News Alert
- Thursday, 9/8/2022
the most current Newsalert
Must I Do To Be Saved?
New Podcasts - We are now reaching 40 countries!
Mac Dominick DVD!
In The Time of the Paradigm Shift: System Breakdown"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm Shift' to take us into
the New World Order and stage the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing.
This video is
the most relevant and current on the market today, combining
the best in the current progress of Bible prophecy in
world news and in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint.
This understanding will affect -- should affect -- every
other aspect of the current collapse of this once free
and mighty nation!
This DVD is a
2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
Your Copy Now.

Important News Articles - Analysis
Israel is totally committed
to the appearance of the New Age Christ as they seek
to build a high-speed, high-volume airport rail link
directly to the Third Temple!
Gurion gearing up to bring all 70 nations straight from
the airport to Third Temple",
Israel;365 News, Sept
7, 2022
is upgrading its already impressive international airport.
The government is also working on a railway infrastructure
that will bring international travelers directly from
the airport to the Temple Mount. This will enable all
70 nations to come to worship God in Jerusalem’s
House of prayer, a vision that the government has already
hinted is their true intention."
Illuminized Western Freemasonry
has long desired to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the
Temple Mount. Masonic forces of the United Kingdom,
United States, and Israel are absolutely determined
to rebuild Solomon's Temple.
"... the Temple plays
a very, very important role in the conduct of the Temple
once it has been rebuilt. 'Of all the objects which
constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most
important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by
far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem.
The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most
prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of
Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence
on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references
to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions
connected with it, and the system itself would at once
decay and die ... " ['Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry',
by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan,
33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º
and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published
by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London,
1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company.]
Let us repeat the critical
understanding that the noted 33º Masonic author,
Albert Mackey, has just given us:
"Take from Freemasonry
its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual
all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends
and traditions connected with it, and the system itself
would at once decay and die
... "
"Therefore, the first
understanding we want you to grasp is that Freemasonry
is absolutely, completely, 100% devoted to the Solomon
Temple, without which the entire structure and foundation
of Freemasonry would die! Thus does Masonry stand in
stark contrast to genuine, Biblical Christianity. In
other words, Freemasonry is rooted at its deepest foundation
to the First Covenant of the Old Testament, while Biblical
Christianity is rooted to the Second Covenant of Jesus
Christ as delineated in the New Testament!"
"The genuine Christian
has no close affinity to Solomon's Temple, because He
destroyed it and annulled the Levitical Priesthood that
accompanied it, let us examine how important this temple
is to the practice of the Masonic religion (Hebrews
entire book)."
Now, let us examine how
Freemasonry has prepared for the Third Temple to serve
the needs of the coming Masonic Messiah (Antichrist).
Let us review the important segment:
"The traditions and
romance of King Solomon's Temple ... are of
transcendent importance to Masons."
The word, "transcendent",
is used by genuine Biblical Christianity to describe
God Himself. Just as the dictionary explains, God is
truly "transcendent", "to pass beyond
the limit that humans can grasp"; "to exist
above and independently of material experience or the
universe". In other words, Solomon's Temple is
to the Freemason what God is to the genuine Christian!
Thus, belief in Solomon's
Temple transcends all of Freemasonry itself, existing
above and independently of it. Masonry has placed its
"transcendent" faith in a building that the
True God Himself destroyed, not once, but twice!
Since Freemasonry reverences
Solomon's Temple so very much, and since this Temple
holds such a pre-eminent position in all of Freemasonry,
from its foundation to its very roof, is it much of
a stretch to understand that Freemasons might fervently
desire to re-build Solomon's Temple on the only place
on earth it can possibly be built -- the Temple Mount
in Jerusalem?
Hark, do I hear the faint
echo of trumpets calling? Antichrist is awaiting at
his gate, ready to burst forth as Revelation 6:1-2 foretells!
II. We are living
in dark times!
TIMES: Industry and infrastructure collapsing by
the day across Europe and the USA", Natural
News, September 5, 2022
"This comes after
announced closures of aluminum smelters, copper smelters
and ammonia production plants over the last few weeks.
Ammonia — necessary for fertilizer — is
now 70% offline in the EU."
"With steel and other
industrial metals also offline, one wonders how Western
Europe is supposed to function over the next six months
of winter: