Critically Important News Articles - Analysis
1. Biden officials
are uttering the most extreme rhetoric about the dangers
posed by our Industrial Civilization on Mother Gaia
(Planet Earth).
"The Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution
and Environmental Justice",
"From coastal towns
to rural farms to urban centers, climate change poses
an existential threat – not just to our environment,
but to our health, our communities, our national security,
and our economic well-being. It also damages our communities
with storms that wreak havoc on our towns and cities
and our homes and schools. It puts our national security
at risk by leading to regional instability that will
require U.S. military-supported relief activities
and could make areas more vulnerable to terrorist

However, as
frightening as the rhetoric is, once you know his
final agenda, you will shake and tremble in stark
the fall of human civilization was pulled off through
the deliberate destruction of the PHYSICAL infrastructure
that keeps humanity
alive", Natural News, May 10, 2022
"We anticipate
that, at minimum, 2-4 billion people will be killed
over the next decade due to vaccine damage, vaccine-induced
cancer deaths, starvation, economic collapse, lawless
violence and World War III events ..."
From reading New age
literature, we can see the following agenda:
In the long road toward
conditioning people to believe that Global Warming
is so real and so dangerous that we must dismantle
our current Industrial Civilization in order to prevent
the death of Planet Earth, the time has arrived for
people to be told that their current life style must
end. Can anyone spell "Absolute Dictatorship"?
What is the wording
of the New World Order Plan?
"... the secret societies were planning as far
back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in
order to bring humanity together in a one-world government
which they call the New World Order." ["Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 27]
we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound
great problems which have turned humanity upside down
in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent
rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these
peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political
plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the
course of many centuries?" ["Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion",
End of Protocol No. 13 ]
Cutting Edge has been
sounding the Extremist Environmental alarm for over
three decades now. If you want to read this material,
please go to Weather
Control/Weather Warfare section to read our articles
and see our numerous Bookstore resources on this subject.
For three decades now,
Global Warming / Climate Change has been the mantra
of those who would destroy our Industrial Civilization,
forcing mankind back 300-400 years to the agricultural
lifestyle of that era -- except for the global elite,
of course.
Look again at the illustration
of an American Pilgrim village in approximately 1620.
Believe it or not, this illustration captures the
planned lifestyle of the New World Order!!
During the decade of
the 1990's, President Bush, Sr., signed the Kyoto
Accords which was planned to be the lynchpin of this
extreme environmentalist movement.
Other authors, like
Jeremy Rifkin, boldly call for the elimination
of our current way of life.
The Biden administration
will agree with the United Nations that "human
actions" are to blame for global warming.
Listen and weep for humanity:
These are the
steps man must carry out if he is to hope to avoid
species extinction:
"Everybody in the
United States could switch from cars to bicycles.
"The Chinese could
close all their factories.
"Europe could give
up electricity and return to the age of the lantern.
"All trucks, all
trains, all airplanes, cars, motorcycles and boats
in the United States would have to be eliminated —
that's 7.3% of global emissions"
"Closing all fossil-fuel-powered
electricity plants worldwide and replacing them with
windmills, solar panels and nuclear power plants would
make a serious dent — a 39% reduction globally"
"Trees could be
planted to absorb more carbon dioxide.
"Hybrid cars replaced
all 245 million cars in the United States —
more than a third of the cars in the world"
"Replacing one
standard light bulb in every U.S. home would prevent
greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly
800,000 cars"
appliances and other products in the Energy Star program
last year eliminated greenhouse gas emissions equal
to the pollution from 23 million cars"
Illuminati planners
do not see mankind going back to the Stone Age, just
back to the agricultural civilization which existed
300-400 years ago! Of course, the Global Elite would
still have this 21st Century style of living!
"Eliminating a
family's dryer could save electricity equivalent to
1,016 pounds of carbon dioxide a year"
"Recognize that
now is the time to stop thinking it is not necessary
to do something proactive for yourself and this Earth
... We need to hear this call now and begin reversing
the damage and neglect done, believe it or not, practically
all in the last 100 years on this Earth, which has
survived for billions and billions of years just fine,
until man came along. At this rate of damage how much
longer do you really think it's going to take before
we are all living in a plastic dome, breathing man-made
air, drinking man-made water, and eating man-made
food? Not too much longer." ["The Diary
of a Walk-In: Your Personal Wake-up Call", by
Susan Elaine, Starlight Communications, Vero Beach,
Florida, 1996, page 37].
"The U.S.
is going to have to decarbonize."
President Biden has
filled his Cabinet and sub-cabinet positions with
people who share this radical agenda. Many of them
have no expertise for the job they have been given
but they understand the bottom line goal:
"The U.S.
is going to have to decarbonize."
2. Finally,
you will understand that uncontrolled Illegal Immigration
is a major part of President Biden's solution to achieve
this final agenda.
changes immigration rules to open more pathways for
migrants ", New York Post, 6/17/2022
"The Biden administration
this week changed immigration policies to allow children
from Central American countries to fly to the US on
the taxpayers’ dime, and will allow migrants
to seek asylum if they claim they are the victims
of violence or crime — actions that come amid
the backdrop of a record-smashing surge of migrants
arriving at the border."
Reform Remaking

Every sovereign nation
controls the flow of foreign nationals across its
borders. During the time of the American Civil War,
the Vatican decided that the best way in which take
over America was to flood our shores with immigrants
who were Roman Catholic (Father Chiniquy, "50
Years In The 'Church' of Rome").
Over time, the Vatican
believed, Catholic families would grow to so outnumber
Protestants that Catholicism would rule America.
The Global Elite have
embarked on the same immigrant strategy, which explains
why nearly every Western leader is committed to accepting
virtually unlimited Muslim immigrants.
Massive immigration
now will have the immediate effect of flooding our
marketplace with unskilled workers, coming at the
time of decreased economic performance, thus further
destabilizing this country.
After "decarbonizing"
and downsizing, then the massive numbers of immigrants
can stay and share in the misery of living the level
of 1620!
Thank You, Joe Biden!
3. Russia continues
to fill the air with nuclear war rhetoric.
NEWS BRIEF: "Commenting
On Possible Nuclear Strike, Russia says: It's
all in our military doctrine", SRN News,
May 10, 2022
" Asked if Russia
would rule out a preemptive tactical nuclear strike
on Ukraine, Russia’s deputy foreign minister
said on Tuesday that a decision on the possible use
of nuclear weapons was clearly set out in Russia’s
military doctrine, RIA reported.
“ 'We have a military
doctrine – everything is written there', Alexander
Grushko was quoted by state news agency RIA as saying.
Russia’s official military
deployment principles allow for the use of nuclear
weapons if they – or other types of weapons
of mass destruction – are used against it, or
if the Russian state faces an existential threat from
conventional weapons."
Western Media
continues to trumpet Russian military incompetency,
and continues to tell us that this situation could
force Putin to use tactical nukes.
Finally. remember that
the Third World War is designed to sow nuclear panic
throughout the entire world. Such panic may occur
by either using nuclear weapons or by threatening
to use them over and over and over.
This panic may be more
important in achieving the One World that can receive
Antichrist than the actual battles fought. Listen
again to the exact quote:
"But then war will
seldom be absent from the world-scene during the last
twenty years of the century. There will be numerous
local conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East,
and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation
... may, towards the end of the period, threaten
man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier,
"The Armageddon Script",
p. 223]
Now, this planned war
is truly a "World War". The world is going
through the final birth pangs to produce Antichrist.
[Matthew 24:8 is being fully fulfilled]
Suddenly, amidst all
this panic, we learn of a "Man of Peace"
who has arisen East of Jerusalem, claiming to be the
Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, and
other world avatars, all in one person. And, to back
up his claim, he is dazzling the peoples of the world
with displays of supernatural power.
This scenario may be
almost ready to spring on an already well-conditioned
public. If it is, the beginning of the Tribulation
Period may be close at hand.
Are you spiritually
ready to meet Jesus?
Must I Do To Be Saved?
4. President
Biden is about to surrender American Sovereignty to
the United Nations 'World Health Organization' (W.H.O.)
NEWS BRIEF: "Warning:
American Sovereignty About To Be Swallowed Whole By
U.N’s World Health Organization",
Canada Free Press, May 10, 2022
"Take one last
longing look at the America we love because the UN’s
World Health Organization (WHO) is about to swallow
its sovereignty whole—on a deadline looming
as soon as May 22 ... Former Congress rep Michele
Bachmann calls the coming May 22 WHO vote: “The
biggest global power grab that we have seen in our
"WHO Vote Threatens
U.S. Sovereignty That’s what Bachmann told Steve
Bannon about the upcoming vote in Geneva over the
Biden administration’s amendments that would
cede US sovereignty to the WHO over national healthcare
"the only source
that can stop it are We the People whose country is
about to have its sovereignty swept away:
an international law up for final approval later this
month that removes our bodily autonomy rights, and
rights due Americans pertaining to freedom, laws,
and sovereignty and, instead, puts the decision making
power and actual control in the hands of the WHO and
the people who did this latest escapade in medical
profiteering. The date it’s to be finished is
May 22nd and it will be finalized unless enough people
rally against it,” CFP reader Larry Holm warns
patriots today."
In other words, foreign
troops could suddenly land in American cities to enforce
a WHO law just passed! The haunting words of Henry
Kissinger loom large at this point. During the Rodney
King rioting in Los Angeles, Kissinger made this following
"Today, Americans
would be outraged if U.N. forces entered Los Angeles
to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be greeted."
What kind of crisis
might spring such a WHO sovereignty over all nations
to be imposed?
Right on cue,
the White House warned that COVID cases will reach
100 million this Fall.
House warns of 100 million COVID infections this fall",
World Net Daily, May 9, 2022
"Just as Americans
get used to life without masks, shutdowns and other
restrictions, the White House is warning that the
fall season in which the midterm elections will take
place could see up to 100 million new COVID infections."
"In response, according
to Biden COVID response coordinator Ashish Jha, the
administration is asking Congress to approve another
$22.5 billion in emergency aid to pay for a fourth
round of shots as well as treatments and tests."
Mass Media, led by the
Biden White House, will try every propaganda trick
in their playbook to panic Americans to once again
fall into hysteria.
Christians should not
fear. Listen to God's promises:
"Thou shalt not
be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow
that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh
in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth
at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and
ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come
nigh thee." (Psalm 91:5-7, KJV)
"Fear ye not, stand
still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he
will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye
have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more
for ever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall
hold your peace." (Exodus 14:13-14, KJV)
What kind of 'peace'
does God promise?
"And God’s
peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul
assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing
nothing from God and being content with its earthly
lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends
all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over
your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Phillipian
4:7, Amplified Commentary)
Another COVID plague
could give us Christians a great opportunity to display
our faith in God to take care of us. Praise be to
5. Christian
pastor warns that American Christians should prepare
for severe religious persecution.
Andrew Brunson to U.S. Christians: Get ready for
persecution", World Net Daily, May 9,
"The American pastor
who was imprisoned for two years in Turkey on false
charges is warning Christians in the United States
that in an environment of increasing hostility, they
need to prepare to face the kind of persecution experienced
by fellow believers around the the world."
"He noted that
the gatekeepers of American culture are "increasingly
hostile to those who identify clearly with Jesus and
His teachings."
Liberal Leftist Democrats
are worshipping the ancient god, Baal.
Since Baal is a god
who demands human sacrifice, we can expect widespread
persecution of genuine Christians who adhere to their
eternal faith. These Baal worshippers shall then be
serving their Antichrist.
6. Is it possible
that America is suffering a shortage of baby formula
today because the Biden Administration has shipped
them to various migrant centers at the southern border?
"Border detention center looks stocked with baby
formula despite shortage ", New
York Post. May 12, 2022
"As American families
deal with a shortage of baby formula across the US,
a lawmaker has released images of dozens of boxes
of the coveted product lining the shelves at an illegal
migrant processing facility near the US-Mexico border."
is scarce. This is what America last looks like.”
In other
words, the Biden Administration is
causing American citizens to go without baby formula
because they consider illegal migrant babies to be
more important!
Biden official deserves to be impeached and thrown
out of office TODAY!
World Is The Crime Scene
In his new book,
'End Times Investigations', Heavener reveals the schemes
of the enemy during this rapidly emerging antichrist system,
while providing answers to these, and other, questions:
• What's the
association between antipsychotic drugs, shock therapy,
and the film The Exorcist?
• How is the entertainment business connected with
satanic ritual abuse, witchcraft, and programmed multiples?
• What is the Hollywood mind control machine and
who is the Deep State's new media partner?
• Is there a relationship between Charles Manson,
Jeffrey Dahmer, and mass shooters?
• What ties Jeffrey Epstein to the Holocaust? Are
German scientists still doing Nazi-type procedures in
America today?
• How does the alien-demon abduction disclosure
connect with the one- world religious system?
• Why were churches built on graveyards? Why are
trends such as communication with the dead, grave-soaking,
and New Ageism growing among Christians?
• If the Nephilim race survived the flood, is there
a remnant of their kind alive upon the earth today?
• Is it possible to survive the Illuminati's cashless
system and mandatory vaccine?
• And why did Heavener—after his cousin, Shanda
Sharer, was tortured and murdered at the age of twelve
by four teenage girls—conclude that this went deeper
than a senseless murder?
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