because they tend to be so absorbed in the "here-and-now" that there is little effort given to teaching the supernatural nature of God, His Word, and the spiritual dimension that is all around us.

The passage from Ephesians 6 quoted above is a perfect example. When reading this passage, many Christians take such a superficial approach to think of the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness as evil human beings. Nothing could be further from not only reality but also the context of the passage. Most Christians have the idea that pagan gods or even the false gods of the Old Testament are (or were) just the figment of a primitive, uneducated imagination. As a result, they miss the concept of these entities described by Paul as very real spirit beings whose sole purpose is to harm them and their families. The basic theme of Paul's discourse in Ephesians 6 provides instruction as how to combat harmful spirit entities that are very active in the world today.

Starting in the Old Testament with Satan, Part IV of Deliver Us from Evil will expose these forces that have been fighting against Yahweh and His children since the time of the Garden of Eden. We will look at the false gods of the Old Testament, the Greek gods, the Roman gods, and even the Norse gods. We will discuss the identity of these gods and even demons who have been battling against the one true God since the dawn of time.

In summation, the sad truth is that most Bible- believing Christians miss some of the most fascinating aspects of the Scriptures because they are not taught the Word of God from a supernatural perspective. Additionally, our church culture and lack of teaching has prevented those who follow Yahweh from knowing Him as intimately as is possible. One must be taught the truths of the sacred text in context. This segment of Deliver Us from Evil will seek to do just that.

Run Time 2 hours -


Deliver Us From Evil - 1-4 in the Series

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Critically Important News Articles - Analysis

1. The total annihilation of the Palestinian people continues to unfold, as three European Nations pledge support for an independent Palestinian State!

NEWS BRIEF: "Hamas welcomes Palestinian statehood recognition", Israel365 News, May 22, 2024

"The Hamas terrorist organization welcomed Wednesday’s decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state. “ 'We consider this an important step towards affirming our right to our land', the goup said in a statement, calling 'on countries around the world to recognize our legitimate national rights'.”

In God's eyes, the Palestinian people have no 'legitimate national rights'!

Israel belongs to God -- "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. " (Psalm 50:10-11, KJV)

God has given the land to Israel FOREVER -- ""I will establish My covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant."

The fuel for this fiery clash between the Palestinians and Israelis points directly to this attempt from the Palestinians to refuse to recognize God's Sovereignty over all the Earth, including Ancient Israel.

In fact, the 1.5 billion Muslims do not accept that Almighty God, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is Omnipoent. If they did accept God for Whom the Bible speaks, they would not dare to speak the way they do.

On the whole, these teachings have been created out of thin air, designed only to encourage young Islamic men to carry out the "Ancient Hatred" of the Arab towards the Jew.

This ancient hatred is the dynamic force fueling Islam's plans of annihilating war against Israel and the thorough eradication of every one of her citizens.

God warns that this "Ancient Hatred" will be the basis of His own annihilating judgment of the Arab world during the End of the Age. The doom of the Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese and Egyptians is now set because their current inhabitants possess the very same "ancient hatred" which their forefathers showed toward Israel 3,000 years ago!

Listen to God's prophetic warning on this subject:

"FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem...." (Joel 3:1; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

You can write in the margins of your Bible that God fulfilled Verse 1 on May 14, 1948, as He brought Israel back from her 2,000-year captivity and restored the fortunes of Israel. Now, let us continue:

"I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and because they have divided My land." (Joel 3:2; Ibid.)

God promises that He will destroy these people "for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel". God will finally execute final judgment upon the Arabs for their 3,000-year history of unparalleled hatred toward the Jew.

Iranian and Hamas leaders meet in Tehran to vow to destroy Israel, reiterating their 3,000 year campaign that caused God to utter complete annihilation in Obadiah.

NEWS BRIEF: "Iran’s Khamenei and Hamas leader meet, vow to destroy Israel", World Israel News, May 23, 2024

"During a meeting, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh declared that they would see the day when 'Israel will be eliminated'.”

"Haniyeh was visiting Iran representing Hamas at the funeral of Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash.

“The divine promise to eliminate the Zionist entity will be fulfilled, and we will see the day when Palestine will rise from the river to the sea,” Khamenei told Haniyeh during the meeting."

This Ancient Hatred continues today, but the time is rapidly approaching when God delivers His mighty judgment to eradicate all Israel's Ancient Enemies.

2. President Biden immediately rejected the concept of a Palestinian State.

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden says ‘No’ to Unilateral Palestinian Statehood," United With Israel, United With Israel, May 23, 2024

"On Wednesday, Ireland, Norway, and Spain announced that they will officially recognize Palestinian statehood on May 28th. The Biden administration on Wednesday pushed back on plans by three European countries to recognize Palestinian statehood, even without a final status agreement between Ramallah and Jerusalem."

"Hours later, a senior White House spokesperson responded to the controversy, telling CNN that while the president supports Palestinian statehood, he does not believe in unilateral steps.

The president is a strong supporter of a two-state solution and has been throughout his career', a White House National Security Council official said."

“He believes a Palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition.”

" 'Our position is clear: The recognition of a Palestinian state is not a taboo', French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné said ... 'France does not consider that the conditions have been present to date for this decision to have a real impact in this process'.”

This much is true: "The recognition of a Palestinian state is not a taboo' "

Rather, it is a prophecy, and n End Times prophecy - Isaiah 34:12 - "They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing (all its princes shall be no more)."

The Question of the Hour: Is his rejection here in the spirit of Afghanistan?

Do you remember Biden's shameful withdrawal? At first, the President talked tough. But then, Biden bungled our withdrawal so badly that or forces abandoned Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars of advanced weaponry!

Biden even gifted the Taliban with an Air Force!

China is gleaning lessons about Biden and his in-ability to lead America against China over Taiwan.

Therefore, he cannot be counted upon to hold the line anywhere, especially regarding a Palestinian State!

3. President Biden is committing the Biblical "Sin of Saul"?

NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s repeating the sin of King Saul… and it’s hinted at in Purim," Israel365 News, May 22, 2024

"One function of a king of Israel is to lead the war against Amalek, Israel’s eternal enemy ... When God commanded King Saul to perform this duty, he did so but with one notable exception: he spared Agag, the king of the Amalekites."

"But, as a king, Saul believed that royalty was above mankind. As such, the king was above the law, above the Torah, and even above God. While Saul accepted the mandate to wipe out the people of Amalek, executing the king would have been an affront to kings all over the world, making them accountable to God. This was unacceptable to Saul." (Bold Added)

How does this ancient genocide apply to President Biden today?

"The Biden administration sees itself as above the law. All of the tools of the legal system, the DOJ, FBI, and even the IRS, are just servants of the administration. A president cannot be prosecuted, and the legal system is rightfully used against the president’s opponents. When Raisi murdered thousands, he did so as the 'legal' arm of the regime, which was their right and his duty. The Biden administration mourned what they saw as the tragic death of a faithful servant of the highest law in the land."

Consider this present-day application.

"The Biden administration does not acknowledge the authority of the Bible. They advocated for abortion as a 'right'. The Biden administration also does not acknowledge the covenant in which God gave the land of Israel to the descendants of Jacob. The 'two-state solution' being pushed by the Biden administration is an open declaration that the explicit dictates of the Bible do not have precedence over the will of the president."

Now we know the reasons for Biden acting the way he does; he feels absolutely above his fellow countrymen, above the Bible, and above all restraining documents, like the Constitution!

PM Netanyahu told his countrymen that the battle to the death against Hamas is like the "Battle Against the Amalekites!

NEWS BRIEF: "What is the biblical story of 'Amalek'?", ABC New News, 30 January 2024

"Amalek. It's a biblical tale of destruction that has been invoked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and featured in a drill hip hop song that's garnered millions of streams ... so, what is the ancient story of Amalek? How does it relate to the current conflict? And why is it a key part of this ongoing international court case?"

"The conflict between the Israelites and Amalekites — the people of Amalek — begins in the Book of Exodus, after the Israelites escape Egypt and cross the Red Sea.

"The Amalekites basically ambush the Israelites and attack the most vulnerable', Professor Omer explains."

"Flipping to the Book of Samuel, the warring tribes cross paths once more. The Israelites are reminded by God to remember the Amalek and what the Amalek had done to them," Professor Omer explains."

What did God order the Jews to do to the Amalekites?

"King Saul is instructed by God to completely annihilate all of the Amalekites, including children, babies, animals, men, women, everyone". Only, he didn't entirely complete the task. Professor Omer explains that King Saul spared the best animals and along with Agag, the king of the Amalekites."

God's authoritative order to the Israelites to annihilate the Amalekites "children, babies, animals, men, women, everyone" is identical to His order in the Book of Obadiah!

"For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them. But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity." (Obadiah 10-13)

Modern-day Palestinians have treated Israelites in precisely this manner!

God continues:

"For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been. (Obadiah 15-16, KJV)

God guarantees a smashing victory!

"But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it." (Obadiah 15-16, KJV)

As the Lord lamented: "For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen."

4. Now that the Trump case is nearing conclusion, Liberal Progressives are now trying to unseat one or more Conservative Supreme Court Justices.

NEWS BRIEF: "Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT): Alito Is ‘Unfit to Serve’, Breitbart News, 22 May 2024

"Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is “unfit to serve” and should recuse himself from cases involving former President Donald Trump while discussing reports about an “Appeal to Heaven” flag and an inverted U.S. flag flying at his residences."

"... this political statement, make no mistake, this flag is a political statement. It is part of a pattern. This political statement is, in effect, support for Donald Trump for a religious strand of the Stop the Steel movement and for theological vision of what America ought to be and how it ought to be governed. Which is okay for Speaker Johnson to fly outside his office. He’s a politician. Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be above reproach and above politics.”

Are they trying to hedge their bets in case Trump's "hush money" verdict is overthrown on appeal?

5. Why is the Global Elite so anxiously awaiting the Rapture of the Church?

NEWS BRIEF: "Pretending It All Works," Canada Free Press, May 20, 2024

"Understand this: more than half of this nation will not accept a post-God world government, let alone a post-God America.?"

Most Christians have no idea that their mortal spiritual enemy on earth today -- the Illuminati -- is awaiting the Rapture of the Church with great anticipation! The reasons "Why" may surprise you.

Now, New World Order leaders are being told by their 'Guiding Spirits' that this event will happen. Therefore, the Plan has been ever so slightly rewritten so this 'Rapture of the Church' serves the Plan of the New World Order in a major way! Be prepared to be shocked!

The government is going to blame the Rapture on Aliens!

Occultists trained in the Illuminati Plan know the Rapture of the Church is near, and are awaiting it breathlessly! Then, Paul tells the church at Thessalonica that this Rapture will occur when the peoples of the world are saying, amongst themselves, We finally have 'Peace' and 'Safety' in the world'. Soon after they begin saying this, probably at the apex of this belief, the Rapture of the Church will occur. A most startling fact is that the drive to the New World Order is being mightily propelled by the dogmatic assertion on behalf of its adherents that the only way to achieve 'Peace' and 'Safety' in the world is by establishing this global system called The New World Order. Now, the question begs to be asked, 'When will people believe the most strongly that the world has finally achieved this 'Peace' and 'Safety'? I believe the answer is that, when Antichrist arises. The Plan calls for him to arise out of a Third World War, between Israel and her Arab neighbors, a war whose stage has now been completely set.

Let us begin with the question as to how they could even believe in this Rapture, since they do not believe in Biblical inerrancy, or prophecy. Each meaningful leader of the New World Order has his own 'Familiar Spirit', usually called their 'Guiding Spirit'. These 'Guiding Spirits' are nothing more than demonic spirits working for Satan in achieving his goals on Earth. These 'Guiding Spirits' have given much insight into how changes need to be made politically, spiritually, and economically in the world to achieve the Kingdom of the New Age Christ. All aspects of this New World Order Plan have been communicated through these 'Guiding Spirits'. Even most of the books published in New Age bookstores are written by a 'Guiding Spirit', writing telepathically through the human host, a procedure known as 'Automatic Writing'. Certainly, without this supernatural leadership, human leaders, working together for the past 300 years, could never have achieved this New World Order!

Beginning in 1987, 'Guiding Spirits' of key New World Order leaders began to inform these human leaders to start preparing their adherents for a spectacular global event, that would occur just after The New Age Christ [Antichrist] will make his appearance. What was this spectacular event to be? As these 'Guiding Spirits' explained, when The Christ appears, there will be many people throughout the world that could never accept his views or his teachings. These people would prove to be a great obstacle in the way the New Age Christ wanted to move the peoples of the world.

Therefore, the 'Masters of the Logos' had decided, these 'Guiding Spirits' said, to suddenly snap these people into another dimension, soon after The Christ arose. These recalcitrant people would be retrained in spirit, so that, when they reenter the 'Reincarnation Cycle', they will be fully persuaded as to the merits of the New World Order. Of course, when these people get back to earth in reincarnated bodies, the New World Order will have been in full swing for several hundred years, and everyone will know then how wonderful it is!

The New World Order leadership fully expects to have to kill over 2 billion people worldwide shortly after The Christ [Antichrist] stages his appearance. This expectation carries very heavy logistical requirements upon the global military establishment. To understand how this is so, let us go back to the other New World Order leader in this century who considered himself to be Antichrist, Adolf Hitler. Hitler killed 18 million people, including 6 million Jews, during his 7-year Holocaust. At almost precisely the half-way mark during this 7-year period, Hitler's killing machine became highly mechanized, as the newly constructed mechanized gas chambers and ovens came on line.

Author Lifton refers to these new future camps as "pure killing camps".

We close this section by revealing again how ferociously determined New Age leaders are about reducing the human population.

"If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrphic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate. " by Bill McGuire, 01:32, 5/11/2045


Or, listen to an even more macabre prediction: "The monument was named the Georgia Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten commands or guides that were intended to provide wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom?

Or to launch a global genocide? "

Or, listen to Jose Argulles: "The human population WILL BE resettled. Major population centers WILL BE thinned out. THIS is the true impact of this legislation. When time comes for the "thinning out" and the "resettlement", no individual will have any say about whether or not they will go to the new area; they will NOT be allowed to stay in their privately-owned property. The benevolent, kindly mask of the Government Beast will have come off, revealing the true Nazi Wolf that has been there all along, now ready to rend and kill the flock.

When Arguelles states that the major population centers will be "thinned out", this is euphemism that means, people die.

Jesus has the final say in this discussion. Looking ahead 2,000 years, Jesus said about the End of the Age:

"And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days." (Mark 13:20, KJV)

Amen, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

PS: Bible-believing Christians can relax about this Environmental Panic, because we know what God promised.

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Genesis 8:21-22, KJV)

God promised that He controls the end of this world, not man!

And this promise: "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.| (1 Peter 5:7)

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