News Alert
- Thursday, 3/3/2022
Must I Do To Be Saved?
the most current Newsalert
Filled With
Wisdom and Understanding
38: When God Defends Israel"
Ezekiel 38: When
God Defends Israel – The Coming Russian and Iranian
Invasion of the Promised Land. One of the greatest military
slaughters in the history of mankind!
Ezekiel tells
us that in the latter days, a group of armies from the
“uttermost” north will orchestrate a massive
sneak attack on Israel. At the time, Israel is said
to be dwelling in relative security in a land without
walls or bars. A shocking outcome awaits the enemy,
as God breaks his silence and destroys the invading
armies in a supernatural way. It’s a miraculous
rescue mission and it leaves our world and the Jewish
people changed forever.
This 3-DVD set
answers the questions we all want to know.
Part 1 –
Who Are the Enemy Attackers?
Part 2 – Why Is Israel Attacked?
Part 3 – Why Does God Intervene on Israel’s
Part 4 – When Does This End-Time Battle Happen?
What is the outcome of this end-time battle and how
does it change Israel’s future?
As we see these
nations all presently aligned and seemingly ready to
take on God’s Chosen People, we know this battle
is closer than ever. https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2994
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- The Culture of Rebellion
- Marijuana Update
- CBD - Panacea or Problem?
- The Psychedelic Renaissance
- Psychedelic Seduction
- Aliens and God-Like Entities
Sections in this booklet by Tony Pearce include:
- Past changes in Weather
- What's happening now
- The politics of Global Warming
- Bible Prophecy and the Environment

Topics in this booklet by David Dombrowski include:
- The True Nature or a distorted view of God
- A Powerful yet dangerous system
- Earthly Wisdom and foolish philosophy
- The Calvinist "gospel"
- Calvin's God too small
- The Foundation
- Is there assurance of our salvation
- The Spririt of Antichrist
- Blessed Assurance
Topics in this booklet by Warren B Smith include:
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- God Within
- Spiritual Revival
- A Course in Miracles
- Christian Spiritualist?
- The Phillipian Psychic
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- Today's Church
- Demonic deception
- Endorsing Have Heart
- Pastor's Perspective
- New Age Necromancy
- The Light That Was Dark
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Cutting Edge Up And Sharing the Gospel"
We want to thank all of
our financial supporters. Over the years your support
has proven crucial in enabling us to make our full site
free for everyone so that those who cannot afford to
donate can have full access. BUT, This year we have
experienced a severe drop in bookstore sales and donations.
We are clinging to life
in a barren land, much as this struggling tree shown
above!Your donations will help us expand
into podcasts also. Our heartfelt thanks
for helping us continue our outreach and preventing
Cutting Edge from disappearing from the Internet, at
a most crucial time in world history!
David Bay, Director
Important News Articles
1. Is this Russian attack into Ukraine
the trigger for World War III?
This World War III?", American Greatness,
March 1, 2022
The planned theme of nuclear confrontation
threatening all people of the world continues to expand.
nuclear threat looms large in Ukraine war rhetoric",
DEBKAfile Intelligence File, March 2, 2022
"The nuclear threat surfaced strongly
when Russian FM Sergei Lavrov said frankly, “If a third
World War were to happen, it would involve nuclear weapons
and be destructive."
From the beginning of a discussion of World
War III, we noted that the plan called for a nuclear scare
which would penetrate all over the globe and would cause citizens
from all countries to feel that they could be blown up at
any time of any day.
Listen to the quote:
hair-raising nuclear confrontation ... may, towards the end
of the period, threaten man's very survival."
[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223,
The Biden Administration also contributed
to this rising sense of atomic panic.
Government Website Offers Advice for Nuclear Blast",
WebMD, March 2, 2022
"Ready.gov, a public service website
operated by the U.S. government, recently updated its page
about a nuclear explosion emergency ... 'Nuclear explosions
can cause significant damage and casualties from blast, heat,
and radiation ... If a nuclear explosion occurs, people should
move inside the nearest building to avoid radiation."
Now, Americans can begin to feel the level
of panic rising within their minds.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russia's
foreign minister says World War III will be nuclear",
World Net Daily, March
"Putin on Sunday put Russia's nuclear
forces at an elevated state of readiness ... We can see that
with President Putin’s state of mind, there is a risk
of escalation,” said the aide, who spoke anonymously.
'There is a risk of manipulation from President Putin to justify
what is unjustifiable'.”
At this point,the Russian FM, Lavrov, alleged
that Ukraine had developed into a mortal threat because she
still controlled Soviet-era nuclear technology!
"Today the dangers that (Ukrainian President
Volodymyr) Zelenskyy's regime pose for neighboring countries
and international security in general have increased substantially
after the authorities set up in Kyiv have embarked upon dangerous
games related to plans to acquire their own nuclear weapons
... 'Ukraine still has Soviet nuclear technologies and the
means of delivery of such weapons. We cannot fail to respond
to this real danger', he said."
At this point, delegates to the address to
the Conference on Disarmament, meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
walked out in unison.
Russia may have tactical nuclear warheads
which no Western nation possesses.
NEWS BRIEF: "Putin’s
Nuclear Threat Includes Using Tactical Nukes that US and NATO
Can’t Respond In-kind ", American
Defense News, 3/1/2022
"... Putin is reminding everyone that
Russia has nuclear weapons – and lots of them. As a
matter of fact, Russia has more nukes than anyone else, including
the United States. And Russian doctrine allows for them to
be used in conventional war."
Let us repeat this last sentence, for it
is truly shocking!
"Russian doctrine allows for them to
be used in conventional war."
"The Russian tactical nuclear assets
include air and sea launched cruise missiles, surface to air
missiles, medium range, road mobile, surface-to surface ballistic
missiles, and air launched hypersonic land attack weapons."
Now, for the truly shocking news:
"... the U.S. and NATO don’t really
have many tactical nukes left in their arsenal."
Can you feel the rising tsunami within the
minds of citizens all across the world?
"Significantly, according to Russia’s
nuclear deterrent doctrine, endorsed by Putin in June 2020,
the Kremlin “reserves the right to use nuclear weapons,”
including tactical weapons in a conventional conflict to force
the enemy to back down. Also known in Russian doctrine as
‘escalating to de-escalate'."
"This means Russia believes it is useful
militarily to use tactical nuclear weapons to manage a conventional
If Putin uses one of these low-yield nuclear
bombs on a target in Ukraine, coupled with Biden's refusal
to react in kind, Communist China would almost immediately
attack Taiwan, using low-yield nuclear bombs!
After all, Communist China has Joe Biden
more tightly in its grasp than does either Ukraine or Russia!
2. Russia reportedly used a Fuel
Air Bomb on Ukrainian civilians!
NEWS BRIEF: "Russia-Ukraine
War: What Are Vacuum Bombs That Ukraine Claims Russia
Using Amid Invasion?", Republic World,
1 Mar 2022
"Fears have arisen over the use of vacuum
bombs by Russia after it was reported that Moscow has been
attacking the former Soviet nation with thermobaric weapons."
This conventional bomb is nearly
as destructive as a nuclear device, and adds the specter of
incredible brutality on this war.
"It is to mention that the use of the
deadly weapon, which sucks in oxygen from the surrounding
air to generate a high-temperature explosion, has yet to be
independently confirmed."
3. Western Allies ratchet up their
plans to send Ukrainian forces anti-tank and anti-aircraft
weapons -- reportedly very effective in destroying tanks and
NEWS BRIEF: "Germany
sending thousands of anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine",
The Washington Examiner, March 3, 2022
"Germany has reportedly announced they
are sending more lethal aid to the embattled Ukrainian government.
Germany will send 2,700 Soviet-era "STRELA-type"
anti-aircraft missiles, which can be used against helicopters
and aircraft, according to the German news agency DPA."
"Ukraine previously received shipments
of 1,000 anti-tank missiles and 500 anti-aircraft missiles,
as well as 18,000 helmets from the German government."
Russia has responded with her air
force, targeting Ukrainian airfields to stop this re supply.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
attacks focus on Ukraine airfields to stop incoming arms aid
", DEBKAfile Intelligence,
1 March 2022
"Russian forces were on Tuesday focusing
their attacks on Ukraine’s airfields a) to sustain air
superiority after disabling most of the Ukrainian air force
and b) to block incoming European weapons deliveries, especially
anti-tank arms ... Speaking in New York, Ukraine’s ambassador
Oksana Markarova accused Moscow of using a banned 'vacuum
bomb'. She appealed to US lawmakers for more help as her country
resists a 'brutal war' that is inflicting 'large devastation'
on her country."
To Reiterate: China is watching carefully
4. President Trump boldly predicted
that China will soon attack Taiwan.
'Taiwan Next' For Potential Invasion As China Watching Moscow-Kyiv
War 'with Glee'," Republic World, 1 March
"Taiwan is going to be next. Just watch
Taiwan; President Xi is watching with glee," Trump told
host Maria Bartiromo in a TV interview on Wednesday."
Chinese leaders have concluded that
their control of Joe Biden is tight enough to enable them
to launch a brutal attack on Taiwan.
"When asked by his host if he expected
Taiwan to invade sooner rather than later, the former US President
said sooner "because they're seeing how stupid the United
States is run.” China is watching how silly America
is and “in fact, they (China) are going to do it (invade
Taiwan)” said the former US leader.
“President Xi appears to be a person
with an excessive intelligence stage, and he appears to be
like what occurred in Afghanistan,” Trump said in a
televised interview. “He [Xi Jinping] noticed the best
way that we left Afghanistan, left Americans there –
continues to be attempting to get out – he sees that
and that is his alternative to do what he desires to do...”
5. American Gun Owners are paying
attention to the reality that the Ukrainian Army realized
the necessity / effectiveness of the people being armed in
repelling the armed invader.
NEWS BRIEF: "Ukraine
Demonstrates the Need for Gun Protections: "Guns
in the right hands can be used for good","
American Greatness, 1 Mar 2022
"The question of upholding the right
of self-defense shouldn’t be political. Even so, supporters
of the Second Amendment and our right as free people to arm
ourselves are constantly attacked as wild-eyed crazies and
“gun nuts.” So imagine my surprise at seeing Ukraine,
a country with strict gun laws, “handing out”
guns to its citizens for use as protection against the Russian
invasion. It’s almost as if guns in the right hands
can be used for good."
"f you are suggesting the answer is
“more” gun laws, please know, there are already
more than 300,000 state and federal gun laws on the books
in the United States. No form of gun control implemented against
law-abiding citizens will ever change the actions committed
by criminals or the mentally ill. "
The sorry statistics of murder in Chicago
and New York City highlight this fact. The old bumper sticker
was right all along:"When guns are outlawed, only the
outlaws will own guns"!
"History has demonstrated that the road
to ultimate power is paved by useful idiots and malicious
deceivers, leading to the disarming of everyone excluding
those in power."
No Gun-Control Leftist has even noticed!
6. America would not stand a chance
if Russia and China coordinated their Cyber Offensive capabilities.
doesn’t stand ‘a fighting chance’ if Russia
and China combine cyber tech", North Atlantic
League, March 3, 2022
"China may already be sharing data with
Russia, and America wouldn’t stand “a fighting
chance” if the two superpowers combined their cyberwarfare
capabilities, the U.S. Air Force’s former chief software
officer told Fox News.
“Not many nations would be able to
push back,” Nicolas Chaillan told Fox News. “I
don’t even think the United States would be able to
push back if tomorrow Russia and China decide to come together
against us.”
“We have to be cautious. I always remind
people that [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin is not stupid,”
Chaillan said. “We may not yet understand what his plan
was all along.”
Power and Water industries could
be taken down for months!
"But the former Pentagon official said
he’s “way more scared about China.” Chaillan
said it would be “game changing” if China provided
Russia with advanced technologies. Chaillan believes China
would first give Russia cyber offense capabilities."
"The former Pentagon official said he
wouldn’t be surprised if China was already sharing data
with Russia. But he warned of possible repercussions if the
U.S. or other Western nations offered the same support to
“We have to be very careful,”
Chaillan told Fox News. “If we start providing cyber
offensive capabilities, nothing stops Russia from fighting
back and going after our critical infrastructure.”
"... Chaillan said the cyber defense
for critical infrastructure, like power and water systems,
is “at the kindergarten level. It would be very impactful
to U.S. citizens if something were to happen,” Chaillan
said. 'They could potentially take down the grid for weeks,
if not months'.”
7. Democrat Joe Manchin sat with
Republicans during the State of the Union address!
Joe Manchin sits with Republicans during State of the Union",
The Washington Examiner, March 1, 2022
"Sen. Joe Manchin III crossed the aisle
during Tuesday’s State of the Union address. Mr. Manchin,
a moderate West Virginia Democrat, opted to sit on the side
of the House chamber traditionally reserved for Republicans
rather than with members of his party."
"Mr. Manchin was seen sitting next to
(R.I.N.O.) GOP Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah and Roger Wicker
of Mississippi. He was the only Senate Democrat to sit with
Republicans. "
Afterwards, Manchin strongly advocated
Energy Independence as the most important part of remaining
a global superpower.
NEWS BRIEF: "Senator
Manchin calls on US for ramped up oil production in wake of
Russia-Ukraine war ", The NY Post, March
3, 2022
"Sen. Joe Manchin is calling on the
Biden administration to ramp up energy production and end
crude oil imports from Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.
The West Virginia Democrat, chairman of the Senate Energy
and Natural Resources Committee,? said the administration
must ensure that the US becomes energy independent.
“While Americans decry what is happening
in Ukraine, the United States continues to allow the import
of more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and
other petroleum products from Russia during this time of war?,”
Manchin said on Monday. "
In other words, America is quietly financing
Russia's war against Ukraine?
How insane!
Senator Manchin is also a hero for his stand
against the Federal bill to permanently legalize Abortion!
Republicans and Joe Manchin Block Bill to Legalize Abortion:
Ahead of Supreme Court Decision", American Greatness,
March 1. 2022
"On Monday, the Senate narrowly voted
against a bill that would have legally enshrined the practice
of abortion, as the Supreme Court prepares to make a decision
that could finally overturn Roe v. Wade."
"... the bill was defeated by a margin
of 48-46, with six senators not present for the vote. However,
the 47 Republicans who voted against the bill were joined
by Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), the most moderate Democrat
in the upper house, who has repeatedly voiced his opposition
to some of his party’s more radical positions."
Are you ready, my friend,
to meet Jesus Christ? Have you been born-again through His
blood? If you have, you can truly "look up, for your
redemption draweth nigh".
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Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
creates new organization to investigate mysterious objects
in the sky", Military Times,
November 23, 2021
"Faced with growing
concerns about mysterious objects in the sky, especially
over military installations and training ranges, the
Pentagon has created a new organization to search for
answers about where they came from and what threats
they may pose ... investigations into unidentified aerial
phenomenon will now be conducted by the Airborne Object
Identification and Management Synchronization Group,
nested in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence & Security."
"... It comes in
the wake of a June report by the ODNI into objects in
the sky that found no explanation for 143 of 144 incidents
Luciferian Plan:
'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining
the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear
at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ
appears'." (New England Director of the House of
Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)
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Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
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Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved