1. The Federal
Government came as close as it ever has in admitting
that UFO's come from an "Extra-terrestrial
The Director
of National Intelligence admits that Tech 'beyond
our understanding' is monitoring U.S. military!
'beyond our understanding' is monitoring U.S.
military and 'much else' ",
World Net Daily, 6/30/21
flying objects have baffled the intelligence community
in recent years and could pose a threat to national
security, according to a government report Friday
that did not rule out an extraterrestrial origin
for the phenomena."
When a government
official says "he does not rule out"
something, that is official-speak meaning "it
may be true"! At least, that will be the
view of the average man on the street.
This report will
increase the numbers of Americans who believe
that UFO's and Aliens are real.
" 'We can no
longer deny that someone has mastered technology
beyond our understanding and is using it to monitor
U.S. military forces and probably much else',
Mellon said."
Senator Rubio (R-FL)
summed this report up nicely:
"Rubio said
in March the U.S. couldn’t identify UAPs
flying over military bases. 'There’s stuff
flying over military installations no one knows
what it is and it isn’t ours', Rubio said."
When I was sneaked
into a Members+1 seminar at the occult House of
Theosophy in Boston, Massachusetts, on August
18, 1991, I listened in rapt attention the explanation
given about this subject by the Luciferian New
England House of Theosophy. Listen to his explanation:
and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They
are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in
attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They
will appear at the proper time to enable mankind
to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness
-- when the Christ appears." (NEWS1052
; Anti-Christ)
The issue as to
who and what Aliens and their UFO's are will be
permanently clarified when the Perfect Man who
identifies as the Jewish Messiah, Jesus returned,
Maitreya, and the Avatar of every religion which
foretells such a Messiah, arises on a donkey riding
into Jerusalem, and is surrounded by millions
of Aliens and their fabulous flying machines.
back in the Middle East, Israel is annihilating
the Palestinians and other combined Arab countries.
Millions of people are dead, and parts of Jerusalem
are devastated. Russia is threatening to intervene
against Israel, and her troops are marching southeast
through Iran.
Suddenly, a man
appears East of Jerusalem, claiming to be Messiah
and performing all sorts of miracles. New Age
author, Bill Cooper, claims that, at this time,
visible "angels" will be hovering over
this Christ. Cooper further says that aliens and
UFO's will suddenly appear all over the globe;
aliens will urge leaders and citizens alike to
accept this New Age Christ or the New David as
Lemesurier he will also be called. ("Behold
A Pale Horse", by New Age author,
William Cooper)
How important is
it for mankind to be seriously pre-conditioned
to accept Antichrist?
In her book, "Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow", Christian lawyer
/ author, Constance Cumbey quotes a New Age author,
who says that "the Christ cannot appear until
and unless a significant proportion of the world's
population is pre-conditioned to accept him".
What does the Bible
foretell as to the total package of supernatural
deception brought upon the inhabitants of the
"... and will
be attended with great power and with all sorts
of pretended miracles and signs and delusive marvels..
all of them lying wonders -- And by unlimited
seduction to evil and with all wicked deception
for those who are perishing because they did not
welcome the Truth, but refused to love it that
they might be saved."
The only people
who will be deceived will be the unsaved; this
truth ties in perfectly with Jesus' assertion
in Matthew 24, where He says that the Elect, God's
chosen people, would not be deceived.
This deception of
the unsaved takes on tremendous significance because
of the next verse, "Therefore, God sends
upon them a misleading influence, a working of
error and a strong delusion to make them believe
what is false".
This very frightening
verse reveals that God Himself gets involved at
this point, deliberately hardening the hearts
and minds of those people who have rejected the
Truth of the Gospel. If this is your situation,
you must resist the Salvation call of the Holy
Spirit no longer. Turn
now to Jesus Christ, while this world
is still in the Age of Grace, before God sends
this tremendously-powerful delusion upon the unbelieving
Finally, Paul reveals
the final intention of this strong delusion, sent
by God, "In order that all may be judged
and condemned who did not believe in the Truth,
but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness."
This strong deception will be part of God's Judgment
upon the wicked.
The abrupt appearance
of millions of aliens and their UFO's should really
be seen as an early sign of God's Judgment. When
aliens appear, mankind will have turned a corner,
from which it will never recover!
The End Times' Judgments
of the Books of Revelation, Daniel, and the Minor
Prophets lie directly ahead of mankind.
A Congress controlled by Liberals / Leftists,
has moved to cripple the hands of the President
in a future conflict.
votes to repeal 1957, 1991 war authorizations",
Fox News, June 30, 2021
"The House
voted to repeal a pair of decades-old war authorizations
on Tuesday amid a push within Congress to reenact
limits on presidential war powers."
In this era of exceedingly
fast munitions, Congress enacted a law which gave
the President authority to react quickly to a
war threat without having to wait for the Congress
to meet and to debate and then to authorize war.
The Chinese Communists
have taken note of this potential restraint of
the President's war authority, calculating that
China must conquer Taiwan in merely three days.
Can Capture Taiwan In Three Days, Say Former U.S.
Officials", American Military
University Edge, 8/27/2020
"In three days,
China can seize Taiwan – and the United
States will be too paralyzed by political turmoil
to stop it ... Retired Admiral James Winnefeld
Jr., who served as vice-chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff from 2011 to 2015, and Michael
Morell, who twice served as acting CIA director
in the Obama administration, penned the scenario..."
Red Province begins with major Chinese military
exercises ... The West, distracted by U.S. politics,
dismisses this as mere saber-rattling ... The
operation unfolded quickly, beginning on the evening
... A message was transmitted to Taiwan’s
leaders that they had the option of immediate
peaceful capitulation or armed coercion.”
This scenario continues,
unfolding with lightening speed.
"Chinese media
highlighted the presence of thousands of ballistic
and cruise missiles in launching positions capable
of targeting key facilities on Taiwan,”
the scenario postulates. “An immediate sea
and air blockade of the island was announced,
pending Taipei’s decision on Beijing’s
ultimatum. At the same time, the PLAN’s
[Chinese navy’s] amphibious forces—including
an enormous number of fishing vessels quickly
pressed into service—got underway in preparation
for landing Chinese ground forces on the island’s
west coast, and air defense ships extended their
umbrella over the island’s airspace.”
Diplomacy supports
the military offensive.
"The military
action is accompanied by a global diplomatic and
social media offensive to neutralize the possibility
of foreign intervention. Westerners are asked
why they should risk their well-being for Taiwan,
East Asians are told that their future depends
on China’s 'benevolent leadership', and
the rest of the world is threatened with loss
of Chinese trade and investment. To stiffen the
message, a Chinese cyberattack triggers power
outages in Indianapolis."
"As the Pentagon
prepares to send forces to the region, the U.S.
National Security Council is driven by indecision.
Not responding militarily would damage American
prestige, but some officials fear that rather
than defending Taiwan, the U.S. will end up mounting
a costly effort to liberate it from Chinese occupation."
Stop right there.
The first sentence of this paragraph demonstrates
the main reason that China is successful conquering
Taiwan. Since Taiwan is geographically located
so close to China, American forces in the immediate
surrounding area must be sufficient in numbers
and in capability of defeating the Chinese attack.
If forces have to be brought from Guam or from
the West Coast, the battle will be over and Chinese
officials will be in Taipei before reinforcement
scan be at the battle site.
And, this brings
us to Congress eliminating the "War Authorizations
By eliminating
his standing "Power of Force Engagement"
they tempt a foreign power to strike quickly in
a limited war.
long-term security – and America’s
ability to contain Chinese expansion – rests
on two pillars. One pillar is that the U.S. retains
sufficient and appropriate military power to deter
China from grabbing Taiwan, disputed islands like
the Japanese-held Senkakus, or wherever else Beijing
asserts its primacy. The second pillar is that
the U.S. has sufficient political will to convince
China’s leaders that it will use that military
power if need be."
I could just see
a scenario whereby a weak and indecisive President
Biden will be facing a Leftist-controlled Congress
determined to not allow American forces to intervene
against their new trusted ally, Communist China.
Could Biden's
perceived cognitive impairment have any bearing
on this development?
Rep. Carl Calls on Biden to Take Mental Cognitive
Test", Breitbart News,
26 June 2021
Jerry Carl (R-AL) argues there are reasons to
be skeptical about President Joe Biden’s
mental state. He and his colleague Rep. Ronny
Jackson (R-TX), a former White House physician,
believe that is cause for concern. During an interview
with Mobile, AL radio’s FM Talk 106.5, Carl
said he and Jackson believed it would be appropriate
for Biden to take a mental cognitive test, given
the “decay” they believed Biden has
experienced since coming into office."
This Congressional
move to strip the "War Authorizations Act"
is a major development in this upcoming war between
China and Taiwan.
And, don't forget
Russia, whose military forces have been acting
very aggressively in these past few weeks. If
Putin initiates a major conflict in The Ukraine
or elsewhere in that region, at the same time
as the Taiwanese War, that second front would
stretch America's politics to the limit.
And, don't forget
the Indian/China border conflict. The Indian government
was so concerned that she beefed up her border
force from 20,000
troops to 70,000!
Finally, North Korea
stands ready to attack South Korea, whenever her
Chinese masters tells her to strike.
As you can see,
the world could be thrust into almost inconceivable
turmoil. Out of the dust and destruction, Antichrist
will come to the world scene, accompanied by his
newly-discovered friend, Aliens riding on their
UFO machines.
At that moment,
the world stands are the unfolding of Seal Number
"Then I saw
as the Lamb broke open one of the seven seals,
and as if in a voice of thunder I heard one of
the four living creatures call out, Come! And
I looked, and saw there a white horse whose rider
carried a bow. And a crown was given him, and
he rode forth conquering and to conquer."
(Revelation 6:1-2, KJV)
Are you spiritually
ready because you have been Born
The Chinese Communist Party celebrates its 100th
Anniversary today.
parties before next year’s storm",
Taipei Times, June 30, 2021
"The Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 100th anniversary
tomorrow. Among actions aimed at expanding the
celebrations, officials have compiled '80 slogans
for the party’s centenary' and '100 quotes
from party history'.”
As China
struts and threatens, Taiwan remains resolute!
Army brigade carries out combat readiness exercise",
Taiwan News, 7/1/2021
"The Taiwan
Army’s 234th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
recently conducted combat readiness and reconnaissance
drills. The brigade dispatched its Clouded Leopard
armored vehicles to tactical positions while soldiers
responded to simulated combat situations to familiarize
themselves with wartime conditions and strengthen
their training."
"The commander
overseeing the exercise, surnamed Liao (?), said
troops cannot slack off for even one day, adding
that rigorous and continuous training is the only
way to defend the country."
So far, Taiwan appears
exceedingly resolute. They only have to look at
the heavy-handed treatment of Hong Kong to realize
how they will be treated if they are ever ruled
by Beijing.

4. Thanks
to President Biden's toleration of lawlessness
and his determination to wrest guns out of the
hands of law abiding citizens, gun sales reached
a new high.
Smith &
Wesson Reports First Ever Billion-Dollar Year
BIDEN! Smith &
Wesson Reports First Ever Billion-Dollar Year",
Conservative Brief,
June 29, 2021
"As Biden doubles
down on his gun control stance, Smith & Wesson
just reported its best sales year ever in 2020
with over $1.1 billion in net sales for the first
time in the company’s history."
to The Reload, Smith & Wesson’s sales
were up by more than 100 percent from 2019. Smith
& Wesson was not the only firearms manufacturer
to make record revenues in 2020."
5. As talk
intensifies concerning "Reparations"
for all blacks to "atone" for Slavery,
billionaire owner, Robert Johnson speaks out.
He demands
$14 Trillion in reparations, and he wants a check,
Billionaire Robert Johnson calls for $14T in reparations
— and wants a check too ",
The New York Post, June 30, 2021
first black billionaire, Robert Johnson, is pushing
hard for the government to pay $14 trillion in
reparations — and he wants his check just
like everyone else."
would require the entire country to … admit
that the result of slavery has been 200 years
of systemic racism,” the Black Entertainment
Television (BET) founder told Vice."
"With no doubt
whatsoever, it was supposed to come from the government
representing the people of the country. It was
reimbursement, or recompense if you will, for
the harm.”
Our position is
that reparations have been occurring since the
end of the Civil War and, until the Elite wielded
the weapon of Reparations Propaganda, had largely
succeeded in providing the tools by which black
Americans have indeed caught up to white Americans
in achieving economic and political equality.
Shouldn't the national
Democrat Party pay the reparations, since they
were the Party which protected slavery,
started the Civil War, and fought
after the Civil War to keep the black man from
enjoying full citizenship? ("The
Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party",
by Professor Carol Swain, Prager University)
Now, let us return
to our featured news story:
"... reparations
will be based on The committee will base its call
for reparations on 'the lingering negative effects
of the institution of slavery and the discrimination
… on living African Americans and on society
in California and the United States'.”
Honestly, any citizen,
of whatever color their skin, will never overcome
an injustice by continuing to grovel in it; he
/she will only overcome an historic injustice
by doing what Martin Luther King advocated:
Education and hard
work. All King wanted was for the black person
in America to be able to compete on an equal playing
But, today's radical
blacks want Public Welfare continually so they
do not have to compete on an equal playing field!
Consider the reparations
paid thus far:
Isn't $142 Trillion
freeing the slaves enough? (Newsletter,
4/23/18, Story #2)
Isn't the loss of
750,000 white Union soldiers enough? (Newsletter,
4/23/18, Story #2)
Wasn't President
Lyndon Johnson's massive Welfare Program enough?
4/23/18, Story #2)
In summary, Isn't
$142 Trillion enough reparations paid out since
1865 enough?
When will enough
ever be enough?
Knowing wicked human
nature, the answer is "NEVER"!
Black Americans
have gone from nearly 100% unemployment in 1865
to less than 9% today.
That is success.
To call for $14 Trillion more is simply outrageous
And, a disservice
to the 80% of blacks working hard and taking advantage
of the American system of Capitalism!