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Monday, February 17, 2014

Precious New Pastor Crone Family DVD's

"The Biblical Family" - Volume 1 - Biblical Roles of Man, Husband, and Father

"The Biblical Family" - Volume 2 - Biblical Roles of Woman, Wife, Mother and of Children

We simply must get back to Biblical values and God's definition of the family unit. We seek to equip you with the foundational truths needed to have a Family Built to Last that can only be found in God's Word, the Bible. Here you will discover such things as seeks to equip you with the foundational truths needed to have a Family Built to Last that can only be found in God's Word.

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I. Tom DeLay lamented the other day that America is now living under a government of tyranny.

DeLay is correct, but he is about 13 years late!

NEWS BRIEF: "Tom DeLay: Americans Now Live 'Under a Government of Tyranny' ", NewsMax, 14 February 2014

"President Barack Obama has so ignored the principles of the Constitution that Americans are now 'living under a government of tyranny', Tom DeLay, the former Texas congressman and House Speaker says ... What we have now is a president who has accelerated the progressive movement that started back with Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson … to such an extent that I now can tell you that we're living under a government of tyranny.

" 'When you have a president that is cruel and unfair to the people using his powers to undermine the Constitution of the United States [in order] to create a ... monarchy within the presidency, and ignores the Congress or the judicial branch, you have tyranny'."

We agree wholeheartedly, but former House Speaker DeLay is thirteen years late in his warnings. Do you remember when America officially lost her Constitutional protections? Immediately after the attacks of 9/11, President Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheny introduced a massive new bill that they demanded Congress pass without reading it. That bill became known as the "Patriot Act" and it took away, on paper, all the freedoms and liberties and Constitutional protections we Americans had always enjoyed.

We published a strongly worded Headline News article entitled, "America's 'Most Trusted President' Just Grabbed Dictatorial Powers" , posted in December, 2001. We urge you to read this article in full, because you will be surprised to be reminded how aggressively Republican President Bush was in grabbing Absolute Powers of a Dictator. Quoting portions of this article:

"American citizens are confronted with a reality of which very few of them understand today, just nearly 3 months after the September 11 attacks. The reality facing us is that the President of the United States has accumulated to himself the most frightening array of dictatorial powers in our nation’s history. What powers Congress has not given President Bush, he has taken with his Executive Orders. If he wanted to, President Bush could dissolve Congress, abolish the Constitution, declare all dissidents to be "Domestic Terrorists", try citizens in secret courts, invade our homes with searches without warrants, and seize all sectors of our economy. No President in history has ever possessed such potential powers, and every thinking citizen must be gravely concerned."

"Let us now examine some of the troubling signs already rumbling through our nation like a strong earthquake. Are you watching, and are you alert?"





The fact is, Tom DeLay is trying to invoke the mantra "Democrats are evil and dangerous, but Republicans are good and virtuous". That mantra is very wrong and very dangerous if very many Americans believe it. The reality is that there is no bottom line difference between Democrat and Republican, because the leadership of both parties are equally committed to the coming New World Order!

The truth is that, since the Patriot Act in October, 2001, America has been living under the "benevolent dictatorship" where Democrat and Republican leaders benevolently rule a totally mislead public!


II. CBS bought and paid for a Climate Change "expert" who was really a New Age practitioner!

NEWS BRIEF: "BS Featured ‘futurist’ as Climate Expert Blaming Record Cold on ‘global warming’: Also an expert on ‘Telepathy, Telekinesis, & Mind reading’ ", Climate Depot News, 14 February 2014

" 'CBS This Morning' featured a futurist who promotes paranormal phenomena like ‘telepathy, telekinesis and mind reading’ as climate expert during its February 13 broadcast. CBS only identified physicist Michio Kaku ( as a New York City College professor, with no mention of his special abilities."

"Kaku’s website ( promotes his book: 'THE FUTURE OF THE MIND: The scientific quest to understand, enhance, and empower the mind'.” And his quest to promote: “Telepathy. Telekinesis. Mind reading. Photographing a dream. Uploading memories. Mentally controlled robots.”

Kaku had some crazy ideas on Climate Change.

" ‘Excess heat generated by all this warm water is destabilizing this gigantic bucket of cold air….So that’s the irony, that heating could cause gigantic storms of historic proportions’ ."

Scientific meteorologists reacted strongly and negatively to Kaku. We shall only quote one.

"“Kaku has no ... clue what he is talking about – ‘unstable jet stream’ — huh? How could someone supposedly so learned sound so doltish? Must apologize to Bill Nye — he is now number 2 most egregious butcher of meteorology and climate science."

While Mass Media continues to promote the fake global crisis known as "Climate Change/Global Warming/Global Cooling", we must thank Dr. Daniel Faulker for setting the matter straight in his DVD "Climate Change or Mind Control". After reviewing periodic climate changes over the past 4,000 years, we show the New Age/ New World Order reasons that the Global Elite want us to believe in such a change.

You see, a global crisis requires a global coercive government! Several years ago, we noted that Mass Media was promoting five (5) global crises, all of which require a coercive global government. Please take a moment to read NEWS2193, entitled, "Five Major Created Global Disasters Are Being Constantly Preached To The World As Reasons To Form The Global New World Order!"

How complete is the victory of Mass Media in convincing the average person that Climate Control is real? Over the weekend, the Cutting Edge Webmaster shopped at Dollar General. The clerk mentioned to him that it was unusual for South Carolina to have snow, ice and an earthquake in just a few days. She then said, "It has to be 'Global Warming' ".

Mass Media has won this propaganda battle!


NEW BOOK - Questions God Asks: Understanding Omnipotent God Who Asks Questions of Us

God knows all things. Yet, as strange as it may seem to us, the Bible is filled with questions that God asks. These questions assist us in understanding both our Maker and ourselves. Examine fundamental assumptions about God, human nature, relationships, origins, purpose and destiny in this revealing book. Stop demanding answers from God and begin answering the questions He asks of us. the Creator of the Universe asks questions. Unimaginable power and wisdom are His, but as strange as it seems, the Bible is filled with questions God asks. He is not the One Who needs answers -- these questions help us understand both God and ourselves.

This study is a powerful supplement to family worship, Bible study, and personal devotions. Stop demanding answers from God and begin answering the questions He asks of us.

144 pages - See Preview

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'The Sanctity of Life" DVD Series

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Suicide and Euthanasia are discussed in terms of the Sanctity of Life with which God created every human being on Earth. Genocide simply is impossible as long as a nation upholds God's high and holy view of mankind. As the world spins toward the greatest global genocide in world history, Christians need to be reminded of the exceedingly high value God placed on man when He conceived the human race.

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NEW Headline News Analysis

PROPHETIC ALERT! President Obama Is Quietly Forming The North American Union!

Progress toward forming Supernation #1 of the Club of Rome Plan is suddenly lurching forward.
Daniel 7:7-8 is now rapidly moving toward completion.

This prophecy is the only one in the entire Bible which must be fulfilled before Antichrist can arise!

Is President Obama Going To Make An Announcement Confirming The Existence of Extra-Terrestrials?

He has just appointed a UFO adviser!

Was Ronald Reagan A Secret Member of the Luciferian Secret Society, The Rosicrucians?

While the information I am about to share with you seems to answer the question as to how Reagan could allow himself to be made an honorary 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason just before leaving the White House, we must be very careful in assessing a complex person's life well after that person has died.

Pope Francis I Preparing To Be The False Prophet Revelation 13:11-18

BREAKING NEWS JUST IN! Pope Francis has just announced he will visit Jerusalem in May! Will he make the planned special announcement then, that all religions are united under his leadership?


Abruptly, Significant Progress Occurs In Prophetically Reorganizing All Nations Into 10 Supernations

Prophetic Supernation #9 is forming, with a deadline of December, 2015

South and Southeast Asia (ASEAN) is now coalescing into a single giant nation. When this nation is formed, it will be part of the fulfillment of Daniel 7:7-8

Since Antichrist cannot arise until all nations of the world are reorganized into 10 Supernations (NEWS2363), we must watch the formation of these supernations to gain an understanding of the lateness of the prophetic hour.

In the past few months, impressive progress has been made. The prophetic hour draws near!! This article reports very "good news" to Christians everywhere!

Finally, after 2,000 years of history following Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, wicked forces intent upon producing Antichrist are now taking concerted action to reorganize all the nations of the world into precisely the ten (10) supernations foretold 2,600 years ago in Daniel 7:7-8.

While it is not possible to know the precise date on which all these supernations will be completed, at the very least, when we hear some false prophet setting a date for the end of time, or the appearance of antichrist, or proclaiming imminent economic collapse, we will know enough to check the status of this Club of Rome Plan to reorganize all nations into 10.

Personally, I believe that the Rapture of the Church is going to occur before all ten supernations are formed. Once the Church is out of the world, and once the Holy Spirit no longer restrains the plans of evil rulers, the Club of Rome Plan can be finished within weeks at the most.

"Look up, for your Redeemer is drawing nigh". The End is finally seen on the horizon!

Subscribe To Headline News

"UFO's - The Great Last Days' Deception", Volume 2

New DVD by Pastor Billy Crone

This video seeks to equip you with the truth concerning extra-terrestrial visitors and their demonic hidden agenda, goals and plans for mankind which Satan has cleverly concealed.

You will discover: 1)How aliens lie like demons; 2) How aliens feel like demons; 3) How aliens Teach Demonic and New Age religious beliefs; 4) How aliens act like demons; 5) How aliens travel like demons; 6) How aliens possess people like demons; 7) How aliens deceive humans like demons.

Pastor then addresses the Rapture of the Church and its connection to UFO's. When the Rapture does occur the Christians who have disappeared will not have been taken up off the Earth in UFO's, as world leaders will try to convince.

Don't be deceived and don't be left behind.

A 5 session, 3-DVD Set, nearly 5 hours long - Only $19.99 - Watch Trailer

"UFO's - The Great Last Days' Deception", Volume 1

Pastor Crone drives home the spiritual reality that what a person believes about Aliens might strongly determine whether you go to Heaven or Hell. Does that sound unreasonable?

You see, Aliens are part of the plan to stage Antichrist on the world scene. Aliens will help deceive mankind into thinking the Man of Sin is a god and must be worshiped and obeyed. Aliens will usher in the darkest prophetic time in all of man's history.

3-DVD Collection comprising of five sessions. Watch Trailer

Angels Battling Aliens In The Heavenlies

Daniel 10 Battle Being Fought Daily

"Angels Volume III DVD: Aliens, UFO's, The Denizens of the Metacosm"

Volume 3 explores the contradictory behavior of UFOs and other demonic deceptions characteristic of

the End Times.

Subjects Are: 1) Are they real? 2) Why do UFOs enjoy a military classification higher than our most sensitive weapons systems? 3) Why are the events which occurred in Roswell New Mexico still classified after 66 years? 4) Why is the Vatican openly preparing to receive an Alien Visitor? 5) How should a Christian deal with the occurrences of Alien abductions? 6) Jesus admonished us to 'Be not deceived.'


How do we prepare for the deception which, 'if it were possible, would deceive the very elect'? Order Angels Volume III

See also first two volumes

"Angels Volume I DVD: The Angelic Realm"

"Angels Volume II DVD: The Invisible War"

Demons Battling To Capture Mankind



"Watchers 7, Physical Evidence - Alien Implants" DVD

New DVD by L.A. Marzulli - Only $19.99

One thing is certain, UFOs are not going away and at some point the UFO Phenomena will become self evident. Listen to the Illuminati plan: 'UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the Christ appears'."

UFOs are not going away! They are being reported to the tune of 2000 sightings per month, and that only represents the ones that are reported. At some point, there will be a revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence. Perhaps by the President of the United States. UFO's and aliens are part of the scripted agenda to produce Antichrist; the very fact that their reporting is so dramatically increased can only mean that the appearance of Antichrist is very, very close. All Alien/UFO DVD / Book Titles


End Times Prophecy Unfolding In Israel: God Preparing Jews To Accept Jesus

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah (DVD)

Mystical death curses. Visions of Messiah. A renowned world political leader under the threat of death. Religious leaders in absolute shock. A cryptic death note ...

The story is shocking. The story is true. The story is still unfolding today!

This sensational story of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, the 108-year-old rabbi declared the name of the real Messiah was Jesus and further proclaimed that Messiah would not come until Ariel Sharon was dead; within days, Sharon suffered a stroke and has been in a vegetative coma for 7 years now.

Ezekiel 37, 'Dry Bones' prophecy, stated that Israel would return to her land in the End Times in a state of unbelief in Messiah, but would gradually come to believe in Him. When this most powerful Kabbalistic Rabbi stated that he had seen Messiah in a vision and that His name was 'Jesus', he set in motion powerful forces that are awakening many Jews in Israel to the reality of Jesus.

This event is a true 'Sign of the Times'! This documentary is based on the book "The Rabbi Who Found Messiah" by Carl Gallups. Renowned Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, New York Times bestselling author of "The Harbinger," appears with Gallups. They give insight into the messianic Jewish perspective, Hebrew messianic expectations and the profound nature of Rabbi Kaduris amazing pronouncement.

Did the elderly, revered Rabbi actually have a vision from God similar to the Apostle Paul's vision on the Damascus Road? Did he really see Jesus as the Messiah who is soon to come?

View Trailer or order

Rabbi Cahn's DVD's

Preparing Israel To Accept Jesus



May Jesus Richly Bless You,

David Bay, Director

Cutting Edge Ministries


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