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- Thursday, 1/27/2022
Must I Do To Be Saved?
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New End Times' Book
Uncertain Future"
Future is Secure!
A Study-Guide
Commentary to Revelation
For 5,900 years
man was confined in travel and communications to 30
miles an hour. In our generation travel has accelerated
to hundreds of miles an hour and communications to 186,000
miles a second. Wars, famines, and earthquakes continue
to increase and concerns mount over the proliferation
of nuclear weapons. Jesus said of these last days that
fear would grip the world as to what the future holds.
(Luke 21:26)
However, for those
who read and study the book of Revelation, this marvelous
book of prophecy, there is no need to be uncertain about
the future. Dr. Spargimino has done a masterful study
on this important book about things to come, reconciling
the message to the churches with the judgments of the
seals, trumpets, and vials. For the person who has had
difficulty placing all the events in the Apocalypse
in proper chronological order, this is the book.
pages -- Regularly $19.99, Only $14.99, Saving You $5.00
For more study in Revelation check out our collection of 6 DVDs
Get the Complete set. Buy Volumes 1-6 of Mac Dominick's Revelation Studies and save $ over buying them individually.
This systematic study combines standard Biblical Interpretation plus a number of distinctive Cutting Edge teachings. You will be blessed and enlightened.
New Booklet
- Only 1.95
Booklet: The
Chosen: 10 Areas of Critical Importance
The incredibly popular
series The Chosen is being described as a “global
phenomenon” and growing “movement”
that is creating the groundwork for world “revival.”
However, there are some critical concerns about this
series and where it is heading. The following are ten
of these concerns:
1) The Chosen and Its
Mormon Influencers
2) Are the Biblical Jesus
and the Mormon Jesus the Same?
3) The Chosen—“A
Definitive Portrayal of God’s People”? Beloved,
believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone
out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
4) “95% of the Content
Isn’t From the Bible”—Dallas Jenkins
-- This means that The Chosen is almost completely man’s
word—not God’s Word.
5) Jonathan Roumie’s
Spiritual Affinities and His Influence on Millions
6) Dallas Jenkins—Unequally
Yoked or Equally Yoked?
7) Seduction by Fiction
8) “Get Used to
9) The Stage for a Worldwide
“Revival” and “The Healing of the
10) “Never Underestimate
the Enemy”
The incredibly popular
series The Chosen is being described as a “global
phenomenon” and growing “movement”
that is creating the groundwork for world “revival.”
However, there are some critical concerns about this
series and where it is heading. Order yours today
For More - Choose
from over 90 titles of these wonderful $1.95 Booklets

The Church Go Through The Tribulation?"
Book by Noah Hutchings
-- Only $19.99
The coming Tribulation
will witness the rise of a world dictator who will have
the authority and power to demand that everyone in the
world take his mark and worship him as God. Those who
do not will be executed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulational
view understand the Scriptures to mean all Christians
will be taken up out of the world at the Rapture just
before the Tribulation begins.More
information or order
Price Drop!
Death: COVID, Corruption and Control"
New Book by Larry
$19.99, Only $14.99 - You SAVE $5.00
Needless Death will challenge
you to develop a sanctified skepticism against big government,
big pharma, and organizations with globalist ties.
The year 2020 was one
of the most apocalyptic years that had ever come upon
Planet Earth. Once the coronavirus hit, it spread worldwide
very quickly Never had a virus spread so quickly and
so far.
Information or Place Order
Important News Articles
The Medical Establishment is now coming after your baby
to inject 3 Doses!
‘3-Dose Regimen’ of Pfizer Vax For Infants and
Toddlers is Coming", American Greatness, 1/26/2022
"The Biden administration
is planning to recommend the experimental mRNA vaccines
for babies as young as six months old, despite alarming
safety signals and concerns that mass vaccination is making
the pandemic worse."
My mind simply recoils at
the idea of shooting this vaccine into the bodies of tiny
infants. Doctors already shoot a cocktail of chemicals into
sweet innocent children in the first several years of their
Since Governments have brutally,
wantonly murdered over 60 million Americans within the womb,
they will not hesitate to force parents to surrender their
babies' bodies to even more killing.
"White House chief medical
adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci announced Wednesday that Pfizer
vaccines for infants and toddlers are currently being tested,
and once the shots are approved, a 'three-dose regimen'
will be recommended."
History will correctly call
Dr. Fauci another "Dr. Death", a modern-day Joseph
We have already been warned
of the risks to children.
"During the 'Defeat the
Mandate' rally in Washington DC Sunday, Dr. Robert Malone,
the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, delivered a speech
that focused on the risks of the experimental COVID vaccines
to children."
Note the qualifications of
Dr. Malone: He is "the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology",
so he seems extremely qualified to speak as an expert on
this subject.
"The doctor pointed out
that vaccine injuries in young people are more common than
many parents realize. 'On average, between 1 in 2,000 and
one and 1 in 3,000 children that receive these vaccines
will be hospitalized in the short term with vaccine-caused
damage', he said. 'Only in the passage
of time will we know what long-term damage will occur with
He concluded: "“If
your child is damaged by these vaccines, you will be left
alone with both your grief, and the burden of care,”
Malone said. 'These genetic vaccines can damage your children.
They may damage their brains, their heart, their immune
system, and their ability to have children in the future.
Many of these damages can not be repaired'.”
Will this vaccination
program achieve the goal of reducing world population by
7.5 billion?
Clouds Over Elberton - DVD Georgia Guidestones Mystery Revealed",
by Chris Pinto, Cutting Edge Ministries
" In 1979, a mysterious
stranger appeared in the remote town of Elberton, Georgia.
The man introduced himself as R.C. Christian, but admitted
this was not his real name. He claimed to represent a small
group of loyal Americans who wanted to erect a monument
they hoped would inspire 'the Age of Reason'.
"The monument was named
the Georgia Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones
are ten commands or guides that were intended to provide
wisdom for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction
of the world population to a mere 500 million.
In order to achieve this, billions of people would have
to die. Many have wondered: is the monument designed to
inspire wisdom? Or to launch a global genocide?"
Is the ultimate aim of this
vaccine to set in motion the effort to murder 7.5 billion
during the New World Order reign of Antichrist?
2. Virginia Democrats
reveal their inner heart of genocide by refusing doctors'
use of Ivermectin, an effective treatment for COVID-19!
NEWS BRIEF: "Virginia
State Democrats block ivermectin treatments, kill public
comment", World Net Daily, Jan
23, 2022
"A bill in the Virginia
state Senate that would have allowed health-care providers
to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was blocked
by Democrats after they shut down a public comment session
... As the Democratic majority on the Senate Education and
Health Committee moved to kill the Republican bill, Democratic
committee Chairwoman Sen. Louise Lucas cut the remote audio
feed of Charlottesville radio-show host Rob Schilling as
he expressed support for the legislation.."
"Holding up a copy of
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book 'The Real Anthony Fauci', she
said of the the White House coronavirus adviser who has
suppressed the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
to treat COVID-19, 'People across this nation are dying
as a result of this man'."
"Another woman shouted,
'Tyrants!' as she and others were kicked out."
They would rather see people die!
"The National File noted that after
the vote, the committee chairman, Lucas, posted a video on
Twitter in which she vowed to form a Democratic "brick
wall" that will throw Republican bills in the trash.
She illustrated her declaration by crumpling up a piece of
paper and tossing it aside."
This is the REAL attitude of Leftist, Liberal
Democrats, not the lying words of compassion used by so many
3. Liberal, Pro-Abortion Justice
Stephen Breyer is retiring from the Supreme Court!
NEWS BRIEF: "Pro-Abortion
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Will Retire",
Life News, Jan 26, 2022
"Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
will retire after more than 27 years on the nation’s
highest court. Breyer is a pro-abortion stalwart who has always
been on the pro-abortion side in any legal battles over pro-life
legislation.His retirement paves the way for Joe Biden to
appointment a replacement, who will almost assuredly be a liberal
abortion advocate who would vote to keep Roe v. Wade and 63
million abortions in place."
President Biden will certainly nominate
a Leftist Black Woman who is staunchly Pro-Abortion.
to Nominate Black Woman to SCOTUS",
USA Today, Jan 26. 2022
"WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden
confirmed Thursday he will honor a campaign pledge to name
the first Black woman to the Supreme Court this year, making
history as he chooses a successor to replace retiring Associate
Justice Stephen Breyer."
One fact is sure: Incompetency Will
4. The rhetoric from Ukrainian /
Russian confrontation took the required sharp turn into a
Nuclear standoff.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
official says nuclear missile crisis unavoidable without arms
curbs", Reuters News, JaN 27, 2022
"MOSCOW, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Russia said
on Thursday that a nuclear missile crisis between Moscow and
Washington was unavoidable without measures to ensure restraint
and predictability ... NATO was capable of rapidly deploying
nuclear weapons that would be able to strike strategic targets
in Russia."
"Moscow thought the United States was
making preparations to deploy short or intermediate-range
missiles to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region."
China has already invoked the specter of
nuclear warfare should the United States come to the aid of
And, this brings us to the original concept
of this World War III -- so scaring the peoples of the world
so that they will allow any event to occur to them so long
as they think their government can preserve their life.
Listen to the original wording:
"A hair-raising nuclear confrontation
... may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very
survival." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script",
p. 223]
Therefore, Russia's new nuclear policy is
designed to provoke just the kind of nuclear confrontation,
and panic, described above -- one that will "threaten
man's very survival".
5. America is now engaged in a new
Civil War.
The Democrats are the new Confederates.
are in a civil war, and Dems are the new Confederates",
World Net Daily, January 24, 2022
"I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is that this is evil.
Look around. What Democrats believe in is not "politics
as usual," it's not 'liberalism', it's not 'progressive',
it's not even 'socialist lite'. It's pure evil. It's the kind
of evil we used to fight wars over. It's a combination of
communism, fascism, Nazism and the slavery of the Confederate
"Yes, Democrats are the new
But, the Democrats were also the
original racist Confederates, starting in 1829!
Listen to the belief of the old Democrat
Party Confederacy as to the inferiority of Blacks, and weep.
Listen to the words of the Vice President of the Confederate
States, as he publicly spoke to a crowd in Savannah, Georgia,
in 1861; hear his disgusting racism.
"In what's now known as the 'Cornerstone
Speech', Stephens told a Savannah, Ga., crowd in 1861 that
'our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas
[as those of the original Declaration of Independence]; its
foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great
truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery,
subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal
condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the
history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical,
and moral truth." ("1861 'Cornerstone Speech' ",
by Alexander H. Stephens, Georgia, Confederate Vice President)
Democrat Southern leaders of the day chimed
in as they described the black slaves and their position within
the Southern states.
"My own convictions as to negro slavery
are strong ...We recognize the negro as ... our inferior,
fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the
negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what
slavery enables them to be." ("40 Top Jefferson
Davis Quotes That Reflect His Mind")
"We do not think that whites should
be slaves either by law or necessity. Our slaves are black,
of another and inferior race. The status in which we have
placed them is an elevation. They are elevated from the condition
in which God first created them, by being made our slaves.
None of that race on the whole face of the globe can be compared
with the slaves of the South. They are happy, content, un-
aspiring, and utterly incapable, from intellectual weakness,
ever to give us any trouble by their aspirations." ("Cotton
Is King" speech, James Henry Hammond)
This utterly disgusting view of the African-American
race was the key foundation of the entire Southern Confederacy!
And, the Democrat Party ruled supreme throughout the South.
The Democrat Party's black slavery system
was finally broken by a 4-year Civil War in which 750,000
Union men spilled their blood. The entire Southern Belle Culture
was smashed, never to rise again and the major cities and
towns were razed to the ground.
As Republican President Abraham Lincoln said:
"... the judgments of the Lord are true
and righteous altogether." (President Lincoln, quoting
Psalm 19:9). Lincoln viewed the Civil War as God's judgment
upon America for her massive national sin of slavery.
How ironic that the propagandists of the
Democrat Party today have been able to convince a strong vocal
and violent minority to agitate against a non-existent "Inherent
Racism", to the point of breaking apart this formerly
great nation!
Are you ready, my friend,
to meet Jesus Christ? Have you been born-again through His
blood? If you have, you can truly "look up, for your
redemption draweth nigh".
Must I Do To Be Saved?
New DVD!
Prophetic DVD For
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Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
creates new organization to investigate mysterious objects
in the sky", Military Times,
November 23, 2021
"Faced with growing
concerns about mysterious objects in the sky, especially
over military installations and training ranges, the
Pentagon has created a new organization to search for
answers about where they came from and what threats
they may pose ... investigations into unidentified aerial
phenomenon will now be conducted by the Airborne Object
Identification and Management Synchronization Group,
nested in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence & Security."
"... It comes in
the wake of a June report by the ODNI into objects in
the sky that found no explanation for 143 of 144 incidents
Luciferian Plan:
'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining
the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear
at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ
appears'." (New England Director of the House of
Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)
Sons of God
& The Nephilim Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
There are many mysteries
in this world that historically have Christians running
for cover. These are not mysteries that are easily
solved, and the hard questions more often than not,
go unanswered. Furthermore, these mysteries have
found their way into our culture and demand an answer
from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or we as
Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture
that is becoming more and more saturated with answers
from the occult world. What are the questions
that arise from these mysteries? These DVDs have many

Secret Destiny of America Revealed"

This DVD will expose the TRUE HISTORY
of America, important Founding Fathers, and the Great
Seal of the United States as the pieces are put into place
for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!
You will finally understand that the
REAL purpose of Americas Government was to establishment
of the government dictatorship serving the Masonic Christ
-- Biblical Antichrist.
America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" - demonstrates that the Secret Society
plan to create a New Atlantis nation on the North American
Continent began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth
I and Sir Francis Bacon. We also show that America's Founding
Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing
the government of America. This DVD ends by showing that
this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the world scene,
a plan which is shown in the street layout of Washington,
D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.",
closely examines the pagan monuments, paintings, sculptures,
and street layout in Government Center and show how the
original Bacon Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions
demonstrate that America was founded according to the
Baconian Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two Seals
on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates that
they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals of the U.S.
Government. Also demonstrates that the occult design of
these Seals represents the most powerful 'Magick"
of any other document in history. These two Seals hide
three (3) hexagrams, forming a '666', another example
of the hidden plan to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
Nearly 3 hours long
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers" may be
the most important video in this series. Today, a great
deal of effort and money have been poured into convincing
Americans that their Founding Fathers were Christian men
intent upon founding a Christian nation. We debunk this
idea and refute David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
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Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved