News Analysis
America may have just taken a step in lowering God's
anger at our national sins:
For years, Christian Fundamentalists
have been mightily warning that America is in severe
danger of God's physical judgment because of our multiple
sins in his eyes. To list just a few:
* Abortion killing over
50,000,000 babies
* Partial Birth Abortion
killing tens of thousands, with a most deceptive "ban"
about to become law [NEWS1829]
* Moral poisoning of our
youth and the youth of the world through our Rock Music
* Changing the values
and attitudes of our youth to that of the Satanic -
Harry Potter, occult TV shows and movies
* Teaching our youth secular
humanistic values and gay values through Public Schools
* Rising flood tide of
Apostasy of Christian Churches
* Leading the nations
of the world steadily into the New World Order -- Kingdom
of Antichrist -- for the past 224 years
Doubtless you can think
of many more national sins of which America is guilty,
but you get my point; this country was ripe for God's
judgment a long time ago.
But, this latest Supreme
Court ruling for Texas is more in line with Biblical
principles than any we have been forced to accept, in
a long, long time.
Supreme Court ruled to uphold a Texas Heartbeat Law,
which will save thousands of lives annually.
Court Rules 5-4 That Texas Can Become the First State
in America to Ban Abortions",, 9/2/2021
the middle of the night, pro-lifers won another victory
for life when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block
the new Texas heartbeat law. The
justices ruled 5-4 against a request from pro-abortion
groups to temporarily block enforcement of the pro-life
law, meaning it will stay in effect for the time being
... “Today marks a new era in the Pro-Life world,”
said Jim Graham, president of Texas Right to Life. “Our
HISTORIC law took effect yesterday, and this decision
means that Texas can protect preborn babies from abortion
who have detectable heartbeats! No other state has accomplished
While we rejoice that
anti-abortion groups have scored this victory, we must
reiterate that this new law is not as restrictive as
it should be. But, we will take this victory and rejoice.
"The heartbeat law
has the potential to save tens of thousands of babies’
lives every year, including 100 every day ... "
But, this law has legal
teeth that may threaten abortionists should they overstep
their legal bounds.
"Unique from other
heartbeat laws, the Texas legislation includes a private
enforcement mechanism that allows people to file lawsuits
against abortionists who violate the law."
"... pro-life leaders
are hopeful now that the Supreme Court has a conservative
majority. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court took away
the states’ ability to protect unborn babies from
abortion under Roe v. Wade, and instead forced states
to legalize abortion on demand."
However, much damage has
already been inflicted upon the United States in the
Judgment Halls of Heaven! In fact, abortions are viewed
by Satanists as a huge part of the "blood human
sacrifice" needed to stage Antichrist on the world
Has Now Murdered 50 Million Babies Through Abortion!
2010", by David
Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries, 2010
"How does a Satanist
view Abortion? Did you know that the Illuminati views
Abortion as a major and indispensable tool to enable
them to achieve the New World Order?"
"Remember, the Illuminati
is practicing powerful Witchcraft, the highest level
on Earth. They firmly believe that Lord Satan requires
huge amounts of blood sacrifice - human blood sacrifice
-- in order to overthrow the Old World Order and institute
the New World Order."
"Former Satanist,
Doc Marquis, recreated this Illuminati symbol which
he learned while he was still in his coven, being trained
in the Illuminati Plan. (For a clearer picture of this
symbol, click on the "I
Witch" hotlink)."
You are now examining
the bedrock reason Abortion has such a hold on Liberal
politicians today; their coveted New Age Christ (Antichrist)
cannot arise until and unless innocent blood from wars
and from abortion fill Satan's coffers!
A pro-abortionist experiences
a feeling akin to religious fervor in talking about
ending this pagan bloody sacrifice to the gods of the
Ancient World, chief amongst them being Baal -- the
god to whom Washington, D.C., is so obviously dedicated
In Stone: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.",
Combo Offer)
action so angers God and so triggers His Divine Judgment
than systematic murdering of innocents!

The misguided war in Afghanistan is over.
ends Afghan war, its longest in history",
Kurdistan24 News, 8/31/2021
20-year long war in Afghanistan—the longest in
US history—has come to an end. Some 2,400 US soldiers
died in those two decades, while over 20,000 were wounded.
In those years, the US spent some $822 billion there."
in discussing the blood flow in Afghanistan, you must
also recall the almost 1 million civilian casualties
of the Iraq War, which was fought for the same reason
we fought in Afghanistan, i.e., to remove entrenched
dictators from their position so they could no longer
oppose surrendering their precious national sovereignty
to the planned Regional
Government #7.
the Mass Media has a different story to tell.
has "lost" if you believe we were trying to
"rebuild" the nation;
of Afghanistan Debacle: No
More Nation Building", Canada Free
Press, August 16, 2021
of bombing and destroying the Al-Qaeda terrorist camps
in Afghanistan, then declaring victory and leaving,
the United States decided to embark on a “nation
building” campaign. To say it has been a failure,
is a massive understatement."
the Global Illuminati has won once you understand that
the true goal was to sow such chaos and confusion and
anger that no Afghan leader could oppose
Regional Government #7!
Estimates of the number of Americans and Afghans who
needed saving could total 15,000!
to 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after Taliban
takeover", NBC News, August 17, 2021
many as 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after
the Taliban's takeover of the country, Biden administration
officials told Senate staffers Tuesday...."
Even a
fraction of that number left behind is outrageous and
should not be permitted. This brutal Islamic regime
would not think twice about forcing all 15,000 Americans
abandoned by the Biden regime, into a public stadium
and then behead each and every one -- all filmed by
a TV crew!
of Interpreters, Other U.S. Visa Applicants Were Left
Behind in Afghanistan", The
Journal Daily, 9/2/2021
"The U.S. estimates
it left behind the majority of Afghan interpreters and
others who applied for visas to flee Afghanistan, a
senior State Department official said on Wednesday,
despite frantic efforts to evacuate those at risk of
Taliban retribution in the final stage of the airlift."
We ignored the plight
of our public school children!
California Children Remain Stranded in Afghanistan",
Breitbart News, 2 Sept 2021
than 30 California children likely remain stranded in
Afghanistan, days after President Joe Biden evacuated
U.S. forces from the country while abandoning billions
of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban
terrorists. According to California
school board officials in three districts, which confirmed
the U.S. legal status of the children to the Associated
Press (AP), 30 children “have been forgotten by
the U.S. government.”
Is our military even intimidating our enemies now?
Our Military Woke, Broke or Both?", Opinion
by By Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness, Sept
1, 2021
fall of Kabul is not the end, as Joe Biden seems to
think, of the Afghanistan nightmare. It
is the beginning of a never-ending bad dream. Biden
and the Pentagon have managed to birth a new terrorist
haven, destroy much of U.S. strategic deterrence, and
alienate our allies and much of the country."
The question now is becoming
a burning one now that our withdrawal from a war we
should never have started: Are our well-armed enemies
even afraid of our military now? Consider the ridiculous
training our top brass has been forcing average soldiers
to undergo:
* "A busy Milley
had promised to root out white supremacy from the ranks
while recommending that his soldiers read Ibram X. Kendi’s
racialist diatribes."
* "Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin likewise vowed an internal audit of military
personnel to chase the phantoms of white supremacy."
"Something is terribly
wrong in the ranks of America’s top commanders
that reflects something wrong with the country. The
Pentagon needs to stop virtue signaling about diversity
days, culturally sensitive food for Afghan refugees,
and rooting out supposed white conspiracists. "
"Instead, can it
just explain why the Bagram Air Base was abandoned by
night? Why suddenly are the terrorist Taliban our supposed
“partners” in organizing our surrender and
* "Which general
allowed over $85 billion in American weapons to fall
to the Taliban—a sum equal to the price of seven
new U.S. aircraft carriers?"
* "Who turned over
to the Taliban the lists of Americans and allied Afghans
to be evacuated?"
* "Who left behind
7,000 biometric scanners that the Taliban are now using
to hunt down our former Afghan friends?"
Somehow our new woke Pentagon
is hell-bent on losing the trust of the American people—along
with the wars it fights abroad.
Indeed, let us list the
wars since World War II, in which we spilled American
blood but in which we were not even trying to win.
* Korean War
* Vietnam War
* Grenada
* Lebanon Marine Corps
* Gulf War 1 - which turned
into an 11-year bloodletting
* Afghanistan -- 20 years
If I were an enemy of
the United States, I would no longer be afraid of America's
military, and that is a major problem since my very
temporal life depends upon my military to defend me.
Our leaders since World
War II have not been trying to defend my interests as
an American citizen, but have been mightily trying to
overthrow this current Old World Order so they can create
a New World Order / NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM / Kingdom of
the New Age Christ!
Unprecedented levels of
blood have been spilled since World War II and much
more is planned before Antichrist can be staged on the
world scene. Closing out Afghanistan is simply the closing
of one of the chapters of this long-running saga!
China, Pakistan, and Iran are not any longer afraid,
or even respectful.
and China eye a retreating US: John Bolton",
Kyiv Post, Sept 2, 2021
retreat from Afghanistan is ending tragically—and
that has sweeping strategic implications. One major
misjudgment underlying the 'ending endless wars' mantra
was that withdrawing affected only Afghanistan. On the
contrary, the departure constitutes a major, and deeply
regrettable, U.S. strategic realignment. China and Russia,
our main global adversaries, are already seeking to
reap advantages."
Russia and China are suddenly
conducting military maneuvers!
China And Russia Trying To Attack The Law Of The Sea?
DIPLOMAT, 1945News, 9/1/2021
"... China intends
to regulate shipping in China’s “territorial
waters” starting September 1 ... The regulations,
he says, are “a sign of stepped-up efforts to
safeguard China’s national security at sea by
implementing strict rules to boost maritime identification
"On its face, Beijing’s
move looks unobjectionable ... But things may not be
as they seem. They seldom are when dealing with an actor
that boasts about waging warfare through peacetime diplomacy,
and whose political and strategic culture is steeped
in deception and surprise."
"China also claims
'indisputable sovereignty' throughout most of the South
China Sea—wildly beyond the twelve-mile limit
set by treaty ... Beijing asserts the right to do things
coastal states may do within their territorial seas
but are forbidden to do farther out to sea."
"China and its sidekick
Russia, are hardening their positions on marine sovereignty.
They covet sovereignty in its purest form, connoting
a monopoly of force not just within land borders but
on the nautical chart. Beijing and Moscow seem to want
to repeal the right of innocent passage ...."
"Whether Moscow and
Beijing are mounting a concerted attack on the law of
the sea or acting individually and opportunistically
in Eurasia’s peripheral seas, I have no idea.
But they are acting."
Yes, Russia and China
"are acting" now that America's obscenely
horrid withdrawal from Afghanistan has shaken this Old
Order to its foundations.
The Pentagon is reacting
to these sudden military exercises by Russia and China.
Naval Task Groups From U.S., U.K., India, Japan and
Australia Underway in Pacific", USNI
News, 8/30-2021
Six task groups from the U.S, U.K., Australian, Japanese
and Indian navies are currently on operational deployments
in the Indo-Pacific region amidst an intense fall and
early winter period of multilateral exercises."
"Currently operating
in the region are the Navy’s Carl Vinson Carrier
Strike Group and Japan-based America Expeditionary Strike
Group, the U.K. Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth Carrier
Strike Group 21 (CSG 21), Australian Defense Force Indo-Pacific
Endeavour 21 (IPE 21) task group, Japan Maritime Self-Defense
Force (JMSDF) Indo-Pacific Deployment 2021 (IPD21) force
and the Indian Navy Eastern Fleet task group."
The scope and the placement
of this joint task force are unprecedented.
Is China impressed?
Is Russia warned off any
aggression she might be planning?
America was even holding
a joint sea drill with Israel!
NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli,
US Navies Hold First Joint Red Sea Drill",
United With Israel, Sept 1, 2021
"Israeli-U.S. naval
cooperation is taking on greater importance as Iran’s
threat level in the Red Sea continues to rise ... After
all, Israel’s biggest threats — Iran, and
Hezbollah activities in Syria and Lebanon — come
from CENTCOM’s area of responsibility."
"So after years of
joint drills and exercises with EUCOM, the move means
the IDF and CENTCOM forces are “getting to know
each other” as they work together for the first
time. That’s the significance of the Israeli Navy’s
first joint patrol with US Naval Forces Central Command’s
5th Fleet in the Red Sea on Tuesday.
"Three Israeli ships,
including the INS Eilat, joined up with the guided missile
cruiser USS Monterey and its accompanying maritime patrol
planes. The Israelis and Americans drilled several search
and rescue scenarios, air defense, tactical defensive
maneuvers and more."
"An IDF statement
described the exercise as the “opening shot”
for further cooperation between Israel and the U.S.
5th Fleet ... Israeli-U.S. naval cooperation is taking
on greater importance as Iran’s threat level in
the Red Sea continues to rise."
California Governor, Gavin Newsom, must feel in real
danger now of being recalled;
has just used the one weapon in the Liberal / Leftist
quiver they believe is effective: "People will
die ...."
Newsom’s Pitch: More
People Will Die If I’m Recalled, Breitbart
News, 1 Sept 2021
" California Gov.
Gavin Newsom’s “closing message” to
voters in the Golden State is: 'More people will die
if I’m recalled'.”
"Newsom, whose coronavirus
shutdowns last year fueled enthusiasm for the recall,
is pointing to the latest surge as proof that he is
needed, because his likeliest replacements want to end
mask and vaccine mandates."
The Democrats often scream
this lie, tying to scare voters into voting for them
in the upcoming election. Hopefully, voters in California
will vote to oust this Pelosi ally NOW and return California
back to the land of the living and the sane.