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Unveiling of UFO's - Book - A Biblical Expose' of Extraterrestrial
Regularly $19.95,
Introductory Sale $14.95
The Government acknowledged
the existence of UFOs on May 17, 2022, by Deputy Director
of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray. He testified to Congress,
finally forcing Christians, pastors, teachers and scholars
to deal with this unusual and uncomfortable subject
after years of denying their existence.
Because the subject has
rarely been studied or even discussed within Bible-
believing Christianity, most are unprepared to teach
or instruct others on UFOs.
It has left curious Christians
to seek information about UFOs on their own, with much
of what is available coming from unconverted people
and unbiblical sources (Secular New Age).
The reason for writing
this book was to fill the obvious void on this subject
in Christianity and to provide sound biblical instruction
on UFOs from the pages of the Authorized King James
What you are about to
read is the result of over twenty years of research
and teaching from the Bible on UFOs. It is my heart’s
desire to prepare Bible-believing Christians to have
scriptural, intelligent and relevant conversations on
the subject of UFOs with those who may bring it up.
And. of course, to equip
Bible-believing Christians to recognize who these beings
are and what their agenda truly is.
132 pages -- https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3062
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Our Newest Podcast - Israel's Enemies Be Warned! You have
embarked on "Mission Impossible"!
Important News Articles - Analysis
1. Iran and Hamas
have declared war on Israel!!!
and Iran Have Declared War on the West",
The Messenger, October 19,
"Hamas and Iran Have
Declared War on the West."
A Declaration of War defines
a depth and intensity not seen in a mere 'Police Action"
as most of our conflicts since World War II have been.
But, this monstrous terror attack singling out helpless
Jews for slaughter.
"Nothing is what
it appears to be on a surface level. One twist, however
slight, and the mirrors reveal added dimensions and
complexities that pose new diplomatic challenges and
threats to U.S. security interests. The Mideast rarely
affords clarity. It is now, though, unambiguously.
"Hamas and
its sponsor, Iran, effectively declared war against
the West on Oct. 7, when Hamas unleashed its
terrorist attack against Israel. As President Joe Biden
arrives in Israel today, the kaleidoscope seems frozen
in place, with Iran’s malevolent reflection staring
back at Washington and Jerusalem."
Israel is facing national
DEATH in this crisis while Washington faces God's Almighty
wrath aimed at those countries who betray Israel:
"And I will bless
them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee..."
(Genesis 12:3, KJV)
Israel will survive because
has commanded it to be so.
But, America
will be destroyed by fire because of her many sins
against Almighty God!
A Declaration
of War commands that one side be totally destroyed and
forced into a Unilateral Surrender.
"A declaration of
war is a formal act by which one state announces existing
or impending war activity against another ...' (Wikipedia)
"(This definition)
applies ;to all cases of declared war or of any other
armed conflict which may arise between two or more of
the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war
is not recognized by one of them." (Convention
for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded
and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, Article 2, https://www.icrc.org/ihl/WebART/365-570005?OpenDocument.)
President Roosevelt boldly
stated "that “we will not only defend ourselves
to the uttermost but will make it very certain that
this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.”
Roosevelt's declaration
resulted in the destruction of
Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Israel's PM Netanyahu,
stated the same bold statement following the bloody
attack against Israel's most helpless and he also vowed
to not stop fighting until Hamas is eliminated.
His declaration will result
in the annihilation
of all Palestinians by fire.
2. Christian and
Jewish leaders sign a letter to President Biden urging
stronger action on behalf of the Jewish State.
NEWS BRIEF: "Christian,
Jewish leaders publish full-page letter to President
Biden in Jerusalem PostChristian, Jewish leaders publish
full-page letter to President Biden in Jerusalem Post",
Israel365 News, October 18, 2023
"A coalition of over
50 influential American and Israeli Jewish and Christian
leaders published a full-page letter Wednesday on page
2 of the Jerusalem Post, coinciding with President Biden’s
arrival in Israel amid the ongoing war between Israel
and the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas."
" 'We need you to
take stronger action on behalf of Israel', faith leaders
told President Biden in the letter, while also expressing
gratitude for the president’s clear-eyed support
for the State of Israel. The diverse group of religious
leaders called for the total eradication of Hamas, strongly
urging the president not to 'pressure Israel into a
premature ceasefire'.”
"Hamas' atrocities
against Israel, America's greatest ally, was an undisguised
attack on America ... Israel cannot allow Hamas to survive."
3. Even though
Biden admitted that Hamas might seize some or all of
the special money, he is determined to send it anyway!
NEWS BRIEF: "Despite
US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza,
Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid",
World National News, October 18, 2023
"Later this week,
U.S. President Joe Biden intends to ask Congress for
'an unprecedented support package for Israel’s
defense', he said today at the David Kempinski Hotel
in Tel Aviv. 'The world will know that Israel is stronger
than ever, and my message to any state or any other
hostile actor thinking about attacking Israel remains
the same as it was a week ago: Don’t. Don’t.
While those words seem
strong enough, people around the world are remembering
how quickly and completely Biden switched position at
the Afghan Withdrawal, where he suddenly and quietly
withdrew American armed forces first and then civilians
second. The result was a bloody mess and a total humiliation
for the Americans.
Then, Biden completed
a feckless response to Russia's
invasion of Ukraine.
And, now, is Biden's strong
rhetoric going to be followed by meek surrender?
This next news story seems
to indicate that President Biden's actions will speak
louder than his words and that they speak more forcefully.
NEWS BRIEF: "Despite
US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza,
Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid",
World Israel News, October
18. 2023
" 'We know Hamas
is going to commandeer that money, and Hamas is going
to use it to advance terrorism', stated Florida Gov.
Ron DeSantis, a presidential candidate."
"Biden did not say
how, if at all, Washington would ensure that the $100
million would get to those in need."
" 'Hamas is robbing
the ‘humanitarian aid’ to the Palestinian
people. There’s no reason to give them anything
until we eliminate Nazi Hamas'.”
One Republican congressman
understands that Palestinian terrorist were boldly mixing
humanitarian propaganda with current politics to achieve
their goal of destroying Israel.
"Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho)
had put a hold on the funds, citing UNRWA’s 'long
history of employing people connected to terrorist movements
like Hamas, promoting antisemitic textbooks and using
its schools to store Hamas weapons'.”
But, sadly, I believe
that President Joe Biden will say one thing at the right
time but will quietly act in exactly the opposite. The
major question is:
Will Biden be able to
carry out this treachery before Israel carries out her
"destruction of the Palestinians" which
God foretold 2,600 years ago?
4. Representative
Talaib -- the only Palestinian in Congress -- repeats
the false claim that Israel Bombed Gaza Hospital in
Speech to Pro-Palestinian Protesters.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democratic
Rep. Rashida Tlaib denounces Biden for 'your war' after
a hospital in Gaza was struck", Insider
News, Oct 17, 2023
"Rep. Rashida Tlaib
on Tuesday blasted President Joe Biden for his response
to the Israel-Hamas war after a hospital in the war-torn
Gaza Strip was hit by airstrikes that reportedly killed
at least 500 Palestinians."
"Tlaib, a Palestinian
American and one of the most progressive members in
the US House, took to X and called out Biden —
who's normally a political ally of the Michigan Democrat
— after the Palestinian health ministry said that
an Israeli airstrike had devastated the al-Ahli Baptist
The only problem is that
Israel did not target the hospital -- the incompetence
of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad did the bloody deed.
releases audio of Hamas terrorists admitting they fired
at Gaza hospital ", New
York Post, October 18, 2023
"The purported members
of Islamic Jihad — an arm of the ruling militant
group Hamas — are then heard acknowledging that
the shrapnel of the missile 'are local pieces, and not
Israeli shrapnel', from rockets fired from the 'cemetery
behind the hospital'.”
At least, American Conservatives
are not deceived:
NEWS BRIEF: "Conservatives
call for Congress to defund Palestinians across board",
Israel365 News. October 18, 2023
"Advancing American
Freedom (AAF) has urged the U.S. House of Representatives
to stop sending money to “any Palestinian entity
or person, whether government or non-government, whether
direct or indirect, and whether military, political
or civilian.”
"In a letter sent
on Friday, the 501(c)(4) organization founded by former
Vice President Mike Pence, wrote: 'We the undersigned
demand the immediate and complete defunding
of the Palestinians via the appropriations process underway
this fiscal year'.” (Emphasis Added)
This false claim
is being repeated, convincing millions that Israel deliberately
bombed the Christian hospital.
Help Us Against Ravaging Hamas, Their Fawning Media
Shills And Shameful Elected-To-Public-Office Supporters",
Canada Free Press,
October 18, 2023
"Only God Almighty
can help us now that post- Christian Society has reached
the stage where oh so many celebrate death—violent
death—more than life ... Within days of the brutal
attack on civilian life in Israel, hundreds of thousands
of students across Europe and North America were, and
still are, out on campus and on the streets waving flags
in praise of the brutal Hamas mass murderers."
"Brainwashed beyond
possible awakening by a public school system where their
genders are changed and surgeries that mutilate them,
pro-Hamas students are lavished with praise by the pro-terrorist
media of our current day."
"From Dementia
Joe to dauntless Savior in one fell swoop."
"Dementia is not
Biden’s main problem, Barack Obama speaking through
him, and handling his every move, is.
"Obama is no friend
of Israel and neither is his corrupt-ridden 3rd Term
in office, Joe Biden."
"Cunning supporters
and fans of fanatical terrorists always come at us through
the media hiding behind the cover of lies, sometimes
with the help and protection of their own governments."
This pattern of
lying is copied directly from the Democrat pattern demonstrated
daily since Trump was denied reelection!
View' co-host rips Omar and Tlaib over Israel statements:
'Shame on them'," Israel National News,
October 19, 2023
" 'The View' co-host
Alyssa Farah Griffin blasts Squad members who blamed
Israel for explosion in Gaza hospital which was caused
by Islamic Jihad rocket. 'I want to say shame on Congresswomen
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar because they played a role
in the fact that this agreement, with the Arab nations
that he was going to meet with fell apart. We now know
that this hospital attack that took place, Biden said
he is very confident it was not the Israelis that did
it. It was likely Islamic Jihad and that's because of
US Department of Defense intelligence and footage analyzed',
she said."
"... people got angry
and outraged. People took it to the streets in the middle
of the night to protest and it turns out that very,
very likely was not true and shame on those congresswomen
for not walking back those wrong statements that they
made," she charged."
Same kind of lying!
God declared that
this type of lying is expressly forbidden: "Woe
unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put
darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put
bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah
5:20, KJV)
5. Islamic governments
look upon this brutal Hamas attack as triggering the
coming of the Messiah
Attack on Israel is Religious, Meant to Awaken Islamic
Messiah Mahdi: "Funding
a ‘Necessary Apocalypse’ ",
Canada Free Press, October 16, 2023
"... the ultimate
impulse in Iran funding Hamas is to usher in the age
of the Mahdi, as their mighty savior. This war to utterly
destroy Israel is now led by Iran’s Shia Islam
and seeks to bring the End of Days."
Say what?
"Shia Muslims
Believe Massive War Saves World: that unless
a colossal war comes to engage Israel, then their savior,
the Mahdi, cannot reappear to bring the peace and blessings
promised for 14 centuries. The Iranians behind these
attacks feel uniquely placed to render the end times,
achieved by the return of the Mahdi from deep sleep.
Iranians are almost wholly Shia Muslim." (Emphasis
In Original)
a ‘Necessary Apocalypse’ "
The truth is simple: the
Middle East is shaking violently now because each of
the Major religions is awaiting their own Messiah:
* Islam is awaiting their
Messiah, named "Mahdi"
* Christians are awaiting
Jesus Christ to return
* Jews are awaiting their
own Messiah
And, God of the Holy Bible
is controlling each action from all factions. Only the
Christian has the complete prophetic picture. Praise
6. Pro-Palestinian
protestors took over the U.S. Congress, the Federal
House Office Building.
NEWS BRIEF: "Pro-Palestinian
Insurrectionists Occupy Federal House Office Building
in Washington DC ", Breitbart
News, October 17, 2023
"About one hundred
pro-Palestinian insurrectionists occupied a federal
House office building in Washington, DC, on Wednesday,
chanting 'ceasefire now' and 'let Gaza live'.”
Will their punishment
be the same as the "J"demonstrators in January,
7. U.S. Embassies
are overrun.
Embassy Is Being Overrun",
BPR News, October 18, 2023
"Protests erupted
outside the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon this Tuesday
after a hospital in Gaza was struck by a bomb or rocket.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah denounced what the group said
was Israel’s deadly attack on a Gaza hospital
and called for ‘a day of unprecedented anger’
on Wednesday, as protests erupted outside the U.S. embassy
in Beirut just hours after the incident,” according
to Reuters."
"Of course, the protests
are predicated on the dubious belief that Israel committed
the bombing. But emerging evidence strongly points to
the bombing having been the result of a Hamas rocket
that had malfunctioned once in the air."
Our symbol of
National Sovereignty is thus overrun.
"During the protests
in Beirut, rioters threw Molotov cocktails at the embassy,
causing it to catch fire, according to The Independent.
They also blocked nearby roads, and one protester scaled
the building’s barbed-wire fence to plant a Palestinian
flag on the embassy’s flagpole."
8. 'We need a
speaker': Jim Jordan backers fume after GOP firebrand
falls short on first-round vote
need a speaker’: Jim
Jordan backers fume after GOP firebrand falls short
on first-round vote", BPR News,
October 17, 2023
"Numerous House Republicans
expressed frustration following the first failed vote
of Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan for speaker on Tuesday
... Jordan didn’t receive the necessary 217 floor
votes to secure the gavel during the first round, during
which 20 Republicans didn’t support the GOP nominee
for speaker and Democrats tapped Minority Leader Hakeem
Jeffries for the role. Several House Republicans fumed
at the Jordan holdouts and encouraged them to change
their minds during the next vote."
"They’re endangering
lives right now ... We need a speaker to get back to
it a coincidence that the Federal Government cannot
initiate spending bills at the same time that war is
building between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran?
North Korean theater missiles are photographed by satellite
being shipped to Russia.
BRIEF: "North
Korea Satellite Images Reveal Worrying News for Ukraine",
Newsweek, Oct 19, 2023
"Russia is shipping
'hundreds of containers likely packed with North Korean
armaments', new satellite images indicate, which could
bolster Russia's cache of weapons and boost its war
effort against Ukraine."
"On Friday, U.S.
National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told
reporters that North Korea has supplied up to 1,000
containers of 'equipment and munitions' to the Kremlin
between September 7 and October 1."
Russia augmenting her supply of theater missiles by
calling on her submissive puppet, North Korea?
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