In the midst of material prosperity, God
will strike His eternal physical judgment and we are reaching
that point.
2. The Palestinian
people are spewing the self-same attitudes with which
their predecessors were consumed.
Are The Palestinians Thinking? 77% of Palestinians
chose violence - Only 18% of the Palestinians chose the
path of 'negotiations'," United With
Israel, Mar 22, 2023
"A newly published
poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and
Survey Research (PCPSR) provides an interesting view of
the thoughts and opinions of the Palestinians regarding
different subjects. ... While the United States and the
European Union often present what they believe the Palestinians
are thinking, the reality is far different."
"Palestinian support
for terror ... 71% of the population – for the cold-blooded
murder of brothers Yagel and Hallel Yaniv, aged 19 and
21 respectively."
"... the Palestinians
(68%) support the creation of armed terror groups to attack
Israelis and 83% of Palestinians are against the surrender
of existing terror groups."
"87% of Palestinians
believe that the PA Security Forces do not have the right
to arrest members of these armed groups to prevent them
from carrying out attacks against Israel. A majority of
63% say it supports the ending of security coordination
with Israel ... Then (one year ago), support for violence
stood at 68% while 25% of Palestinians supported negotiations."
"What political solution
do the Palestinians support?"
"According to the survey,
only 27% of Palestinians support the so-called 'Two-State
solution'. Most Palestinians (74%) appear to have embraced
the PA propaganda, and believe that the two-state solution
is “no longer practical or feasible due to the expansion
of Israeli settlements.”
"Interestingly, in
a question about the main problem confronting Palestinian
society today, 26% say it is corruption; 21% say it is
unemployment and poverty; while only 20% say it is the
continuation of the Israeli “occupation and settlement
As you can see from these
poll numbers,, Palestinian hatred extends -- unbrokenly
as it turns out -- all the way back to the days of Edom,
about 3,000 ago. The hatred knows no boundaries nor any
expiration date.
And, God knew, 3,000 years
ago, how much hate the Palestinians have for the Jew (Read
in depth on this subject, NEWS2095).
"Behold, I have made
thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised."
(Obadiah 2)
"Shall I not in that
day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of
Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?"
"But on Mount Zion
[in Jerusalem] there shall be deliverance [for those who
escape], and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob
shall possess its [own former] possessions. The house
of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame
, but the house of Esau shall be stubble; they shall kindle
and burn them and consume them, and there shall be no
survivor of the house of Esau, for the Lord has spoken
it." [Verses 17-18; Emphasis added]"
"Let us pause for a
moment to examine the identification of the Palestinians
as the "House of Esau" from yet another angle.
In U.S. Army Intelligence, I was taught to look for "signs
on the ground" to either arrive at my position or
to prove that my thesis was correct and moving forward.
When I thoroughly studied the above passage, I was struck
by the prophecy that the nation of Israel (Houses of Jacob
and Joseph) were going to destroy the "House of Esau"
by some kind of "fire" -- a fire that would
totally annihilate the descendents of Esau.
Realizing that this prophecy
was nearly 2,500 years old and set in the Old Testament,
I concluded that a destruction by fire in that time period
would have to mean that the Houses of Jacob and Joseph
had to be living in close proximity to the 'House of Esau'.
A weapon of fire is a close-quarter weapon.
Further, this prophecy suggests
that Israel resorted to a destruction by fire because
the Houses of Jacob and Joseph were in close-quarter conflict
which could not be resolved by any means other than annihilation
by fire.
Do we see the nation of
Israel (Houses of Jacob and Joseph) in close quarter proximity
with an implacable foe? Yes, we certainly do! We see that
Israel has been in close-quarter conflict with the Palestinians,
a conflict which has been ongoing since the early 1970's,
where Yassir Arafat's terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes
in the 1972 Olympics in Munich. This conflict has literally
tried the soul of Israelis of all political and religious
(Read the remainder of NEWS2095,
for it provides details not possible to reveal in this
A parallel passage addresses
this utter physical destruction from another angle.
"Because My sword has
been bathed and equipped in heaven, behold, it shall come
down upon Edom [the descendants of Esau], upon the people
whom I have doomed for judgment. The sword of the Lord
is filled with blood [of sacrifices], it is gorged and
greased with fatness--with the blood of lambs and goats,
with the fat of the kidneys of rams. For the Lord has
a sacrifice in Bozrah [capital of Edom] and a great slaughter
in the land of Edom. And the wild oxen shall fall with
them, and the [young] bullocks with the [old and mighty]
bulls; and their land shall be drunk and soaked with blood,
and their dust made rich with fatness. For the Lord has
a day of vengeance, a year of recompense, for the cause
of Zion." (Isaiah 34:5-8)
God's destruction shall
be mighty, will be permanent, and will usher in the Man
of Sin, whom Israel will consider to be their long-awaited
Christ. These are harsh statements, and we make them with
a heavy heart, for we wish the death of no one. But, the
End of the Age is the time when God does destroy entire
nations and peoples. Since we know the appearance of Antichrist
is close, we should expect that these horrific prophecies
will begin to come to pass.
3. A perusal of
Joe Biden's foul deeds are putrid indeed!
Biden: Guilty Of Foul Deeds",
American Greatness, March 21, 2023
"This first Biden bank
record to be surrendered showed three members of the Biden
family, including Beau Biden’s widow Hallie and
one person identified only as 'Biden', received payments
amounting to $1 million from a Chinese Communist State
energy company. "
"Never at a loss for
brazen lies to extricate himself from difficult circumstances,
Biden, without a second thought, denied that the bank
records were 'true' ... In this case, treason: colluding
with an enemy power to hurt your own country."
"Consider the simple
fact that though pieces of this story have become objects
of public concern over the last half dozen years, the
Biden camp has constructed no narrative to provide a plausible
explanation of these extraordinary payoffs from the Chinese
Communist dictatorship; in other words, no effort has
been made to provide an alternative explanation to the
apparent one of personal greed and national betrayal."
4. Some individual
NATO members announced the sale of the exceedingly destructive
deadly uranium with which Western tanks are equipped.
is depleted uranium? Radiation risks explained after
Putin's warning to UK over tank shells for Ukraine",
Sky News, 22 March 2023
"Russia has accused
the UK of increasing the chances of a "nuclear collision"
by supplying Ukraine with armour-piercing depleted uranium
tank shells ... Minister of state for defence Baroness
Annabel Goldie confirmed some of the ammunition for the
Challenger 2 battle tanks that Britain is sending to Ukraine
includes armour-piercing rounds which contain depleted
To understand how deadly
this modern war-fighting capability is, please
read our write-ups from American-led forces
from 2002 Afghanistan - Iraq 2011. Our soldiers used Depleted
Uranium munitions extensively.
Russia's response
was "atomic"!
"The Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament (CND) has called on the British government
to "introduce an immediate moratorium" on its
use of ammunition using depleted uranium ... On its website,
the CND says: 'Its use has a devastating impact on civilians
caught up in conflicts across the world'."
5. The New York
indictment of Donald Trump for stupidly over- paying prostitute
Storm Daniel for sex did NOT result in his criminal indictment!
NEWS BRIEF: “Totally
Exculpatory”: Purported Cohen Letter To FEC
Could Hobble Manhattan DA’s Trump Case",
Zero Hedge, 3/22/2023
"A letter purported
to be from Michael Cohen's attorney says that Cohen acted
alone when he paid Stormy Daniels in 2016 - a revelation
which could undercut Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's case against
Donald Trump."
"2018 Letter from Michael
Cohen’s lawyer to the FEC declares Cohen used his
own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels. Trump Camp.
NOT party to transaction, did NOT reimburse Cohen for
payment. It’s OVER."
AT 24/2023, at 3:25pm, Eastern Zone
The indictment started to
go side-ways from the very beginning.
indictment moved to back burner for Manhattan grand jury",
World Net Daily, 3-24-2023
"Amid a series of scandalous
revelations about the Manhattan district attorney trying
to indict President Trump, as well as newly publicized
evidence that undermines his case entirely, the grand
jury considering the case is putting it off – for
days if not weeks."
Or maybe for an indefinite
amount of time!
"Legal analysts already
have determined the underlying circumstances, Daniels
being paid to be quiet, is not illegal. And Bragg's claims
that that somehow was turned into a campaign contribution
for Trump is falling apart."
As we said earlier, Bragg
can neither build, nor sustain, a case that can stand
in court against Trump. All he was ugilty of was exceedngly
evil personal judgment, not guilty of personal legal troubles."
New Book For Our Time!

We have a common enemy who,
in concert with a host of evil spirits, is extremely active
in our world today. As the Great Deceiver, his power is
in the lie. As believers, we are engaged in a huge conflict,
battling the devil’s lies with God’s truth.
We are engaged in a mighty end-time battle whether we
realize it or not. Warfare is real. This book should open
eyes to the work of the enemy in today’s world.
Ken Copley has served in
ministry in Minnesota, as well as Indiana. He has extensive
experience in warfare counseling.
248 Pages