News Alert
- Thursday, 6/29/2023
saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
(John 14:6, KJV)
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Must I Do To Be Saved?
podcasts are now reaching 81 different countries.
Here is our latest podcast just published. Our podcasts
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New Bookstore
- Summary:
Enemies Within: The Church is an educational, historical,
and evidence-based movie experience that provokes a
passionate return to orthodox Christian faithfulness
across the western world. As is necessary for such a
wonderful turn toward Christ, the movie heralds a clarion
call for Christians to turn away from popular, yet errant
beliefs held in contradiction to carefully interpreted
Holy Scriptures. - Run Time 2 hours 20 minutes
About the Film Enemies Within: The Church
is much more than a mere movie. It is also an invitation
for believers of every denominational stripe to employ
a proven Biblical recipe capable of producing restored
strength and blessing for all who answer. Specifically,
the movie encourages the Church to cleanse itself from
contamination imposed by cultural Marxism and a heretical
teaching known as “The Social Justice Gospel.”
By hearing the exchanges between the movie's host and
experts interviewed around the world, viewers are provided
with a bright light shining upon truths formerly hidden
behind the shadows of shallow pop-culture.
In the end, the audience is pointed toward
a hope- filled and practical action plan that produces
solutions found only in and through the royal Law of
Christ. The movie elucidates the fact that every single
problem faced by western civilization is, ultimately,
a theological problem, and every solution to every problem
is a theological absolute. It answers the question:
“What happened to living, powerful, trans formative,
nation- shaking Christianity?”
Full Description

The Satanic War on the Christian: The Protection
From Satan and Demons (DVD) Billy Crone
As a born-again Christian, the moment you got
saved you entered into a spiritual war against
a demonic host, whose sole purpose is to destroy
you and extinguish your effectiveness for Jesus
Christ. This is the Satanic war on the Christian,
and it’s been raging for the last 6,000
years. But the problem is many Christians, even
churches, refuse to talk about it, let alone equip
others who are in the midst of it.
This study, The Satanic War on the Christian,
not only reveals the shocking reality of the supernatural
battle we’re in as Christians, but it also
exposes the seductive weapons, traps, and attacks
the devil and his evil emissaries use against
us to keep us from becoming a mighty army for
Almighty God.
5 DVD set  |

Christ and His 12 Apostles made history –
and benefited mankind for centuries to come. It’s
just as possible that Satan, always a flawed imitator
of God, used the services of his own 12 Apostates,
in perpetrating his crimes on Earth.
Author Lubrett Hargrove has pinpointed 12 men
in Bible history, who “turned from the truth,”
and just may have qualified to be one of Satan’s
12 apostates.
Readers will better comprehend the complexity
and dangers of the modern world in light of the
cautionary tales of these men who turned from
the truth and joined Satan’s forces.
Now is the time to decide whose side we are on.
191 pages  |
the Lord's Prayer, Jesus specifically taught His disciples
to pray, "...deliver us from evil."
While we here
in the United States have enjoyed a relatively peaceful
existence, it seems that the Gates of Hell were opened
in 2020, and the citizens of this country (and all of
humanity for that matter) have been assaulted on every
side by the oppressive forces of evil from the spiritual
realm. It has gotten so bad that even secular
individuals are publicly proclaiming that we are under
attack from evil spiritual forces. Cutting Edge
Ministries has produced this teaching series to give
all who are seeking the truth answers as to where the
attacks originate and to provide a path for victory
over Evil.
This first installment
introduces the student to the issues and opens the Word
of God to educate as to the origins of the evil perpetrated
on mankind. In this first lesson, we will look at the
biblical accounts of primordial evil that picture Leviathan
and other dragon-like representations of evil forces
named in Scripture. We will then look at the first
rebellion outlined in the Bible with the Fall of Satan
and the Fall of Man.
Run Time 1 hour 54 minutes Watch
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Western Society has now sunk into the
morass of Sodom / Gomorrah.
Light sponsors raunchy Toronto Pride parade",
BPR News, June 27, 2023
"While Assistant
Health and Human Services Secretary Adm. Rachel Levine
has called for a 'Summer of Pride', the final official
weekend of the hedonist month was celebrated with public
nudity from coast to coast. "
"... they once again
were a vocal supporter of deviancy and outright criminal
Now, preschool
children are now being sexualized to the point that
adult LGBT-Q perverts can receive satisfaction!
Clamps Down On 1 Sick Practice:
"Bans 'sexually oriented' performances in the presence
of minors"," Patriot Journal,
June 23, 2023
recent years, Americans have woken up to a sickening
trend on the left. Democrats, in public schools and
other places, have been trying to subject children to
content only appropriate for adults. Republicans have
accused Democrats of trying to 'groom' kids."
"Many states have
struck back for parents and children. They have signed
laws that prevent leftists from exposing children to
shocking displays. Now, Texas has become the latest
state to fire back against the radical left’s
scheme against our children. And Democrats are already
"The measure, slated
to take effect September 1, prohibits businesses from
hosting 'sexually oriented' performances in which someone
is nude or appeals to the 'prurient interest in sex'
in the presence of minors ... This means no drag shows
for kids. It’s pretty horrible that Texas even
has to pass this law. But that is the state of the left
in 2023. They are so morally bankrupt, they are encouraging
children to be exposed to homosexuality in the form
of drag shows."
"You have to wonder
about the kind of person who wants to perform drag before
children. But let’s not bother. Let’s fight
to protect our children from the left, which is increasingly
becoming more and more like Sodom and Gomorra."
NEWS BRIEF: "Christians,
Jews, and Muslims Unite Against LGBTQ Curriculum in
Schools", American Greatness, June
28, 2023
"On Tuesday, parents
from all three of the major religions united in a protest
of a major school district’s efforts to teach
sexuality and pro-LGBTQ material to their children ...
the Montgomery County Public School Board of Education
(MCPS) held a meeting to discuss a controversial policy
that forbids parents from withdrawing their children
from certain lessons if the parents consider them to
be inappropriate. "
2. Teaching
that "God is Queer" is spreading across our
society and across the minds of its most vulnerable.
German Lutheran pastor preached that 'God is queer'
," World Net
Daily, June 26, 2023
is the time to say … 'God is queer.' " Who
spoke these blasphemous words, and what was the context
of the statement? The words were spoken by Quinton Caesar,
a Lutheran pastor in Germany, at the conclusion of the
annual gathering of the nation's Protestant (meaning
Lutheran) pastors."
"The conference theme
was 'Now is the time', and this was the immediate context
of Casear's words (who himself is black, originally
from South Africa): 'Now is the time to say: 'Black
lives always matter.' Now is the time to say: 'God is
queer.' "
In other words, the malignant
value by which society has changed, we can now say "God
is QUEER" without fearing negative backlash.
Recreating God is Satan's
image is now taking over our society.
This attitude is the most
important in determining whether God is going to physically
annihilate the entire society as He did at Sodom. You
simply cannot worship another god and escape God's eternal
More cataclysmic / ruinous
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden's
new LGBT toolkit encourages student 'sexuality' clubs
at school", World Net Daily, June
28, 2023
"The Department of
Education (ED) released an LGBTQ toolkit in June for
schools and wider districts to create an 'inclusive'
environment, encouraging the creation of student Gender
and Sexuality Alliances (GSA) clubs ... aims to provide
school districts and wider areas with sample policies
and practices they can adopt to create a 'safe and supportive'
environment for LGBTQ students."
NEWS BRIEF: "Khanna:
Schools Will Have to ‘Move Away from Standardized
Tests’ if They Can’t Use Racial Preferences",
Breitbart News, June 28, 2023
"Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA)
predicted that in the wake of the Supreme Court’s
decision on racial preferences in college admissions,
schools will move away from test scores and focus more
on statements in student essays on race."
3. Have unseen
forces been unleashed against cities?
carrying pollutants falls from bridge in Yellowstone
River, Montana", Taiwan Sun,
June 28, 2023
Montana: A freight train carrying hazardous materials
fell into the Yellowstone River in Montana after a bridge
collapsed. Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency
Services said the train cars were carrying hot asphalt
and molten sulfur. Officials closed drinking water intakes
downstream while they evaluated the danger after the
One of the most
important goals of the Elite today is to so ruin the
experience of living in cities, and you will see how
events of this day are designed to snatch away the joy
of living in the city.
NEWS BRIEF: "Manhattan
restaurants hit by repeat smash-and-grab burglaries
as owners blame lack of cops ", New
York Post, June 28, 2023
"A thief smashed
the glass door of Lower East Side Argentinian restaurant
Balvanera around 4 a.m. Sunday morning fleeing with
$400 from the cash drawer. It’s the restaurant’s
third break-in since last year, ringing up a tab of
thousands of dollars in damages."
The reality is that authorities
are not prosecuting, and heinous crimes are being committed.
Lack of prosecuting leads
to an inevitable breakdown and dissolution! The ultimate
goal of destroying cities and returning land back to
NATURE is well underway! And, this kind of lawlessness
without consequences is promoting this destruction.
4. As many as
10,000 Chinese young men have been noted crossing the
Southern border with Mexico.
In civilian clothes,
of course!
NEWS BRIEF: "Thousands
of Chinese illegally entering US through southern border",
American Military News, 24 Apr 2023
"A growing number
of Chinese nationals are illegally entering the United
States through the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection Protection (CBP) data shows. The
CBP recorded 4,271 Chinese nationals crossing the southern
border between October and February."
" The number was
more than 10 times greater than the same period the
previous year."
"Now, all of a sudden,
we see a surge of people from China,” she said"
NEWS BRIEF: "Without
Borders: Why Have A Military In the First Place?
American Greatness,
June 28, 2023
"The annual military
budget of the U.S. is around $800 billion. That is a
serious chunk of change. At its most basic, the military’s
sole goal is protecting the country. If it is not going
to do so, why spend the money?"
"With coordinated
attacks, this country could be brought to its knees
without our enemies firing a single missile. And recovery
would not be quick or easy. It could take years to get
things operating at a somewhat normal level. It is not
beyond the realm of possibility that full recovery would
never happen. It would require trillions of dollars
and millions of man hours to fix this carnage."
"A few hundred pre-planned
saboteurs could do the work – and stop our country
in its tracks – all with little risk to their
home country. They could in effect win a war with the
USA without ever directly confronting us – at
least until after the mayhem is unleashed on the country."
"I respect the intelligence
of our enemies and I would be astonished if the Chinese
communist government hasn’t already sent thousands
of agents across our southern border – each with
a specific target(s) in mind."
"When the word comes,
each executes their plan and the USA becomes a third-world
country overnight with hundreds of millions of citizens
crying out for help – all without firing a shot.
And pounding our chest about the damage our nuclear
forces could do would do nothing to reverse the carnage
that has already been done.
a lack of drinking water, death on a biblical scale
is not out of the question."
Biblical prophecy
being fulfilled:
" And there
went out another horse that was red: and power was given
to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth,
and that they should kill one another: and there was
given unto him a great sword ... And I looked, and behold
a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death,
and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto
them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the
beasts of the earth." (Revelation 6:6-8",
5. The United
States' Supreme Court struck a major blow against the
encroac hing unconstitutional system of govern-ance!
NEWS BRIEF: "Supreme
Court: Racial Preferences Unconstitutional in College
Admissions", Breitbart News, June 29,
Racial preferences in college admissions violate the
Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, the Supreme
Court decided Thursday in a historic decision with profound
implications for racial preferences in many areas of
law and public policy."
"... ways of favoring
one applicant over another based
on the color of their skin"
This Supreme Court decision
was tendered in 1978, giving America a silent, gigantic
unconstitutional pillar upon which this country could
give reparationss to account for slavery.
Now, the practice of giving
blacks preference over all kinds of national endeavor,
is mercifully ended. For 15 years, my wife worked for
a prominent hospital in down-town hospital.
Most of the nurses and
assistants were not only black - thanks to this unconstitutional
law -- but they had received their education completely
This example of this law
in practice spreads today over almost this entire country.
Thank God this unfair practice is
NEVER FORGET: The political party
which inflicted all the Jim Crow laws, sharecropping,
voter intimidation laws and the KKK, all came from
the Democrat Party.
The Democrats are the same political
party which has largely convinced people that they
are the party of the discontent and the downtroded
-- and certainly that of the black man.
Honestly, black people in this country
have accepted a reversal of President Abraham Lincoln's
"Emancipation Proclamation"!
Further, by demanding that the black
man continues receiving stupendous, never-ending concessions,
the black man is admitting that they cannot compete
fairly and on a level court.
They are admitting that they have
tried, but failed, to win without the heavy hand of
the Democrat Party and the Federal Government.
Listen to the belief of the old Democrat
Party Confederacy as to the inferiority of Blacks,
and weep. Listen to the words of the Vice President
of the Confederate States, as he publicly spoke to
a crowd in Savannah, Georgia, in 1861; hear his disgusting
"In what's now known as the
'Cornerstone Speech', Stephens told a Savannah, Ga.,
crowd in 1861 that 'our new government is founded
upon exactly the opposite ideas [as those of the original
Declaration of Independence]; its foundations are
laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth
that the negro is not
equal to the white man; that slavery,
subordination to the superior race,
is his natural and normal condition. This, our new
government, is the first, in the history of the world,
based upon this great physical, philosophical, and
moral truth." ("1861 'Cornerstone Speech'
", by Alexander H. Stephens, Georgia, Confederate
Vice President)
Democrat Southern leaders of the
day (1861) chimed in as they described the black slaves
and their position within the Southern states.
"My own convictions as to negro
slavery are strong ...We
recognize the negro as ... our inferior,
fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform
the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as
good as what slavery enables them to be." ("40
Top Jefferson Davis Quotes That Reflect His Mind")
"We do not think that whites
should be slaves either by law or necessity. Our
slaves are black, of another and inferior race. The
status in which we have placed them is an elevation.
They are elevated from the condition in which God
first created them, by being made our slaves. None
of that race on the whole face of the globe can be
compared with the slaves of the South. They are happy,
content, un- aspiring, and utterly incapable, from
intellectual weakness, ever to give
us any trouble by their aspirations." ("Cotton
Is King" speech, James Henry Hammond)
This utterly disgusting view of the
African-American race was the key foundation of the
entire Southern Confederacy! And, the Democrat Party
ruled supreme throughout the South.
Today's current Democrat Party leadership
continues to secretly feel identically to their brothers
of 160 years ago!
The Vision of Martin Luther
Why cannot we all listen once again
to Martin Luther King, whose famous goal for all blacks
rings true down the hallways of this country? Listen
to Dr. King and compare its meaning with the plaintive
cries of today's black leadership.
"“I have a dream that
my four little children will one day live in a nation
where they will not
be judged by the color of their skin
but by the content of their character.”
To reiterate: my four little children
will one day live in a nation where
they will not be judged by the color of their skin"
Once again: my four little children
will one day live in a nation where they
will not be judged by the color of their skin
The slogan also is true:
"The dead always vote Democrat"!
And, "Thank God the
Party controls the voting machines"! (Barak
Obama, speaking to a group of ladies)