New Podcast
or read the transcript
Indeed, no Pope
has ever taken any action to rid the entire Roman Catholic
Church of this Satanic stain of Pedophilia.
Read the full description of this stunning DVD
Nearing Midnight - Book
of the world’s top scientists have, since
1947, been setting the imaginary “doomsday
clock” to keep up with how near we might
be to atomic destruction. They believe that when
the hour and minute hand reach midnight, humankind
will have completely been destroyed through atomic
warfare. (P) Movement of that symbolic indicator
of the last time grows more frightening with each
tick. But there is only one accurate timepiece
that signals when the midnight hour approaches
for humankind: God’s prophetic Word-the
Holy Bible.
In 'Nearing Midnight': As It Was in the Days
of Lot, noted biblical prophecy expert Terry
James explores, in detail and through the prism
of God’s Word, long-ago prophesied matters
now unfolding hourly, including:
– The potential for nuclear war to break
out at any moment;
– America and the world facing imminent
financial collapse that will bring about a dictatorial
digital monetary system;
– Demonic entities from the abyss that
seemingly have been unleashed upon humanity
in the form of every sort of perversion, with
even very small children in the cross hairs
of the purveyors of wickedness;
– Mother Earth worship, in the form of
climate-change insanity, as the anti-God religion
being forced upon humanity; and
– The determination of the globalists
elite, driven by the entities of Ephesians 6:12,
to establish control through a New World Order.
James explores the strange wickedness and evil
that are accelerating and threatening world-rending
cataclysm at every level. Jesus Christ’s
prophecies regarding this very time in which
we live help us know precisely how near we are
to the midnight hour and offer us the peace
we have in the blessed hope of His soon return.
200 Pages |
Book by Dennis Cuddy
Price: $24.95
Price: $14.95
After hearing an interview with
Dennis Cuddy about the book, we knew we had to carry
Based on his years as a political and
economic risk analyst, historian and senior associate
with the U.S. Department of Education, Dennis Cuddy’s
Conspiracy 2 delves deeply into the plans, plots and
schemes changing the culture, the country and the world.
Cuddy traces the evolution of evil from its roots in
a falling away in the 1950s to the media attacks and
undeserved praise of presidents and government to the
debacle of COVID-19 and its aftermath. View contemporary
conspiracies through the eyes of a former university
instructor – and feel better prepared for the
mayhem to come.
228 pages.

Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret"
BELIEF: Eternal
Life To Anyone Having Sex With a Minor Child
Pedophilia is
literally the 'grease that moves the levers of power',
from people as diverse as Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden. both George Bushes
and Henry Kissinger!
In this Teaching
learn what demonic overlords command: geopolitical
perversity, nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism
working frantically to crush and pervert our morality,
children, Scriptural family values, freedom and religious
yours today
Important News Articles - Analysis
1. Three former
presidents -- 2 Democrat, 1 Republican -- combine to
promote the creation of the North American Union!

Former Presidents Start NGO to Import Illegal Aliens
into the U.S.", American Greatness,
January 22, 2024
"Three of the five
former Presidents of the United States have started
a new non-governmental organization (NGO) with the explicit
purpose of chartering flights to import illegal aliens
into the United States."
The first fact with which
you must contend is that this drive to establish one
new nation out of thee is not a new idea. The first
public assertion that the North American continent was
one day to be united. (Circa, 1610)
In 1889, this union was
repeated by Edwin Sutherland:
"IN the above word
'America' is included Canada, as well as the United
States. There has been of late much controversy on both
sides of the border line, concerning the questions of
'Annexation', "'Reciprocity', and 'Commercial Union'.
Patriotic Canadians have been holding up their hands
in horror at the idea of Annexation. 'Reciprocal Trade'
or 'Commercial Union' they express a willingness to
tolerate, but they draw the line at Annexation."
("The Destiny of America", by Edwin Sutherland,
page 5)
The idea to unite Canada,
United States, and Mexico then was advocated during
1992, in the creation of NAFTA (North American Free
Trade Agreement). President H.W. Bush cooperated with
President Bill Clinton to stifle Republican opposition
to the degree of approving the pact. Later, in the battle
to move from an economic union to a political one President
George W. Bush played a leading part.
Hence the picture here,
three former Presidents, Barack Obama, George W. Bush,
and Bill Clinton.
But,this fight to join
Canada, the USA, and Mexico into one Super Nation spans
three presidents over 30 years.

And, that fulfills the
classic definition of 'Conspiracy" as coined by
President Jefferson
President Thomas
Jefferson Defined "Conspiracy" For All Time
"... a series of
oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued
unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly
prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us
to slavery." ["The
Unseen Hand", by A. Ralph Epperson,
p. 196]
These three Presidents
spanned a time in office of over 30 years, so it fulfills
President Jefferson's definition, but when you add Sir
Francis Bacon's definition of 1610, and the 1889 treatise
by Edwin Sutherland, you can see that this plan has
the Illuminati stamp all over it!
However, this
struggle seems to be moving closer to actual shooting!
2. Texas governor
Abbott is asserting States' Rights in the Constitution
to defy the Supreme Court decision to dismantle his
border barriers.
Abbott Invokes State’s Right To Self-Defense In
Border Battle", One America
News, January 24, 2024
"Texas Governor Greg
Abbott has asserted that the federal government has
broken the compact between the United States and the
states. In a statement on Wednesday, Abbott said that
the Executive Branch has a constitutional duty to enforce
federal laws protecting the states, “including
immigration laws on the books right now.”
The President needs no
new authority nor any new money to be able to enforce
existing laws controlling illegal immigration. Democrat
insistence that new laws and new money is needed is
a sham lie, a "Red Herring" designed to throw
his accuser off course, to win the rhetorical battle.
"He (Governor Abbott)
went on to say that Joe Biden has refused to enforce
those laws and has even violated them. Abbott added
that as a result, the president has smashed records
for illegal immigration.
"Abbott concluded
his letter by invoking Texas’s constitutional
authority to defend and protect itself because the federal
government has failed in its constitutional duty. He
said that the Texas National Guard, the Texas Department
of Public Safety and other Texas personnel are acting
on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the
Texas border."
Will Texas tanks
battle Federal tanks on the streets?
3. Why have Russian
state-of-the-art weapons failed in The Ukraine?
NEWS BRIEF: "Weapons
that Don’t Work in the Ukraine War Make Up Most
of China’s Military", Next Big
Future, January 23, 2024
"Chinese analysts
want to understand why Russian weapons are doing so
badly in the war in Ukraine. 70% of China’s modern
airplanes are licensed copies, unlicensed copies or
variants of the SU-27. 20% are inferior planes that
are not even as good as the Russian copies."
My son, Danny, is a trained
welder and was called upon to weld Chinese steel and
aluminum according to Chinese specifications. Initially,
he told his superior that he could not weld so poorly
as these specifications require.
"This metal is going
to go into high-rise buildings; if a person just leans
upon an outside wall, the weld is likely to break, plunging
that person to his death from 30 stories above."
Danny's boss essentially
threatened Danny with being fired if he did not weld
according to the specifications from China.
Now, we learn that poor
workmanship at every level is producing an inferior
product on a deadly battlefield.
This subpar quality has
historically been evident all throughout past Socialist
economies. Inferiority is spread throughout everywhere.
China's military
is chock full of these inferior Russian weapons!
"The Ukraine War
has been an actual real world test or most of the modern
planes, missiles, drones that the world has ... Drones
have become an absolute necessity on the front lines.
There is a need for a lot more ammunition and overall
training. There will need to be a lot more training
on the effective tactics."
"The Russian S-400
air defense system was supposed to be a scary system
able to defend against the US air force and missiles.
The S-400s have been defeated and destroyed with a few
waves of cheap drones and cheap missiles. China bought
a lot of expensive S-400 air defense systems."
"Russia has lost
about 20% of its Su-34 fleet."
The bottom line is that
Russia and China have inferior economies that simply
cannot afford to spend the kind of money needed to design,
create, and keep supplied of the kind of advanced munitions
needed in today's battlefield.
Comparison of
Gross National Product
United States
-- $60,000+ per citizen
Russia -- $40.000+
per citizen
China -- $20,000+
per citizen (Source:
of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita" by Wikipedia)
Therefore, a secondary
reason that America's enemies are utterly incapable
of matching our more reliable and accurate weapons is
because they cannot afford them.
Therefore, how can the
Illuminati Plan to complete their planned wars between
Russia / Ukraine, China / Taiwan, China / North Korea,
South Korea?
Since their armed forces
are so inferior that they cannot beat American forces
on the battlefield, they must control the President
of the United States.
President Biden showed
by Afghanistan withdrawal that he is the bought and
paid-for man the Chinese must have in the White House,
a Chief Commander who will simply refuse to order his
forces into action.
Russian weapons
are created by Communist/Socialist goal of "Diversity/Equality/Inclusion"
while Western weapons are designed and created by "Meritocracy".
Organizing an
entire country and/or economy upon DEI requires competition
and produces a superior result across the board.
4. A WEF expert
asserted that even enjoying your morning cup of coffee
is damaging to the Environment.
morning cup of coffee contributes to climate change:
WEF ‘expert’," BPR News, January
24, 2024
"The climate zealots
are now coming after your morning java."
"Swiss banker Hubert
Keller, a so-called 'agenda contributor' said at the
event last week that the climate is being negatively
impacted by human consumption of coffee. The coffee
that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tons of CO2
per ton of coffee', he said. 'Every time we drink coffee,
we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere'.”
"World Economic Forum
(WEF) speaker calls for international laws against 'ecocide',
citing farming, fishing, and energy production as examples
of how world's citizens are destroying the plant by
everyday living practices."
Coffee drinking
is so serious that it should be criminalized!
5. China is reportedly
experimenting with a COVID-type virus that causes nearly
100% fatality.
Warning: China Experiments
with ‘100% Fatal’ COVID Strain",
Breitbart News, 24 Jan 2024
"... right now we’re
facing a perfect storm on the horizon, and it’s
not a good storm either. In addition to the Respiratory
Syncytial Virus (RSV) and the new COVID JN.1 variant,
a new strain is being experimented with in a Chinese
"But that’s
not the worst part."
"A new research
paper published on the website bioRxiv reveals that
medical experiments were recently conducted by researchers
in China, including one who was trained at an academy
run by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
In this experiment, four mice were infected with GX_P2V,
China’s own version of a “pangolin coronavirus,”
and four mice were left as the control group. Shockingly,
the four mice infected with the new virus died in less
than 10 days — that’s
a 100 percent fatality rate!" (Emphasis
prophecy: "Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom
against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers
places, and famines, and pestilences..."
(Luke 21:10-11, KJV)
26, @ 12 NOON
6. Proof Positive
that the Elites control both Parties, AND always have!
Lake’s Bribery Audio a Reminder: Elites Control
Both Parties", The New American, January
25, 2024
"This week, Republican
Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake released an
audio recording of what sounds like the state GOP chair
bribing her on behalf of people 'back East' to drop
out of politics. The GOP chair resigned the next day,
but the audio illustrates that elites exert massive
influence on not just the Democratic Party, but the
Republican Party as well."
Cutting Edge posted an
article about ten years ago, in which we revealed that
this dual control of both parties is so 'part and parcel'
of the Hegelian Doctrine, also known as the Dialectic
Process. Briefly, this doctrine states the occult belief
that all of nature is either positive or negative. Hegel
postulated that when a Thesis force comes into Hegelian
Dialectic Controlled Formula that control of both American
parties can be traced back to 1840!
In NEWS1439,
Quoting Pertinent
"In 1823, Hegel proposed
a formula by which values and attitudes of a person
or a nation could be gradually, almost invisibly changed,
without that person or nation having any idea what was
"Hegel's concept
has become known as Hegelian Doctrine, also known as
the Dialectic Process. Briefly, this doctrine states
the occult belief that all of nature is either positive
or negative. Hegel postulated that when a Thesis force
comes into existence, an opposite system called Antithesis
is soon aroused into existence. Since these systems
are opposite, they will not see eye-to-eye, so they
will begin to battle one another. If this battling does
not result in the destruction of one side or the other,
soon the constant battling will result in a different
system that is neither Thesis nor Antithesis, but is
a brand new system altogether, Synthesis."
"A corollary to the
Hegelian doctrine is that, since 'Conflict brings about
change, then controlled conflict brings about controlled
change'. American society at the turn of the 20th Century
was so far from being able to accept the Fascist economy
and globalist government of Antichrist -- not to mention
the Witchcraft Religion of Antichrist -- that a major
dose of controlled conflict was sorely needed. Fortunately
this country had two major political parties with very
different philosophical underpinnings that seemed tailor-made
for the Dialectical Process.
"Indeed, the Republican
and Democrat parties have been staging constant battling
scenarios constantly for the past 100 years! In the
Dialectic Process, the Thesis system is seen as the
Status Quo system, while the Antithesis system is seen
as the active agent attempting to change the Status
Quo. The Thesis system is the static defender while
the Antithesis system is the active agent for change.
Thus, the Republican Party was to be the static defender
of the Capitalist small-government foundation upon which
this country was founded, while the Democrat Party was
to be the active attacker of this Capitalist system,
urging the exact opposite system."
"Whenever you see
Republicans and Democrats working together on an issue
that one or both of them would logically oppose, you
know you are looking at an issue near and dear to the
heart of the Illuminati."
"By the advent of
World War II, the CFR endeavored to have both candidates
in most races be CFR. Thus, it did not matter who got
elected; the Plan would go forward. And, if the voters
were angry over an issue and the candidate who had supported
it, they could throw him out and elect the CFR candidate
of the opposing party! The Plan would still go forward!
The candidate, whom we have elected for President, the
Congress, and most state governments, hasn't mattered
one bit, because each successive candidate is as committed
to the coming global government as was his predecessor.
Thomas Jefferson warned
us that this pattern of behavior on the part of our
leaders, over a period of time, is proof of a conspiracy!
Listen. "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed
to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of
oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued
unalterably through every change of ministers , too
plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing
us to slavery." ["The Works of Thomas Jefferson",
Volume 1, p. 130]
Haven't you noticed that
it does not matter for whom you vote? Haven't you heard
it said that there is not a "dime's worth of difference"
between Democrat and Republican parties? Thomas Jefferson
warned us that such a pattern is proof of a conspiracy!
Now for the greatest
"By the advent of
World War II, the CFR endeavored to have both candidates
in most races be CFR. Thus, it did not matter who got
elected; the Plan would go forward. And, if the voters
were angry over an issue and the candidate who had supported
it, they could throw him out and elect the CFR candidate
of the opposing party! The Plan would still go forward!
The candidate, whom we have elected for President, the
Congress, and most state governments, hasn't mattered
one bit, because each successive candidate is as committed
to the coming global government as was his predecessor.
Thomas Jefferson warned
us that this pattern of behavior on the part of our
leaders, over a period of time, is proof of a conspiracy!
Listen. "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed
to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of
oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued
unalterably through every change of ministers , too
plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing
us to slavery." ["The Works of Thomas Jefferson",
Volume 1, p. 130]
Haven't you noticed that
it does not matter for whom you vote? Haven't you heard
it said that there is not a "dime's worth of difference"
between Democrat and Republican parties? Thomas Jefferson
warned us that such a pattern is proof of a conspiracy!"
"The Democrats must
win the majority of the battles. When Democrats control
one or both houses of Congress, the final decisions
on a particular matter come from their top leadership,
and the matter is usually public; however, when the
Republicans control, the Democrat agenda still prevails,
but the fact that the
top Republican leadership was acting in the best interests
of the Democrats is very much hidden from view."
As this country, and this
world, spins past the final pole in this race to the
New World Order, the Elites control both political parties:
Democrats will be the active agent while Republicans
will be the passive agent, trying to defend the Status
The result?
Antichrist on
the world scene!
PS: A little-known fact
is that our American news industry operates according
to this same Hegelian Dialectic! (Quoting from the DVD,
"Invisible, Invincible
Mind Control: Powerful Media Manipulation"
-- Above)
"You will be shocked
to learn how totally bombarded with Change Agents you
and your loved ones are every day. This crisis is all
the more sinister because it is invisible
to those who have already become captive to its lie.
How did we get to this point?"
"Once a person's
attitudes and/or values are changed by this method,
they will not realize they have been changed by external
forces. Rather, they will believe they have arrived
at this new set of values on their own and they will
defend against any attempt to change back to the old
values and/or attitudes. You must protect against these
change-forces from the beginning or you can lose your
"We identify the
Change Agents and show you how to defend yourself and
your precious children."
Therefore, all people
living today in the United States of America are literally
being exposed to two (2) dynamic change programs utilizing
the precepts of the Hegelian Dialectice!
Jesus Promised: "And
ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free." (John 8:32, KJV)