Invisible War
on the Saints: Victor or Victim?
demonic attack dramatically changed a life. We, as believers,
are to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons
of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.
In life, we fail to recognize the temporal versus the
eternal, the unseen vs. the seen and the unseen is the
most important of all. Pastor and radio host of Hello,
World Greg Patten takes us on his personal journey dealing
with the spirit world – unnerving, house- shaking,
spine-tingling experiences with the demonic and captive.
While topics in Invisible War
on the Saints: Victor or Victim 1) include Exorcism,
2) Curses, 3) Channeling, 4) 5) Strongholds, 6) Spiritism,
7) Witchcraft, 8) Sorcery and 9) Binding
The end goal for this pastor is
victory in Jesus; further, he shares how to take the
steps from victim to victor, using scripture, godly
wisdom and the power of Jesus Christ, our Savior, to
bring into captivity every thought to the obedience
of Christ.
247 pages
- Book by Dr Greg Patten and Southwest
Radio Church Onward, Christian soldier, Patten says.
Victory is just ahead.

Important News Articles - Analysis
1. Hamas leaders
declare a state of 'Permanent Warfare' between Israel
and all Palestinians!
declares ‘permanent war on Israel': Urging
all Arab nations to join in bloody gamble",
The Mirror (US), Nov 9, 2023
"Hamas has declared
a "permanent" state of war on Israel and has
urged every Arab nation to join them in a bloody gamble,
as the terrible fight rages on. Fears are growing in
the Middle East over the possible outbreak of a larger
regional war., and the latest revelation from a Hamas
media adviser has heightened things even more. "
Hamas leaders, along with
Arab, Israeli, and Western officials who track the militant
group, said the shocking October 7 attack had been planned
and executed by a tight circle of commanders in Gaza.
It's said the group did not share the details with their
own political representatives abroad or with regional
allies, such as Hezbollah, leaving those outside the
enclave shocked by the ferocity, scale, and reach of
the assault.
Prime Minister Netanyahu
seems to believe that now is the time to erase an enemy
which has so fervently opposed them for the past 4,000
years -- the House of Esau -- also known as the Palestinians
of today.
The Palestinians are comprised
of Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, and Hezbollah!
Therefore, unless
Israel is comfortable for 100% war, they must annihilate
2. The Israeli
Central Command Chief seized all private guns from exposed
/ vulnerable small farmers, leaving them completely
NEWS BRIEF: "Central
Command Chief Confiscates Jewish Farmers’ Weapons:
Leaving Them Defenseless", The Jewish
Press, Dec 7, 2023
"IDF Central Command
Commander Major General Yehuda Fox recently decided
to confiscate weapons that had been given by the regional
divisions to the owners of isolated agricultural farms
in Judea and Samaria for their protection against Arab
terrorists ... The farms in question endured a series
of terrorist attacks, and confiscating their weapons
effectively leaves the residents without any protection.
The farmers blame Major General Fox for the decision
that placed their lives in danger."
This scenario is exactly
what private citizens all over the world are going to
be facing from now on. In this case, farmers of this
small kibbutz have already endured several attacks!
Israeli government and
much of its military command have already gone 'woke',
so this extreme action to expose innocent Jewish farmers
to the hideous, bloody Hamas is quite inexcusable! In
fact, this action should be considered a War Crime!
"The farmers accuse
Fox of collaborating with Israel’s extreme left
to force Jewish landowners off their land."
religious Jews are the designated enemy of the Illuminati,
as I learned directly in 1995. On August 18, 1991, I
was sneaked into a House of Theosophy "Member's
Only" seminar by a member who had been Born Again
but who had not formally notified the Boston headquarters
that he was resigning -- which he did soon after this
seminar. (Read my notes and comments on this seminar
in NEWS1052). During
this seminar, I was shocked to hear the New England
Director state, very matter-of-factly, the intense dislike
for Orthodox Jews. Further, this statement was spoken
in such a manner as to give the impression that one
of the goals of the entire "New Jerusalem Covenant
Project" was to permanently erase the power and
influence of the Orthodox Jews.
Let us review pertinent
portions of these seminar notes:
"... any purely
political settlement in the Middle East would not, by
itself, bring peace. In other words, a purely political
settlement would leave the religious nature of the problem
unsolved. Any permanent solution to the Middle East
conflict would also have to see the religious portion
of the problem solved. Once this religious problem is
solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox
Jews in Israel would permanently decline."
Notice that this paragraph
contains four (4) sentences. Three of the sentences
contain a reference to the "religious" problem;
the final solution most definitely includes a provision
to send the "power and influence of the Orthodox
Jews in Israel" into permanent decline. Why does
the Illuminati hate the Orthodox Jews so completely?
As I see it, there are several reasons for this loathing.
1) As we stated above,
all groups fanatical in their religion are hated and
all are targeted for extinction. Religious fanaticism
is viewed by the Illuminati as being unique to Monotheistic
religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism); polytheistic
religions are "tolerant" of other religions
and so fit in better with the polytheistic Witchcraft
religion of Antichrist. At least, this is the belief
of the Illuminati.
2) From the beginning
of the secular state of Israel, Orthodox Jews have been
the thorn in the side of secular Israeli leadership.
Their insistence upon strict observance of Old Testament
laws and regulations have always angered and irritated
top leadership.
3) Most Liberal Jews hate
the distinctive dress and mannerisms of the Orthodox
Jew. The owner of one of my companies when I was active
in Retail Management one day shocked me when he described
meeting a group of Orthodox Jews in the subway on the
way to work in downtown Manhattan. As he expressed his
unbelievable antipathy towards these people, I wondered
if Adolf Hitler could have hated them with any greater
intensity. This modern, successful, and very rich Liberal
American Jew really hated this particular group of his
own people.
4) When Antichrist arises,
the Orthodox Jews will be leading the charge to insist
that Israel not accept him immediately as the Messiah
for whom they have long been awaiting, but to wait to
see if he systematically "fulfills" all Old
Testament Messianic prophecies and Talmudic expectations.
In other words, Orthodox Jews will hold up the entire
process of Messiah "confirming the covenant"
with Israeli leaders, an act which the Bible says is
the beginning of the Tribulation Period (Daniel 9:27)
and which the Illuminati considers to be the first 7-year
segment of their Christ's 1,000-year reign (Peter Lemesurier,
"The Armageddon Script").
For this last reason,
the Illuminati wants to decrease the power and influence
of the Orthodox Jew as much as possible, so they will
exercise the slightest restraint on their Masonic Christ
when he finally appears East of Jerusalem, claiming
to be the Jewish Messiah. Since we believe we are so
very close to the time when the Final Birth Pangs war
is to begin, we should not be surprised to see the Israeli
government beginning a campaign to discredit Orthodox
Jews, even if they have to resort to official lying,
exaggerations, and hyperbole.
Therefore, the IDF did
not properly respond to the initial Hamas attack on
October 7, exposing innocent religious Jews to a most
brutal and bloodthirsty enemy!
3. Israel won
the first ever battle in Outer Space, when they intercepted
a Houthi ballistic missile!
Won Mankind’s First Ever Space Battle: By
Destroying Houthi Missile Outside Atmosphere",
Breitbart News, 6 Dec 2023
"Israel deployed
its Arrow long-range air defence missile for the first
time last month, shooting down a ballistic missile in
outer space, which is being called the first space battle."
In the last days of his
Administration, President Trump established a new Space
Force" that would be formed out of the Air Force.
This incident now informs us that the technology exists
and is deployed to actually carry out a battle in space!
"Houthi terrorists
launched an Iranian-made Ghadr-110 ballistic missile
at Israel last month which was intercepted by an IDF
Arrow 2 missile. Incredibly, the interception took place
well out of Earth’s atmosphere above the 100km
(62 mile) Karman Line, which denotes the boundary of
outer space."
4. Oakland teachers
held a special class for students pre-K through 12th
NEWS BRIEF: "Oakland
Teachers Hold Pro-Palestinian ‘Teach-in’
on Gaza for Pre-K thru 12:
‘Zionist Bullies’,"
Brietbart News, 7 Dec 2023
"Members of the Oakland
Education Association, the union representing teachers
in the Oakland Unified School District, held a pro-Palestinian
“teach-in” on Wednesday for children ages
4 to 18, presenting anti-Israel and antisemitic materials
to classes."
"Another image from
the curriculum, shared on local Fox affiliate KTVU-2,
featured a Jewish caricature with the arms of an octopus,
a common image in antisemitic propaganda, including
in Nazi Germany. Other books and materials described
“Zionist bullies,” and praised so-called
Palestinian “resistance,” which has included
terrorism against Jewish and Israeli civilians."
Class was virulently
Pro-Palestinian rhetoric, symbolizing how so many Americans
are suddenly anti-Jewish!

5. Speaker of
the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) CAVES!
NEWS BRIEF: "Speaker
Mike Johnson (R-LA) Backtracks: Caves to Deep State",
Breitbart News, 6 Dec 2023
"Speaker Mike Johnson
(R-LA) backtracked and caved to the deep state and Democrats,
moving to slip a deep state authorization into the defense
When, oh when, will genuine
Conservatives stand up to be counted, on matters of
great importance. 'Republicans In Name Only' rule Congress,
the White House and many in the Judiciary! At the moment
when a critical vote is taken that would protect our
national interests, the Conservative leader(s) predictably
With only mock
resistance the Speaker abruptly capitulates to the Liberal
Democrat Party machine!
"Rep. Marjorie Taylor
Greene (R-GA) released a video statement after she said
that leadership asked conferees, which includes herself,
to agree to the 3000-plus page NDAA, which is “being
released behind closed doors without
even getting time to read it!”
Peach State conservative blamed Johnson for negotiating
with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to
'cut a deal' that would contain prohibitions against
funding for abortion and 'trans surgery prohibitions'
that were in the House-passed NDAA under former Speaker
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)."
With one party
Communists and the other party rank 'Quislings',
America is doomed!
6. Brazil is moving
her troops into position to counter war moves by Venezuela.
deploys troops to Venezuela border".
BBC News, 7 December 2023
"Brazil says that
it is deploying troops along its border with Venezuela
after the Venezuelan government announced plans to incorporate
an area controlled by Guyana into its territory."
"The oil-rich Essequibo
region has been in dispute since the 19th Century when
Guyana was a British colony. Venezuela renewed its land
claims after offshore oil and gas reserves were discovered
a few years ago. Tensions have been rising since a referendum
on Sunday in Venezuela. More than 95% of voters are
said to have supported the government's claim to Essequibo."
Fight is over
the control of Essequibo
comprising two-thirds of