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- Tuesday, 6/03/2021
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Special Appeal
we are, at the beginning of the month, and we do not
have enough funds on hand to meet our needs; even the
Director has not been paid for weeks. Our bookstore
sales continue to plummet and donations so far have
not been adequate.
click on this button
to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and a worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years. Please help us
of God & The Nephilim"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 1 of 2,
Only $19.99
This DVD will cover the events of Scripture
from Genesis 6 through the Flood itself. While some
current authors have gone down paths of incredulity
and blatant fantasy, there have been many solid, biblical
scholars who have taken up the subject matter. In our
new DVD, Cutting Edge Ministries has drawn on our new
research and has assembled a wealth of knowledge from
others who have remained true to the Word of God and
actual historical accounts to compile this new documentary."
We will additionally discuss the myths
of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to gain insight
into man’s interpretation of the true events of
the final 2 centuries before the Flood. We will also
explore extra-biblical information from the Book of
Enoch and its account of the Watchers that came from
the heavenly dimension to Mt. Hermon in the days of
The first DVD will resolve the important
1. Who were the Sons of God of Genesis
2. Who were the giants?
3. What was their intention when arriving to our physical
4. What was their impact on mankind?
5. Can we identify these creatures in human history
and/or myth?
6. What happened to them?
DVD 2 is to be released Summer of 2021.
There is a phenomenal amount of information
in this 2-DVD series. Please join us to gain great insight
into the supernatural nature of the Word of God, and
how we should think about these events. We promise that
this DVD set will change the way you look at the Word
of God in general and the Old Testament in particular.
As a result, we would hope that all who view it will
gain a new level of wisdom from the Word of God in order
to live our lives as more acceptable ambassadors for
Jesus Christ.
Run Time 1 hour 32 minutes -- Order
yours today

for the Days of Noah"
Join Pastor Carl Gallups
in the SkyWatch TV studio for this incredible 2-Part
sermon based off of his ground- breaking work 'The
From living without fear
in the midst of a Global Pandemic to the question surrounding
what Jesus is telling His people through the prophecy
of 'The Fig Tree' and the return of Israel, this companion
DVD will give you a head start to understanding all
you need to know about the coming Days of Noah (the
Is our world actually
reeling toward the foretold days of Noah those days
of unparalleled global turmoil as foretold by Jesus
in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? Are we really on
the brink of a universal shaking, as
a number of today s prophecy watchers are warning?
Be thrust headlong into
the original days of Noah, and through the theater of
your mind you’ll actually be inside the ark at
the very moment the antediluvian world ripped apart
at the seams!
Walk the Jordan River
Valley with Jesus and His disciples as they made their
way up to Jerusalem one last time.
Be made privy to some
of the deepest meanings of the otherwise hard sayings
that Jesus proclaimed to various audiences, along His
way to Calvary.
Discover the profoundly
stunning truths concerning what Jesus really
meant when He proclaimed that the very last days would
be just like the days of Noah.
Gain a much richer understanding
of today s world, and how it connects to several earth-
shattering biblical prophecies that are coming to life
in our day.
Learn how to immediately
prepare yourself for the future, both logistically and
$24.95 in DVD
available in Book format at $19.95


Important News -- Headlines
1. Leftist Democrats
are now trying to 'criminalize' Christianity.
If a person just
believes that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, that
person can go to prison!
2. On the other
hand, people who believe and who practice LGBTQI+
lifestyle are lauded and applauded.
America is finally
approaching the point where God considers us to be a
reincarnation of Sodom.
The Biden State
Department orders the LGBTQI+ flag
to fly at the Vatican!
3. That old KKK-supporter,
Joe Biden, has the gall to tell us that 'White Supremacy'
breeds 'Systemic Racism'.
And, that produces
'Domestic Terror'!
4. An Atlanta,
a lawmaker who cheered when the police were defunded,
has his luxury Mercedes stolen in broad daylight.
And, the thugs
were children!
5. Israel began
in 1992 this propaganda lie:
How can this lie
be repeated so often for 29 years?
"Iran is
six months away from a nuclear bomb."
Cutting Edge told
the truth, which we discovered in 2002!
Combination Video
Offer Saving You $45 over buying individually.

Offering 6 titles
of videos in which key prophecies are currently being
fulfilled in our Daily News!
1) 'Secret Societies
Killed Jesus Christ' reveals the awful truth that the
Pharisees of Jesus' day KNEW he was the prophesied Messiah
but chose to kill him anyway! Events today is the attempt
2) 'Israel's Prophesied
Annihilation of the Palestinians' focuses on the book
of Obadiah in which God detailed -- 3,000 years ago
-- that He would annihilate the Palestinians using Israel
as His tool of judgment.
3) 'Angelic /
Demonic Warfare In The Heavenlies: Daniel 10', shows
how God uses the demonic god, Gog, to convince the leaders
of Russia to lead an attack against Israel in fulfillment
of Ezekiel 38-39. Contained within this set is a BONUS
video 4) in which we show how a similar demonic god
is leading the world into accepting the Roman Catholic
Pope as the False Prophet.
5) 'World War
III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event' demonstrates
how the Elite plan to set up each planned war which
will create the global conflict necessary to stage Antichrist
on the world scene.
6) 'The Full Story
Finally Told - Jesus Returns As Warrior King' closely
examines Jesus' return as avenging Messiah, physically
attacking soldiers of the 200 million man army surrounding
Six (6) Video
Titles, regularly $94.95, on sale now, for only $49.95,
saving you $45! https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2965

Gods, and Dragons"
the Fallen Realm and the Plot to Ignite the Final War
of the Ages"
Giants are real.
The small-g gods of the pagans are real. Dragons are
'Giants, Gods,
and Dragons' is a fresh look at the end of days, drawing
on the worldview of the prophets and apostles, who understood
that the spirit realm is far more real than we’ve
been taught.
You will discover:
* The identities
of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
* The connections
between Babel, Babylon, and what’s in your wallet
* The dragons who will walk the earth in the last days
* The name of the first spirit to rebel against God
(hint: it wasn’t Satan)
* The connection between the reptilian figurines of
ancient Sumer and the practice of human sacrifices
* Fresh new understandings of the final End of the Age
Available in BOTH
Book and DVD:
265 page Book
, only $19.95, https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2954
DVD - https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=2957
& The 'Final Solution' "
New Book by Tom
Horn, Only $19.99
It’s been
assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming
of Antichrist would be a revived world order an umbrella
under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic
groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around
the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty.
At the head of the utopian administration, a single
personality will surface. He will appear to be a man
of distinguished character, but will ultimately become
a king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23) -- ANTICHRIST!
With haughty,
dictatorial decrees, he will facilitate a One-World
Government, universal religion, and global socialism.
Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably
be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself
above all that is called God, or that is worshiped,
so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
Bible prophecy
depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human
history. He will try to carry out a satanic Final Solution
to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf
Hitler's plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come
era is closer than many can imagine; yet, most don't
comprehend the events that lie just ahead.
For the first
time in decades, the truth of dispensational history
is laid out in\ -order that the world can understand
what is unfolding now -- and coming very, very soon.
Important News -- Analysis
1. Leftist Democrats
are now trying to 'criminalize' Christianity.
the 'orange tsunami' effort to defeat 'Sexual Anarchy
Act'," World Net Daily, June
1, 2021
"By now I trust you
are aware of the permissive, progressive radicals in
power preparing to ram through what Liberty Counsel
legal ministry calls 'the most dangerous legislation
ever proposed in America's history'. It looms on the
horizon in the U.S. Senate to totally topple traditional
morality in America."
By using the term "traditional
morality", this author means "Biblical Standards"
of conduct. This bill -- H.R.5 - 'Equality Act' will
uproot traditional Christian principles upon which God
established for a person and a nation to follow.
"... evangelical,
charismatic and denominational leaders are in total
solidarity imploring us to eradicate the so-called "Equality
Act," the completely evil legislation already passed
by the House and backed by Joe Biden."
What makes this bill so
"evil" and so "dangerous"?
"... One of America's
most respected leaders, Al Mohler, said, 'If this legislation
passes and becomes the law of the land, say goodbye
to religious freedom. It would totally transform the
United States as we know it because it represents a
direct subversion of religious liberty'."
But, there is more danger
to this bill; it will actually criminalize the belief
and the practice of all Bible-believing Christians.
"In 1964, Congress
passed the landmark Civil Rights Act to end discrimination
and preferential treatment of American citizens based
on race, color, sex or national origin. Now, having
radicalized the Democratic Party, secular progressives
are promoting a left-wing agenda that is anti-God, anti-sanctity
of life and marriage, anti-traditional family and diametrically
opposed to our Judeo-Christian foundations."
"The bill's authors
took the 1964 Act and cleverly expanded it to include
"sexual orientation and gender identification"
so that all LGBTQ activists and activities take on special
protected status under penalty of fines, imprisonment
and removal of tax-exempt status for churches, ministries
and all nonprofit religious groups that do not conform
to their unrighteous dictates."
This is the stuff of which
Sodom and Gomorrah were based, except that these cities'
wickedness occurred before Christianity was established.
But, I guarantee you that laws were on their books which
granted all these homosexual practices and beliefs.
NEWS BRIEF: "Criminalizing
Christianity: Most Dangerous Bill Passes House",
Election Forum, November 7, 2019
"The “Criminalizing
Christianity” bill has already been passed by
the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. It’s
called the Equality Act or H.R. 5 … and it’s
the most dangerous bill ever to be proposed at the federal
What are its specific
contents which are so very dangerous to Christians?
* "The legislation
is being described as an anti-LGBTQ discrimination bill…
the Equality Act gives LGBTQ+ values supremacy over
heterosexuality … and over a Biblical world view."
* "The Equality Act
will prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation
and gender identity in areas such as: