New Podcast
Us From Evil part 4
with Mac Dominick after filming
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Cutting Edge Teachings
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Named 'Image of the Beast' coming after YOU!

The Demon Book: Artificial Intelligence
and the Image of the BEAST"
Musk at the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department’s
2014 Centennial Symposium)
SHOULD BE KILLED.” (Revelation
In recent years, astonishing
technological developments have pushed the frontiers
of humanity toward far-reaching morphological transformation
that promises in the very near future to produce what
the book of Revelation describes as the living “image
of the beast,” followed by a devoted new form
of humanity.
Will this mysterious image
become realized through the emerging technologies of
transhumanism, artificial intelligence, technological
singularity, and the ungodly ambitions of a hive mind?
The dynamic changes detailed in this book unveil how
godlike machines with the capability of crossing over
species and the extra dimensional barriers put in place
by God will soon be ushered in. As a result, vast numbers
of people could be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural
implications. 422 pages
But is there a way for
citizens to be prepared for what is coming! Be
Saved Through Jesus Christ Today!
NEW DVDs From Bill Schnoebelen
the past year media buzz about UFOs and a coming DISCLOSURE
of heretofore secret government and military documents
and photos of unknown aircraft has risen to fever pitch.
The Air Force is admitting to more than 140 sightings
of UFOs by military aircraft with that number rising
In addition, hundreds - If not thousands - of people
are coming forward to share their memories of horrific
abduction by some sort of unknown and terrifying alien
entities. These experiences often involve mental and
physical probes, torture and rape.
With decades of research combined with
personal experience, Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D.,
shares this Spirit-led Teaching containing vital information
for the End-Times concerning the profound, dark magical
underpinnings of the modern UFO phenomenon.
Run Time 1 hour 26 minutes
Full Description or Order Yours Today
there demonic entities and wicked spiritual powers behind
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Important News Articles - Analysis
1. Events spiraling
around the world are occurring just as we predicted in
our DVD, "World War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin
prophecy reveals that Antichrist will be produced on the
world scene by a number of signs, including 'wars and
rumors of wars'. Demonic familiar spirits told the Elite
in 1870 that three world wars will be needed to produce
Antichrist. Make no mistake about it: Antichrist will
be produced by World War III.
Therefore, the question
of the hour is, 'when will this global war begin' and
'what are the signs it is about to commence'? Many major
events are planned to occur just as World War III begins.
Mankind will be systematically hit with unparalleled disasters
of every kind as this planned global war unfolds. But,
none of these events will occur until the lynchpin called
'World War III' is pulled.
When the Global Elite pulls
this lynchpin event called World War III, events are going
to be unleashed in such severity and in such great numbers
the peoples of the world will not stand in awe, they will
panic and run for the hills. Jesus said that 'men's hearts
shall fail them for fear', and the Elite is creating just
such climactic events which shall not occur until the
lynchpin known as 'World War III' is pulled.
We will show you the major
disasters the Elite has created and is waiting only for
the beginning of World War III to unleash them all, almost
at once. No one need fear that any of these disasters
will jump across the starting line ahead of time; each
awaits the 'pulling of the lynchpin', World War III.
Elite have created
a number of disasters, but not causing them to go active,
preferring to have them occur quickly, one after another,
in overwhelming rapidity.
These are the major disasters
the Illuminati has created, waiting for the lynchpin:
A. World-wide pandemic -
a disease which truly kills in massive numbers!
Health Organization Ready To Drop DISEASE X Bomb on Humanity",
Canada Free Press,
like COVID, DISEASE X—which at this stage is a name
for something not yet a virus—is another pretext
for control, just another evil attempt to shut humanity
down. WHO will drop DISEASE X on world citizenry at its
Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, May 27-June 1—the
equivalent of throwing a bomb into the room before closing
the door."
"In typical UN style,
they are changing the language. What they intend to inflict
on world citizen is no longer a 'Treaty', it’s now
an 'Accord ... They are calling it an “accord”
instead of a treaty in an effort to bypass U.S. Senate
approval. Yes, the Biden regime is attempting to unilaterally
hand over U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations World
Health Organization while pushing other nations to do
the same."
The Louisiana Republican
Legislature fired a warning shot across the bow.
"Senate Bill 133, co-authored
by Republican state Sens. Valarie Hodges and Thomas A.
Pressly, as well as state Rep. Kathy Edmonston, aims to
ensure that these international bodies have no jurisdiction
or authority within the state’s boundaries."
The Constitution grants
to the states the ability to resist any encroachment upon
their fundamental rights, such as the right to govern
themselves. When the world army reaches the Louisiana
border, they will be facing all of her police and National
Guard Troops and her entire outraged citizens.
The time will have arrived
for Christians to start acting like faith-filled Christians.
God has promised us protection from disease:
"I will say of the
Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him
will I trust Surely he shall deliver
thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome
pestilence." (Psalm 91:2-3, KJV)
"Thou shalt not be
afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that
flieth by day; Nor for the
pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the
destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at
thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee."
(Psalm 91:5-7, KJV)
thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the
most High, thy habitation; There
shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague
come nigh thy dwelling." (Psalm 91:9-10, KJV)
If the Rapture has not occurred
before God allows the WHO police to enforce the edicts
of this man-made virus, then He can be depended upon to
protect us from it.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
B. Famine is Prophesied
- Food shortages worldwide.
knocking at the door of 41 million worldwide, WFP warns",
U.N. News
News of Genetically Modified
foods and "Terminator Seeds" abound and re very
true. Today, Agricultural Elite can simply withhold seeds
that farmers need for their current crop and widespread
famines will immediately begin. Very few nations store
years of grain anymore to guard against famine.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
Prophecy: "Therefore
shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning,
and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire:
for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."(Revelation
18:8, KJV)
C. Total Dictatorship accompanied
by the dissolution of every device limiting the powers
of government, like America's Constitution.
Almost daily some government
official is introducing another proposal which will snatch
away another precious freedom!
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
D. All-out regional war
breaks out in the Middle East
This war will start between
Israel and the Palestinians, but then expand outward to
include all the Arab nations surrounding Israel. Hizbullah
will attack from Lebanon, forces will attack from Syria
and from Jordan and from Egypt. Current regional events
prove that the stage is being set for this war to begin.
The whole region seems to be trembling on the verge of
a religious war between Jew and Arab.
On October 7, 2023, Hamas
specially trained commandoes quietly invaded all Jewish
towns located on the Gaza / Israel border. These soldiers
efficiently murdered and tortured and raped Jewish citizens
from age 6 months to 80 years. Before IDF could regain
control, over 1,200 innocent people were brutally murdered.
This vicious attack started
a war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and
gave the Democrat Party the opportunity to gradually accept
Hamas' brutality and to turn against Israel.
President Biden is in the
process of leading America to an abandonment of Israel
and joining the ravenous dogs seeking to destroy her life!
Meanwhile, Biden is threatening
to withhold critical ammunition resupply and equally important
spare parts. America is fulfilling prophecy by turning
against Israel.
Then, finally, God turns
Russia around and redirects her attack on Ukraine as she
leads a consortium of nations in an attack on Israel (Ezekiel
38-39, KJV)
When all is said and done,
Almighty God will deliver Israel and destroy hundreds
of thousands of Islamic armies marching against Jerusalem.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
E. A very frightening nuclear
war threat will suddenly erupt from North Korea. Listen
to the exact wording of the Plan:
"A hair-raising nuclear
confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period,
threaten man's very survival." (Peter Lemesurier,
"The Armageddon Script", p. p. 223)
Once Russia invaded Ukraine,
Putin began a rhetorical Media campaign threatening nuclear
war. That campaign continues to this day.
F. China will invade Taiwan.
The Chinese military is
constantly conducting exercises designed to successfully
invade Taiwan.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
G. Arab terrorists strike
American and European cities with wide-spread terrorism,
and threatening to use nuclear devices. The world panics.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
H. Riots erupt in American
Do you remember the words
of Henry Kissinger during the time of the Rodney King
riots in Los Angeles? "Today, Americans would be
outraged if U.N. forces entered Los Angeles to restore
order. Tomorrow, they will be greeted."
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
I. Economies all over the
world buckle and collapse as the global war spreads from
Israel to North Korea to China as the Markets roil from
currency revaluation, famine, economic bottlenecks and
world war.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
J. A 9.0 earthquake will
strike Los Angeles. ("Behold A Pale Horse",
Bill Cooper, p. 177)
Since scientists can create
earthquakes at will with both HAARP and Scalar Electromagnetic
Weapons, this earthquake can occur whenever he
Elite want to trigger it. If you want
to see a depiction of the devastation planned by this
Los Angeles earthquake, rent the movie, “10.0”.
This race car has pulled
up to the starting line, its engine idling.
K. Free governments all
over the world will be dissolved and Absolute Dictatorships
will be implemented, more quickly than anyone could ever
have imagined.
In fact, American military
and civilian leadership have been training regular duty
personnel and National Guard and local police forces on
how to carry out effective crowd control, how to arrest
civilians and how to operate make-shift prisons.
These training exercises
began during the Clinton years and have continued through
this present day. The time has not yet arrived for Martial
Law to be carried out. That timing awaits the formation
of the Ten Nations being carried out right now.
When the time does
come to clamp down, Martial Law and start enforcing Patriot
Acts I and II, the Elite plans to fully implement their
dictatorship in 72 hours. You will not have time to plant
your survival seeds, or to use your survival cabin, or
to fire up that generator. Nationwide military checkpoints
will suddenly appear all over our land, catching everyone
by surprise.
But, for
now, all that is occurring is training to clamp down Martial
The point is, the Elite
has prepared many different scenarios which will not be
triggered until World War III breaks out. Each these individual
events are sitting like a race car at the starting line,
engine idling, just waiting for the global war to break
out so they can all be triggered at once. Doc Marquis
said that these events will occur at a rapid rate, one
after another after another.
Doc said people's hearts
will literally fail them for fear, as they can scarcely
comprehend one disaster when they will hear of another
and then another and then another. People will be overwhelmed
by the succession of so many horrific disasters after
Remember, Doc warned, "none
of the planned events will occur before the others".
And, the trigger for all these events is World War III,
literally a lynchpin holding all planned events
in place. Once this gigantic lynchpin
is pulled, all these planned disasters will quickly follow.
People worldwide will be so upset and so confused by so
many disasters happening at once, they will literally
leap at any proposal from their leaders that will "solve
the problem".
At that point, the New World
Order can be established as soon as World War III has
run its course and the Masonic Christ has appeared on
the world scene. Get ready, fellow soldiers of the Cross.
The end of the birthing process to produce Antichrist
is right straight ahead of us. When you see Israel carrying
out the prophesied annihilation of the Palestinians as
foretold in Obadiah 15-18 and in Isaiah 12, you will know
old earth has just hit its Titanic-type iceberg, and our
eventual sinking is both inevitable and just a short time
2. The world is
turning on Israel, threatening to allow godless Islam
victory over God's Chosen People!
the world has turned against Israel",
Spiked Online, April 29, 2023
"From the late 1960s onwards,
it could rely on America as an ally – although
that backing seems to be waning today, particularly
among Democrats. The outside world’s perception
of Israel has changed enormously in its 75-year history.
These changes owe at least as much to developments in
the West as they do to developments in Israel. In particular,
it seems clear that waning support for national self-determination
in the West has made it harder for Israel to justify
its existence."
No one is called upon to "justify
Israel's existence!
Omnipotent God declared it to be His
Divine Will and Purpose that Israel would come back
to her land and be reestablished as a nation, against
all odds. God further told us that He will prosper and
would defeat all her enemies through to the time of
That scenario is now fulfilling. But,
formerly Christian America is betraying Israel.
President Biden
is leading this betrayal.
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
Shameful Betrayal of Israel at the United Nations,"
National Review, March 28, 2024
"By allowing the United
Nations Security Council to pass a resolution demanding
an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza while Hamas
remains in power and still holds 130 hostages, the Biden
administration has shamefully betrayed a key ally while
empowering a terrorist group committed to its destruction."
Make no mistake about it,
President Joe Biden is greatly angering God when he so
blatantly betrays the only friend America has in the entire
Middle East and the only (honestly) elected ally.
"As a result of this
resolution, Hamas has very little incentive to agree to
release the remaining hostages, including Americans, as
part of any cease-fire agreement — as it knows that
the international community, with the tacit approval of
the U.S., is now demanding that Israel lay down its arms
regardless of the hostages’ fate."
October 7"
"Israelis are less
than six months removed from the worst massacre of Jews
since the Holocaust, a massacre that Hamas leaders have
vowed to repeat over and over again until Israel no longer
What is the conclusion of
this author?
"Unfortunately, thanks
to Biden, Israel will have to contemplate the reality
that it is now alone."
No, Israel is NOT alone!
The time has arrived for Angelic help.
"And at that time shall
Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for
the children of thy people: and there shall be a time
of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation
even to that same time: and at that time thy people
shall be delivered, every one that shall be found
written in the book." (Daniel 12:1, KJV)
Further, the Archangel Michael
will have unlimited Angelic assistance.
"For he shall give
his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash
thy foot against a stone." (Psalm 91:11-12)
The last time this angelic
host was seen was at the birth of baby Jesus:
"And suddenly there
was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising
God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:13-14, KJV)
No, Israel is most definitely
NOT alone!
3. Israel mistakenly
destroyed an ambulance, killing 7 civilian aid workers.
apologizes after air strike kills 7 volunteers at celeb
chef Jose Andres' World Central Kitchen in Gaza,"
Human Events, 4/2/2024
"The UK, Poland, Australia,
Canada and the US have demanded answers after 7 humanitarian
workers from the World Central Kitchen were 'unintentionally'
killed in an airstrike in Gaza by Israeli military Monday.
Each country had nationals who died in the strike, which
Israel has taken accountability and apologized for."
Biden led the effort
to condemn Israel, forgetting the Hamas' unspeakable war
Uses Aid Tragedy to Blame Israel for Civilian Deaths;
Hamas Off the Hook," Breitbart News,
2 Apr 2024
"President Joe Biden
issued a statement late Tuesday in response to the accidental
killing of seven aid workers in Gaza by an Israel airstrike,
blaming Israel for aid distribution problems and claiming
Israel is not doing enough to protect civilians."
What about Hamas' role in
this war?
"Biden’s statement
barely mentioned Hamas — neither its tactic of using
civilians as human shields, nor its practice of stealing
humanitarian aid. 'I am outraged and heartbroken by the
deaths of seven humanitarian workers ..."
Have Biden's forces ever
wrongly struck a civilian target? Yes!!
"In 2021, the U.S.
military killed ten civilians in Kabul, Afghanistan, in
a drone attack. The Biden administration claimed that
the strike had been 'righteous',
but later admitted that it had made a terrible mistake."
Israel's acknowledgement
of responsibility was quick and decisive.
" 'I want to be very
clear—the strike was not carried out with the intention
of harming WCK aid workers. It was a mistake that followed
a misidentification–at night during a war in very
complex conditions. It shouldn’t have happened'.”
4. The Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff admitted that America does
not have the capacity to fulfill some of the weapon's
orders Israel has placed.
says Israel has not received all requested weapons for
fight in Gaza: 'Don't
have capacity'," Fox News,
29 March 2024
"The U.S.’s top
general said Thursday that Washington has not sent all
requested military arms to Israel as the brutal fight
in Gaza continues ... Although we've been supporting them
with capability, they've not received everything they've
asked for," chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of
Staff General Charles Q. Brown said Thursday.."
We have repeated our belief
since Russia invaded Ukraine that a major consideration
for Ukraine's request for military munitions was simple:
someone wanted to set up a scenario whereby America would
ship so many arms to Ukraine that it could not sustain
a war against China against Taiwan and a war against North
Korea/South Korea China.
We stand by this analysis.
Over the past 20
years, America has insisted that Israel allow us to create
the ammunition stockpile on a large number of weapon's
Now, Israel must
deal with a hostile nation who controls her ammunition
resupply during a life-or-death struggle.
Biden continues
his campaign against Israel.
House Using 4-Part Plan to Overthrow Netanyahu,
Breitbart News, 3 April 2024
"The Biden White House
is attempting to overthrow the elected government of Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, using a four-part plan
that reportedly involves the United Nations and left-wing
activists in Israel."
What is Biden's nefarious
"... Dror set out in
granular detail the White House’s four-part plan
to overthrow the government. The components involved actions
on the ground in Gaza; the use of the U.N. Security Council;
extortion of government ministers; and mass protests."
Joe has no idea that he
is betraying a most powerful God, of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob. Not only will Biden\s counsel shall not stand,
but he is storing up for himself incredible wrath and
punishment from The One True God!
5. A "Cultural
Communism" is waging war against America.
NEWS BRIEF: "Cultural
Communist Warfare," Canada
Free Press, 3 April 2024
"We concentrated on
defeating the enemy out there somewhere, but while we
were looking outward, inwardly communism infiltrated America’s
institutions, and slimed its way into Europe’s so-called
“soft socialism.” Communists put themselves
into positions of power, and as technology provided them
gift after gift, the communists grabbed a hold of The
West, controlling and regulating the actions of the people
without ever firing a single shot."
But, it gets worse:
"Now, the communists
operate openly in today’s America, no longer shy
about being careful regarding how much communism they
should inject into our system, as was the policy of the
Fabians a little over a century ago."
Can we roll this
massive effort back?
"Racism and
Climate Change -- The Needed Emergencies|
"Christians still stood
in the way. Christians make up the majority, and don’t
need government to do for them; they have God. So, the
destruction of Christianity became the next scheme."
"Without God,
there can be no Christianity, and without Christians,
the opposition to communism dwindles
to almost nothing."
Now you know why the Illuminati
knows of the 'Rapture of the Church' and are eagerly
awaiting for it!