News Alert
- Thursday, 4/20/2023
Charles Stanley passed into the presence of our Lord
and Savior, at the age of 90, from his home. He met
Jesus "face to face" on Thursday morning,
April 18, 2023.
a time when adherence to sound Biblical is nearly completely
eroded, we simply cannot lose a man of such complete
character and understanding. We shall miss you, Charles
Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries
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Americans continue her love affair with the bloody procedure
known as ABORTION!
death and hell were cast into the lake of fire."
(Revelation 20:14, KJV)
Powerful Photos That Capture The Horrors Of Illegal
Abortions", BuzzFeedNews, January
25, 2018
"Warning: Some of
the images and text portray crude, ineffective, illegal,
and dangerous methods of preventing or terminating pregnancies.
These methods may be potentially life threatening and
can cause pain, permanent injury, hemorrhage, and death.
For information about safe abortions, consult a health
care provider ..."
Former Satanist, Doc Marquis,
boldly stated that child sacrifice / murder is absolutely
required before Antichrist could appear. In fact, Doc
stated that one of the most important signs that Antichrist
is close to appearing would be the global appearance
of the most brutal and most bloody type of the child
sacrifice, ABORTION.
God views child murder
most furiously!
, America has perfected
the art of killing babies in the womb and then has exported
that skill to the rest of the world.
" 'I am a willing
participant in this conflict', he said at the time.
'I choose to be here because I feel that it is the moral,
it is the ethical thing to do'."
Can you believe this nonsense?
This doctor used Christianity as a basis for his abortion
activities! In fact, he even said that he gained the
inner spiritual strength to battle anti-abortionists
through prayer and meditation!
What kind of religion
is it that views the sacrifice of pre-born babies in
strongly religious terms? There is such a religion.
Did you know this? To understand which type of religion
so strongly views the continuation of abortion murdering
so strongly that its adherents are willing to lay down
their own lives in order for the murder to continue?
There is such a religion.
Did you know this? (NOTE: People who murder unborn babies
in the womb and count such carnage as service to their
To understand which type
of religion so strongly views the continuation of abortion
murdering so strongly that its adherents are willing
to lay down their own lives in order for the murder
to continue?
Doc Marquis, in his book,
"Secrets of the Illuminati", has drawn this
Great Seal of the New World Order, depicting the various
influences and organizations actively involved in the
drive to the New World Order. This New World Order Seal
is not official; rather, it is simply Marquis' depiction
of the occult nature of this new system.
The most precious sacrifice
of all to Satan is Abortion, for the following reasons
1) In Satanism, the younger
the sacrifice, the more power it delivers to the shaman
carrying out the ritual.
Of course, you simply
cannot get a younger sacrifice than a pre-born baby
within the womb.
2) Satanists believe that
greater power flows from the Abyss if the victim undergoes
great pain and suffering as he/she dies. Abortion is
exceedingly powerful because it delivers great pain
to the victim as it is torn limb from limb within the
mother's womb.
We are not calling Dr.
Tiller a Satanist, but he was certainly guided by spiritual
forces who came from the Abyss. To whom did Tiller pray
and meditate to receive inner power and peace so that
he could remain a rock for the Abortion Upon Demand
industry, even as protests swirled about? It certainly
was not the God of the Bible, Who calls upon believers
to protect the unborn and the small child from any and
all harm. But, Lord Satan can certainly deceive someone
like Tiller to believe that he was doing God's will.
In fact, Jesus states that many people at the White
Throne Judgment will cry out in horror upon learning
that they are not going to heaven after all. Listen
to Jesus' prophecy:
First, we hear the anguished
cry of those who realize they have been deceived all
their life and are headed for Hell, not Heaven:
"Many will say to
Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done
many mighty works in Your name?" (Matthew 7:22;
Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)
Jesus' response is chilling:
"And then I will
say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart
from Me, you who act wickedly disregarding My commands."
(Matthew 7:23, Ibid.)
Abortion doctors throughout
the world should at least not deceive themselves or
allow Satan to deceive them, into thinking that they
are performing a service to Jesus Christ by murdering
babies within the womb.
Before concluding this
article, let us examine what two abortion doctors stated
almost a decade ago, statements which reveal the REAL
reason why they continue to kill babies.
The answer: they want
dead babies!!!! If you don't believe me, then believe
Charles Krauthammer, national columnist.
or Consequences In Abortion Issue", by Charles
Krauthammer Editorial Column, The Buffalo News, March
14, 1997, p. RC-3.
" " 'The only
possible 'advantage' of partial-birth abortion, if you
can call it that', Dr. Curtis Cook, a specialist in
high-risk obstetrics, explains mordantly, 'is that it
guarantees a dead baby at the time of delivery.' "
Then, Krauthammer quotes
another leading expert on abortion, a doctor who performs
many of them every year!!! In other words, Krauthammer
is now quoting "from the horses' mouth.
"Dr. Martin Haskell,
the country's leading partial-birth abortion practitioner,
was asked (by the American Medical News) why he didn't
just dilate the woman's uterus a little bit more and
allow a live baby to come out. Answer: 'The point is
here, you're attempting to do an abortion ... not to
see how do I manipulate the situation so that I get
a live birth instead.' "
The point is, in other
words, to deliberately kill as many babies as possible,
to kill as many babies as you can persuade expectant
mothers to allow you to kill them!
In God's
sight, these dead baby body stack up toward Heaven:
"... Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and
is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of
every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful
bird ... For her sins have reached unto heaven, and
God hath remembered her iniquities ...' (Revelation
18:3-5, KJV)
What is
God's solution to the grievous sin of America, specifically
in Revelation 18?
What does the
Bible say about this whole "Culture of Death"
we have allowed to creep into American society?
1) Proverbs 8:36b, "all
they that hate me love death."
From this verse, we can
only conclude that the reason American society today
is so caught up in a love affair with death, and its
blackness, is that we hate God.
2) Romans 6:23a, "For
the wages of sin is death;"
3) Jeremiah 12:17, "But
if they [any nation] will not obey, I will utterly pluck
up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD." God
underscores the gravity of the repeated sin situation
in a nation, by swearing by His Holy Name that He will
utterly, completely, pluck up a rebellious sinful nation
and destroy it, just as a gardener would pluck up a
plant and tear it out of the ground, with the root system
still intact. God must destroy America now, as I fervently
believe we have crossed the line of inevitable judgment
with Him, with our sorceries [witchcrafts], our murders
of the innocent and helpless, and our entire litany
of national sins. Certainly, America has reached the
point where "For her sins have reached unto heaven,
and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even
as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according
to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill
to her double." (Revelation 18:5-6) Since we believe
this warning, given to the Economic Babylon of Revelation
18, may be the United States [Read our Archived Headline
News Article, NEWS1830], we urge you to fully comprehend
the serious, urgent nature of our national condition
before God!!
4) Matthew 18:10, "Take
heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for
I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always
behold the face of my Father which is in heaven."
While some scholars may argue that this term, "little
ones" refers to the spiritually immature born again
Christians, we cannot dispute this Scripture where Jesus
lovingly stated, "Suffer [allow] the little children
to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is
the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:14)
have veered off God's moral cliff, as babies can now
be aborted at home with a hand-held sucking tool.
are shamelessly attempting to publicly continue our
national practice to chopping that babies' head off
within the womb; God is marking down every one who wants
to defend this barbaric practice even amidst bloody
carnage and He will bring every guilty person unto Judgment
said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot,
and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness,
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
(Matthew 22:13, KJV)
NEWS BRIEF: "Abortion
Industry Promotes Handheld Devices That Suction Little
Unborn Babies Into Machines",
Life News, Apr 18, 2023
"The abortion industry
is trying to recruit new doctors to abort unborn babies
in the U.S. by promoting what they claim is a simple,
easy “handheld device” called a manual vacuum
aspirator (MVA)."
"The pro-abortion
group currently is working in 16 states to train primary
care doctors to abort first-trimester unborn babies
using the “small, handheld device.”
"The abortion works
by inserting a cannula, or plastic tube, in through
the pregnant mother’s cervix and then using the
MVA to suction the unborn baby out of the womb."
What is one of these machines
and how do they work?
"Manual vacuum aspirators
are murderous machines used to abort babies between
three and fourteen weeks gestation. They are large,
unsophisticated syringes operated by hand that work
by suctioning the fetus from its mother’s womb.
The baby’s delicate body is crushed and sliced
as it is aspirated through a long cannula. After the
abortion procedure, the baby parts are emptied into
a bowl of water or vinegar and inspected to insure that
all pieces are there and accounted for. One must wonder
how a “doctor” can can justify abortion
as he or she inspects baby parts floating in a pool
of vinegar."
Remember, we have already
been told that doctors and nurses in these facilities
actually do want to murder children!
God loves and protects
the little children, and will dispense unlimited judgment
and eternal punishment against child abusers and child
killers at the day of judgment. Satan, on the other
hand, hates little children, and calls them to be sacrificed
to him. Thus, we can justifiably call these abortionists
-- especially partial-birth abortionists -- practitioners
of Satanism. They will welcome the coming of Antichrist,
for their type of trade will be in great demand in his
shortly lived kingdom!
This type of unnatural
sin is part and parcel of the fulfillment of Biblical
prophecies about the End of the Age. In 2 Timothy 3:1-4,
the Apostle Paul lists the personal characteristics
of those unsaved people who will be living in the "Last
Days". Read carefully portions of this Scripture:
"This know also,
that in the last days perilous times shall come. For
men shall be lovers of their own selves, ... unthankful,
unholy, Without natural affection,
... fierce, despisers of those that are good ... lovers
of pleasures more than lovers of God;" (2 Timothy
Israeli PM Netanyahu boldly stated that the most natural
friend is the Evangelical Christian!
NEWS BRIEF: "Netanyahu’s
strongest supporters are Evangelicals: Pew Poll",
Israel365 News, April 19. 2023
"Evangelicals are
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strongest
supporters among the US public ..."
"These results present
a clearly partisan split with Republicans more likely
(49%) than Democrats (17%) to have confidence in Netanyahu."
"Netanyahu has strong
support among evangelicals with 53% expressing confidence
in him."
Meanwhile, God is watching.
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that
curseth thee..." (Genesis 12:3, KJV)
Fox News may have shredded our precious Constitution
-- on purpose?!
News settles defamation case for $787.5 mn, avoiding
trial", Breitbart News, 18
April 2023
"Fox News reached
a $787.5 million settlement Tuesday in a defamation
case brought by voting technology company Dominion that
alleged the network knowingly aired false claims linking
its machines to a conspiracy to undermine the 2020 US
"The agreement to
end the case avoided what most experts suggested would
have been a damaging, high-profile trial for the conservative
channel in which owner Rupert Murdoch would have been
compelled to testify in open court."
Rather than having to
fight through months or years, arguing that against
Dominion Voting had violated Constitutional guarantees,
and suffering huge dollar losses in legal fees:
Fox News suddenly capitulated!
"In pre-trial hearings,
Davis ruled that there was no question Fox aired false
statements about Dominion. For Dominion
to have won however, it would have been required to
prove that Fox News acted with actual malice —
knowing the information was wrong or having a “reckless
disregard” for the truth."
"The tough burden
has been a bedrock of US media law since 1964."
Fox News saved Dominion
Votoing the time, the expense, and the trouble of slogging
inch by inch up some of the most difficult efforts -
to overcome exactly as the Founding Fathers intended.
But, this time, Dominion
had the unexpected and the un explicable support of
the vary news organization they were trying to take
down. Our Constitutional battle was surrendered!
IV. Illegal drugs
may now be detected through the air!
NEWS BRIEF: "Illegal
drugs can now be detected in the air",
Earth.com, April 16, 2023
"In a groundbreaking
study conducted in Oceania, researchers from the University
of Auckland have discovered traces of metaphor, nicotine,
caffeine, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the downtown
Auckland air. "
"What the research
team found in the air The largest concentration of metaphor
detected was 104 picograms (a picogram is one-trillionth
of a gram) per cubic meter of air. The average for ten
samples taken over five weeks was 24.8 picograms per
cubic meter."
"Indoor air pollution
is also an issue. "
New Government controls
over activity within the home is now "on the table"!
An Absolute Dictatorship
is now become "the elephant in the room"!