News Alert
- Friday, 12/31/2021
Must I Do To Be Saved?
is running out to make a donation to help us reach souls
for Jesus Christ!
a New Year approaches, would you make a donation to
this soul-winning ministry!? So far, God has blessed
us to share the Gospel to over 3,000,000 people worldwide.
we have always believed that the richest harvest of
souls will come in the period just before the Rapture!
time is now and we are in place. We just need funding
to continue.
David Bay, Director
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New DVD Just
Prophetic DVD
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected
Prophecy In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will
be like
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other
period in the past, present or future, including the
First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year
Tribulation Period.
This video encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the
Read More or order
Buy the book version
of this great prophetic title! https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2987
The Church Go Through The Tribulation?"
Book by Noah Hutchings
-- Only $19.99
The coming Tribulation
will witness the rise of a world dictator who will have
the authority and power to demand that everyone in the
world take his mark and worship him as God. Those who
do not will be executed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulational
view understand the Scriptures to mean all Christians
will be taken up out of the world at the Rapture just
before the Tribulation begins.More
information or order
Divided The Nations"
Book by Noah Hutchings,
Only $14.99
GOD wants a divided
world, but Satan wants a unified global world.
Scripture affirms
that mankind is divided into nations, races, and languages
according to the will of God so that His purpose for
man and the Earth might be fulfilled. At the Tower of
Babel, God was the One Who divided a unified and global
mankind into separate nations speaking separate languages.
information or place order
Death: COVID, Corruption and Control"
New Book by Larry
Needless Death will challenge
you to develop a sanctified skepticism against big government,
big pharma, and organizations with globalist ties.
The year 2020 was one
of the most apocalyptic years that had ever come upon
Planet Earth. Once the coronavirus hit, it spread worldwide
very quickly Never had a virus spread so quickly and
so far.
Attempts were made to
shut down churches and impose heavy fine on congregations
who refused. The virus seemed unstoppable.
information or place order
Aliens = Ambassadors
For Antichrist
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon
creates new organization to investigate mysterious objects
in the sky", Military Times,
November 23, 2021
"Faced with growing
concerns about mysterious objects in the sky, especially
over military installations and training ranges, the
Pentagon has created a new organization to search for
answers about where they came from and what threats
they may pose ... investigations into unidentified aerial
phenomenon will now be conducted by the Airborne Object
Identification and Management Synchronization Group,
nested in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence & Security."
"... It comes in
the wake of a June report by the ODNI into objects in
the sky that found no explanation for 143 of 144 incidents
Luciferian Plan:
'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining
the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear
at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum
Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ
appears'." (New England Director of the House of
Theosophy, Seminar, August 18, 1991)
Sons of God
& The Nephilim Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
There are many mysteries
in this world that historically have Christians running
for cover. These are not mysteries that are easily
solved, and the hard questions more often than not,
go unanswered. Furthermore, these mysteries have
found their way into our culture and demand an answer
from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or we as
Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture
that is becoming more and more saturated with answers
from the occult world. What are the questions
that arise from these mysteries? These DVDs have many

Important News Articles
1. With thousands of ships and millions
of troops, China and Russia appear poised to act in conjunction
to overthrow the Current World Order!
And China Have Each Other's Back", MEMRI
Analysis, 12/17/2021
"Russian President Vladimir Putin and
China's President Xi Jinping held a video conference on December
15, 2021. In the published remarks the two leaders were buoyant
about the level of cooperation that had been achieved, and
the high ambitions that they had to further develop the relationship."
"Vladimir Putin said: 'A new model of
cooperation has developed between our countries, a model based,
in part, on the principles of non-interference in each other’s
affairs and mutual resolve to turn our common border into
a belt of eternal peace and good-neighborliness..."
China's President Xi responded enthusiastically:
'A new model of cooperation has developed between our countries,
a model based, in part, on the principles of non-interference
in each other’s affairs and mutual resolve to turn our
common border into a belt of eternal peace and good-neighborliness."
As we have noted before, China and Russia
have recently conducted joint naval patrols close to Japanese
waters and have been rhetorically supportive of each other.
"Under pressure from the West, Russia
and China are moving from the previous format of a non-binding
'strategic partnership' to a new stage of cooperation - a
de facto military alliance..."
From a military standpoint, it just makes
sense that China and Russia would begin their war simultaneously,
putting maximum pressure on the cowardly President Joe Biden.
Truly, the level of cooperation between these
three leaders is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation
"And the ten horns which thou
sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put in their hearts
to fulfil his will, and to agree (act in harmony), and give
their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Rev 17:12, 17, KJV)

2. President Biden restricts life-saving
Coronavirus Treatment
to patient ill with COVID!
Denies Monoclonal Antibody Treatments as States Experience
Shortages", Breitbart News, 30 September
"President Joe Biden continues ignoring
state demands for more monoclonal antibody treatments, as
shortages are preventing Americans seeking the treatment from
accessing them."
"Last week, the Biden administration
paused shipments of the Regeneron and Eli Lilly treatments
... "
Republican Senator Rand Paul was appalled:
Rand Paul: ‘Unconscionable’
that Biden Administration Withholding Lifesaving Coronavirus
Treatment", Breitbart
News, 30 December 2021
"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Thursday blasted
the Biden administration for withholding lifesaving coronavirus
treatment from those who need it, deeming it 'unconscionable'.”
The Florida Surgeon General chimed in:
" '... the lack of allocation of this
life- saving treatment from the federal government continues
to cause another immediate and life- threatening shortage
of treatment options to the State of Florida as the Omicron
variant spreads throughout the state”.
"The federal government is actively
preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody
treatments in the U.S. ... This shortsightedness is essentially
evident given that the federal government efficiently prohibited
states from purchasing these monoclonal antibodies and serving
their populations directly,” he added.
"On Thursday, Sen. Paul said he is hearing
doctors in Louisiana express the same concerns.
“ 'Hearing the same thing from doctors
treating COVID in Louisiana — Biden admin has cancelled
monoclonal antibody shipments with no replacement antibodies
available. Unconscionable', Paul remarked."
Can you imagine what the Media would
do if Trump took a similar action?
Truly, this action denying Blue States' ability
to treat their ill patients with monoclonal antibodies because
they disagree politically is asinine. This incident rips the
sheep mask off, revealing the true wolf hiding behind!
How much blood of innocent people dying when
they were refused the treatment which would have saved their
lives is incalculable.
But, they could easily surpass the 15,000
elderly people who died under the edicts of New York Governor

3. Biden "succeeds" in
becoming the G.O.A.T. !
Gets His GOAT: "Greatest of All Time", American
Greatness, December 29, 2021
" Joe Biden had barely escaped from
his military-guarded inauguration when people began to wonder
if he would become known as the worst U.S. president of all
time. Yet by the end of 2021, Biden was clearly in the running
for the greatest (failure) of all time ... "
Consider his failings:
* "Angela Davis, winner of the Lenin
Peace Prize in 1979 ... Davis supported Joe Biden as the candidate
“who can be most effectively pressured into allowing
more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.”
* "Joe boasted about deploying the most
extensive system of voter fraud in American history ..."
* "Joe wants to “build back better,”
but at the end of 2021 embattled Americans have to wonder.
* "the Biden Junta is all-in with BLM
and “1619 Project” indoctrination."
* Joe nominated a Soviet-trained official
as "Comptroller of Our Treasury". What did Rothschild
say? "Give me control over a nation's currency and I
care not who makes its laws"!
* "My Build Back Better Agenda costs
zero dollars,” Biden tweeted. “And it adds zero
dollars to the national debt.”
* "Joe Biden inherited a surging economy
with high rates of employment for all American workers. For
the first time in decades, the nation was self-sufficient
in energy. Illegal border crossings had been reduced to a
trickle. When Biden took over, terrorists were running for
their lives and national adversaries like China, Russia, and
Iran were back on their heels. By the end of 2021, that has
all changed. "
"The Delaware Democrat, 79, is an obedient
follower of a leftist Junta, and as Angela Davis noted, easily
pressured by comrades on the farthest reaches of the Left.
"Given the conditions prevailing when
he entered the White House, Joe Biden could be the greatest
failure of any politician attempting to lead an industrialized
nation. If his current trajectory continues, Biden may wind
up as the first national undertaker ..."
4. God vs Ego: Trump vs Obama
and Ego: Trump vs. Obama", By Selwyn Duke,
Canada Free Press, December 29, 2021
"A 'great man knows he is not God',
observed the great and greater G. K. Chesterton — 'and
the greater he is the better he knows it'. This came to mind
when hearing something President Trump said recently —
and brought to mind something Barack Obama said many years
ago, something a bit odd.
“ 'Our country needs a savior right
now', said Trump while preaching for Pastor Robert Jeffress
at Dallas’s First Baptist Church the Sunday before last.
'And our country has a savior', he continued. 'And it’s
not me. It’s somebody much higher up than me. Much higher'.”
Barack Obama, though, was a much different
"While running for the U.S. Senate from
Illinois in 2004, Obama was interviewed by Chicago Sun-Times
religion reporter Cathleen Falsani, and what he revealed was
striking, indeed. "
Obama spouted boilerplate leftist philoso-babble
for much of the interview. One interesting point, however,
was when Falsani asked him, “What is sin?” Obama’s
“ 'Being out of alignment with my values',
he said. "
Joe Biden is cut from the same cloth as Barack
Obama and America are heading straight for the Abyss cliff
into Hell.
5. Propaganda has now begun which
will justify the Elite using military deadly force against
individual American patriots.
Hasan: 21 Million Americans Are Open to Using Force to
Restore the Presidency to Donald Trump",
Breitbart News, 30 December 2021
"MSNBC political analyst Mehdi Hasan
claimed Thursday on “All In” that 21 million Americans
were open to using 'force to restore the presidency to Donald
This incendiary comment is much more than
just empty rhetoric; it is the first salvo of a Mind Control
known as the "Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan"
(Thoroughly explained in the DVD
shown above)
What is this
"Invisible, Invincible Mind Control"
using Mass Media as a "super-spreader"?
The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan works
like this:
Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it
can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED
expert in a RESPECTED forum.
Step 2. At first, the public is shocked,
then outraged.
Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing
could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.
Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition
of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulls its
Step 5. People then are no longer shocked
by the subject.
Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin
to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept
the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.
This statement is Step #1, where a "practice
so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is
advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum"
is publicly proclaimed.
This refrain will now be repeated over and
over and over again by other political hacks until a large
number of Americans believe it.
At that point, the Leftists will launch a
new Civil War against Patriotic Americans!
Yep, Joe Biden may yet be America's undertaker!
Secret Destiny of America Revealed"

This DVD will expose the TRUE HISTORY
of America, important Founding Fathers, and the
Great Seal of the United States as the pieces are
put into place for the arrival of ANTICHRIST!
You will finally understand that
the REAL purpose of Americas Government was to establishment
of the government dictatorship serving the Masonic
Christ -- Biblical Antichrist.
VIDEOS: America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" - demonstrates that the Secret
Society plan to create a New Atlantis nation on
the North American Continent began in the 1580's
between Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Bacon.
We also show that America's Founding Fathers carefully
carried out the Baconian Plan in establishing the
government of America. This DVD ends by showing
that this plan ends with Antichrist coming to the
world scene, a plan which is shown in the street
layout of Washington, D.C. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 2 - "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington,
D.C.", closely examines the pagan
monuments, paintings, sculptures, and street layout
in Government Center and show how the original Bacon
Plan can be seen in these pagan depictions demonstrate
that America was founded according to the Baconian
Plan. Nearly 3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two
Seals on the back of the One Dollar Bill and demonstrates
that they are Global Illuminati Seals, not Seals
of the U.S. Government. Also demonstrates that the
occult design of these Seals represents the most
powerful 'Magick" of any other document in
history. These two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams,
forming a '666', another example of the hidden plan
to produce Masonic Christ (Antichrist). Nearly 3
hours long
Video 4 - "Hidden
Faith of the Founding Fathers"
may be the most important video in this series.
Today, a great deal of effort and money have been
poured into convincing Americans that their Founding
Fathers were Christian men intent upon founding
a Christian nation. We debunk this idea and refute
David Barton in the process. 3 hours long
Entire Combination
Offer has almost 12 hours of video in History
Channel quality. You will be mesmerized and
your view of American history and of our national
place in history - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2270
$79.96, Now Only $69.96: You save $10 by buying
this Combo

from all 91 titles of these magnificent $1.95 Booklets
Prophetic Book
For These Troublesome Times!
Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem"
by Bill Salus
Regularly $24.99,
Only $19.99
Most Neglected
Prophecy In The Bible
Jesus Christ is
about to return and set up His 1000-year Messianic Kingdom
upon the earth. The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW
JERUSALEM book explains what this future period will
be like
Discover why the
Bible says more about the MILLENNIUM than any other
period in the past, present or future, including the
First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ and the Seven-Year
Tribulation Period.
This book encourages
Christian believers, warns non-believers and instructs
everyone on how to get a PERSONAL PASSPORT into the
MARVELOUS MILLENNIUM! 340 Pages https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2977
Remember, Jesus
urged us: 'When these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption
draweth nigh.' (Luke 21:28)
Christian, the
time is NOW to start looking up, for Jesus Christ is
drawing nigh!
P.O. BOX 1067,
Wagener, SC 29164
Service/Ordering 803-564-3341 / 803-528-0199 / dbay@cuttingedge.org
Number Is: 800-451-8211
Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved