But, their campaign proves to be factually
"The lie became so
widespread on social media that Gabriel Sterling, COO
of the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State, had
to set the record straight. In response to Axelrod’s
deceptive tweet, he wrote: 'the law says no Saturday
voting following a Thursday or Friday state holiday.
Thanksgiving is the reason for no Saturday voting. Please
correct your tweet. It was passed years ago so county
workers had their holiday, and the real world problem
of getting pollworkers then."
"In fact, Stacey
Abrams, the Voting Rights Maven™, voted for the
law about which these people are complaining. "
Why would these people
so egregiously lie about this issue, and then refuse
to recant? Two reasons:
1) These people are activists,
"influencers", and not journalists.
2) They are obeying a
Satanic spirit blowing through this nation, because
the Holy Spirit has finally withdrawn his restraint
of wickedness (2 Thess 2:6-7, KJV)
What shall be the end
of these American traitors: "And then the lawless
one (the antichrist) will be revealed ... Therefore
God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working
of error and a strong delusion to make them believe
what is false ..." (2 Thess 2:11, KJV)
4. A the Climate
Conference by the G-20 ends, the radical Climate Control
Agenda becomes much more radical.
UN Climate Summit, Religious Leaders Unveil New Ten
Commandments", The New American, November
15, 2022
"SINAI, Egypt —
Leaders of various religions and religious organizations
gathered to repent of their alleged 'climate' sins and
usher in what they described as a new, universal 'Ten
"... representatives
of major Christian and Islamic denominations joined
forces with all manner of pagans and heathens to unveil
what they hope will be the new and improved moral code
of the future."
"After worldwide
criticism, the new Ten Commandments were re-framed as
“Ten Principles of Climate Repentance.”
Critics still ridiculed the movement, joking that these
religious leaders were hitching their wagons to what
many scientists and experts have referred to as the
discredited climate “religion” or even “cult.”
But the events and the move toward a united global religious
movement organized around “Mother Earth”
are no laughing matter. "
Indeed, billions of people
will die because of this completely false proposition,
i.e., that man has so polluted this world that, one
day soon, people will wake up to realize that Mother
Earth (Mother Gaia) is broken and cannot function.
A New Global Ten
Commandments was proclaimed.
1. We
are stewards of this world
2. Creation manifests divinity
3. Everything in life is interconnected
4. Do no harm
5. Look after tomorrow
6. Rise above ego for our world
7. Change our inner climate
8. Repent and return
9. Every action matters
10. Use mind, open heart
Garden of Eden -- Found originally in the 1611 King
James Bible

"Another one of the
ringleaders of the events, Interfaith Center for Sustainable
Development boss Rabbi Yonatan Neril, rejected the idea
that 'religion' and 'ecology' are separate and distinct
from each other. 'Many people fear that humans have
irrevocably destroyed the ecology of ‘Eden’
on earth', Rabbi Neril was quoted as saying in media
reports, totally misrepresenting the Hebrew Scriptures
found in Genesis. 'But God created the world out of
love for life on earth'.”
The final goal of this
New World Order is to return Earth to the utopia of
the original 'Garden of Eden'. This Garden of Eden,
above, is NOT the Garden depicted in Genesis 2. Rather,
this is the future Garden of Eden, as envisioned by
the familiar guiding spirits of the Illuminati.
5. Texas Governor
Abbott dramatically invoked an "Invasion Clause"
(Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution) to strengthen
Border Security.
Greg Abbott Invokes ‘Invasion Clauses’ To
Beef Up Border Security", American
Greatness, November 15, 2022
"Texas governor Greg
Abbott announced Tuesday that he has invoked the Invasion
Clauses of the U.S. and Texas Constitutions in an effort
to protect the Texas-Mexico border. In a tweet, Abbott
explained that the move will 'fully authorize Texas
to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against
an invasion'.”
"Abbott in July issued
an executive order that authorized and empowered the
Texas National Guard and DPS to arrest illegal aliens
and return them to ports of entry. Under Article IV
Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, known as the 'Invasion
Clause', law enforcement personnel are empowered to
'repel and turn back' migrants trying to cross the border.
The Invasion Clause states that the federal government
'shall guarantee every state in this Union a republican
form of government and shall protect each of them against
"The governor listed
eight measures being used under constitutional authority
to protect the border. Those measures include deploying
the National Guard, gunboats, and Texas Dept. of Public
Safety (DPS) to the border, as well as building the
wall in multiple counties."
6. Democrats Created
'White Supremacy"!
(NOTE: Watch
President Joe Biden praise KKK official, Robert Byrd,
on YouTube video "Joe Biden's Connect
to the KKK is Closer Than You Might Think")
"The left loves to
try and connect President Trump to the KKK... but if
I recall correctly, it was Joe Biden giving heartfelt
eulogies to his Klansmen friends. Whoopsie!"
Why do blacks
continually swallow the Democrat lie that they have
their best interests at heart? History from 1829 - 2022
proves the Democrats aim to conquer and subdue blacks.
This is the point we are
trying to make: the Democrats are displaying ultimate
hypocrisy by claiming the Republicans and President
Trump of being aligned with the KKK and Neo-Nazis. You
see, the Democrats established the system of human slavery
in what is now called the "Confederate States"
and were so adamantly opposed to Republican efforts
to dismantle slavery and free the black slaves that
they deliberately and with great malice seceded from
the Union, opening the gates of Hell in which over 2
million people died in battle or battle-related diseases.
And, then, when they were defeated and the slaves were
freed, Democrat / Freemasons organized the 'KKK' to
fight using guerilla tactics to intimidate blacks to
return to an unofficial slavery. This system continued
until approximately 1965 when the Great Civil Rights
Act was implemented.
For 150 years after the
end of he Civil War, Democrat Party leaders continued
to beat, shoot and lynch black people who would dare
try to improve his lot and that of his family.
Democrats Created and Own the Confederate Flag",
National Review, June 26, 2015
"... the Confederate
flag. It has reflected Democratic racial oppression
since it was stitched together in 1861, and has been
hoisted by Democrats ever since. Just as Republicans
— led by President Abraham Lincoln — valiantly
crushed the Democrat-run Confederacy, Republicans proudly
should banish the Stars and Bars to private property
and history museums. They also should remind Americans
that Democrats waved this frightful banner until very
Now listen to the genocidal
rhetoric which accompanied the introduction in 1861:
"As the Civil War
began, the Army of Northern Virginia, led by eventual
Democratic activist Robert E. Lee, adopted the battle
flag that is under contention today. It became the secessionists’
national banner in 1863. Its designer, William T. Thompson,
praised it in the Savannah Daily Morning News that May
'As a national emblem,
it is significant of our higher cause, the cause of
a superior race, and a higher civilization contending
against ignorance, infidelity, and barbarism. Another
merit in the new flag is, that it bears no resemblance
to the now infamous banner of the Yankee vandals. Two
years later, that flag was in tatters. The North beat
the South, and the Confederacy was gone with the wind."
Did you catch the Confederate
meaning of this flag? " it is significant of our
higher cause, the cause of a superior race, and a higher
AND, the Confederate Battle
Flag was fighting the black slave, valiantly "contending
against ignorance, infidelity, and barbarism"
The rebellion called the
Confederacy took on a much larger life of its own, as
it became a "Racial Purity" battle, one which
Nazi Adolf Hitler would have truly admired!
The Left insists that
Americans recognize racism today and acknowledge its
stain on our history. To that end, Democrats should
stop flinging their Confederate flag onto the Grand
Old Party. Instead, knock-kneed Republicans should steel
themselves for once and demand that Democrats concede
that they invented this intimidating standard and deployed
it for more than a century to keep blacks down.
American Civil War was
between American Republican President Abraham Lincoln
and Democrat Confederate President Jefferson Davis
Three years after Appomattox,
the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting
blacks citizenship in the United States, came before
Congress: 94 percent of Republicans endorsed it. The
records of Congress reveal that not one Democrat - either
in the House or the Senate - voted for the 14th Amendment',
Barton wrote. 'Three years after the Civil War, and
the Democrats from the North as well as the South were
still refusing to recognize any rights of citizenship
for black Americans'."
"... in 1957 President
Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, deployed the 82nd Airborne
Division to desegregate the Little Rock, Ark., schools
over the resistance of Democrat Gov. Orval Faubus."
(National Review, 2005)
"... Al Gore, Sr.,
father of VP Al Gore, Jr. was a Klansman (KKK)
For 100 years, the Republicans
fought for the freedom and equality of blacks. Lincoln
was a Republican, and he won the freedom from slavery
for blacks. After the Civil War, Republicans enacted
the Fourteenth Amendment to protect the rights of freed
All of the racist bigots
became Democrats after the Civil War because Lincoln
was a Republican. For 100 years, Democrats were the
ones who lynched blacks and made laws against blacks.
Democrats formed the KKK and established segregation.
Democrats filibustered and defeated Republican anti-lynching
bills in 1922 and 1938.
That's why most blacks
were Republicans until the Democrats bought their votes
with welfare in 1964.
But even though the blacks
switched parties in 1964, most racist bigots did not.
" Lincoln was the
first republican president, and the K.K.K was the terrorist
wing of the democratic party. " (Ibid)
"The National Review
article by Deroy Murdock cited the 1866 comment from
Indiana Republican Gov. Oliver Morton condemning Democrats
for their racism. "Every one who shoots down Negroes
in the streets, burns Negro schoolhouses and meeting-houses,
and murders women and children by the light of their
own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat,"
Morton said." (National Review article by Deroy
Today is the End of the
Age and the end of Nationalism.
When Antichrist appears,
he shall wield dictatorial powers made all the most
fearful and effective by unprecedented levels of technology!
That day is upon us. are
you spiritually ready? You
Must Be Born Again