Wow!! None of the peoples
who are living at the time when the kingdom of the New
World Order is being established, will ever understand
that they have been 'stage-managed' by their leaders
according to a plan that is several centuries old!
The Protocols is that
document, which is now 200 years old!
"Landowners need
not be notified until the final stages, when, according
to one patronizing section of the bill, you will be
'involved in a meaningful way that acknowledges [your]
concerns about public land acquisition' - before the
acquisitions proceed regardless of your 'concerns'.
["Northern New England Land Grab Legislation",
29 July 1997, Kepi Newsletter]
In other words, you, the
private property owner, will be notified just before
your land is to be confiscated. When this plan gets
into full swing, the landowner or property owner should
not expect to receive a dollar value anywhere close
to the full market value of their property. Of course,
everyone will want to move out anyway, because the normal
economy of this region will immediately be ruined, as
all natural resources will be declared "sustainable
preserves" that will be off limits to any business
or city for any reason.
Commerce will die, as
is the plan! You see, mankind's commerce nearly overburdened
"Mother Gaia" and must be nearly eliminated.
This plan is part
of the iron-fist rule of Antichrist. The presence of
his plan is a sure sign that his coming in near -- very
also will play a part in preparing for the brutal reign
of Antichrist.
Government Has Been Planning to ‘Lockdown and
Wait for a Vaccine’ Since 2007", The
Daily Skeptic, 13 December 2022
"More and more evidence
is coming to light that the ‘lockdown and wait
for a vaccine’ strategy unleashed in 2020 was
being cooked up inside the U.S. Government for decades
before COVID-19 appeared and gave too many people an
excuse to put the dreadful plan into action."
Now, compare this reality
described in the paragraph above, to the plan as espoused
by the Elite in the year, 2000.
"Several Top Secret
recommendations were made by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the
Club of Rome. He advocated that a plague be introduced
that would have same effect as the famous Black Death
of history. The chief recommendation was to develop
a microbe which would attack the autoimmune system
and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible"
". The orders were
given to develop the microbe and to develop a prophylactic
and a cure. The microbe would be used against the general
population and would be introduced by vaccine."
Notice, again, that this
deadly disease was to be introduced by the vaccine which
the government has been reassuring is safe and will
save your life.
"The prophylactic
was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be
administered to the survivors when it is decided that
enough people have died. The cure will be announced
newly developed when in fact it has existed from the
Now, let us review the
reality that concerted work apparently began in 2003
to resurrect the most deadly "Spanish Flu".
Virus from 1918 Genetically Reconstructed: US Army scientists
create 'Spanish Flu' virus in laboratory - medical benefit
questionable", The Sunshine Project, 9 October
"(Austin and Hamburg,
9 October 2003) – The 'Spanish Flu' influenza
virus that killed 20-40 million people in 1918 is currently
under reconstruction. Several genes of the extraordinarily
lethal 1918 flu virus have been isolated and introduced
into contemporary flu strains. These proved to be lethal
for mice, while virus constructs with genes from a current
flu virus types had hardly any effect. These experiments
may easily be abused for military purposes, but provide
little benefit from a medical or public health point
of view. The 1918 Spanish Flu was highly infectious
and – in comparison to contemporary flu viruses
– killed a very high percentage of those infected,
including many younger people. The Spanish Flu alone
caused the medium life expectancy in the US in 1918
to drop by 10 years. Hence, flu viruses are perceived
today as a serious biological warfare threat."
"There can be no
"medical benefit" to genetically resurrecting
the 1918 Spanish Flu virus. However, if you are planning
to resurrect the deadly Black Plague, this action to
reconstruct the 1918 Spanish Flu virus makes a lot of
sense. Now, let us continue this news story, to see
that these Army scientists literally did make this flu
virus jump back to life.
"Despite the very
dangerous nature of the 1918 virus, efforts to reconstruct
it started in the mid 1990s, when Dr Jeffrey Taubenberger
from the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington,
DC, succeeded in recovering and sequencing fragments
of the viral RNA from preserved tissues of 1918 victims
... But after (partially) unraveling the genetic sequence
of the virus, the scientists went a step further and
began bringing the Spanish flu back to life. Unnoticed
by the public, they succeeded in creating a live virus
containing two 1918 genes that proved to be very lethal
in animal experiments. This experiment is only one genetic
step away from taking the 1918 demon entirely out of
the bottle." (Ibid.)
Did you catch the significance
of what American Army scientists may be about ready
to do? "taking the 1918 demon
entirely out of the bottle" .
Perhaps COVID was a dress
rehearsal for the pandemic which is planned to be unleashed
after Antichrist is on the world scene (Prophesied Revelation
4. President Biden
is showing love to China by taking two actions:
* Funneling "Green
Energy" monies to Chinese companies;
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
Energy Department Funnels Millions to Beijing-Backed
Green Energy Company", Washington
Free Beacon, December 14, 2022
"President Joe Biden's
Energy Department funneled millions of dollars to a
green energy company ... Carbon capture company LanzaTech,
federal spending disclosures show, has received more
than $10 million in grant payments from the Biden administration
since April 2021, when the company announced a partnership
with Sinopec Capital—the clean energy investment
arm of the Sinopec Group, a Chinese state-owned oil
conglomerate also known as the China Petrochemical Corporation—to
"debut an international market of new energy and
new materials."
* The White House
is preparing to remove China from the sanctions list
White House Set to Pull Chinese Companies From Red-Flag
Trade List", Washington Free
Beacon, 14 Dec 2022
"President Joe Biden
is set to pull a number of Chinese companies from a
red-flag trade list, a move that comes as the Democrat
and other administration officials stress the need for
cooperation with the communist nation on climate change.
Biden's Commerce Department plans to remove an undisclosed
number of Chinese entities from its so-called unverified
list, which includes foreign companies that the United
States cannot tour in person "to determine whether
they can be trusted to receive sensitive technology
exports ..."
Biden's sell-out will
be so complete that American companies who become concerned
by the safety of the Chinese product cannot visit the
factories in question!
5. America's
veterans give message to young people who want socialism.
NEWS BRIEF: "America's
veterans give message to young people who want socialism",
The Washington Examiner, May 9, 2022
"Veterans of World
War II , the Korean War, and the Vietnam War said America's
young people need to wake up if they think socialism
is a good idea. The veterans delivered that message
on Tuesday as they gathered at the World War II Memorial
to celebrate the Honor Flight Network's milestone of
bringing 250,000 veterans to Washington, D.C."
Sadly, not enough
people are going to be concerned enough to stop this
slide into the Abyss called Socialism to make any difference.
""It doesn't
work," a Marine Corps veteran who fought against
communism in the Korean War said. "It's smoke and
mirror crap. People much smarter than me had quotations
that expressed it far better than I do."
British Prime Minister
Churchill uttered the most succinct and colorful explanation
as to why Socialism can never work.
" 'Winston Churchill
said being a socialist is like standing in a bucket
and trying to lift yourself up', he said."
6. Now, not even
our Toy Departments are safe for children.
Mattel Toy is
now promoting Queer ideology through its toys.
is promoting Queer transgender ideology to children
through its toys", World
Net Daily, Dec 13, 2022
"Mattel, the massive
corporation that owns Barbie, Fisher-Price, Hot Wheels,
American Girl and several other iconic toy companies,
is promoting transgender ideology to children through
its products."
"The brand has introduced
several transgender-theme products aimed at a child
audience in recent years, including a recent book about
boy image which included a section encouraging gender
transitions for girls with body image issues. Mattel
has been praised by LGBT activists and boasted of its
LGBT inclusion efforts."
Sins against children
will receive special judgment: "But whoso shall
offend one of these little ones which believe in me,
it were better for him that a millstone were hanged
about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth
of the sea." (Matthew 18:6, KJV)
7. Extremely cold
weather over the Earth is proving that the Climate Change
scenario is a huge lie.
Weather Records Get Ignored: 'Arctic ice is currently
at a 30 year high', " Canada Free
Press, December 14, 2022
"The majority of
the world’s major mainstream media, especially
those that regularly spotlight hot weather events as
signs of climate apocalypse do not address the fact
that extreme cold stands in stark contrast to the theories
of climate alarmists. When high
temperature records are set, most of the media immediately
let folks know. Yet when a cold record is set, you most
likely will not hear about it."
In this DVD, shown above,
you will learn both sides of this argument, from the
scientific point of view from a professor of college
and a Born Again Christian, to boot:
" Professor Dr. Daniel
Faulkner of Physics and Astronomy, at the University
of South Carolina, reveals how false the alarms over
Global Warming and Global Cooling truly are by speaking
in layman's terms that all of us can understand. Dr.
Faulkner examines the history of warming and cooling
trends over the past 1,000 years and proves that this
current alarm is a propaganda exercise designed to scare
us into a Global Government.
" Faulkner then shows
us the exact propaganda techniques that Mass Media is
using to control our minds so that vast numbers of people
can believe in a global problem that simply does not
exist. You and I and the people of the world are the
intended victims of a very slick propaganda exercise!"
Remember Gorbachev's statement:
"The threat of environmental crisis will be the
'international disaster key ' that will unlock the New
World Order." (NEWS1498)
Here is another report from Global freezing? Arctic ice levels reach 30-year HIGH
8. China's Yuan
currency could conceivably overtake America's Dollar
as the world's safe currency.
Arabs are negotiating
with China to buy their oil from China using the Yuan.
could overtake dollar as Arabs negotiate China oil sales",
Taiwan Sun, 13 Dec 2022
"RIYADH, Saudi Arabia:
China's President Xi Jinping said in Riyadh last week
that Gulf nations have agreed to sell and purchase oil
through the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange.
"Of note,
transactions will be conducted using Chinese yuan, rather
than U.S. dollars."
Biden's humiliation of
the United States is now complete. After shutting down
many oil pumping facilities, and after calling the PM
of Saudi Arabia very uncomplimentary names, Biden seems
puzzled that the rulers of the Desert Kingdom
Must I Do To Be Saved"?
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