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Must I Do To Be Saved?
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New DVD Just
Prophetic DVD
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected
Prophecy In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will
be like
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other
period in the past, present or future, including the
First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year
Tribulation Period.
This video encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the
Read More or order
Buy the book version
of this great prophetic title! https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2987
The Church Go Through The Tribulation?"
Book by Noah Hutchings
-- Only $19.99
The coming Tribulation
will witness the rise of a world dictator who will have
the authority and power to demand that everyone in the
world take his mark and worship him as God. Those who
do not will be executed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulational
view understand the Scriptures to mean all Christians
will be taken up out of the world at the Rapture just
before the Tribulation begins.More
information or order
Death: COVID, Corruption and Control"
New Book by Larry
Needless Death will challenge
you to develop a sanctified skepticism against big government,
big pharma, and organizations with globalist ties.
The year 2020 was one
of the most apocalyptic years that had ever come upon
Planet Earth. Once the coronavirus hit, it spread worldwide
very quickly Never had a virus spread so quickly and
so far.
information or place order
Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
creates new organization to investigate mysterious objects
in the sky", Military Times,
November 23, 2021
"Faced with growing
concerns about mysterious objects in the sky, especially
over military installations and training ranges, the
Pentagon has created a new organization to search for
answers about where they came from and what threats
they may pose ... investigations into unidentified aerial
phenomenon will now be conducted by the Airborne Object
Identification and Management Synchronization Group,
nested in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence & Security."
"... It comes in
the wake of a June report by the ODNI into objects in
the sky that found no explanation for 143 of 144 incidents
Luciferian Plan:
'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining
the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear
at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ
appears'." (New England Director of the House of
Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)
Sons of God
& The Nephilim Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
There are many mysteries
in this world that historically have Christians running
for cover. These are not mysteries that are easily
solved, and the hard questions more often than not,
go unanswered. Furthermore, these mysteries have
found their way into our culture and demand an answer
from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or we as
Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture
that is becoming more and more saturated with answers
from the occult world. What are the questions
that arise from these mysteries? These DVDs have many

Important News Articles
1. America is truly "going insane"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Normalizing
Insanity", Canada's Free Press, January
12, 2022
"Defunding and abolishing the police
increases safety in American society is an insane statement.
According to a report by CNN in June 2020, “There’s
evidence that less policing can lead to less crime.”
Nonsense! "
"Freedom of speech is essential even
though the left prohibits it. But crazy speech turned into
absurd legislation is another matter."
America is really going insane, on a number
of fronts. And, this rush toward the cliff is being led by
"Progressive" (ungodly) politicians and academics
on the far Left.
Did you know that Satanists consider
'insanity' their goal?
Hitler was possessed of a a particular kind
insanity -- one caused by Black Magick Witchcraft.
To understand Hitler, you must understand
the Satanic "Brotherhood of Death" secret society
which trained Adolf into the deepest, darkest recesses of
Let us begin with a quick overview of the
Thule Society, beginning with a study of its practices and
relevant history. Adolf Hitler joined this society in 1919,
becoming an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckhart.
Later, the Thule Society selected Hitler to be their leader
of the New World Order, as Eckhart revealed on his deathbed,
"Follow Hitler; he will dance, but
it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into
the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision, and given
him the means to communicate with the powers." (Trevor
Ravenscroft, The Spear Of Destiny, p. 91).
Thule Society members were Satanists who
practiced Black Magic -- this means that they were "solely
concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals
to awareness of evil and nonhuman intelligence's in the universe;
and with achieving means of communication with these intelligence's"
(Ravenscroft, p. 161).
Concentrate on that seemingly innocent word,
rituals. Christians equate a ritual to a church service, thereby
not understanding its occultic meaning. The New Age Dictionary
defines ritual as a "ceremony to restore balance with
nature...and bring back lost harmony and sacredness."
Remember we are dealing with the Satanic
world, where good is called evil and evil good. The sacredness
mentioned here is a Satanic sacredness. Rituals literally
are precisely proscribed activities designed to allow demonic
power to flow through the participants. These activities are
proscribed chants, formula wordings, and carefully planned
actions. The effect is devastatingly powerful, as demonic
force pours through the participants, delivering a counterfeit
spiritual experience which literally transforms their lives.
Never skip over the word ritual, as it is a word of Satanic
Thule members practiced a form of Sexual
Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a
member. Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper
of Satan in the 19th Century. "The origin of this...medieval
magic...can be traced to a Freemason, Robert Little, who founded
the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865... (Ravenscroft, Spear of
Destiny, p. 164-5). While the actual sexual perversions which
were practiced are too offensive to share, the results are
not. Author Ravenscroft stated that "indulgence in the
most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the
workings of Evil Intelligence's and bestowed phenomenal magical
powers." (Ibid. p. 167). This is the Thule Society.
Please take a moment to reflect on the two
elements of this phrase, for this is the power which began
to flow through Adolf Hitler after he passed through a number
of carefully planned Satanic rituals.
1) "awakened penetrating vision into
the workings of Evil Intelligence's"
2) "bestowed phenomenal magical powers."
From the moment Hitler stepped on to the
public stage in the mid-1920's, his every movement, every
word, and every decision was bestowed with phenomenal magical
powers! He confused and confounded his enemies; he thrilled
his followers with feelings bordering on the supernatural;
and he was able to carry out the most shrewd and most effective
diplomacy the world had ever seen. Until his demons began
to betray him during the Russian campaign, Hitler was held
in awe by most Germans, including the military high command.
But, how could Hitler have plotted to murder
all Jews on earth? That decision was truly monstrous and truly
filled with supernatural hatred.
Ravenscroft records the effects of the many
rituals upon Hitler:
"...sexual perversion took a central
place in [Hitler's] life...a monstrous sexual perversion was
the very core of his whole existence, the source of his mediumistic
and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act
through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity."
(Ibid., p. 171).
Eckart's final act was to initiate Hitler
into "a monstrous sadistic magic ritual...after which
he was sexually impotent. Hitler's impotency had a deep psychological
foundation. He knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes
of sadism and masochism..."(Ravenscroft, p. 155, 173).
This impotency delivered a final devastating blow to Hitler's
psychological foundation, finally making him into the sadistic
murderer that history knows.
Can you see now how Adolf Hitler could have
become so sexually deviant that he hated all mankind and even
life itself? When you combine this unbelievable sexual perversion,
which was achieved only through Satanic ritual, you must realize
that all this perversion came straight from the fires of hell,
driven by the legions of demons which possessed the German
Today, sexual perversion is the demonic power
releasing the spirit of Antichrist through the general population.
Leaders, especially, are perverted, particularly in Pedophilia!
Many of the most powerful political and monetary
leaders in our world today are thoroughly practicing pedophilia,
from which Satan can wield enormous power.
Jeffrey Epstein has become a lightning rod
today for Pedophilia. Consider some
of the people caught up with him.
* Bill and Hillary Clinton
* Prince Andrew, Duke of York
* Attorney Alan Dershowitz
* U.S. Attorney General William Barr
* Attorney Kenneth Starr
* Filmmaker Woody Allen
* Physicist Lawrence Krauss
* Former Maine Senator George Mitchell
* Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
* President Trump and Melanie
And, many many more!
America is sliding quickly down the slippery
slope of sex perversion, which will lead to the Abyss of Hell.
Millions of people worldwide will soon worship and adore the
Beast (Antichrist), a sense of passion brought on by the practice
of pedophilia!
2. As criminals are being released
back into society, let us review the crimes for which God
decreed the Death Penalty.
At this point, I wish to inform all people,
including many immature, fuzzy-thinking Christians, who oppose
the Death Penalty, that they are unwittingly playing right
into the hands of those who would like to confiscate all our
guns, and take away our liberties. You see, the New World
Order Plan recognizes that the main deterrent value of the
Death Penalty is that it permanently removes from society
those criminals who would kill again, and again, and again.
If Americans can be convinced to abolish
the Death Penalty, so hardened criminals can get out to kill
again, the government propagandist can then use his propaganda
machine, convincing us that the problem is gun ownership;
then the government for which he works can set the stage for
the ultimate confiscation of all guns. Your planned dictatorship
can go forward!
Furthermore, remember that God stipulated
the Death Penalty, for the express purpose of removing the
evil from society . In fact, God is much tougher than most
Americans realize, as this quick study, below, will demonstrate.
Crimes for which God decreed the DEATH penalty:
* Incest.-- Lev. 18:6-16.
* Sexual relations with an in-law. -- Lev.
* Sexual relations with a neighbor's wife.
-- Lev. 18:20.
* Sacrificing children in a religious ceremony.
-- Lev. 18:21.
* Homosexuality. --Lev. 18:22; 20:13.
* Bestiality. -- Lev. 18:23; 20:15-16.
* Cursing father and mother. -- Exodus 20:17;
Lev. 18:9.
* Anyone who is a medium and has a familiar
spirit, or is a wizard. -- Lev. 20:27.
* Murder. -- Exodus 21:12.
* Anyone who kidnaps another person. -- Exodus
We present these Scriptures so you may comprehend
how God views the Death Penalty and how He plans on punishing
for these sins. Interestingly, most Americans today would
not view any of these sins as being serious enough to warrant
the death penalty. All Christians who are opposing the Death
Penalty on the supposed basis that it is not Christian need
only to remember that Jesus Christ never did remove the Moral
Code of the Old Testament. In fact, He upheld it, saying,
"Think not that I am come
to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy,
but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and
earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from
the law, till all be fulfilled." [Matthew
Christians who are currently opposing the
Death Penalty need to further understand that they are playing
directly into the hands of the New World Order Plan, in addition
to fighting God!
And, finally, remember that God will move
to physical judgment over any nation whose leaders steadfastly
refuse to carry out God's decree for punishment of crime.
Therefore, we can expect that, at the right moment, when America's
sins have reached a boiling point, that God will move to annihilate
the entire country.
In fact, God has already decreed America's
physical annihilation, in Revelation 18. Read details here
"Revelation 18 Is America"!)
"God is not mocked; whatsoever
a man -- a nation -- reaps, that he will sow" (Galatians
3. Whoopi Goldberg uttered the most
ridiculous -- "most dumbest" -- statement ever recorded
in the annals of history!
This "60
Million" woman had the gall to say that blacks in
America today are in the same position they were in during
the "Emancipation Proclamation"!
Goldberg: ‘Black People Still
Are Where We Were Under the Emancipation Proclamation’,"
Breitbart News, 11 Jan 2022
"Host Whoopi Goldberg said Tuesday on
ABC’s 'The View' that black people were 'where we were
under the Emancipation Proclamation' while discussing voting
rights with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) ...
'I still feel like suddenly black people still are where we
were under the Emancipation Proclamation."
Black activists had better stop to consider
that the freedom they gained from slavery with President LIncoln's
Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, was bought and
paid for by 750,000 battle deaths by Union soldiers. Blacks
were redeemed from Confederate slavery by soldiers bravely
fighting under the Stars and Stripes flag.
"The emancipation
proclamation was one of the most earth-shattering events
for slaves in America. President Abraham Lincoln began a long
road to success to abolish slavery in the United States. The
Emancipation Proclamation signed on January 1, 1862 ... "
set the stage for blacks to attain freedom politically, militarily,
and economically.
"Former slaves of every age took advantage
of the opportunity to become literate. Grandfathers and their
grandchildren sat together in classrooms seeking to obtain
the tools of freedom. After the Civil War, with the protection
of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to
the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1866, African
Americans enjoyed a period when they were allowed to vote,
actively participate in the political process, acquire the
land of former owners, seek their own employment, and use
public accommodations." ("The
African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship")
How many black people in America in 1862
were worth the $60 million that Whoopi Goldberg is worth today?
The true 'White Supremacists" of American history were
the leaders and the supporters of slavery, which ground a
person's face into the dirt so routinely that the only path
to freedom was the military intervention of Union Forces,
whose 4-year battle to win the Civil War cost the lives of
750,000 Union soldiers!
Today, blacks in America face one of two
1) They can pursue Martin Luther Kings's
vision of achieving equality through going through the same
training as whites go through, like college and trade schools,
etc. And, then, these blacks can work just as hard as whites
and Asians and Hispanics.
Many black people today have traveled that
road and are earning salaries equivalent to that of other
2) Listen to the divisive propaganda of the
Leftist Democrat Party telling them that they can never achieve
success in this society, so they had better support the overthrow
of this society, so that brutal Communism can take over!
When Communist tanks and soldiers are patrolling
our highways and byways and our inner city streets, blacks,
whites, Asians, and Hispanics are going to pine for the "good
old days" when they had the opportunities provided by
this current society; further, blacks who are filthy rich
today -- like Whoopi and NFL football players, and basketball
players -- are going to have NO opportunity to keep their
money and to earn more.
The old adage, "You have been watch
out for what you wish" certainly holds true here.
4. Nancy Pelosi
and other Congress-people oppose a bill restricting their
ability to get more filthy rich by insider trading
"Americans want stock trade limits on their members of
Congress", By Bob, Unruh, World Net Daily,
January 13, 2022
"One issue has brought America together
at last – the question over whether members of Congress,
who often have insider information about rules, regulations
and laws that affect various companies and their stocks, should
be allowed to buy and sell while they are in office."
"They shouldn't."
How much of a problem is this insider trading
by members of Congress?
"In an era of hyper-partisanship, voters
in all parties agree that members of Congress should not be
enriching themselves using 'insider information' while serving
the people," explained Mark Meckler, president of Convention
of States Action, "Congress has a history of passing
laws that make it appear as if they are behaving ethically,
while continuing to do things that are not honest nor ethical."
"The issue has come up over and over
with various members of Congress, but most recently the focus
of the controversy has been House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who,
after decades of serving in Congress at considerable but not
exorbitant salaries, is, with her husband, worth hundreds
of millions of dollars."
Truly, "the love of money is
the root of all evil"! (1 Timothy 6:10)
Therefore, the "love of money"
is greasing the wheels toward the New World Order, the most
evil system ever devised!
However, God will have the final say in this
matter of ill-gotten gain by elected officials.
"They shall cast their silver
in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver
and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the
day of the wrath of the Lord..." (Ezekiel 7:19, KJV)
We see another snapshot of these money-hungry
leaders during the time of the End of the Age.
"And they shall go into the holes
of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear
of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth
to shake terribly the earth." (Isaiah 2:19, KJV)
5. Liberals are masters at "calling
evil good and good evil", but they are also masters at
disguising their evil plans under the shelter of flowery phrases!
to Denounce Republican Voting Integrity Laws as Domestic Enemy
of Democracy", Breitbart News, 11
Jan 2022
"President Joe Biden plans to deliver
an angry speech condemning Georgia’s election integrity
laws on Tuesday, describing Republicans as a domestic threat
to the right to vote and democracy itself."
"Will we choose democracy over autocracy,
light over shadow, justice over injustice? I know where I
stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch. I will defend
your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign
and domestic."
The actual truth is the exact opposite of
Biden's public rhetoric. In reality it is the Democrats who
choose a government of unlimited power (autocracy) rather
than the Constitutional Republic (not democracy).
This type of "rhetorical double-speak"
is carried out by Leftist politicians nearly every day, and
it is quickly eroding the foundations of our entire system
of government!
But, always, flowery speeches are the trademark
of evil, duplicitous people who want to convince citizens
to voluntarily climb that ramp to the slaughter truck!
Are you ready,
my friend, to meet Jesus Christ? Have you been born-again
through His blood? If you have, you can truly "look
up, for your redemption draweth nigh".
Must I Do To Be Saved?
Secret Destiny of America Revealed"

This DVD will expose the TRUE HISTORY
of America, important Founding Fathers, and the
Great Seal of the United States as the pieces are
put into place for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!
You will finally understand that
the REAL purpose of Americas Government was to establishment
of the government dictatorship serving the Masonic
Christ -- Biblical Antichrist.
VIDEOS: America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" - demonstrates that the Secret
Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on
the North American Continent began in the 1580's
between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon.
We also show that America's Founding Fathers carefully
carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing the
government of America. This DVD ends by showing
that this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the
world scene, a plan which is shown in the street
layout of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington,
D.C.", closely examines the pagan
monuments, paintings, sculptures, and street layout
in Government Center and show how the original Bacon
Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions demonstrate
that America was founded according to the Baconian
Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates
that they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals
of the U.S. Government. Also demonstrates that the
occult design of these Seals represents the most
powerful 'Magick" of any other document in
history. These two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams,
forming a '666', another example of the hidden plan
to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3
hours long
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers"
may be the most important video in this series.
Today, a great deal of effort and money have been
poured into convincing Americans that their Founding
Fathers were Christian men intent upon founding
a Christian nation. We debunk this idea and refute
David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
Entire Combination
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Prophetic Book
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected Prophecy
In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will be
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other period
in the past, present or future, including the First and
Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year Tribulation
This book encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the MARVELOUS
MILLENNIUM! 340 Pages https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2977
Remember, Jesus
urged us: 'When these things begin to come to pass, then
look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth
nigh.' (Luke 21:28)
Christian, the time
is NOW to start looking up, for Jesus Christ is drawing
P.O. BOX 1067,
Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved