News Alert
- Thursday, 10/7/2021
"A righteous
man, falling down before the wicked, is as a troubled
fountain, and a corrupt spring." (Proverbs 25:26,
take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be
able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all,
to stand." (Ephesians 6:13, KJV)
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Currently the only service the postal system is offering to Australia and New Zealand is Priority Mail Express. When the Covid situation changes in those countries you will find the less expensive choices of first class and regular priority will be among the choices again.
= Satan's Most Powerful and Precious Holiday
Do the gates of
Hell really open up on Halloween night? Did you know
that Satanists believe that, beginning October 1, the
veil separating this Earthly dimension from the Abyss
begins to thin? Learn more about this and other Occult, Satanic Holidays and avoid the deceptions that lead to destruction and Hell with these great resources.

of God & The Nephilim Volumes 1 and 2 DVD
There are many mysteries in this world that
historically have Christians running for cover. These
are not mysteries that are easily solved, and the hard questions
more often than not, go unanswered. Furthermore, these
mysteries have found their way into our culture and demand
an answer from those who are well-versed in Scripture, or
we as Christians stand to lose an entire generation to a culture
that is becoming more and more saturated with answers from
the occult world. What are the questions that
arise from these mysteries? These DVDs have many answers.

Important News Articles
R.I.N.O. Senator McConnell abruptly "caved in"
to Leftist Democrats in Debt Ceiling battle.
McConnell Caves: Offers Democrats Short-Term Debt
He becomes the
latest in a long line of "Republicans In Name Only"
who switch to the Democrats at the time our Republic
needed them to stand tall and firm.
Pressley Takes Victory Lap, Declares ‘Climate
Justice Is Infrastructure’: After GOP Caves to
Biden Hoax Bill",
COULTER: 10 Million More Votes for Trump If GOP Senate
Caves to Obama", Breitbart
News, 15 Feb 2016
2. America is
collapsing in a manner very similar to the collapse
of the Ancient Roman Empire!
Borders,’ ‘Globalism,’ ‘Tribalism’
Are Reminiscent of Rome’s Collapse",
Breitbart News, 6 Oct 2021
"Victor Davis Hanson,
historian, professor, and author of 'The Dying Citizen:
How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization
Are Destroying the Idea of America', said on Wednesday
that 'open borders', 'globalism', and 'tribalism' are
contributing to a collapse of the United States reminiscent
of the fall of Rome.
A Catholic author, Piers
Compton, wrote about this collapse 30 years ago:
"There is a feeling
abroad that our civilization is in deadly peril ...For
civilization declines when reason is turned upside down,
when the mean and based, the ugly and corrupt, are made
to appear the norms of social and cultural expressions...when
evil, under a variety of masks takes the place of good."
("The Broken Cross", by Piers Compton, 1981,
As I read Compton's writing
here, I could only think of the mean-spirited nature
of the Leftist/Democrat Party and their Media hacks.
Never before in American history has the Media so uniformly
regurgitated hate and division against Donald Trump.
This daily diatribe overwhelmed
most Americans and convinced too many.
Compton continues:
"We of this generation...have
become the willing, unconscious, or resentful victims
of such a convulsion. Hence, the air of futility that
clings about us, a feeling that man has lost faith in
himself and in existence as a whole...Never before has
man been left without guide or compass...divorced from
reality...without religion." ("The Broken
Cross", by Piers Compton, 1981, p1-3)
Now, let us turn our attention
to the role of the Gibbons' book on the Roman Empire.
In 1903, key leaders of the New World Order plan met
in New York City to decide how the world could transform
into the new order in the 100 years of the 20th Century.
(Former Satanist, Doc Marquis)
A few years earlier, each
selected participant received a list of the books they
were to read prior to arriving for the meeting.
One of the books on this
required reading list was Edward Gibbons' monster book
entitled, 'The History of the Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire'. The Illuminati had realized that, as
Gibbons was chronicling the factors which brought a
stable, long-lasting Roman Empire down, he inadvertently
depicted how a current long-lasting empire could be
deliberately destroyed.
America's destruction
was planned to be as identical to that of the Roman
Empire as possible. Compton continued:
"The renowned historian,
Edward Gibbons, wrote in his masterful work, 'The History
of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire', that the
major reason for the fall of the 1,200-year Roman Empire
was an inner, most secret conspiracy within
the government itself. All the while that the
conspirators were wreaking their damage, they masterfully
deceived the citizens of the Empire, through lies and
through scoffing at the stupidity of anyone who dared
suggest such a thing as a conspiracy. Anyone who does
not learn from history is doomed to repeat it, so we
must wake up and take notice of the reality of the conspiracy
in our midst. (Ibid.)
This plan started with
the advent of World War I and is very far advanced.
And, as with Rome, native-born traitors who represent
" an inner, most secret conspiracy within
the government itself" are generating
the force that will one day soon bring this government
crashing down!
The Elite planned
this type of collapse over 100 years ago
3. Did Nancy Pelosi's
Archbishop just call her a 'Satanist'?
Pelosi's Archbishop Just Call Her A 'Satanist'? ",
Israel365 News, October 7, 2021
"The archbishop of
San Francisco came out with a statement calling politicians
who legislate for abortion 'Satanists' ... Addressing
his words to lawmakers, in particular Catholic politicians,
the archbishop began by saying that “HR 3755,
the misnamed ‘Women’s Health Protection
Act of 2021,’ shows to what radical extremes the
supposedly 'Pro-Choice' advocates in our country will
go to protect what they hold most sacred: the right
to kill innocent human beings in the womb'.”
The Archbishop continued:
"Citing Pope Francis,
the archbishop stated unequivocally, 'Abortion is homicide',
going on to compare healthcare workers and doctors involved
in the process as 'hitmen'.”
"The archbishop then
hinted that anyone who supports abortion is a 'devout
"This proposed legislation
is nothing short of child sacrifice, and clearly in
reaction, among other things, to the recently passed
Texas Heartbeat bill. It should come as no surprise,
then, that that bill is being challenged by none other
than The Satanic Temple and precisely on the grounds
of religious freedom. Indeed, HR 3755 is surely the
type of legislation one would expect from a devout Satanist,
not a devout Catholic.”
We have consistently reported
that a Satanist certainly does consider Abortion to
be a human sacrifice to Satan and an absolute requirement
to produce the Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
Please take a moment to
read this terrible truth and study Doc Marquis' dramatic
symbol depicting the massive flow of innocent blood
needed ("I,
Witch" New World Order Organization)
America is doomed because
she has rejected a godly foundation and has substituted
a Satanic one. And, now, the time is drawing nigh for
God to ensure that all End Times prophecy is fulfilled
to the last tiny detail.
you spiritually prepared? Click here to discover the
Biblical state which Jesus called "Born Again"!
4. President Biden's
Banking Nominee is a certified Marxist!
Republican calls on Biden banking nominee to turn over
Marxism thesis from Moscow State",
The Washington Examiner, October 06, 2021
"Sen. Pat Toomey,
ranking Republican on the Banking Committee, requested
President Joe Biden’s pick for comptroller of
the currency, Saule Omarova, to hand over a copy of
the thesis she wrote while attending Moscow State University
titled: Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the
Theory of Revolution in The Capital."
This news is simply terrible!
On October 1, Biden got a radical environmentalist to
be approved for the Bureau of Land Management and now
he has a Marxist economist nominated for "Comptroller
of the Currency"!
How important is control
over the currency. Former globalist banker, Rothschild,
said, "give me control of the money and I care
not who writes the laws"!
She attended a
Marxist university and posted a Marxist thesis on managing
the economy.
Marxist theory of how
to run an economy has been tried in Russia, China, Cuba,
Venezuela and other countries since 1918, and has spectacularly
failed every single time.
5. Heavily-Armed
Mexican Cartels are taunting and trying to humiliate
American Border Patrol.
NEWS BRIEF: "Heavily
armed Mexican cartel 'taunting' US soldiers at border",
Yahoo News, Oct 6, 2021
"MISSION, Texas —
Mexican cartel members dressed in military-like outfits
and toting AK-47 rifles have been taunting U.S. soldiers
assigned to the southern border, an unprecedented act
of aggression, Texas authorities say.
“What's been happening
actually this past week is we see a group of individuals
that are coming across — they're smuggling people
— but what they're doing is they come across the
river into the U.S. and smuggle people, they go back
into Mexico, and they get their weapons .... assault
rifles ... AK-47s ..."
Biden is so dis-respected
that even the Mexican mob is beginning to act like an
invasion force!