" But thou
shouldest not have ... have rejoiced over the children
of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest
thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress."
(Obadiah 12, KJV).
2. God took notice
yesterday when America's Secretary of State betrayed Israel
to their deadly enemy, the Palestinians.
NEWS BRIEF: "Blinken’s
trip to Israel: Nine bad moments",
Israel365 News,
February 2, 2023
"On Monday, US Secretary
of State Anthony Blinken arrived in Israel for a three-day
visit, becoming the highest-ranking US official to visit
Israel since Benjamin Netanyahu was reelected as prime
minister ... in spite of the rhetoric, during those three
days Blinken made several remarks showing the Biden administration’s
duplicitous policies concerning Israel. "
Blinken and his boss, Biden,
proved their opposition to Israel by the following:
1) Criticizing Netahyahu’s
judicial reforms
2) Meddling in Israel’s
internal affairs
3) Temple Mount -- In the
same speech, Blinken stated the importance of maintaining
the “historic status quo at Jerusalem’s holy
places, including the Temple Mount Haram al-Sharif,”
choosing to refer to Judaism’s holiest site also
by an Arabic term.:
Biden has to be very careful
about the stand he takes on the Temple Mount, since God
considers that place to be exceedingly sacred soil.
4) 4 Anti-Jewish status
5) Inappropriate Orayer
-- "Speaking to reporters on Monday, Blinken invoked
a prayer while mourning the Jews murdered by a Palestinian
terrorist on Friday."
6) Equating Palestinian
casualties to Israeli
7) Writing a billion dollar
check for terrorism
8) Two-State solution; Blaming
Israel --
9) Praising Abbas for countering
"... men that
were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed
against thee ... there is none understanding in him."
(Obadiah 7, KJV)
As I read this article,
the hair on the back of my neck began to curl, for I could
remember an End Times prophecy which stated that Israel
would carry out exactly this type of action: annihilating
her implacable foes. Listen:
"In that day will
I make the chiefs of Judah like a big, blazing pot among
[sticks of] wood and like a flaming torch among sheaves
[of grain], and they shall devour all the peoples round
about, on the right hand and on the left ..." [Zechariah
I could just see a fire
coming out of Israel, burning the peoples round about
like sheaves of grain, "on the right hand and on
the left". While I have absolutely no desire to see
anyone die, I am pleased that world events are occurring
exactly like Bible prophecy has stated it will, for this
gives God great glory and honor forever, Amen!
Thus, in June, 1990, I began
to watch and listen carefully for any indication that
Israel was moving toward this prophesied scenario. Imagine
my surprise that the first major event to occur was a
plan for "peace" called the Oslo Accords, first
introduced in mid-1992. Since the Bible speaks only of
war after Israel returns to her land, I was very skeptical
that this plan would actually produce peace; further,
I know another prophecy which states that the forces of
Antichrist will destroy many people through the false
promises of peace.
"... through his policy
also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and
he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall
destroy many." [Dan 8:25]
The men who serve Antichrist
will destroy many people through a false promise of peace.
3. Are you and I
getting vaccinated through contamination of our food supply?
Communist Globalists Are Starving Humanity
", Canada Free Press, February
1, 2023
"Communists, now masquerading
as Globalists, never do anything by mistake. Everything
they do is intricately staged and therefore wholly deliberate.
With time galloping by,
how many remember that this time last year, desperate
parents couldn’t find baby formula at the supermarket.
Knowing that short memory is a
part of human nature, globalist communists now running
the world to ruin from the World Economic Forum (WEF),
move on from one crisis to another, counting on western
government leaders under their command to keep the masses
"Multiple overnight
fires, inexplicable explosions and cyber attacks at food
processing companies. One year after, the shortage of
baby formula, the adult population, having to decide between
paying for soaring energy bills or groceries, are going
"Is it really any wonder
how people are relatively unaware of how the communist
globalists are spending their time in between each new
crisis? At this moment in time, it’s multiple overnight
fires, inexplicable explosions and cyber attacks at food
processing companies."
"The #1 factor in the
shortage of food production is the newly emboldened ‘western
energy policy‘ and the impact energy has on everything
from field (fertilizer) to fork (distribution). Other
factors include government policy that blocks food development
(Dutch, Irish and Sri Lanka Farmers), a sudden uptick
in food facilities having major fires and damage, and
a series of issues with the feed that goes into the production
of proteins. (Conservative Tree House, Jan 30, 2023)
"This is all happening
as the advancement of insects as a more 'sustainable'
protein replacement is being advanced by the same western
governments. However, if you happen to notice that all
of the issues travel in the same direction, you are a
conspiracy theorist, or something."
Forced Starvation is already
happening to "Forced Scarcity"!
"An interesting article
in ZeroHedge Saturday (SEE HERE) draws attention to how
the media can no longer try to ignore the created global
food crisis:
ZeroHedge – People
on the other side of the planet are dropping dead from
starvation right now, but most people don’t even
realize that this is happening. "Unfortunately, most
people just assume that everything is fine and dandy.
If you are one of those people that believe that everything
is just wonderful, I would encourage you to pay close
attention to the details that I am about to share with
you. "Global hunger is rapidly spreading, and that
is because global food supplies have been getting tighter
and tighter.
If current trends continue,
we could potentially be facing a nightmare scenario before
this calendar year is over.
"The article then
goes on to detail the issues and food shortages in Pakistan,
India and the entire African continent. Factually, according
to media reports on the region, the worst food crisis
in history is happening – yet most U.S. and European
Union media are avoiding it. The famine is happening in
almost complete western silence.
"Keep in mind, none
of this is unexpected. In fact, the G7 countries discussed
the pending problem in mid 2022, yet no one took any steps
to avoid it."
"You do not need to
be a farmer to understand that nitrogen/phosphorus-based
industrial fertilizer has been the reason why farm yields
have generated massive amounts of food on a global basis.
The United States, Canada, the U.K. and places like the
Netherlands have massively increased their ability to
generate food for export, in large part due to the success
of improved fertilizer and crop saving modern pesticides.
Take those farming advancements away
under the guise of climate change and
you get Sri Lanka, Pakistan and now the African Continent.
When the forces
promoting Antichrist control our military, our civilian
infrastructure and our food supply, then:
Anything authorities
want to do to us, they will eventually be able to force
it into our bodies -- "by hook or by crook"!
Admin Floats New Strategy To 'Address the Climate Crisis':
Don't Leave Your House ", The Washington
Free Beacon, February 1, 2023
plan—which President Joe Biden's Environmental Protection
Agency and Energy, Transportation, and Housing departments
released in January—aims to 'eliminate nearly all
greenhouse gas emissions" from the transportation
sector by 2050, mostly through a transition to electric
vehicles. Also included in the plan, however, is a controversial
call to reduce "commuting miles" through "an
increase in remote work and virtual engagements', including
in education."
"The administration's
COVID-inspired call to reduce travel demand is certain
to satisfy leading green energy groups, which have voiced
similar rhetoric since the pandemic's onset ... the plan
is already prompting outrage among small business advocates,
who point to the fact that more than 100,000 small businesses
closed permanently during the first few months of the
pandemic alone as owners dealt with decreased demand."
"Once again, the Biden
administration is blindly pursuing a 'green' agenda despite
the unintended consequences it poses to the economy and,
more specifically, small businesses' ... Prominent climate
change activists have long compared the issue to COVID.
In an August 2020 blog post, liberal billionaire Bill
Gates said that climate change "could be worse"
than the pandemic and could one day make "people
afraid to leave home."
4. Why is our global
food supply under such a powerful attack?
NEWS BRIEF: "Vaccines
in your salad? Scientists growing medicine-filled
plants to replace injections", Study.find,
September 16, 2021
— Vaccinations can be a controversial subject for
many people, especially when it comes to injections. So
what if you could replace your next shot with a salad
instead? Researchers at the University of California-Riverside
are working on a way to grow edible plants that carry
the same medication as an mRNA vaccine."
"The UC-Riverside team
says if they’re successful, the public could eat
plant-based mRNA vaccines — which could also survive
at room temperature ... Thanks to a $500,000 grant from
the National Science Foundation, researchers are now looking
accomplish three goals. First, the team will try to successfully
deliver DNA containing mRNA vaccines into plant cells,
where they can replicate. Next, the study authors want
to show that plants can actually produce enough mRNA to
replace a traditional injection. Finally, the team will
need to determine the right dosage people will need to
eat to properly replace vaccinations."
"Plants are capable
of growing more vaccines ... They’re tiny, solar-powered
factories that produce sugar and other molecules which
allow the plant to grow,” Giraldo explains. “They’re
also an untapped source for making desirable molecules.”
"In the new study,
Giraldo teamed with UC-San Diego’s Professor Nicole
Steinmetz to use nanotechnology to deliver more genetic
material into chloroplasts. “Our idea is to repurpose
naturally occurring nanoparticles, namely plant viruses,
for gene delivery to plants,” Steinmetz says. “Some
engineering goes into this to make the nanoparticles go
to the chloroplasts and also to render them non-infectious
toward the plants.”
will be susceptible to disease and death once Illuminati
scientists begin meddling with our health so that they
can create a disaster on the scale of a global Black Death.
"Take control of the world
... to reduce ... the world to a safe level by a process
of benevolent slavery and genocide ... The only alternative
left to the world's ruling elite was to increase the death
rate ... Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated
that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect
as the Black Death of history." (Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49, 167)
Once under the heel
of Communism, what are the chances of over-throwing that
tyranny through the ballot box?
Globalist War on Humanity and Nudging:
Once they are under globalist/communist control fully,
it will be impossible to vote it out at the increasingly
globalist-controlled ballot box",
Canada Free Press, February 1, 2023
"The globalist war
on humanity continues. The billionaire crowd of the World
Economic Forum and U.N. cohorts are attacking humans from
every angle because their goal is to reduce the
global population to a billion by any means necessary
in order to “save” the planet from an imagined
Armageddon hundreds of years from now. They are putting
in danger 345 million poor people who cannot afford to
eat and heat their homes due to escalating energy prices,
prices made so high through political decisions toward
fossil fuels created by President Biden in his first day
in office.
“A new United Nations
report on hunger shows that the number of acutely hungry
worldwide is increasing as fuel and food prices soar.
The war in Ukraine has intensified the crisis.”
(345 million 'marching to the brink of starvation', July.
7. 2022)
"According to some,
the global population would serve the future planet best
at half a billion or a billion people. What exactly are
they planning for the other 6-7 billion humans?"
To understand what these
globalist leaders have in mind, please take a few moments
to read an archived Cutting Edge article, entitled, "BEFORE
Quoting pertinent passages:
"In calling for a Global
Marshall Plan ... a worldwide program to stabilize world
population, and binding commitments by the industrialized
nations to accelerate their own transition to an environmentally
responsible pattern of life." [Page 297, Emphasis
added]. This last phrase, which we highlighted in red,
is a euphemism for the destruction of our current civilization!
The inner heart of all New
Age believers beats with the sentiment expressed at the
beginning of our article, " OUR PRESENT CIVILIZATION
"And here the automobile
deserves special attention ... We now know that their
cumulative impact on the global environment is posing
a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is
more deadly than that of any military enemy ..."
[Page 325] Wow! Our Vice-President considers the automobile
engine to be more of a threat than the nuclear bombs of
the Russians, the Chinese, or the Arabs?
" Just to make sure
we all got the message about the danger of the car engine,
Gore brutally dispels such ambiguity. Listen: "Within
the context of the SEI [Strategic Environment Initiative],
it ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global
program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely
eliminating the internal combustion engine ..." [Pages
As God said, "Seek
out of the book of the Lord and read; not one of these
details of prophecy shall fail, none shall want and lack
her mate in fulfillment. For the mouth of the Lord has
commanded, and His Spirit has gathered them." [Isaiah
34:16; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Commentary] The Holy
Spirit is working to ensure that wicked men with power
arise who will implement the policies that will fulfill
Bible prophecy.
Listen to the Scripture
I believe speaks directly to the role which Clinton and
Gore, and all their political predecessors, are fulfilling
in your daily news.
"For God has put it
into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting
in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority
to the beast, until the prophetic words, intentions, and
promises of God shall be fulfilled." [Revelation
17:12, Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Commentary]
Now, we come back full circle,
to the quote at the beginning of this article. The Christ
mentioned by Foster Bailey, whose coming will result in
the death of our current Industrialized Civilization is
Antichrist, the Beast of Revelation 17:12. Presidents
Franklin Roosevelt through Bill Clinton have acted on
behalf of this New World Order Plan, because God was,
and is, acting through their wicked hearts to fulfill
Revelation 17:12.
The planners of the New
World Order Plan have had their hands on the levers of
political and economic policy!
The world is about to feel
the horrific bite of the New World Order BEAST!