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New DVD Just
Prophetic DVD
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected
Prophecy In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will
be like
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other
period in the past, present or future, including the
First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year
Tribulation Period.
This video encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the
Read More or order
Buy the book version
of this great prophetic title! https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2987
The Church Go Through The Tribulation?"
Book by Noah Hutchings
-- Only $19.99
The coming Tribulation
will witness the rise of a world dictator who will have
the authority and power to demand that everyone in the
world take his mark and worship him as God. Those who
do not will be executed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulational
view understand the Scriptures to mean all Christians
will be taken up out of the world at the Rapture just
before the Tribulation begins.More
information or order
Death: COVID, Corruption and Control"
New Book by Larry
Needless Death will challenge
you to develop a sanctified skepticism against big government,
big pharma, and organizations with globalist ties.
The year 2020 was one
of the most apocalyptic years that had ever come upon
Planet Earth. Once the coronavirus hit, it spread worldwide
very quickly Never had a virus spread so quickly and
so far.
information or place order
Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
creates new organization to investigate mysterious objects
in the sky", Military Times,
November 23, 2021
"Faced with growing
concerns about mysterious objects in the sky, especially
over military installations and training ranges, the
Pentagon has created a new organization to search for
answers about where they came from and what threats
they may pose ... investigations into unidentified aerial
phenomenon will now be conducted by the Airborne Object
Identification and Management Synchronization Group,
nested in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence & Security."
"... It comes in
the wake of a June report by the ODNI into objects in
the sky that found no explanation for 143 of 144 incidents
Luciferian Plan:
'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining
the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear
at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ
appears'." (New England Director of the House of
Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)
Sons of God
& The Nephilim Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
There are many mysteries
in this world that historically have Christians running
for cover. These are not mysteries that are easily
solved, and the hard questions more often than not,
go unanswered. Furthermore, these mysteries have
found their way into our culture and demand an answer
from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or we as
Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture
that is becoming more and more saturated with answers
from the occult world. What are the questions
that arise from these mysteries? These DVDs have many

Important News Articles
1. China is said to have perfected
an implantable microchip which will fulfill all Biblical requirements
for the 'Mark of the Beast'!
Perfect Police State': China's Digital Dictatorship Goes Global",
CBNNews.com, 12/7/2021
"... Xi has been on a technological
quest to build what some call a blueprint for a digital dictatorship
ever since 2013) ... It would not only allow China's communist
government to control huge volumes of data on its own citizens
but also of those around the world."
Such an endeavor would support President
Xi's obsession with China controlling the evolving New World
"Dustin Carmack worked as chief of staff
for the Director of National Intelligence. 'You are talking
about vast amounts of data they are running between, both
either covert or overt cyber-attacks and in other realms,
they are sucking up massive amounts of data around the globe
that could have nefarious purposes in the long-run', Carmack,
with the DC-based Heritage Foundation, told CBN News."

"China has more than 415 million surveillance
cameras deployed throughout the country, making its population
by far the world's most-watched."
Surveillance that extends into the individual
home is one of the requirements of the foretold 'Mark of the
Beast'. The surveillance is so very minute that it will prevent
even the smallest transaction.
But, there is more!
"And now Beijing is using digital currency,
social security cards, social credit systems and online interactions
to keep an even closer eye on its citizens."
" 'It is a massive dragnet based on
artificial intelligence, facial recognition, voice recognition,
these are all novel technologies that the Chinese communist
party is deploying against its people', said Geoffrey Cain."
New Age authors have long said that
the Illuminati intended to use China as the proving ground
for many of the issues dear to their hearts.
"Meanwhile, new research shows that
technology made by seven American companies, including IBM,
Microsoft, and Oracle, are facilitating China's surveillance
of Uighur Muslims with little or no consequences. "
2. Right on cue, the CEO of a research
company announces the perfection of technology to place microchips
which will report the vaccination status of everyone!
microchip developer says there's no stopping roll-out:
'Whether we like it or not!', Express News, Jan 3,
"THE DEVELOPER of a controversial new
Covid microchip that is embedded in the skin has hit back
at critics who slammed the project ... A Swedish start-up
tech company has invented a scannable microchip that is implanted
in people’s arms and can display your COVID-19 vaccination
status. This digital implant is designed to be embedded into
people's arms so your vaccine passport pops up when scanned."
It would be exceedingly easy to marry the
surveillance technology and digital cashless currency of the
Chinese to this imbedded microchip which will display your
vaccination status!
Therefore, a huge technological advance heralding
the coming Antichrist is now underway.
3. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has just
caved in to the Leftist lie that Right Wing Trump supporters
rioted on January 6, 2021!
NEWS BRIEF: "(Turncoat)
Ted Cruz Calls January 6 Riot a ‘Violent Terrorist Attack
on the Capitol’," By Debra
Heine, American Greatness, January 5, 2022
"en. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shocked many conservatives
on Wednesday when he echoed the left’s overwrought January
6 messaging during a Senate Rules Committee hearing, referring
to the riot as a “violent terrorist attack on the Capitol,”
and offering full-throated support for the Capitol Police,
some of whose actions led to the deaths of multiple unarmed
Trump supporters."
In discussing the supposed "insurrection"
against the Capital on January 6, 2021, you must guard against
any discussion which gives credence to the notion that there
was even a riot that day.
If you engage a debate on the basis that
there was a real riot on January 6, you are giving weight
to the lie that Trump supporters tried to overthrow the American
government that day.
In this instance, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
spoke of this January 6 setup as a real threat to democratic
Constitutional Republic. He is greatly advancing the Nancy
Pelosi narrative that America was under a grave attack.
Truly, our greatest enemies of freedom
are the "Trojan Horse" Republicans.
They are all R.I.N.O. (Republican
In Name Only)!
4. We Americans are already in a
"cold civil war".
Americans are now in a cold civil war", RT
News, 4 January 2022
"I would argue that America has already
fallen into what might be termed a ‘cold civil war’,
following the 2020 election. 'We the People' just do not see
eye-to-eye on several significant issues, and it doesn’t
help that many of those were thrown at us all at once, beginning
with Covid-19. Since the first lockdown that pummeled our
economy, Americans have been at fierce odds with each other
over almost everything – especially if it’s Covid
"We vehemently disagree over vaccines,
vaccine cards, mandates, and masks. And President Biden isn’t
exactly trying to douse the flames with his divisive language.
In February of last year, he demanded Covid vaccine compliance
for all federal workers. Then in September, he shocked America
with his comment that his “patience is wearing thin”
with the millions of Americans who didn’t want the shots.
This was a bizarre statement coming from a US president, especially
since Americans, including those who chose not to be vaccinated,
are the people he works for."

When will the Democrats create a staged crisis
which will allow him to move militarily and with police forces
against all Conservatives? The Global Elite have expressed
concern, several times over past years, two major obstacles:
1) The sheer number
of people arrayed against them, because 45 million Americans,
many of whom are armed to the teeth, prove to be too great
an obstacle.
Their answer is to wait for supernatural
assistance, the sudden snapping away of tens of millions of
Christians, thus eliminating the need to fight them in the
streets of America.
Did you know that the Global Elite are aware
of the Rapture and are waiting for it? (Read NEWS1688,
This card shown above, is one of the Illuminati
Card Game cards and it depicts that the Illuminati
knows the Rapture is really going to happen and are waiting
for it, since it will remove in an instant tens of millions
of people worldwide whose religious values will render them
unable to accept the "New Age Christ".
2) The fact that significant numbers of American
troops will refuse to fire on, and murder, fellow citizens.
Several decades ago, the United Nations determined
that American soldiers could not be counted upon to brutally
murder massive numbers of fellow citizens in a nationwide
gun confiscation program. They then decided to bring foreign
troops and deploy them across the country in "military
patrol zones".
"Look carefully at this map, created
during the 1952 Bilderberger Meeting. Notice that all sovereign
nations of the world have been divided into individual Military
Patrol Zones. Then, notice that each formerly sovereign
nation of the world is going to be ruled by foreign troops."
Canada is planned to be patrolled by foreign
troops from three (3) nations:
1. Mongolian (Chinese)
2. Russian
3. Belgian
Therefore, it is not surprising to realize
that Chinese troops are periodically allowed to send military
troops to watch Canadian military exercises. In fact, if you
look at this map again you can see that Chinese troops are
to control, from the Panama Canal to the Canadian-USA border!
Belgian troops will patrol America's heartland.
Venezuelan and Columbian troops will patrol
the Northeast.
Russian troops will patrol the Southeast
all the way to the California border

The wheels of conspiracy in world
events grind slowly, but finely. The fact that this plan was
created at the 1952 Bilderberg Conference means and is slowly
being implemented, means that the plan has passed through
13 changes of Presidents!
"... a series of oppressions,
begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through
every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate,
systematical plan of reducing us to slavery." ["The
Unseen Hand", by A. Ralph Epperson, p. 196]
This reality fulfills the definition
of a conspiracy as enunciated by President Thomas Jefferson!
Conceived during the administration of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, this plan has remained active during the terms
of Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton,
Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden!
This cold war will turn hot once
World War III breaks out.
5. Antichrist is called the "Man
of Lawlessness" in prophecy.
"Let no one deceive or beguile
you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy
comes first [unless the predicted great falling away of those
who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man
of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of
perdition)." (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
"And then the lawless one (the
antichrist) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay
him with the breath of His mouth and bring him to an end by
His appearing at His coming." (2 Thessalonians 2:8)
"The coming [of the lawless
one, the antichrist] is through the activity and working of
Satan and will be attended by great power and with all sorts
of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels—[all
of them] lying wonders." (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
America's two-year march into lawlessness
is a major "sign of the times" events, heralding
the arrival of the Antichrist!
Consider these examples of lawlessness running
rampant in America today!
Skates on Sex and Mass Murder: "We
no longer live in a nation of laws", American
Greatness, January 5, 2022
"Albany District Attorney David Soares
on Tuesday announced he would be dropping the last sexual
harassment charge against former New York Governor Andrew
Cuomo. D.A.s from other New York counties announced the same
thing last week. So, that enormous folder of harassment charges,
which were the stated cause for Cuomo’s resignation
in August, were as thin and unprosecutable as they appeared.
"Of far greater importance, no charges
have been filed against Cuomo for the deliberate or negligent
killing of 15,000 senior citizens who had the bad luck to
be housed in New York state nursing homes as COVID-19 invaded
our shores."
"... we no longer live in a
nation of laws; that everything Democratic officials
do to further the narrative that makes their lockdown agenda
and its spinoffs of vote manipulation plausible will continue
without normal consequence. " (Emphasis Added)
NEWS BRIEF: "Soros-Backed
Manhattan DA Will Not Seek Prison Sentences For Most Crimes",
American Greatness, January 5, 2022
"Soros-linked Manhattan District Attorney
Alvin Bragg has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison
sentences for host of offenses, and to downgrade felony charges
to misdemeanors in armed robberies and drug dealing case ...
Bragg said offenses like marijuana possession, prostitution,
and fare evasion will no longer be prosecuted."
"NYC police unions were quick to condemn
the new DA’s moves. Bragg gives criminals the roadmap
to freedom from prosecution and control of our streets,”
said the head of the NYPD Detectives’ Endowment Association."
“In Bragg’s Manhattan, you can
resist arrest, deal drugs, obstruct arrests, and even carry
a gun and get away with it,” DEA president Paul DiGiacomo
said in a prepared statement ... policies have significantly
reduced prosecution rates, and have led to predictable increases
in violent crimes and a lack of justice for the victims."
NEWS BRIEF: "Lawless
Los Angeles: Lawlessness of Which I Am a Victim",
New Blaze, By Nurit Greenger, January 2, 2022
"The victim, Nurit Greenger, elderly
white woman.
"The perpetrator, a black man, could
be in his 30s.
"I was robbed in daylight on Monday,
December 20, 2021 in Lawless Los Angeles. The thug was walking
behind me planning the attack and as soon as he saw the opportunity
he grabbed onto my hand bag ... while I let go of the bag
his pull was so strong I fell on the cement pavement and hit
my head hard as well as my back. Now I am suffering the injury
with excruciating pain that requires ongoing medical attention."
"What is it with the United States of
America’s society now? Los Angeles’ lawless streets?
The city is the 'Wild West' on steroids. It is no longer a
civilized society, it is very violent, cruel and crime infested.
And the politicians are giving a hand to the criminals and
they are exacerbating crime against the good people."
NEWS BRIEF: "'Lawless
city?' Worry after Portland police don't stop chaos",
Yahoo News, October 15, 2021
"PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A crowd
of 100 people wreaked havoc in downtown Portland, Oregon,
this week – smashing storefront windows, lighting dumpsters
on fire and causing at least $500,000 in damage – but
police officers didn't stop them. Portland
Police Bureau officials say that's because of legislation
passed by Oregon lawmakers this year, which restricts the
tools they can use to confront people vandalizing buildings
and causing mayhem."
Robert Malone: Federal Government
is “Lawless” and Actively “Violating the
Nuremberg Code”, USSA News, January
2, 2022
" 'Our government is out of control
on this', Malone said about vaccine mandates in the interview,
which was published over the weekend. 'And they are lawless.
They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard
the federal common-rule. They have broken all the rules that
I know of, that I’ve been trained [in] for years and
years and years'.”
Maxwell Verdict People Wonder: How Is Bill Clinton Not
in Prison?", Townhall Opinion, December
30, 2021
"On Wednesday evening a jury found socialite
Ghislaine Maxwell, the former girlfriend to convicted pedophile
Jeffery Epstein, guilty on five counts related to sex trafficking
and abuse of minors. Maxwell, who just turned 60, will spend
the rest of her life behind bars. "
"Given the jury's findings, questions
are being raised about a lack of consequences for the men
who benefited from Maxwell's behavior. Former President Bill
Clinton was one of them and visited Epstein's private island,
where much of the abuse took place, multiple times ... One
glaring issue in the conviction is that Maxwell conspired
to transport girls for sex but, beyond Epstein, none of the
men who allegedly had sex with these girls have been prosecuted."
The defense strategy is simple: "The
point of the #ghislanemaxwell trail appears to have been twofold:
1. Convict the obviously-guilty Epstein pimp Ghislaine Maxwell
2. Protect all the powerful people who were part of the Epstein-Maxwell
pedophile ring. I’ll bet Bill Clinton’s handing
out cocktails tonight!"
Lawlessness is the most important disaster
to befall America, as God will ultimately move against America
because her leaders are not enforcing the laws prescribed
in the Bible for various offenses.
Here is the Biblical truth:
Satan = Antichrist
= Lawlessness
Are you ready,
my friend, to meet Jesus Christ? Have you been born-again
through His blood? If you have, you can truly "look
up, for your redemption draweth nigh".
Must I Do To Be Saved?
Secret Destiny of America Revealed"

This DVD will expose the TRUE HISTORY
of America, important Founding Fathers, and the
Great Seal of the United States as the pieces are
put into place for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!
You will finally understand that
the REAL purpose of Americas Government was to establishment
of the government dictatorship serving the Masonic
Christ -- Biblical Antichrist.
VIDEOS: America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" - demonstrates that the Secret
Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on
the North American Continent began in the 1580's
between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon.
We also show that America's Founding Fathers carefully
carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing the
government of America. This DVD ends by showing
that this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the
world scene, a plan which is shown in the street
layout of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington,
D.C.", closely examines the pagan
monuments, paintings, sculptures, and street layout
in Government Center and show how the original Bacon
Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions demonstrate
that America was founded according to the Baconian
Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates
that they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals
of the U.S. Government. Also demonstrates that the
occult design of these Seals represents the most
powerful 'Magick" of any other document in
history. These two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams,
forming a '666', another example of the hidden plan
to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3
hours long
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers"
may be the most important video in this series.
Today, a great deal of effort and money have been
poured into convincing Americans that their Founding
Fathers were Christian men intent upon founding
a Christian nation. We debunk this idea and refute
David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
Entire Combination
Offer has almost 12 hours of video in History
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from all 91 titles of these magnificent $1.95 Booklets
Prophetic Book
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected
Prophecy In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will
be like
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other
period in the past, present or future, including the
First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year
Tribulation Period.
This book encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the
MARVELOUS MILLENNIUM! 340 Pages https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2977
Remember, Jesus
urged us: 'When these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption
draweth nigh.' (Luke 21:28)
Christian, the
time is NOW to start looking up, for Jesus Christ is
drawing nigh!
P.O. BOX 1067,
Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved