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Important News Articles

1. America, Europe,
Russia and China are rapidly moving toward a global
nuclear war!
NEWS BRIEF: "Ukraine
war is veering fast towards a big power conflict ",
DEBKAfile Intelligence. 17 March 2022
"Incensed, rather
than cowed, by sanctions and international condemnation,
the Russian president is likely to double down on his
war offensive against Ukraine – regardless of
the spreading death, human misery and ravaged cities.
An expanding confrontation therefore cannot be ruled
out for the foreseeable future."
"Moscow was seen
in Washington as expanding its targets beyond the Ukraine
border with the assault by 30 Russian cruise missiles
on the large Ukrainian Yavrov military facility outside
Lviv near the Polish border."
This war is designed to
move to a global World War III stage. Listen to the
words of the top Globalist financier in the entire world:
George Soros.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russia's
invasion of Ukraine is beginning of World War III: George
Soros", UMMID,
March 12, 2022
" Russia's attack
on Ukraine on February 24 marked the beginning of World
War III, George Soros, an American financier and founder
of the Renaissance Foundation, stated this in an article
... this war has the potential to 'destroy our civilisation'."
Soros took note of the
commitment Chinese President Xi was willing to grant
" 'I was surprised
that Xi is clearly giving Putin carte blanche to invade
and start a war against Ukraine," Soros said."
Why was Xi so willing
to back Putin's planned invasion with such a large commitment
before the first Russian tanks rolled over the Ukraine
border? I believe that the Chinese top command had long
ago realized that they could not conquer Taiwan with
any combination of conventional forces, because the
Taiwanese are even more capable than the brave Ukrainian
soldiers, plus they are aided in their defense by a
raging ocean, the 'Taiwan Straits'.
The Chinese high command
had reached the conclusion some years ago that they
would need to use tactical nuclear munitions, at least
to soften up the vast beach landing defenses which Taiwan
has created and which they vigorously defend.
The Chinese command would,
therefore, wish to create a scenario in which Russia
would invade Ukraine, be seen as becoming bogged down,
and having to use small tactical nuclear weapons --
against both military and civilian targets.
In the immediate aftermath
of America and NATO refusing to counter such tactical
nuclear weapons without moving to nuclear weapons themselves,
then Xi could be in line to use tactical nukes in Taiwan
without fear of reprisal.
In Xi's mind, his war
against Taiwan and against South Korea would be preceded
by a similar war against Ukraine. Putin and Xi would
agree that this multi-functional war against the West
would be most likely to overthrow the World Order created
by World War II and establish a new, tyrannically based
New World Order.
For this reason, 'Putin,
with Xi's backing, has gone about pursuing his lifelong
dream with incredible brutality', Soros wrote."
When this war began, both
Putin and Xi knew they were going to use tactical nukes
and were going to depend upon their control over President
Joe Biden to keep the conflict from going all-out nuclear.
The wording of
the Illuminati Plan continues to hold true: '"A
hair-raising nuclear confrontation ... may, towards
the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."
[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script",
p. 223, 1981]
2. Is this entire
Russia/Ukraine war the most recent outworking of the
old Illuminati "Thesis
vs Antithesis"?
has brought threat of nuclear conflict 'back within
the realm of possibility': U.N. chief ", News
BHT, March 15, 2022
"Days after Russia’s
initial attack, Putin said he had put his nuclear forces
on alert in response to what he called the West’s
“aggressive statements” and its escalating
package of economic sanctions. It was the first time
the Kremlin — which has the world’s largest
nuclear stockpile — had made such an announcement
since the Russian Federation replaced the Soviet Union
in 1991."
What was President Biden's
response to this existential threat?
"The Biden administration
has sought to de-escalate tensions. The week after Putin’s
move, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the
United States saw no reason to change its nuclear alert
"...the Russian president
(may be) more willing to gamble with nuclear threats
than other leaders, she said, reflecting the escalatory
dangers of Putin’s nuclear saber-rattling."
But, now, let us return
to our original premise here: That this
entire Russia/Ukraine war the most recent outworking
of the old Illuminati "Thesis
vs Antithesis"?
Conflict Produces Controlled Change"
The Masonic Elite of the
world believes wholeheartedly in a formula by which
they can achieve their goals. This formula
is one of controlled confrontation, without which nothing
can be achieved, a tactical Battle Plan that would clearly
specify how rulers were to proceed overthrowing all
the established governments in the World. In 1823, a
German professor named Hegel provided that formula,
that specific battle plan. Hegel proposed that societies
were governed by the following formula:
The existence of one
type of government or society, named Thesis,
would provoke the appearance of the opposite of that
type of government or society, which Hegel named Antithesis.
Thesis and Antithesis
would naturally begin to battle one another, since they
were exactly opposite systems and, therefore, would
see matters differently.
If Thesis and Antithesis battled each other for a long
period of time, with neither side annihilating the other,
that battling would result in both sides changing to
a hybrid system of government and society, which Hegel
called Synthesis.
A constant battling,
or threat of battling, was the key.
Hegel theorized that "Conflict
brings about change, and planned conflict would bring
about planned change". This theory swept through
Europe, on college campuses, sparking many a debate!
After awhile, student's fascination with this theory
died down, but the Illuminati, with Freemasonry now
thoroughly involved in the leadership in the New World
Order Plan, now had their formula to achieve their goals!
Let us now define these
terms as they relate to Weishaupt's Plan:
Thesis --
is the original system dominating Europe in the late
1700's. This system was economically Private Enterprise,
politically either Monarchy or Democracy, and religiously
Anti-Thesis --
is the opposite system to Thesis, which, theoretically,
by battling Thesis for an extended period of time, would
produce a new system, called Synthesis
(New World Order).
Synthesis --
is the new, hybrid system produced by constant battling
between Thesis and Anti-Thesis. Synthesis is planned
to be economically Fascist, where the Means of Production
and the Distribution of Goods are privately held, but
the Government dictates how much is produced and how
many companies can produce the same type product. Synthesis
was planned to be religiously Satanic, which is the
hybrid between the Judeo-Christian Thesis and the Atheistic
Anti-Thesis. This new system, hypothetically called
Synthesis, has always had a title. It has always been
known as the New World Order.
Their first opportunity
to test the viability of this new conflict formula came
in World War Two.
World War II was set up
into two (2) groups equally committed to the New World
Order, as follows:
* Western Consortium --
United States, Great Britain, Russia
* Eastern Consortium --
Germany, Japan, and Italy
As the world emerged from
this terrible war, many of the obstacles heretofore
standing in the way of a globalist government were now
removed. Again, the feeling of change was in the air,
exemplified by the statement from former U.S.S.R. dictator,
Mikhail Gorbachev. Listen:
" His theme is a
corollary of his own perestroika: the whole world is
in need of change and reorientation... Gorbachev would
not be drawn into an admission that socialist theory
had failed or that Communism was dead. An alternative
between capitalism and communism is in the offing..."
That "alternative"
system is called Synthesis and will be known as the
New World Order.
This Third World War will
operate under this same premise, that "controlled
conflict brings about controlled change.
But, I see this formula
working within the Ukraine battling the Russians in
the newspapers and on the TV networks. To make this
work, the Illuminati would have to control both sides.
But, The top Illuminati
in the world, George Soros, would need to control both
Putin and Zelensky! By definition, Putin is Illuminati,
one of the top leaders in the world on a level with
China's Xi and America's Biden.
So, does George Soros
control hometown hero President Zelensky?
Kind of Communist is Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy?
The Most Dangerous Kind", Canada Free
Press, March 15, 2022
"What kind of Communist
is Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy? A hidden one,
masquerading as a celebrity comedian. In other words,
a cunning and even more dangerous one."
What a surprise!! The
hometown hero, battling against all odds, who has escaped
several assassination attempts, is a hidden Communist.
In other words, Zelensky
is controlled by George Soros!
"The good people
of Ukraine have been had by a 10-cents-a-dance comedian
who should have been booed off the stage as president.
Sadly, this is not the first time that brutal communism
hid its hammer from an unsuspecting public."
This battle between Russia
and Ukraine is as contrived and scripted as imaginable!
"Meanwhile, there
is nothing comedic about Communism—only pain and
3. The World Court
orders Russia to halt military operations in Ukraine!
Court orders Russia to halt military operations in Ukraine",
LAWHAUZ News, March 17, 2022
"The United Nations’
top court for disputes between states ordered Russia
on Wednesday to immediately halt its military operations
in Ukraine, saying it was “profoundly concerned”
by Moscow’s use of force. Although the rulings
of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) are binding,
it has no direct means of enforcing them ..."
"Ukraine filed its
case at the ICJ shortly after Russia’s invasion
began on Feb. 24, saying that Moscow’s stated
justification, that it was acting to prevent a genocide
in eastern Ukraine, was unfounded. In addition to disputing
the grounds for the invasion, Kyiv also asked for emergency
“provisional” measures against Russia to
halt the violence before the case was heard in full.
Those measures were granted on Wednesday."
Russia quickly
"ignored" the Court!
Ignores U.N. Court Ordering End of Ukraine War",
Breitbart News, 17 Mar 2022
"... Moscow roundly
ignored the globalist organization and continued fighting
"Russia’s decision
to ignore the ceasefire demand continues its decision
to roundly defy other U.N. actions. Moscow
snubbed a hearing last week, when lawyers for Ukraine
told the court Russia had started an 'unprovoked aggression'.
Moscow justified its use of force by saying 'it was
acting in self-defence'.”
"Trump said he knew
Putin always wanted to take over Ukraine, but that as
president he refused to let it happen."

4. Determined
to dampen American patriotism, the Biden Administration
refused to grant the annual permit to hold a patriotic
rally at Mt. Rushmore!
refuse July 4 fireworks permit for Mt. Rushmore, again!",
World Net Daily, March 16,
"There are a few
locations that are iconic for July 4th festivities and
* New York harbor with
the Statue of Liberty.
*The Mall in Washington,
* And Mt. Rushmore, South
Dakota's famed mountain-size carvings of four famous
"But that location
isn't going to see any of those events on the holiday
this year, because the federal government had determined
that Indian tribes might be offended."
One of the most consistent
threads running in New Age and New World Order books
is that globalist leaders of the New World Order consider
their personal loyalty to belong to the global government
they are creating, and not to the government of which
they are citizens. American presidents from Woodrow
Wilson to Joe Biden have been globalist to the core.
They are not patriots, even though they have certainly
tried to portray themselves as such. They consider patriotism
to be such a serious obstacle to the final establishment
of their global system that they have done everything
in their power to weaken and destroy patriotism in the
minds of their subjects. Thus, American schools have
been teaching the value of a global government for a
number of decades now. Many Americans today are not
the firm and fanatic American patriots of their predecessors.
As Biden and others lead
the American people through the Third World War designed
to produce Antichrist and dissolve our traditional Republic
form of government, they consider patriotism to be their
last great enemy. In fact, these leaders tie American
patriotism and Gun Ownership advocates together.