News Alert
- Thursday, 9/28/2023
Gibson Tells All: Hollywood
is institutionalized pedophilia"
Mel Gibson Say Hollywood Elites Drink Children's Blood?",
Newsweek, 3/10/2023
"Perhaps in light
of his documented devotion to his faith, claims have
recently been shared that Gibson once accused members
of a so-called Hollywood elite of torturing and murdering
children, before drinking their blood in satanic rituals."
"Pedowood Blacklisted
Mel Gibson for speaking TRUTH about Hollywood's Perverted,
Satanic abominations', read the tweet, viewed more than
56,000 times."
children are stolen and sold to pedophile rings. They're
tortured, raped, and murdered as part of satanic ritual
ceremonies. The murderers then drink the children's
blood and they eat their flesh."

This is a perfect description
of "BLACK MAGICK" practitioners! Satanists
gather in a circle, where they drink the blood of their
victim,. then collectively eat their flesh.
Gibson has just accurately
described a Black Magick ceremony where human sacrifice
is demanded!
Back now to Mel Gibson:
is reported as making the comments during an appearance
on U.K. program The Graham Norton Show.
"I don't
know how to break it to you gently... Hollywood is institutionalized
pedophilia," he is quoted as saying. "They
are using and abusing kids.
"They churn
through a huge amount of kids every year. Their spiritual
beliefs, if you can call them that, direct them to harvest
the energy of the kids. They feast on this stuff and
they thrive on it."
When Gibson talks about
"harvesting the energy of the kids", Former
Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen labels it as "releasing
the power of Eternal Life" through brutal pedophilia!
This is very real, and
has been going on for centuries.
But, at this End of the
Age, the time has come to expose more average Americans
to the Satanism which is occurring right now!
Possibly to you precious
PS: Of course, a 'spokesman'
or Gibson strongly denied that Mel ever said these things.
But, it is true, that Hollywood has always practiced
Witchcraft. It is true that the overall tone of movies
and TV shows has irreversibly trended downward the moral
Now, the time is close
to the appearance of the Masonic Christ -- the Antichrist.
Now, please take a few
moments to read additional articles about Pedophilia
in the world today.
NEWS BRIEF: "Concerns
about LGBT books promoting pedophilia & grooming
prompt 4 states to sever ties with American Library
Swift should have been imprisoned for pedophilia"
"Rolf Harris: From beloved children’s
entertainer to convicted paedophile"
philosophy professor was banned for his comments about
sex with minors: Now, he's suing to return to campus
Silence’ Review: Dark and Probing Pedophilia
Drama Turns Decidedly Bleak",
Adolf Hitler a Pedophile? Breaking Down the Nazi
Leader's Perversions,"
of 'P*****' Amy Robach Ranting About Jeffrey Epstein
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Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret" - DVD
Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret' reveals that occult
people believe they can attain unto ETERNAL LIFE if
they have sex with a minor child!
This video shines Scriptural
Light on the Devil’s Triangle — a dangerous
conjunction of Freemasonry, Aleister Crowley’s
Thelema Cult of the 'Fascinating Child' and the dark
social engineering mind-control efforts of the Tavistock
Institute/MI6/ CIA.
Today, Satan has the world
in his vise grip because of the widespread usage of
Pedophilia! Pedophilia is literally the 'grease that
moves the levers of power', from people as diverse as
Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden.
both George Bushes and Henry Kissinger!
In this Teaching learn
what demonic overlords command: geopolitical perversity,
nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism working
frantically to crush and pervert our morality, children,
Scriptural family values, freedom and religious rights.
Schnoebelen shares HOW to DISMANTLE those overlords
back territory the enemy has stolen!
LEARN HOW satan is using
his minions to infiltrate - then devastate Western society
and culture. Although Christians worldwide are horrified
with the explicit threat of increased child sex trafficking,
violence, murder and worse escalating to the point of
TO STOP THIS ONSLAUGHT and the Spiritual Warfare tactics
needed to put on your Blood-bought, ordained BATTLE
ARMOUR in this End-Time War!
Full 2 Hours of Teaching
New DVD Titles click the image for more

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Book Titles

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podcasts are now reaching 92 different countries.
Here is our latest podcast just published. Our podcasts
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Important News Articles - Analysis
2. America is
now ruled by a One-Party System!
David Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries
"Conventional Wisdom holds that
the United States has two very different political
parties that are constantly battling each other for
the hearts and minds of the voters. This wisdom further
says that about 42% of the voters vote traditionally
Democrat, while Republicans control about 41% of the
And, Democrats and Republicans really
do battle don't they? The newspapers daily spew forth
reports of constant political battling, some of it
reaching really high pitches of volume and intensity.
"Mud-slinging" has become a national pastime,
it seems, in most elections . Conventional Wisdom
states that the fundamental goals and viewpoints of
the two parties are as different as night and day.
Republicans are said to favor private
initiative, and risk-taking. Republicans favor the
wealth accumulation so necessary to a Capitalist Economy,
believing that, as private business prospers and grows,
so do jobs and the wages paid for those jobs. Republicans
are said to favor limited government, which intrudes
into the lives of individuals and of companies only
to prevent worst case scenarios of fraud, crime, and
to ensure the smooth regulation of interstate commerce.
The viewpoint of Republicans is best summed up by
the statement in 1929 by the chief operating officer
of General Motors, when he told a Senate subcommittee:
"What is best for General Motors is what is best
for America".
However, critics of the Republicans
state that the private, Capitalist business runs roughshod
over the little guy, that business is worried only
about the bottom line. Further, since owners of private
companies are only worried about the bottom line,
they will not flinch to move manufacturing jobs overseas,
where the labor is less.
The Democrat Party, on the other
hand, favors government initiative, and believes that
it is wrong for an individual to have more income
than another. Therefore, they have devised all sorts
of plans to take income by the force of government
laws from those who make the money, so they can give
to others. Thus, we have Income Taxes, Capital Gains
Tax, the Great Society Welfare state, and the biggest
of them all, Social Security.
Illuminist and New World Order writers
call this type of plan, the Redistribution of Income.
Democrats make great noise that they are looking out
for the little guy, and are really worried about keeping
American jobs here at home.
Critics of the Democrat party say
that the Democrat programs are so close to Socialism
as to be frightening; everyone knows that Socialism
has failed miserably in every single country in which
it has been implemented, from Communist countries
to Europe.
Further, critics will charge that
large, centrally organized governments that take in
lots of cash are inherently wasteful, since no one
is handling their own money. And, lots of cash pouring
in to a central coffer poses a perennial temptation
to clever politicians wanting to enrich themselves
at the expense of the taxpayer from whom the money
was taken. (Hunter and Joe Biden)
Finally, critics charge that Democrats
are not really that interested in the little guy,
except in ways that will ensure that a lot of little
guys who want government programs will vote Democrat
during the election.
Therefore, Republicans and Democrats
are continually pictured as being very opposite systems,
and wanting to take the country down different paths
However, we
are going to share a different picture with you,
one that would never have been visible had we not
studied the occult, and Illuminist occult, especially.
We are going to show you that this country has really
had only a one-party system for most the 20th Century,
and that this one-party system has been masquerading
as a two-party system, Republican versus Democrat.
This massive, and most clever deception, has been
worked out to achieve two major goals:
1) To make it seem to people that
we are really free and that our vote does count;
2) To actually move the entire country gradually into
the socialist, globalist, government and Fascist economy
called the New World Order.
The impetus behind this one-party
system is a formula: "In 1823, Hegel proposed
a formula by which values and attitudes of a person
or a nation could be gradually, almost invisibly changed,
without that person or nation having any idea what
was happening. When Hegel proposed this system, the
concept took hold within the Academic circles of Europe,
Great Britain, and the United States. And, it has
been the guiding principle of our top leaders of most
of the 20th Century history."
"Hegel's concept has become
known as Hegelian Doctrine, also known as the Dialectic
Process. Briefly, this doctrine states the occult
belief that all of nature is either positive or negative.
Hegel postulated that when a Thesis force comes into
existence, an opposite system called Antithesis is
soon aroused into existence. Since these systems are
opposite, they will not see eye-to-eye, so they will
begin to battle one another. If this battling does
not result in the destruction of one side or the other,
soon the constant battling will result in a different
system that is neither Thesis nor Antithesis, but
is a brand new system altogether, Synthesis.
The Illuminati believed in
the Hegelian Doctrine completely, and is using it
constantly to promote the change they desire so they
can stage the appearance of their Antichrist.
A corollary to the Hegelian
doctrine is that, since "Conflict
brings about change, then controlled conflict brings
about controlled change".
But, this system
is invisible and sophisticated and completely omnipotent!
the Republican and Democrat parties have been staging
constant battling scenarios for the past 100 years!
By the advent of World War II, the CFR endeavored to
have both candidates in most races be CFR. Thus, it
did not matter who got elected; the Plan would go forward.
And, if the voters were angry over an issue and the
candidate who had supported it, they could throw him
out and elect the CFR candidate of the opposing party!
The Plan would still go forward! The candidate, whom
we have elected for President, the Congress, and most
state governments, hasn't mattered one bit, because
each successive candidate is as committed to the coming
global government as was his predecessor.
Thomas Jefferson warned
us that this pattern of behavior on the part of our
leaders, over a period of time, is proof of a conspiracy!
Listen. "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed
to the accidental opinion of a day; but
a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period,
and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers
, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan
of reducing us to slavery." ["The Works
of Thomas Jefferson", Volume 1, p. 130]
Haven't you noticed that
it does not matter for whom you vote? Haven't you heard
it said that there is not a "dime's worth of difference"
between Democrat and Republican parties?
Thomas Jefferson warned
us that such a pattern is 'proof of a conspiracy'!
Consider the importance
of the Impeachment of President Clinton. When the House
impeachment managers realized they were not going to
be able to present their case thoroughly, one congressman
said, " 'We've got boxes of evidence here. We've
got witnesses. One day? That's insane.' Congressman
Jim Rogan of California added the exclamation point
to the whole exchange: 'We're entitled to a trial. Why
are we being sold out? You're double-crossing us. We've
done our duty; it's up to you to do your duty. We are
all Republicans." [Page 11]
The quote of the century
belongs to Senator Ted Stevens, Republican, Alaska.
Since House impeachment managers did not initially get
the message, they pressed the fact that they had considerable
evidence that Clinton had brutally raped Juanita Broaddrick.
At this moment, an exasperated Senator Stevens said,
"Henry, I don't care if you prove he raped a woman
and then stood up and shot her dead -- you're not going
to get sixty-seven votes [to impeach]."
And, consider the importance
of a story told by Dr. James Dobson, Focus On The Family:
In Summer, 1986, I was listening to Dr. James Dobson
of Focus On The Family, as he detailed his experience
with Congress, having just spent a week lobbying for
anti-abortion legislation. Dr. Dobson was shocked beyond
belief as he shared his new major enlightenment with
his listeners.
Dr. Dobson had come to
realize that House and Senate votes are regularly fixed
by the Party Whips of both the Democrats and Republicans!
Here is how this "vote fixing" operated. On
any particularly important vote, the whip for each party
would gather the senators and/or congressmen together
to discuss how they were going to vote. The whip would
tell them the outcome desired and then would tell each
member how he would vote. Members of "safe districts"
were told they had to vote for the bill, and members
of "contested districts" were told they could
vote against the bill; however, the final tally was
always the way in which the party chiefs wanted it to
Dr. Dobson was aghast!
He never, ever thought such "vote fixing"
regularly occurred on the U.S. Capitol.
But, this is the sorry
state of affairs with our traditional government.
Consider the Republican
Debates today.
The leaders meeting to
debate are R.I.N.O.'s (Republicans In Name Only)! They
espouse positions which seem Conservative Republican,
but in tense negotiations with Democrats, RINO politicians
cave in and enable a ruinous bill to become law.
The Bible warn of such
"These are spots
in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you,
feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without
water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth,
without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame;
wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of
darkness for ever." (Jude 12-13, KJV)
The recent Republican
Party debates are a function of One-Party rule!
3. Censorship
is encroaching on all and will produce the death of
Capitalism and personal freedom foreseen in '1984'!
NEWS BRIEF: "Censorship
is Death of Science and Leads to Death of People",
American Greatness, September 25, 2023
"Though it is hard
to hear, the sad fact is that we are living in a time
and in a society where there is once again a need for
scientists to pass around their ideas secretly to one
another so as to avoid censorship, smearing, and defamation
by government authorities in the name of science."
"I say this from
first-hand experience. During the pandemic, the U.S.
government violated my free speech rights and those
of my scientist colleagues for questioning the federal
government’s COVID policies."
"American government
officials, working in concert with big tech companies,
defamed and suppressed me and my colleagues for criticizing
official pandemic policies – criticism that has
been proven prescient. While this may sound like a conspiracy
theory, it is a documented fact, and one recently confirmed
by a federal circuit court."
What are our options?
"In August 2022,
the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general asked me
to join as a plaintiff in a lawsuit, represented by
the New Civil Liberties Alliance, against the Biden
administration. The suit aims to end the government’s
role in this censorship and restore the free speech
rights of all Americans in the digital town square."
(Emphasis Added)
The Biden Administration
struck back quickly:
"Judge Doughty’s
ruling decried the vast federal censorship enterprise
dictating to social media companies who and what to
censor, and ordered it to end. But the Biden administration
immediately appealed the decision, claiming that they
needed to be able to censor scientists or else public
health would be endangered and people would die."
Biden administration did indeed strong-arm social media
companies into doing its bidding. The court found that
the Biden White House, the CDC, the U.S. surgeon general’s
office, and the FBI have “engaged in a years-long
pressure campaign [on social media outlets] designed
to ensure that the censorship aligned with the government’s
preferred viewpoints.”
We all must be on guard
against this happening again.
"Censorship is the
death of science and inevitably leads to the death of
people. America should be a bulwark against it, but
it was not during the pandemic. Though the tide is turning
with the Missouri v. Biden case, we must reform our
scientific institutions so what happened during the
pandemic never happens again."
4. The Biden Administration
is planning a quick bankruptcy of the United States.
Administration and Democrats Move for Rapid Bankruptcy
Of The United States", WhatFingerVideo,
"Do the math….
5-6 million on low end now in America already since
Biden took over ... We’re talking bankruptcy for
the U.S., riots when we stop paying as they can organize
them all via the free cell phones that YOU and I pay
for. Get it – this is a real Color revolution
about to happen or continue."
"... now the plan
to bankrupt America and bring about Marxism. Know it
now as it is happening NOW ... We are losing 100-200K
Americans from overdoes alone. See chart on bottom of
this page. Biden and the Democrats are the cause of
almost all of America’s ills. And the RINO scum
are right there with them."
"The criminal Democrat
plan to topple America that is working."
But, God will
intervene while America is still enjoying at least modest
Another prophecy dramatically
informs us that America, specifically, will be in some
degree of financial prosperity until God annihilates
her in judgment, with fire, in one hour. That inspired
prognostication from God is found Revelation 18.
Many of my friends believe
that this good life will never end. Certainly, the very
rich believe it with all their heart. Americans still
lead the world in the wealth of her businessmen, despite
the severe recession of 2008-2013.
Citizens of this Economic
Babylon are enjoying prosperity right up to the moment
when God's judgment begins to fall. Using a nation's
financial prosperity as a trap leading to God's physical
judgment is also a pattern of God.
"They are enclosed
in their own prosperity and have shut up their hearts
to pity..." (Psalm 17:10)
God has allowed this Economic
Babylon to achieve great material prosperity, even though
the hearts of her leaders and of her people have turned
against God in a mighty way. God will use economic prosperity
to blind the eyes and the ears of the people so they
cannot perceive the judgment about to annihilate them.
5. When I was
sneaked into the 1999 US Naval strategy session, I was
shocked that top-level officers was so united in their
support of New World Order goals.
other words, for this Plan to succeed, the American
military must be emasculated"
Cutting Edge Ministries
it to say that the U.S. military leadership is totally
committed to the same global concepts as are the civilian
leaders in this country. Both civilian and military
leaders are totally committed to the same New World
Order Plan ... "
FORUM, 15 JUNE 1999
"Thinking About The Future: Change Alternative
Futures, and Institutional Response".
"End of Nation State
* End of aging will occur in next decade.
* Will create new human intelligences that cannot mate
with humans.
* Reason for religion
will be eliminated by the end of death
. Immortal cow is now alive and undergoing experimentation.
Science has concluded there is no fundamental reason
man has to die. Soon, a 1,000-year life will be possible.
The scientific breakthroughs have already occurred.
[Emphasis added]
Notice that a major impetus
for Secret Society members to have sex with minor children
is their belief that such sex will grant ETERNAL
I tell you truly that
"obsession with death is a major goal by these