1. A False
Compassionate Mask is now ripped off the Democrat
NEWS BRIEF: "Homeland
Security Secretary Mayorkas:
Migrants fleeing Cuba, Haiti by sea will not be
allowed to enter US",

After years
of constant lying about how badly Trump is treating
Latin American immigrants on our Southern Border,
Homeland Security Chief now denies any Cuban/Haitian
immigrants entry!
After savaging President
Trump about keeping callously keeping minor immigrant
children in cages, Biden has callously restarted
this program soon after taking office!
"White House Defends Putting Migrant Kids
In Shipping Container Cages Because COVID",
The Federalist, Feb 22, 2021
"White House
press secretary Jen Psaki defended the Biden administration’s
decision to reopen a detention center for unaccompanied
migrant children in Texas by claiming it is necessary
due to COVID-19."
What a huge difference
back in the heyday of President Trump, when he
phased out this program started by President Obama!
Mass Media attempted wholeheartedly to skewer
Trump with a spike of Obama's making!
Listen to some of
the reaction from some concerned and discerning
* " 'Kids in
cages' turns into 'migrant facilities' pretty
quickly when a Democrat is in office." (Congressman
Greg Steube)
* "They’re
not 'kids in cages' anymore. They’re kids
in 'migrant facilities'.” (Rep. Jim Jordan)
When major American
officials and journalists begin to systematically
lie, God takes note, He issues warning after warning
to repent and change their ways, and then He moves
in judgment against both the guilty individuals
and, finally, against the whole nation!
Hard-hearted and
callous beyond compare, well did the Apostle Paul
say of you: (Romans 2:5)
"Because of
thy hardness and impenitence of heart, thou treasurest
up unto thyself wrath against the Day of Wrath
and revelation of the righteous judgment of God..."
(Romans 2:5, KJV)
In fact, Republican
Senator, Ted Cruz, stated this matter quite succinctly!
Cubans Are ‘The Only Immigrants’ Biden
and Harris Don’t Want", Breitbart
News, 15 July 2021
"On Wednesday’s
broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s 'America
Reports', Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) argued that the
Biden administration only has an aversion to people
entering the United States illegally if they’re
Cuban and 'the only immigrants on the face of
the earth that they don’t want to come to
America are Cubans'.”
If America can ever
return to honest voting, all those Cuban votes
which Democrats callously assumed were going to
vote Democrat should now vote overwhelmingly Republican.
If the United States
is still a world power economically and militarily,
by 2022!
2. "Re-wilding"
is now moving into higher gear in the West Coast
as Wildfires fueled by drought and by a total
lack of Forest Management are going to burn this
Summer very hot and heavy.
NEWS BRIEF: "Wildfires,
record heat spark ‘fire-breathing dragon
of clouds’ over western Canada",
The New York Post, July 2, 2021
"Record temperatures
and large wildfires in western Canada have unleashed
“fire-breathing” clouds and thousands
of lightning strikes in a phenomenon that has
bewildered meteorologists ... The majority of
the strikes across British Columbia were the result
of pyrocumulonimbus clouds, which formed when
the blazing heat and billowing smoke from the
fires rise skyward ..."
"The thunderheads
in cumulus clouds produce their own weather, including
tornadoes in some cases, which can then spark
new fires in a vicious cycle ... I’ve watched
a lot of wildfire-associated pyroconvective events
during the satellite era, and I think this might
be the singularly most extreme I’ve ever
added: “This is a literal firestorm, producing
*thousands* of lightning strikes and almost certainly
countless new fires.” (Emphasis Added)
"When we come
into our kingdom, our orators will expound great
problems which have turned humanity upside down
in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent
rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these
peoples were stage-managed by us according to
a political plan which no one has so much as guessed
at in the course of many centuries?" ["The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion",
end of Protocol No. 13.]
Wow!! None of the
peoples who are living at the time when the kingdom
of the New World Order is being established, will
ever understand that they have been 'stage-managed'
by their leaders according to a plan that is several
centuries old!!
We have examined
the original plan as espoused by the "Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion" above, to
deliberately create such huge disasters to panic
the people into allowing the New World Order to
be established. That was written about 200 years
ago. Now, let us move forward in time to Mikhail
Gorbachev, former leader of the old U.S.S.R. Gorbachev
said that the "threat of environmental crisis
will be the 'international disaster key' that
will unlock the New World Order." ["A
Special Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes
Its War On Mankind", by Marilyn Brannan,
Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review,
p. 5.]
Let us review the
broad scope of the applicable New World Order
Plan regarding human populations. The New World
Order Plan calls for a rapid and forced reduction
in the world's population from the present 6 billion
to only 2 billion.4 This Plan also envisions severely
restricted usage of the land, all over the world,
and a return back to the kind of economy which
existed worldwide about 300 years ago.
Before you scoff,
let me remind you of the words of Jose Argulles,
writing in his "25-Year Plan For The Earth",
on which we reported in
NEWS1028, "1997 -- The Year
The New World Order Plan Changes Ominously".
Arguelles calls for a "5-year phase-out of
our industrial civilization", to be implemented
by the United Nations!
This 5-year plan
will be "Known as the Era of Reseeding, it
will thin out major population centers. The human
population will be resettled." ["Progress
As If Survival Mattered", Friends of the
Earth: 1981, p. 68-70, quoting David Brower, Friends
of the Earth Chairman, former head of Sierra Club,
as quoted in "A Planned Deception: The Staging
of a New Age 'Messiah', by Constance E. Cumbey,
Pointe Publishers, Inc., East Detroit, MI, 1985,
p. 164-5.]
Did you catch that
last statement? The human population WILL BE resettled.
Major population centers WILL BE thinned out.
Now, one of the
most effective means to persuade people to leave
is to drive them out using a variety of means.
One of the most effective methods is to drive
them out with a massive fire that cannot be controlled;
for the past 40 years, the entire Western Coast
has not practiced normal and established Forest
Management practices, especially clearing of dead
Now, Western forests
are full of dead brush combustible fuel
which, once started, CANNOT BE CONTROLLED!
NEWS BRIEF: "America:
Love It or Leave It",
Canada Free Press, 14 July, 2021
"On Independence
Day, the Utah BLM chapter posted an online message
of hate about the symbol of our country, the American
flag. In their post, the group claimed that the
American flag was 'a symbol of hatred'. According
to these BLM radicals, 'When we see this flag
we know the person flying it is a racist…lives
in a different America than we do'.”
That is not really
the point, is it? The point truly is:
Can these disadvantaged
athletes find any other nation on earth where
their lot would be better? This list certainly
would not include the numerous athletes who are
fabulously wealthy, from Lebron James ($480
Million) to Gwen Berry ($1 - $5 Million).
Where on Earth can
they find a better situation than here in the
United States?
Anyone who advocates
national destruction without considering what
kind of system that would replace their current
success story is plainly stupid.
Mankind has so constantly
fought this type of stupidity that the English
language people have developed a catchy term for
it. "killing the goose who lays the golden
Now, let us return
to our featured article:
"Even the Marvel
Comics character Captain America seems to hate
the country. In a new comic book series, this
formerly respected superhero claims the American
dream is a “lie…never really existed
in the first place.” Once a comic book superhero
starts to trash the country, it is apparent that
a lack of patriotism is a widespread and serious
New Age authors
regularly rail against the overwhelming strength
of Patriotism in preventing the globalist New
World Order. These authors advocate eliminating
any show of Patriotism, believing that the end
of the traditional Nation State would quickly
follow a fall of Patriotism.
Marxism provided
the blueprint, molded the unique black American
hatred for all things white. But, these BLM activists
will discover that, while they may have slain
a Grizzly Bear, he will soon discover that he
had embraced a savage and veracious King Kong!
4. A CNN Medical authority reveals
another, and more insidious, goal for the COVID-19 vaccinations:
NEWS BRIEF: "Life ‘Needs to Be Hard’ for Unvaccinated Americans",
Breitbart News, 11 July 2021
"CNN medical contributor Dr. Leana Wen
said Friday that life needs to be 'hard' for Americans who
have not received a coronavirus vaccine with 'twice weekly
Remember that 98% of all people who contract
COVID-19 recover on their own!
"CNN medical contributor Dr. Leana Wen
said Friday that life needs to be 'hard' for Americans who
have not received a coronavirus vaccine with 'twice weekly
"At some point, these mandates by workplaces,
by schools, I think it will be important to say, hey, if you
want to opt-out, you have to sign these forms, get twice weekly
testing. Basically, we want to make getting vaccinated the
easy choice. That is what it’s going to take for us
to actually end the pandemic.”
" life needs to be 'hard' for
Americans who have not received a coronavirus vaccine"
Just as Bible Prophecy foretells!
How does the Kingdom of Antichrist plan to
"make life hard" for anyone refusing to take his
'Mark of the Beast"?
"And he causeth all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in
their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might
buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17,
How hard would life be if someone were refused
the privilege of simply 'buying and selling' within the economy?