News Alert
- Friday, 9/29/2022
the most current Newsalert
Must I Do To Be Saved?
New Podcasts - We are now reaching 52 countries!
Global Calamity foretold by the Third Seal of Revelation 6 is now forming on the far horizon Listen
Mac Dominick DVD!
In The Time of the Paradigm Shift: System Breakdown"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm Shift' to take us into
the New World Order and stage the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing.
This video is
the most relevant and current on the market today, combining
the best in the current progress of Bible prophecy in
world news and in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint.
This understanding will affect -- should affect -- every
other aspect of the current collapse of this once free
and mighty nation!
This DVD is a
2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
Your Copy Now.

Important News Articles - Analysis
Environmental APOCALYPSE !!
News Brief: "As
fourth Nord Stream leak is discovered, here’s
what scientists are saying about the environment impact",
Market Watch News, 9/29/2022
"As a fourth leak
has been reportedly found on the Nord Stream gas pipelines
in the Baltic Sea, climate scientists have warned the
unexplained natural gas leaks will have a 'significant'
environmental effect, estimating up to half a million
metric tons of methane has been released into the sea."
"Experts say the
leaks will add short term impact to greenhouse gas emissions
... This is indeed a tragedy and very perplexing. The
natural gas that is escaping will contribute to short-term
greenhouse gas emissions"
untold volume of methane gas exploded into the air and
water of the Baltic Sea from the Nord Stream pipe-line
explosions, the scene is set to declare an end to all
fossil fuel extraction!
News Brief:
"Leaking natural-gas from the damaged Nord
Stream pipelines is erupting like geysers in the Baltic
Sea: Danish military video shows",
Markets Insider, Sept 29, 2022
"Natural-gas is erupting
like geysers on the surface of the Baltic Sea above
the damaged Nord Stream pipelines, images from the Danish
military show. Danish Defence on Tuesday released a
video taken from a helicopter showing the extent of
the disturbances caused by the leaking pipelines, which
European officials believe have been sabotaged."
As I watch videos of this
geyser caused by this natural gas explosion, I can only
remember what Joe Biden warned in the few months before
Russia invaded Ukraine.
News Brief: "Did
Joe Biden blow up Nord Stream pipeline?",
World Net Daily, Sept 29, 2022 (Watch
Video of Biden making this threat)
"In early February,
less than three weeks before the war in Ukraine began,
Joe Biden suggested on camera that he might take out
these pipelines. In fact, Biden said at the time that,
'If Russia invades … there will be no longer a
Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it'."
Asked how, he refused
to answer, saying, "I promise you we'll be able
to do it."
America has the cyber
warfare capability to cause this explosion to occur
at any time we decide! Biden's "ahead-of-time"
confession seals the matter; America finally carried
out a Biden command.
However, you must also
ask whether Hurricane Ian is serving as a "Wag
the Dog" scenario, shielding the various news
cycles from permeating listener's ears with extensive
understanding that it was America who blew up this pipeline!
Listen to Tucker Carlson
"... maybe not coincidentally,
today, a brand-new pipeline was unveiled, a pipeline
that carries non-Russian natural gas in roughly the
same areas, Nord Stream 1 and 2. This is called the
Baltic Pipe. It was inaugurated in Poland. It will carry
natural gas from Norway through Denmark to Poland and
other countries nearby."
In other words, oil flow
seemingly identical to Nord Stream 1 and 2 came on line
on the same day as Nord Stream 1 and 2 were taken off.
Therefore, he oil market was unaffected.
But, also, at the time
of the explosion, media coverage of the hurricane was
at its peak,showing dramatic weather photos and calling
Ian one of the most powerful hurricanes on record.
Suddenly, Ian was abruptly
reduced to a Tropical Storm just as knowledge of the
third and fourth leaks became public knowledge.
Please allow us to quote
Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet Union Dictator:
'threat of environmental crisis' will be the 'international
disaster key ' that will unlock the New World Order."
(Mikhail Gorbachev, by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor,
Monetary & Economic Review, 1996, p. 5.)
A mammoth hurricane named 'Ian' is hitting Florida with
intense winds and a great deal of rain.
News Brief: "Hurricane
Ian Rapidly Strengthens Into Category 4 Before Catastrophic
Florida Landfall Today", Weather.com,
Sept 29. 2022
"Ian will now enter
the Atlantic as a tropical storm or Category 1 hurricane.
Wind damage will be possible and flooding rainfall is
a major threat."
The Democrats
politicize Ian!
News Brief: "DeSantis
Bashes Media Trying to Politicize Storm: ‘Give
Me a Break’,Breitbart News, 28 Sept 2022
"Florida Gov. Ron
DeSantis (R) this week sharply dismissed establishment
media attempts to politicize Hurricane Ian as they seem
to salivate over the possibility of the DeSantis administration
botching the response."
The danger is even worse;
Democrats can be counted upon to lie and lie and lie
some more in order to drill DeSantos with disaster news
... “Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Give me a break. That
is nonsense. Stop politicizing. Okay? Stop it,”
DeSantis said, detailing that the state declared a state
of emergency early on."
Governor DeSantos most
certainly is familiar with Nikki Haley and her stellar
response as Governor when a "1,000-year flood"
hit South Carolina in early October, 2015, with severe
devastation. Yet, Nikki Haley performed so well that
President-elect Trump offered her the position of America's
Ambassador to the United Nations!
Gov. DeSantos continued:
"I don’t think
we’ve ever — certainly since I’ve
been governor — declared a state emergency this
early. We made sure that we were very inclusive with
it,” he continued.
Re-Wilding Plan
This North Stream environmental disaster may also provide
the Elite the excuse to implement the U.N. 'Re-wilding'
News Brief: "Volusia
County remains under hurricane warning as Ian batters
Florida after landfall", Dayona Beach
News, 29 Sept 2022
"Hurricane Ian is
causing 'catastrophic storm surge, winds and flooding',
according to the National Hurricane Center, after making
landfall at 3:05 p.m. ... Widespread, life-threatening
catastrophic flooding is expected across portions of
central Florida with considerable flooding in southern
Florida and northern Florida."
A politician, quite possibly
the President -- or the newly-risen New Age Christ --
will stride to the podium to tell us that Mother Gaia
(Mother Earth) is being so overburdened by our Industrial
Civilization that she is sending repeated storms, to
try to get mankind to dismantle the Industrial Revolution.
When man refuses to listen,
Gaia sends another storm, probably more violent.
Therefore, repeated storms
in the same area means that drastic measures must be
taken quickly is we are to scrub off the essence of
our Industrial Civilization.
Therefore, the New Age
Christ will announce that a new law will be passed which
will not allow home and property coverage in "Hurricane
Prone Areas"!
Just like
that! Re-wilding goes from being never mentioned to
being a daily topic of conversation!
The time has finally arrived
in the march to the New Age Christ (Antichrist) that
radical plans considered by many to be too draconian
to ever be enacted are now marching on a "fast-track"
through Congress, spearheaded by a zealous President.
The FBI continues to act like a powerful arm of an Absolute
News Brief: "Biden
Pressuring FBI to Cook up Fake ‘Extremist’
Cases", American
Defense News, sept 15, 2022
"Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) agents accused the Biden administration
of exaggerating the “white supremacist”
threat in the U.S. and pressuring the agency to fabricate
cases of domestic terrorism that involve racist extremists,
according to American Military News:"
" 'The demand for
white supremacy vastly outstrips the supply of white
supremacy', one agent told The Washington Times, speaking
on condition of anonymity. Multiple current and former
FBI agents said they had similar experiences and that
bureau leadership is pressuring agents to create domestic
terrorism cases and label individuals as “white
We may have a "Comrade"
in the White House, not a Democrat!
News Brief: "Pompeo:
Biden now treating political opponents 'on par with
Chinese Communists'," World Net
Daily, Sept 24, 2022
"Former U.S. Secretary
of State Mike Pompeo says he doesn't know why, but it's
obvious that now Joe Biden is treating his political
opponents in the United States as a 'threat', 'on par
with the Chinese Communist Party'."
Former Trump Secretary
of State, Mike Pompeo, continued:
"As Secretary of
State, I battled Chairman Kim, Vladimir Putin, and Xi
Jinping. These men are our enemies; they want for America
only destruction or submission to their whims. These
are the kinds of enemies America must defend herself
against," he said."
But, Joe Biden is not
this way:
Biden 'treated his fellow
Americans, 'MAGA Republicans,' as a threat to our nation
on par with the Chinese Communist Party."
And, now, the FBI is smashing
into homes, looting inside and trampling all over our
Constitutional Rights.
News Brief: "Biden
FBI’s Armed Raid Against Catholic Pro-Life Speaker
Threatens Us All ", American
Defense News, 9/29/2022
" In the latest example
of an FBI run amok under Joe Biden, the federal law
enforcement agency launched an armed dawn raid on the
home of a peaceful Catholic pro-life activist, author,
and father of seven. The FBI reportedly arrested Mark
Houck, 48, of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania at his rural
home early Friday morning as at least two dozen federal
agents swarmed his property in Bucks County with around
15 vehicles on Sept. 23."
"Houck is also co-founder
and president of The King’s Men, a nonprofit group
that promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction
and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United
States and Europe."
Constitutional Protections continues to be run over
Latvia Declares State of Emergency at Border as Russia
Mobilizes Troops.
News Brief:
"Latvia declares state
of emergency amid Russia’s mobilization",
i24 News, 28 Sept 2022
"Latvia's government
on Tuesday declared a state of emergency in three areas
of the Latvian-Russian border due to Moscow’s
military mobilization announced last week. According
to Riga, the mobilization “aims to intensify hostilities
on the territory of Ukraine, and the need to address
the potential threat to Latvia's internal security."
is not yet finished.
Should Flee Russia Immediately, Could Be Conscripted:
US Embassy Urges", Resist The Mainstream,
Sept 28, 2022
"Embassy officials
in Moscow Tuesday urged all U.S. citizens in Russia
to get the heck out of Dodge, immediately.
“ 'If you wish to
depart Russia, you should make independent arrangements
as soon as possible,” embassy officials said in
a statement. 'The U.S. Embassy has severe limitations
on its ability to assist U.S. citizens, and conditions,
including transportation options, may suddenly become
even more limited.”
Suddenly, the specter
of an all-out war with Russia seems all too real.
World War III
is beckoning!
As is the Rapture
of the Church!