News Alert And Bookstore Bulletin

September 8, 2008


I. O-O-O-P-S! Senator Barack Obama inadvertently slipped as he announced that he was a Muslim!

NEWS BRIEF: "Oops! Obama says 'my Muslim faith' ", Chicago Sun Times, September 8, 2008

"A verbal slip by Barack Obama, in which he made a reference to 'my Muslim faith', unleashed a barrage of Internet attacks Sunday. The Democratic presidential candidate appeared on ABC's 'This Week' with George Stephanopoulos, which aired Sunday morning."

Throughout his presidential campaign, Senator Barack Hussein Obama has sought to portray himself as a devout Christian and, more specifically, to deny that he was, or is, a Muslim. You see, after America fought a "War On Terror" against Muslims for seven years against a guy by the name of Osama and another guy named Hussein, Senator Barack Hussein Obama knew that any further tainting of his candidacy by an accusation that he was Muslim could be the sound of political death.

Therefore, Obama and his key supporters, backed by a sympathetic Mass Media, have been careful to portray him as a Christian on the one hand, while vehemently denying that he was a Muslim, on the other hand. This slip of the tongue will be rightly called a "Freudian slip" and will haunt him for quite a while. Please be prepared for the McCain campaign to pick this quote up quickly and devote huge budget dollars to spreading the word far and wide.

Now, let us return to this featured article.

"Obama was -- ironically -- addressing the false rumors that he is Muslim. He suggested that Republican rival John McCain was behind them, according to ABC News. Obama was reminded that McCain denied spreading the rumors. 'You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith', Obama said, before being corrected by Stephanopoulos."

I wonder how long it would have taken Obama to realize that he had just declared his religious faith to be Muslim had Stephanopoulos not pointed it out? Would he have gone through the entire interview process without realizing what he had just said? Had this been the case, he doubtless would have been informed by his staff of the error the second the interview was completed.

How quickly did the response get started?

"The quote became a magnet for comments on the video site and by bloggers as the day went on. Some seized on it as confirmation of their suspicions and some ridiculed it as a gaffe."

Likely, Obama's misstatement will not be believed by anyone already sold on his candidacy, but it might convince some skeptics who were sitting on the fence prior to this statement. Muslims consider him to be one of them because his father was a Muslim from Kenya, and because he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia.

This statement may prove to be one of the most explosive in a campaign designed to be unique!

II. Just as Cutting Edge predicted, the continued government financial bail-out of troubled banking institutions is resulting in greater government control over the troubled financial industry.

The latest bail-out occurred when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lending institutions were seized by the Federal Government.

The key words to understanding the importance of this news story is contained within the first sentence.

NEWS BRIEF: "Taxpayers Should Thank Paulson for Fannie/Freddie Bailout", The Wall Street Journal, September 7, 2008

"Today, in the largest nationalization in U.S. history, the U.S. Treasury took control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

"The largest nationalization in U.S. history" -- Genuine Conservatives have to be shocked out of their minds by this move, because Conservatives have always opposed government bailout schemes for private business. Yet, the Bush Administration Treasury Department seized control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac without any Congressional hearings and without any type of advanced warning.

Why, this move smacks of the dreaded socialist word, "nationalization"! All this socialist agenda carried out by a "Conservative" Republican Administration! This next news segment is entirely correct when it describes the implications.

"You would be hard pressed to find the word 'nationalization' in any of the news releases, but that is basically what the government 'conservatorship' amounts to. "

What this move really amounts to is "Fascism", that type of economy where private enterprise owns the means of production in an economy -- factories, mines, and attendant businesses -- but the central government controls how many competitors make the same product, how much is produced, and what the prices are going to be. In a Fascist economy, the government is the 300-pound gorilla in the boardrooms of all privately owned companies.

Adolf Hitler's Germany was economically Fascist as was Hirohito's Japan. They proved that a Fascist economy can be quite powerful. After the conclusion of World War II, Japan's economy was structured Fascist, and it proved so powerful that it nearly has beaten the Capitalist American economy into the ground.

How does the central government gain control over privately held companies? The answer is the same answer the Illuminati implements when they want to gain control and advance their agenda on any issue. They create a crisis and then step in with their solution! The subprime crisis was deliberately created so the government and/or the Federal Reserve can gain more control.

This is the agenda, and while it may save the economy, the "Big Brother" dictatorship has just taken a giant step forward!

III. Cutting Edge has just been informed by a subscriber that Todd Palin may have flashed a Masonic hand symbol during the time he and his wife, Sarah, saluted the American flag as shown on ABC on August 29.

You can find this many pictures of this type of symbolism in Chapter Four, "Hidden Hand of the Men of Jahbuhlum", in "Codex Magica". Additionally, you will discover a full write-up as to how this type of Masonic symbolism originated, how it has been used in past history and how it is being utilized by Illuminati leaders today.

Why does a Mason put his hand into coat so as to be placed into his bosom? "Codex Magica" tells us why.

"... the candidate receives a counterfeit born again experience, receiving the very spirit of Lucifer into his bosom as a result of conforming to the requirements of this degree .. the fatal (ending in spiritual death) sign that is taught for this degree is thye one you will find men giving in the photographs of this chapter. Notably, only higher-level initiates and adepts will typically be seen giving this evil sign stamping them as ... disciples of Satan. I wil call this sign the Hidden Hand of the Men of Jahbuhlun." (Page 55, Codex Magica)

A man gives this sign when he opens a couple of buttons on his shirt and/or coat, and slips hs hand into the open crevice.

If anyone can find a picture of Todd Palin clearly putting his hand into the crevice of his coat or shirt at about the level of the heart, please send me that picture! Since Governor Sarah Palin was chosen by Karl Rove of the Bohemian Grove, I expect to see some sort of occult influence in the selection of Governor Palin. A Masonic "hidden hand" symbol would certainly provide the evidence of Masonic control.

You can email me at:

You can mail me at: Cutting Edge Ministries, 1792 South Lake Drive, Suite 90-300, Lexington, SC 29073.

Or, you may call me at 800-451-8211.

We hope someone can find this picture if it exists.

Remember what Cutting Edge has always stated: there is no difference between Republican and Democrat Parties, as leaders of both parties are equally committed to the New World Order Plan. The Palin candidacy will not change this fact. While I am not trying to "dig up dirt" against Governor Palin, I do want to follow through on any valid lead to see what the truth really is.

As Jesus so boldly said: "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free".


Bookstore - Focus On The RAPTURE!

Living "Rapture Ready"


"Last Days For Catholics: Will They Be Raptured Or Left Behind?"

When the Trumpet of God sounds and the saints on this earth are raptured into the heavenlies, will Jesus recognize the average Catholic as being saved, and therefore, raptured? This issue is critical, for apostate Evangelical leaders have long stated that Catholics do not need to be evangelized, as they are already saved!

Are they really saved? Does Jesus recognize them as saved, thus taking them in the Rapture? This DVD sets the record straight by objectively examining Catholicism through the lens of Scripture. Seven Biblical principles are presented as essential for effective witnessing in this huge and essentially neglected Mission Field.

Help Catholics learn to examine their salvation through the eyes of Jesus, not through their twisted and pagan religion. Their precious souls are at stake!


"Biblical Teachings About The Rapture"

2 DVD Set - by Pastor Hoggard

At long last! Rapture teaching that is squarely based upon the Bible. Pastor Hoggard provides a fascinating study of the Rapture of the Church that is badly needed at a time when critics of this wonderful teaching are reaching ever-increasing numbers

Did you know that the Rapture is not just New Testament doctrine, but is visible in the Old Testament? This part of the study is very interesting

Some say the Rapture is the first event on God's prophetic calendar, but do the Scriptures foretell that an extremely significant event will occur BEFORE the Rapture? And, what might that event be?

Finally, discover why God used the symbolism of a whirlwind when He translated the Prophet Elijah!

This study of the Rapture is the most interesting and decidedly unique you have ever seen

Now you can Biblically answer critics of the glorious Rapture of the Christian Church -

Biblical Discernment In These Last Days - New DVD!


"Death of Discernment From Christian Pulpits"

The major cause of the malady known as "Death of Discernment" at the End of the Age is a steady but steep decline in Biblical preaching from the pulpits of Christian churches! Many pastors are now more interested in entertaining the goats rather than feeding the sheep.

Therefore, the critical issue in the church today is defending the purity of the Gospel against compromise and Ecumenism. The Bible is meant to be the rudder which guides the ship called the Church through stormy waters; these waters have been mightily stirred by the "Enemy of our souls" through casting "every wind of doctrine" at the believer.

If the Church does not start practicing Biblical discernment, tens of millions of genuine Christians are heading for serious trouble. Remember, the enemies of the Gospel are more outspoken and more cunning than are Christians, just as Jesus warned.

The second part of this video examines man's greatest need -- to be forgiven by a holy and righteous Judge. Too many Christians live in a shadow of fear and without inner peace because they have never heard nor understood genuine salvation -- "The Best Kept Secret In The Church"

DVD - "The Occult In Christian Music"

by Pastor Hoggard - Watch The Trailer

Regularly $29.99, On Sale For Only $14.99 - You save 50%!

Did you know that much Contemporary and Rock music being played right now in Christian Churches are heavily laced with occultism? Pastor Hoggard will literally blow your minds as he reveals how churches are regularly being inundated with occult values, without anyone ever understanding!

Hoggard lays a Biblical foundation for the kind of music which is proper for worship. He illustrates how much of today's CCM comes from Rock and Voodoo and shows symbols used in CCM videos that are occult

Pastor also shows the sensual wordily nature of this music and why it is not worthy to be played in the House of God!

This warning is BADLY NEEDED during this time of unbelievable End Times apostasy threatening to engulf the Christian Church -- you and your family are being affected if you are attending churches playing this kind of music. -


* Wow Items For the Day


More New DVD's From Pastor Hoggard!

All these DVD's are on sale!

Regularly $29.99, On Sale For Only $14.99

"The Emerging Church - Discover the Hidden Agenda behind the modern Church Growth Movement" - Part 3 of "Watchman on the Wall" series.


Part 3 of the "Watchman on the Wall Series"

Pastor Hoggard thoroughly explains the Illuminati HEGELIAN DIALECT and how it is being employed to destroy the Christian Church! Hoggard understands how the very use of this technique points to the End of the Age, giving us another strong reason to believe the prophecies of God's Holy Word

Hoggard also details how secular Marketing Strategies are being successfully used to market the Christian Church -- including SEX!

Other secular techniques which these modern apostate churches are using to increase their numbers include: 1) Drama; 2) Entertainment, 3) Social Events; 4) Psychology; 5) and numerous programs galore

Occult New Age Techniques have been renamed and introduced into the seeker sensitive churches. Youth Pastors are being especially targeted with this New Age programming, as they are aiming at contemporary teens already programmed heavily into the New Age Movement

Contemporary Music is strongly used, with the goal of ultimately moving church people into mainstream Rock

Hoggard lists the 4 areas which Satan is attacking through these apostate churches: 1) Attack against the Word; 2) Attack against Prayer; 3) Against traditional church music; 4) Attack against traditional preaching - Joel Osteen, Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Benny Hinn are prime examples.


"Invasion - Satan's destruction of Biblical Authority"

Part 1 of the "Watchman on the Wall Series"


Global leaders are using tragic events to force people to give up freedoms for safety, a very persuasive tactic to bring about an Absolute Dictatorship! Events like: 1) Attacks of 9/11; 2) Threat of Nuclear War; 3) Threat of Economic Collapse; 4) Threat of more terrorist attacks 5) Scare tactics in quite a number of other areas

These scare tactics then allow our governments to take actions to destroy our freedoms. Executive Orders, Patriot Acts I and II and other anti-terrorist laws are then passed because the citizens are terrified by these scare tactics

But equally important is the Apostasy of the Christian Church, which has collapsed Biblical authority and the awareness by the people as to the accuracy of prophecy! In this era, "Seeker-sensitive " churches have virtually abolished Biblical authority and awareness on the one hand, while slowly moving her people into the arms of the Vatican on the other hand

This video is one of the VERY BEST from Pastor Michael Hoggard! We highly recommend it! Hoggard's specific examination of Executive Orders is alone worth the price of this DVD!

"Invasion Part 2 - Satan's War against or homes, our churches and our country - by Pastor Hoggard - Part 2 of the 'Watchman on the Wall Series' "

Pastor Hoggard teaches that much of the spiritual power seen in today's apostate churches comes directly out of Ephesians 6. Witchcraft, ESP, Telekinesis, Holy laughter, altered states of consciousness and Music

Then, Hoggard goes to Deuteronomy 18:10-12 - Palm reading, tarot cards, Ouija boards, guided imagery, hypnosis, channeling and necromancers. He covers more on heretics and false teachers

We recommend Invasion Parts 1 and 2 as some of the finest documentaries in the Christian market!



2) "The Babel Conspiracy: 9/11 & Beyond" - DVD - by Pastor Michael Hoggard

"The Babel Conspiracy" proves that the Illuminati conspiratorial plan to unite the world so their Antichrist can appear is controlled by the "Evil Master Spirits" in the supernatural dimension. BUT, these Evil Master Spirits are controlled by prophecy and doctrine in God's Bible!

What a faith-building experience, as Pastor Hoggard reveals the startling degree to which the events of 9/11 and since then were controlled by prophecy!

Your weak faith will be wonderfully strengthened as will your ability to convince people that the Bible is the only roadmap we need to understand the events of this Age

In speaking of the attacks on 9/11, Pastor Hoggard teaches the "pattern" of them all and then ties them in with the bombing at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, the assassination of President Kennedy and other key events of the last 20 years -- and demonstrates how these events fulfill Bible Prophecy!

Great soul winning tool - refreshing approach to this subject -


3) DVD - "Holy Bible: Sure Word of Prophecy" - by Pastor Michael Hoggard


Occultic manifestations are occurring in Christian Churches throughout the land - and the Bible foretold them all! Pastor Hoggard shows how prophecy foretold that these types of Satanic activities would infest the church at the End of the Age
Practices well known in occult circles are being practiced in churches with the people thinking the Holy Spirit is causing it, not ever realizing that a demonic spirit is deceiving them greatly!

Satan is sweeping churches throughout the world with his full infernal spirit, fulfilling Bible prophecy

This Bible study will surprise you as to its accuracy in foretelling the events of the End of the Age now unfolding uniquely right now, in front of our very eyes!

Pastor Hoggard has also produced: 1) Secret of Solomon's Key Revealed; 2) Biblical Secrets Revealed; 3) New Age - Rick Warren And The Great Prophesied Falling Away


4) "New Age - Rick Warren And The Great Prophesied Falling Away" - DVD - By Pastor Michael Hoggard - Watch the Trailer

Pastor Hoggard reveals the shocking truth that the foundation for Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church is New Age Doctrine! In fact, one of Warren's major church pillars is the infamous Marilyn Ferguson's book entitled, "Aquarian Conspiracy".

This reality places Rick Warren squarely in the camp of the 'Enemy of Our Souls' and labels him and his entire movement as being part of the fulfillment of 2 Thess 2, where the Apostle Paul foretold that Antichrist could not arise until the apostasy of the Christian Church comes first. Therefore, RICK WARREN IS OPENING THE DOOR TO ANTICHRIST! And Pastor Hoggard proves it!

Pastor Hoggard also authored: 1) "The Secret of Solomon's Key"; 2) Biblical Secrets Revealed

2 1/2 hours long

Exciting New Book - The High Cost of Illicit Sexuality

"Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting our Children"

Hardcover Issue

Consequences For Having Sex Outside Biblical Boundaries

Our sinful society tells us that sex is an act of self-expression, a personal choice for physical pleasure that can be summed up in the ubiquitous phrase “hooking up.”

However, many millions of American teenagers and young adults are finding that the psychological baggage of such behavior is having a real and lasting impact on their lives. They are discovering that “hooking up” is the easy part, but “unhooking” from the bonds of a sexual relationship can have serious consequences.

A practical look into new scientific research showing how sexual activity causes the RELEASE of BRAIN CHEMICALS which then result in emotional bonding and a powerful desire to repeat the activity.

This book will greatly help parents and singles understand that “safe sex” isn’t safe at all; that even if they are protected against STDs and pregnancy, they are still hurting themselves spiritually and emotionally and likewise hurting their partner. -


Seven Years After 9/11 - New Video Tells Compelling Story


"TRUTH RISING: The 9/11 Chronicles"

Regularly $19.95, On Sale Now $16.99 - Introductory Pricing

Seven years after the attacks of 9/11/2001, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged. Without the staged attacks on 9/11, this kind of change in the Mass Media would not have been possible -- and YOU are the target!
Join Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski and others as they set out on a mission determined to expose the ruthless global elite, and alert the masses to the truth about 9/11

Strap in and get ready to ride along as Global Elitists David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, John McCain, and many others are confronted about their lies and manipulation

Including interviews with Jesse Ventura, Rosie O'Donnell, George Carlin, Willie Nelson and Martin Sheen, this film is unlike anything you have ever seen. The only question after viewing it is, "will you become part of the Truth Rising?"


"Israel's Connection To Rome"

Prophecy 666 Audio CD

Genesis 15:18 -- This is a unilateral covenant, not dependent upon the actions of either Abram or his descendents. In God's eyes, the great conflicts of the Middle East have already been settled. The land described above has belonged to Israel for 4,000 years and will belong to Israel until the end of time. Only the implementation of God's decree is not yet settled

Today, Israel is dealing extensively with the last Gentile Super Power, Rome, the Revived Roman Empire!

This study details how the leadership of Israel and the European Union are leading the peoples of the Middle East into the false "Peace and Safety" of which the Apostle Paul spoke in 1 Thess 5. This message is as fresh as your Daily News!

"The Cost of Freedom" -- Prophecy 666 Series - Audio CD

All Romans of Paul's day understood how exceedingly valuable their freeborn Roman citizenship was and they valued in within the context of a respect of Law.

People today do not realize how precious this type of freedom is, or even what freedom truly is. This is a study of what freedom means to an individual citizen and what the implications are to our life today.

Click Here To See All 29 40 Of The "Prophecy 666" Audio CD's

All Are Regularly $7.00

All Are On Sale For Only $4.99!

"The TRUE Story of the Bilderberg Group"

Expose' of the World's Truly Secret Governing Body

Still On Sale!

Regularly $24.95

Now On Sale For Only $19.95

An expose' of the most secretive, most powerful, ruling group in the world! Exposes who really runs the world and the lengths to which they will go to establish their globalist hegemony

This investigative report provides a fascinating account of the annual meetings of the world's most powerful people

The Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European prime ministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discuss the economic and political future of humanity.

Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the Cold War—and in several instances putting his own life on the line—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve: he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels and has made it available to the public.

408 pages -




"Washington: You Are Fired! Taking Back Our Government"

Watch The Trailer

Powerful documentary examines the dictatorial laws which Congress passed and President Bush signed, which, when enacted, will reduce every American to a state of slavery in the greatest dictatorship in history. Some of the laws examined are: 1) Patriot Act; 2) Military Commissions Act; 3) The John Warner Defense Act; 4) Loss of Habeas Corpus and Posse Comitaus; 5) New official definition of "Torture" in the hands of our government; 6) If enacted, HR 1955 will for the first time put “thought crime” laws on the books, robbing Americans of their right to freedom of conscience thought; 7) Will examine constitutional issues as they relate to the Katrina disaster; 8) The President's illegal spy program; 9) NSA data-mining; 10) FISA's secret court; 11)The illegal wiretapping of millions of Americans; 12) The re-defining of "privacy" rights; 13) Frightening Executive Orders; 14) "Terror-war" legislation

Then, this video tells you, the still-free citizen, what you can do now to prevent the complete slide into this planned New World Order dictatorship -


"Planned Population Reduction"

In the Book of Revelation, the number of people killed by God's judgments equals 66%; the Illuminati has precisely this same figure in mind! God many times uses wicked man to deliver His judgment, and this End of the Age period is no exception. God has allowed scientists working for the Illuminati to unlock the secrets of death listed below, so His prophecies could be fulfilled.

Dynamic topics include: Vioxx, artificial fertilizers, pesices, injections, Immunizations, Vaccinations, genetically altered seeds, cell phones, diet drinks, Soy products, Mercury preservatives, MSG, Aspartame, Fluoridated water, suppressed cures, Chemtrails, aluminum cans & cookware, Anthrax, Cancer treatments, DDT, created diseases, milk additives and processes, MTBE, Splenda and that is just scratching the surface! Nearly 3 hours long.


"Operation ENDGAME: 'Blue Print For Global Enslavement"

"They Want YOU Dead"!

This video proves better than anything I have read or seen that the Global Elite regularly funds both sides of conflicts, both major and minor! World Wars I and II and the Chinese Communist Revolution are just three examples of how the Illuminati funds both sides of the same conflict.

Alex Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars, including the planned World War III ?creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever. View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.


See our Huge Selection of DVD Videos

View Our Entire Video Viewing Room


Can you help us -- and yourself at the same time? We have all these wonderful items on which sales have slowed and we must sell them NOW in order to pay bills in September. Literally, we urgently need to "turn this problem inventory into cash"! Please help us by reviewing these items and ordering what you want; you will find great savings!

Big Savings on Closeouts and sale items

154 Items marked down, some up to 75% off!

We have also cut prices on numerous items in the Bookstore -- Special Offers

Rose Publishing Laminated Pamphlets -- All Only $3.99


Customers absolutely love these fact-filled, high quality foldout pamphlets. Each pamphlet is completely covered, front and back, with exciting, pertinent Biblical information. Customers regularly order 15-20+ titles at once and numerous Sunday School leaders and/or Pastors have ordered up to 50 of a particular title as a central part of an individual study.

Each pamphlet is only 6"x9", small enough to fit inside your Bible, but expands outward in 14 panels to 33".

Until we introduced our $4.99 "Prophecy 666" Audio CD's, this pamphlet category was our #1. Now, it is a close #2.

See Our Entire Selection of 61 Pamphlets

Headline News Articles

New Headline News Articles

"Barack Hussein Obama - THE Most Liberal, Antichristian Presidential Candidate EVER!"

Are the American people so disgusted with "Conservative", "christian", Bush that they will gladly accept a President far more Liberal than Bill Clinton?


Rick Warren Leading Evangelicals Into The Prophesied Global Ecumenical Religion!

"Purpose Driven Church" is fulfilling Biblical prophecy in its leadership toward the prophesied One World, Anti-Christian Religious Church which shall serve the False Prophet and Antichrist.

"One World - One Dream"

But what about Truth and Freedom? Guest Column by Berit Kjos

"Russian Invasion of Georgia Is Meant To Be A HUGE Warning To The West"

Once Russia pulls off this invasion without military intervention from the West, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 will have come a lot closer to happening! If God has "put hooks into the jaw" of Russia's Putin, Russia must bring Georgia back under her control before the attack on Israel can proceed!


“…his right eye shall be utterly darkened” Zechariah 11:17(b), KJV

"Prince William Taking Two Huge Steps To Become The "Masonic Christ"!

In line with our belief that Antichrist will come from the House of Windsor, Prince William joined the "Order of the Garter", a secret society formed in 1348 which has long exercised great control over the global Illuminati.

Step 2 - Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II announce plans to put Prince William through an unprecedented course on how to be a King -- a course of training never done before in all England's long history! Is William going to be trained to be Antichrist, the coming "Man of Lawlessness"?

DVD - Book

"Obama and McCain Are 22nd Cousins Descended From King Edward I of England!

"As many as 15 American Presidents and numerous Presidential candidates are also related to King Edward I. Can anyone see an incredibly long-running conspiracy here? British "Generational Witchcraft" is operating here!



“…Evil Men And Seducers Shall Wax Worse And Worse…” 2 Timothy 3:13[a]

Building the case for Christians to NOT be actively involved in the American political process --




Audio CD

"Can President Bush Win The Nobel Peace Prize?"

It is possible that several seemingly intractable problems can be "solved" in the last months of the Bush Presidency. If this trend continues, President Bush could be radically transformed from a discredited President into a Nobel Peace Prize winner!

Is it possible that the last six months of the Bush Administration might produce the False Peace of which the Apostle Paul warned in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3?

Ramifications could be huge!



"Senior Military Officials Planning Military Action ONCE Wall Street Crashes"

Shocking news comes out of Navy War planning meeting that Military scenarios have been created once the Stock Market crashes




“For The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil…” (1 Tim.6:10)

The chorus shouts: “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!”

If it is possible for a song to characterize the attitudes and actions of a nation—that one has us pegged!


"Saber-Rattling Against Iran Reaches New Heights!"

"Iran said it is beginning to dig 320,000 graves needed once the invasion gets underway." --


"Angels or Demons?"

"Todd Bentley and 'The Beautiful Side of Evil' " - By Berit Kjos


"Sky High Oil Prices - Certain Signs By Which You Can Know WHEN Prices Will Be Coming Down"

Since crude oil prices are being manipulated to produce these high oil prices, the time will come when they will fall, because key world economies cannot sustain this price for a long time.

You can know for certain what signs to look out for which will tell you when the prices will begin to fall. --


"Eye of the Phoenix" DVD Now Has A Revealing Trailer!

Video #3 In The "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" Series

This video will prove that three occultists of international renown conspired to place the Illuminati "Symbol of Antichrist" on the left side of the back of the American One Dollar Bill! The All-Seeing Eye of Horus hovering over the unfinished pyramid is the Eye of Antichrist and American rulers of that time knew it!

Occultists consider the One Dollar Bill to be the highest "Magical Symbol" in world history! You will also be surprised to learn the reason Masons chose the Dollar Bill as the most important document on which they could place this startling symbolism.

We continue our Pre-Sale offer, allowing you to pre-purchase this video at $5.00 off. If we are to continue producing this video without interruption, we need your support NOW!

Click Here For Full Details

Related News Story


"Masonry Officially Admits That The Luciferian All-Seeing Eye Symbol On The Back of the One Dollar Bill Is Masonic!"

After years of denying that symbol of the All-Seeing Eye hovering over the pyramid on the One Dollar Bill is in any way, shape, or form Masonic, official Masonry is now bragging to their members that this is precisely the case!

Just another indication of the inherent Satanism within Masonry!


Headline News Articles

"Barack Hussein Obama - THE Most Liberal, Antichristian Presidential Candidate EVER!"

Are the American people so disgusted with "Conservative", "christian", Bush that they will gladly accept a President far more Liberal than Bill Clinton?


Rick Warren Leading Evangelicals Into The Prophesied Global Ecumenical Religion!

"Purpose Driven Church" is fulfilling Biblical prophecy in its leadership toward the prophesied One World, Anti-Christian Religious Church which shall serve the False Prophet and Antichrist.

"One World - One Dream"

But what about Truth and Freedom? Guest Column by Berit Kjos

"Russian Invasion of Georgia Is Meant To Be A HUGE Warning To The West"

Once Russia pulls off this invasion without military intervention from the West, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 will have come a lot closer to happening! If God has "put hooks into the jaw" of Russia's Putin, Russia must bring Georgia back under her control before the attack on Israel can proceed!


“…his right eye shall be utterly darkened” Zechariah 11:17(b), KJV

"Prince William Taking Two Huge Steps To Become The "Masonic Christ"!

In line with our belief that Antichrist will come from the House of Windsor, Prince William joined the "Order of the Garter", a secret society formed in 1348 which has long exercised great control over the global Illuminati.

Step 2 - Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II announce plans to put Prince William through an unprecedented course on how to be a King -- a course of training never done before in all England's long history! Is William going to be trained to be Antichrist, the coming "Man of Lawlessness"?

DVD - Book

"Obama and McCain Are 22nd Cousins Descended From King Edward I of England!

"As many as 15 American Presidents and numerous Presidential candidates are also related to King Edward I. Can anyone see an incredibly long-running conspiracy here? British "Generational Witchcraft" is operating here!



“…Evil Men And Seducers Shall Wax Worse And Worse…” 2 Timothy 3:13[a]

Building the case for Christians to NOT be actively involved in the American political process --





We are going to continue our special $25 per year subscription fee promotion, for which you will get a FREE Cutting Edge Website on CD, a $25 value, plus a CD containing Seminars 1 and 2, another $14.99 value. Therefore, you are getting back $55 in value for only a $25 subscription -- a total value of $80.00!

This promotion is also available for those who wish to renew, and for people giving a subscription to someone else as a gift.


News Alert Archives

As always we ask you to pray daily for this ministry.

Be sure to visit the Sale items and Special offers sections where you will find 28 Special offers and 121 items on Sale.

David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
