News Alert - Thursday, 9/1/2022 HOME - Book Store - Newsalert Archives - Daily News Updates - Parler - PODCASTSRead the most current Newsalert Online New Podcasts - We are now reaching 40 countries!New Mac Dominick DVD!"Living In The Time of the Paradigm Shift: System Breakdown"
The President is talking about the 'Paradigm Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage the Antichrist. We are on the verge of that New World order and our current system is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant and current on the market today, combining the best in the current progress of Bible prophecy in world news and in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation! This DVD is a 2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours \ Critically Important News Articles - Analysis I. Antichrist must convince the Jewish people that he is their prophesied Messiah, and that means producing a lineage straight back to King David. Jesus' Davidic lineage is listed in detail in Matthew, Chapter 1: "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David..." (Matthew 1:1, KJV) God promised: "... Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David ..." (Isaiah 9:7, KJV) Can Antichrist produce a Davidic lineage? He will attempt to produce a deceptive lineage which can be traced to King David! Listen now to this deceptive lineage which Antichrist will produce to the world that will supposedly prove that Antichrist is from the lineage of King David! Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a boy child. After Jesus' crucifixion, Mary fled with her son -- depending upon assistance of friends -- to the country now known as France. Ultimately, this son married into French Nobility, from whom have sprung the monarchies of Europe, Great Britain, and even Russia. To protect and preserve this secret bloodline lineage -- called the Merovingian Bloodline -- a secret society called "Priory of Sion" was established. Then, when Antichrist arises, he will be able to demonstrate his uninterrupted Merovingian lineage all the way back to Jesus. According to Matthew, Chapter 1, once Antichrist has plugged into Jesus, he is home free to King David! Thus will be "fulfilled" a most critical component of anyone trying to convince people he is the Jewish Messiah, i.e., that he is descended directly from the lineage of King David. Literally, without people believing this genealogical lie, Antichrist cannot successfully arise and make his claim to be Jesus Christ AND the Jewish Messiah, all in the same man! Here is the major question: Can Donald Trump produce any supposed linkage into the Merovingian bloodline? At this point. we cannot be sure. Nor is it necessary that we should know for certain at this point in time; but, when Antichrist appears on the world scene, we shall instantly recognize him and his monstrous lies! Remember this Biblical fact: the next man who comes to the world scene claiming to be Jesus Christ will be "Antichrist"! 2. President Biden has just declared war on the American gun owner! NEWS BRIEF: "Biden Says The Military Can Obliterate The Second Amendment", Daily Caller, August 30, 2022 "President Joe Biden said Tuesday while in Pennsylvania that 'brave right wing Americans' who claim the Second Amendment is meant to fight back against a tyrannical government would be obliterated by the military."
He threatens to use F-15's and nuclear weapons upon anyone trying to resist government tyranny. NEWS BRIEF: "‘Disarming You Is The Point’: Tucker Slams Biden’s Gun Control Speech", Daily Caller, June 2, 2022 "Tucker Carlson criticized President Joe Biden’s speech on gun control ... saying the president’s agenda was to disarm Americans." 3. Biden will try rename terms as he moves to outlaw guns. NEWS BRIEF: "Brace Yourself: Biden Administration Reinterprets 'Firearm', Prepares Crackdown", NRA-ILA, August 29, 2022 "When we say 'brace yourself', we’re not kidding ... an ATF rule published on April 26 finally took effect on Wednesday. The regulation is entitled “Definition of `Frame or Receiver' and Identification of Firearms'. That rule is so cumbersome, complex, sprawling, and indecipherable that ATF was forced to publish an update to the 'final' version on Monday, admitting: "Due to the complexity of this rulemaking process and the resulting significant number of comments and revisions in response, the final rule inadvertently contained some technical errors in the regulatory text that this document corrects." "Industry, advocacy, and state defendants had sued on various substantive and procedural grounds to block the rule from taking effect. That challenge was denied on Tuesday. Nevertheless, the underlying case on the rule’s legality, as well as likely future challenges to specific applications of the rule, will continue. "In the meantime, individuals otherwise in lawful possession of personally made, unmarked firearms generally do not have immediate legal exposure under the rule. Selling those firearms through an FFL, transferring them interstate, or having them serviced by a gunsmith, however, could trigger the rule’s marking requirements." Instantly, he will turn tens of millions of Americans into criminals as he seeks to seize your guns. 4. Russia shut off gas flow to Europe as the turn toward winter is directly ahead. NEWS BRIEF: "Russia Suspends Delivery of Energy to Europe Through Nord Stream One Pipeline", Breitbart News, 28 August 2022 "BERLIN (AP) – Russia’s Gazprom stopped the flow of natural gas through a major pipeline from Russia to Europe early Wednesday, a temporary move to it announced in advance." "The Russian state-controlled energy giant said earlier this month that it would the cut the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline until Saturday for what it says is a three-day pause for routine maintenance at a compressor station ... Germany calls these cuts a political move to sow uncertainty and push up prices amid the war in Ukraine." This action was predicted by Trump years ago and will be a major force in knocking down the entire world system! The "Great Reset" lies directly ahead -- Antichrist will soon be on the world scene! "Ancient Cities And The Pagan Gods Who Built Them" Now available as DVD, Book
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