News Alert
- Thursday, 1/20/2022
God Answered
Your Prayers For My Daniel!
A few months ago, I shared with you the tragedy that
my son Daniel had suffered a complete loss of nerve
function in his right foot. Top specialists to whom
we took Daniel worked with him for a year before pronouncing
that the case was hopeless and urged an immediate amputation
up to the hip!
asked you to pray urgently! And, you did. We felt the
the night before Daniel's appointment to set the date
for the amputation Daniel suddenly realized that he
could move his foot at will!! When he went to his appointment,
the blood flow test revealed that blood flow was strong
and vibrant!
can go only so far, and then comes God"! Praise
God Almighty!
entire family is deeply indebted to you all for your
collective prayers! We serve a MIGHTY GOD!
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved?
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New DVD Just
Prophetic DVD
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected
Prophecy In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will
be like
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other
period in the past, present or future, including the
First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year
Tribulation Period.
This video encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the
Read More or order
Buy the book version
of this great prophetic title! https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2987
The Church Go Through The Tribulation?"
Book by Noah Hutchings
-- Only $19.99
The coming Tribulation
will witness the rise of a world dictator who will have
the authority and power to demand that everyone in the
world take his mark and worship him as God. Those who
do not will be executed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulational
view understand the Scriptures to mean all Christians
will be taken up out of the world at the Rapture just
before the Tribulation begins.More
information or order
Death: COVID, Corruption and Control"
New Book by Larry
Needless Death will challenge
you to develop a sanctified skepticism against big government,
big pharma, and organizations with globalist ties.
The year 2020 was one
of the most apocalyptic years that had ever come upon
Planet Earth. Once the coronavirus hit, it spread worldwide
very quickly Never had a virus spread so quickly and
so far.
information or place order
Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
creates new organization to investigate mysterious objects
in the sky", Military Times,
November 23, 2021
"Faced with growing
concerns about mysterious objects in the sky, especially
over military installations and training ranges, the
Pentagon has created a new organization to search for
answers about where they came from and what threats
they may pose ... investigations into unidentified aerial
phenomenon will now be conducted by the Airborne Object
Identification and Management Synchronization Group,
nested in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence & Security."
"... It comes in
the wake of a June report by the ODNI into objects in
the sky that found no explanation for 143 of 144 incidents
Luciferian Plan:
'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining
the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear
at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ
appears'." (New England Director of the House of
Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)
Sons of God
& The Nephilim Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
There are many mysteries
in this world that historically have Christians running
for cover. These are not mysteries that are easily
solved, and the hard questions more often than not,
go unanswered. Furthermore, these mysteries have
found their way into our culture and demand an answer
from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or we as
Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture
that is becoming more and more saturated with answers
from the occult world. What are the questions
that arise from these mysteries? These DVDs have many

The Bible is full of strange and supernatural events. But there is none stranger than the events of the sixth chapter of the Book of Genesis. Theologians have speculated and debated this bizarre passage of Scripture for thousands of years and the debate rages on today hotter than ever! Best- selling author, L.A. Marzulli, lies at the root of this new paradigm, challenging the status quo of historical events and suggesting a cover-up of 'gigantic' proportions.
Quatity very limited at this price.
Important News Articles
1. History will likely consider the
beginning of World War III to be the Biden Press Conference
of January 19, 2022!
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
inviting Putin to invade Ukraine ", The
New York Post, January 19, 2022
"Since revealing a major Russian military
buildup on the borders of Ukraine, the Biden administration
has launched a flurry of diplomatic initiatives, culminating
in this week’s visit of the secretary of state, Antony
Blinken, to Ukraine and Germany. On Friday, Blinken will meet
with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, for highly anticipated
"Team Biden’s carefully orchestrated
diplomacy gives the impression of a seasoned team at the controls.
But just beyond the multilateral veneer lurks a fatal flaw
in its approach: the belief, fashionable in progressive circles,
that military deterrence is outdated."
(Emphasis Added)
We saw the beginnings of this fatal flaw
in President Obama's administration, as he did lose control
of the Crimea to Russia on his watch. Now, an obviously impaired
President Biden seems poised to turn this flaw in philosophy
into the loss of an important ally, The Ukraine.
"Bumbling Joe" has already started
his capitulation to Vladimir Putin!
"President Joe Biden’s first reaction
to the military crisis over Ukraine was to publicly take US
ground troops off the table — inexplicably communicating
to Russian President Vladimir Putin the limits of our support."
Without any fanfare, President Biden has
already communicated his weakness to one of the most powerful
military leader on the planet!
And, then Biden strode to the podium last
night to begin leaking his strategy failure to the entire
"Now, a 'minor incursion', as Biden
mused at Wednesday’s press conference, could lead the
West to 'fight about what to do and not to do' in levying
economic sanctions. This hardly strikes fear in the heart
of the Kremlin."
Ukrainian leaders, whose lives, family and
fortune are actually on the line against the Russian Bear,
were heartily angered.
‘There are no minor incursions’: Ukraine prez
slams Biden for presser comment", The New York
Post, January 20, 2022
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
slammed President Biden on Thursday after he indicated that
the US response to a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be
less severe if it was a “minor incursion.”
“ 'We want to remind the great powers
that there are no minor incursions and small nations,”
Zelensky tweeted. 'Just as there are no minor casualties and
little grief from the loss of loved ones."
While Joe Biden can probably escape the harsh
reality of his failed leadership, these men are the ones standing
in front of the Russian, tanks, troops, and missiles! These
men are the ones whose bodies may be dumped in mass graves
as the Russian hordes pass over.
And, to them, Biden's comments are deadly
dangerous and could very well encourage Russia to attack so
quickly and forcefully that The Ukraine could be conquered
before the feebled West can meet in their fancy legislative
houses to debate how "major" or how 'minor"
the incursion truly is.
By the way, China is following an identical
strategy. Since they calculate that American leadership will
hesitate ordering forces into action instantly, they probably
have at least a week to conquer Taiwan. They can count on
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Mitt Romney and AOC and
Ilhan Omar to slow the process of debating how to commit American
forces -- or not -- sufficiently to allow China to victoriously
conquer Taiwan.
Immediately following Biden's remarks, the
White House Press Secretary tried in vain to "clarify"
his remarks.
Tries to Clean up Biden's 'Minor Incursion' Gaffe but They
Only Make It Worse", Red State, January
19, 2022
"Joe Biden made some troubling comments
during his press conference that caused a lot of consternation,
both here and across the globe, when he spoke about Russia’s
threats against Ukraine. Biden said that if Russia’s
Vladimir Putin made any false moves against Ukraine, he would
impose sanctions. But there was a big caveat in the threat."
The Biden Team has talked a lot about imposing
sanctions against Russia should they invade Ukraine, but I
view these threats as not worth the paper on which they are
printed. Do you remember the iconic photo of the Tiananmen
Square Massacre of 1989, when Communist military forces crushed
dissent that was threatening to sweep the nation?
A photo which captured the attention of the
world showed a civilian, all 5'9" of him, standing right
in front of a huge battle tank! While his courage was remarkable,
his practical influence in this contentious struggle was nil.
I picture President Biden holding a sheet
of paper on which his sanctions are printed, standing in front
of 60-ton Russian battle tank! (See
Joe Biden has spent the last year weakening
America in as many ways as he could, so he cannot think that
his America of today can stand in field of battle and carry
the day against the Russian monster.
President Biden told Russia's Putin
that he would tolerate an 'incursion' as long as it was not
an 'invasion'!
"The Ukrainians freaked when they heard
what he said ... “One Ukrainian official…said
that he was ‘shocked that President Biden would give
a green light to Vladimir Putin in this way.’”
“It gives the green light to Putin
to enter Ukraine at his pleasure.” (Ibid)
Russian tanks are starting their
engines even now!
moves more troops westward amid Ukraine tensions",
Military Times, January 18, 2022
"MOSCOW — Russia is sending troops
from the country’s far east to Belarus for major war
games, officials said Tuesday, a deployment that will further
beef up Russian military assets near Ukraine amid Western
fears of a planned invasion."
(NOTE: This
article contains a great map of this Russian move into Belarus)
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
military drills in Belarus create new threats for Ukraine",
Reuters News, January 18, 2022
"Joint military exercises between Russia
and Belarus in the coming weeks will provide Russian President
Vladimir Putin with new options if he decides to attack Ukraine
... The "Allied Resolve" manoeuvres will take place
near Belarus' western border with NATO members Poland and
Lithuania and its southern border with Ukraine. Russia already
has tens of thousands of troops to the north, east and south
of Ukraine."
"The deployment of Russian forces in
Belarus creates a new potential front line for Ukrainian army
planners to worry about ... Reinforcing that area will mean
spreading troops thinner elsewhere and diverting forces from
positions facing southwest Russia, the Russian-backed Donbass
region in eastern Ukraine that Kyiv lost control of in 2014
and the Crimean peninsula that Russia seized from Ukraine
that year. 'They don't have enough manpower so they'll have
to make choices',"
2. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken
landed in The Ukraine and promptly declared:
"Russia could attack in a short
NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken
arrives in Ukraine: Says Russia could attack at short
notice", Reuters News, January 19, 2022
"U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken
arrived in Kyiv on Wednesday in a whistle-stop diplomatic
push to defuse tensions with Moscow over Ukraine, warning
that Russia could launch a new attack at 'very short notice'."
China continues her diplomatic offensive
against Taiwan, reinforcing the possibility that this World
War III will feature China allied with Russia, fighting on
opposite sides of the globe!
Toward this end, Russian President Putin
will be meeting with Chinese President Xi on February 4.
to Hold Summit with China’s Xi Jinping as Beijing Olympics
Begin", Breitbart News, January 20,
"Russian state media reported on Tuesday
that leader Vladimir Putin will meet with Chinese dictator
Xi Jinping on February 4, the beginning of the Beijing Winter
Olympics. The summit will reportedly include coordination
between the authoritarian regimes on Russia’s alleged
potential invasion of Ukraine." (Emphasis Added)
The Taiwan issue will be foremost in the
agenda these two leaders will follow.
"Besides commiserating with Putin over
an issue that could bring China and Russia ever more closely
into alignment against Western powers, China could be watching
the Ukraine saga closely for hints of how America and its
allies would respond to an invasion of Taiwan ... China may
also be watching the Ukraine situation to measure the decline
of Western influence in general, or the Biden administration’s
weakness in particular."
3. America continues to poke the
Chinese Panda.
Two of our most powerful weapons
systems are now in the China Sea area.
NEWS BRIEF: "Message
to China – America’s
Most Powerful Naval Weapon Surfaces in Guam",
American Defense News, January 19, 2022
"One of the most powerful weapons in
the US Navy’s arsenal made a rare port call in Guam
over the weekend, sending a message to allies and foes amid
increasing tensions in the Indo-Pacific ... The USS Nevada,
an Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine carrying 20 Trident
ballistic missiles and dozens of nuclear warheads, pulled
into the Navy base in the US Pacific Island territory on Saturday.
It’s the first visit of a ballistic missile submarine
— sometimes called a “boomer” — to
Guam since 2016 ..."
" 'The port visit strengthens cooperation
between the United States and allies in the region, demonstrating
US capability, flexibility, readiness, and continuing commitment
to Indo-Pacific regional security and stability', a US Navy
statement said."
But, we moved even more assets into the region!
strike group, Essex ARG conduct operations in South China
Sea", Navy Times,
January 18, 2022
"The Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group
and the Essex Amphibious Ready Group, which includes the embarked
11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, completed joint expeditionary
strike force training operations in the South China Sea Sunday."
"The Vinson’s deployment is the
first to embark the F-35C Lightning II fighter jet and the
CMV-22 Osprey, assigned to Carrier Air Wing 2. The operations
in the South China Sea mark the first time an amphibious group
had operated with an 'advanced Air Wing of the Future', according
to the service."
When President Biden is confronted by the
combined Russia/China attacks, his defeat will not come from
a lack of military capability, but from his lack of will.
Biden will refuse to "pull the trigger"
to order our forces pre-positioned in the region. Through
monumental bribes and stealthy blackmail of Hunter Biden,
plus the insidious infiltration of the Republican Party by
New Age doctrine which erodes support for Nation States, believing
that this very system is destructive and must be replaced
by a Global Dictatorship.
4. Leftist Democrats suffered a crushing
defeat in the Senate when their attempt to eliminate the filibuster
Schumer Suffers Crushing Defeat on Filibuster, as Manchin
and Sinema Stand Firm", Red State, January
19, 2022
"I’m not sure what Senate Majority
Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) thought he was going to get by
pushing a vote on the Democratic effort to federalize elections
(which they call ‘voting rights’) and on the filibuster."
"Schumer knew that he was likely to
get a “no” on the filibuster from Sen. Joe Manchin
(D-WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). They’ve only
been holding fast on the subject for months. Both also were
very firm on the subject in speeches — Sinema earlier
in the week and Manchin earlier on Wednesday. It wasn’t
happening, they said.
"But Schumer decided to commit electoral
suicide anyway, and he got it tonight. U.S. Senate FAILS to
change filibuster rules, 52-48. 60-vote threshold remains
intact. Senate Republicans, along with Democratic Sens. Manchin
and Sinema, have just blocked changing the filibuster rules
for Democrats' voting rights and election package."

5. Great Britain, Czech Republic,
and Israel are discontinuing the Vaccine Mandate .
Omicron Creates Herd Immunity, Then What?",
Red State, January 20, 2022
"The biology of pandemics is that they
naturally slow down through a process of herd immunity where
the population has been exposed to the disease and has built
up a degree of resistance. This ability to deal with the disease
can manifest either by artificial vaccination or suffering
through the cycle of the disease. Either way, it inoculates
the herd."
"As vaccines became available, loosening
the constraints of lockdowns began to be explored. In the
United States, this turned it into a patchwork of state and
county level policies that created much political chaos. Whether
people-control strategies still made medical or scientific
sense, particularly in the latter half of 2021 as vaccination
rates began to rise, is questionable; but human fear is predictable."
"I think after this surge, most people
on Earth would either be vaccinated or infected. Therefore,
the whole global population would gain herd immunity,”
says UCLA Health clinical microbiologist Shangxin Yang, PhD,
“which would make the SARS-CoV-2 virus become endemic.”
"The UCLA article points out that this
could be a promising development in the pandemic’s trajectory.
'When we look back 10 years from now, I think the emergence
of omicron will be considered a hallmark event, because it
really brings the light at the end of the tunnel,” Dr.
Yang says. “We potentially can see how the pandemic
might end and become endemic.”
Given this reality, we should expect that
national leaders will begin to change their strategies to
keep the virus under control.
Britain, Czech Republic, and Israel Back Away From Vaccine
Passports", American Greatness, January
19, 2022
"Great Britain, the Czech Republic,
and Israel are backing away from COVID vaccine mandates amid
increasing evidence that the leaky vaccines are making the
pandemic worse."
"It is becoming harder to deny the glaringly
obvious facts that COVID infection rates are increasing worldwide
in proportion with the rate of vaccination, and that the injections
have dreadful adverse side effects which may be contributing
to a marked increase in all cause deaths."
"In light of growing awareness that
the vaccines are failing, it should not be a surprise that
Moderna and BioNTech stocks are down 8-10 percent this week,
60 percent since August ... the Israeli government, is calling
for the country’s vaccine “Green Pass” passport
system to be “phased out” as it is no longer relevant
in the Omicron era."
However, Bill Gates does not want anyone
to relax, so he states that another virus is going to strike
mankind and it will be far more deadly than any form of COVID-19!
Gates warns of pandemics which could be far worse than Covid",
Yahoo News, January 19, 2022
"As Covid-19 cases driven by the Omicron
variant surge across the world, Bill Gates has warned of pandemics
worse than the current one ... Mr Gates urged governments
to contribute billions of dollars to prevent the spread of
future pandemics which could include fatalities far worse
than the Covid pandemic."
If Omicron creates a 'herd immunity',
then the hold politicians have over us disappears.
point would be a good time to reflect on the origins of this
"The secret societies were planning
as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in
order to bring humanity together in a one-world government
which they call the New World Order." [William Cooper,
A Pale Horse", p. 27]
"Take control of the world ...
to reduce ... the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent
slavery and genocide ... The only alternative left to the
world's ruling elite was to increase the death rate ... Dr.
Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague
be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black
Death of history." (Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49, 167)
The original purpose was of this
pandemic was to introduce a plague which would kill as many
as the "Black Death of History" (Black Plague).
a figure which stretched to 200 million people!
Then, and only then, can the Global
Elite "take control of the world" by inflicting
upon mankind "benevolent slavery and benevolent genocide"!
This deadly variant is not yet released
and likely will not be released until the "Perfected
Man, the Masonic Christ" is on the world scene.
Toward that prophetic end, World
War III beckons.
Are you ready,
my friend, to meet Jesus Christ? Have you been born-again
through His blood? If you have, you can truly "look
up, for your redemption draweth nigh".
Must I Do To Be Saved?
Secret Destiny of America Revealed"

This DVD will expose the TRUE HISTORY
of America, important Founding Fathers, and the
Great Seal of the United States as the pieces are
put into place for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!
You will finally understand that
the REAL purpose of Americas Government was to establishment
of the government dictatorship serving the Masonic
Christ -- Biblical Antichrist.
VIDEOS: America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" - demonstrates that the Secret
Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on
the North American Continent began in the 1580's
between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon.
We also show that America's Founding Fathers carefully
carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing the
government of America. This DVD ends by showing
that this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the
world scene, a plan which is shown in the street
layout of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington,
D.C.", closely examines the pagan
monuments, paintings, sculptures, and street layout
in Government Center and show how the original Bacon
Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions demonstrate
that America was founded according to the Baconian
Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates
that they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals
of the U.S. Government. Also demonstrates that the
occult design of these Seals represents the most
powerful 'Magick" of any other document in
history. These two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams,
forming a '666', another example of the hidden plan
to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3
hours long
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers"
may be the most important video in this series.
Today, a great deal of effort and money have been
poured into convincing Americans that their Founding
Fathers were Christian men intent upon founding
a Christian nation. We debunk this idea and refute
David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
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Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved