1. Black
defenders have just delivered THE MOST powerful
call-down slight in history!
White Leftists
have just told blacks, Hispanics, and other people
of color that they are not as smart and as capable
as white students.
in the face of this omnipotent fact: White Leftists
are eliminating academic requirements which no
black can hope to achieve.
governor signs bill removing reading, writing,
& math requirements for high school kids,
to help ‘students of color’",
RT News, August 11, 2021
"Oregon Governor
Kate Brown quietly signed a bill last month that
removed the requirement for graduating high school
children in the state to be proficient in reading,
writing, and math, in an effort to aid 'students
of color'.”
The governor knew
the explosive outcome from this new law.
"Brown signed
Senate Bill 744 on July 14, but did not issue
a press release or hold a ceremony to mark the
occasion, instead opting to pass the bill into
law as quietly as possible, according to the Oregonian.
The bill also wasn’t entered into a legislative
database until two weeks after its signing –
an abnormality, as bills are typically entered
on the same day."
Stop right now to
contemplate this new law:
* "Consigns
every student his assigned duties as a new citizen
in the New World Order. Communism assigns every
student the job they are going to perform upon
graduation -- this is a major Communist
program imaginable.
* Takes away all
incentive to be able to do a job good enough to
earn extra income or nicer housing, or extra days
off. Eliminating all incentives is a major step
into Communism and is the #1 reason Socialism
/ Communism fails -- so spectacularly!
* Where is the outrage
from Blacks, Hispanics, etc., being called so
stupid that they cannot every hope to achieve
the same levels of academics being achieved every
day in schools all over this land.
we are the ones considered racist.
My opinion
on this matter is that the Bible is correct: "Even
the righteousness of God which is by faith of
Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe:
for there is no difference: For all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God." (Romans
3:21-23, KJV)
All men
of every color are equal before Almighty God!
A sobering cartoon from the old 1930's
should set COVID skeptics on their heels!
Early Warning Cartoon from the 1930s",
Thought Crime Radio, August 8, 2021
This cartoon is
eerily reminiscent of all cartoons
in the 1930's: grainy black/white,
a music score designed to set your teeth on edge,
and figures that were nearly correct (obviously
man or woman or monkey).
Viewers learned
of the following:
" How To
Take Over the World"
* "Introduce
a weaponized influenza"
* "Flood newspapers
and Radio with Death"
* "Shut down
shops and churches"
* "Use law
enforcement to stifle dissent"
* "Parade the
sick and the dead"
* Everyone will
have to wear masks
* "Inject a
vaccine ..."
EUTHANIZE THE OLD" (Emphasis Added)

Scoffers will immediately
criticize the immense number of years this cartoon
dates back to, claiming as do all such skeptics,
that no human planning could go on that long,
through so many "changes of ministers (officials).
However, such claims
are thoroughly full of holes.
The Bible
teaches that Satan will conspire against God,
especially in the Last Days, to attempt to impose
his plan upon the world, rather than allow God
to establish His Divine Plan.
The Bible
does teach such a conspiracy -- a human conspiracy
by men whose allegiance is to Lord Satan -- and
that Christians should be expecting one to develop.
In fact, we can view a time period following Israel's
return to her land, as being the time when long-running
conspiracies develop.
Let us begin
by defining the term "conspiracy". What
is the definition of Conspiracy?
First, let
us hear the definition of a conspiracy from former
President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson:
a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished
period and pursued unalterably through every change
of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate,
systematical plan of reducing us to slavery."
[Thomas Jefferson, "The
Unseen Hand", by A. Ralph Epperson, p.
Thus, Former President
Thomas Jefferson, informs us that we should expect
the kind of long-term "series of oppressions"
that are today thrusting the world into the Abyss
of Satan's New World Order!
Finally, the Bible
is very stark in its description that, once you
fully comprehend its meaning, will set you emotionally
and spiritually to be able to face this coming
onslaught faithfully.
"And the ten
horns which thou sawest upon the beast ... For
God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will,
and to agree (to act in harmony), and give their
kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God
shall be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:17, KJV)
This key
prophecy has set many anxious hearts at ease,
for God is telling you not to worry about the
"Wars and Rumors of Wars" constantly
being bantered about day after day, because His
Spirit is really leading these world leaders to
act in harmony "until the words of God shall
be fulfill"!
of the pandemic being depicted in black/white
cartoons and to the 'toon music hint that creative
writers knew of this planned global scourge was
3. Why are
the most educated also the most vaccine hesitant?
Most Educated Are Among the Most Vax Hesitant",
Townhall, August 11, 2021
"Matt has already
reported on the Kaiser Poll that countered the
left’s narrative that it’s Republicans
who are most vaccine hesitant ... a separate study
conducted by researchers at the University of
Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University has
revealed ... vaccine hesitancy across race, education,
U.S. region and Trump support in the 2020 election.
When it comes to education, this survey found
it’s actually the most educated who are
most hesitant."
The speed with which
Leftists started branding anyone resisting this
vaccine should have told you that their ice is
thin and their case is weak! They turn to vicious
labeling very rapidly.
this trend, a recent MIT study found similar results—that
'a substantial portion of public-health skepticism
was highly informed, scientifically literate,
and sophisticated in the use of data', reports
Top Israeli
researchers are now saying that the original two
waves of vaccines have failed.
This next story
strongly hints that the first two vaccines have
Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account For
95% Of Severe And 85-90% Of New Covid Hospitalizations",
Tea Party News, August 11, 2021
"One of the
main arguments that the passionate believers in
the coronavirus vaccine continue to make when
squaring off against those who are choosing to
not receive the vaccination is that despite the
fact it won’t stop you from either contracting
the illness or spreading it, it will reduce the
severity of the case you experience, therefore,
you should still be vaccinated."
Well, welcome to
the real world, vaccine believers beware!
"Well, according
to Gateway Pundit, a leading health official from
the country of Israel, Dr. Kobi Havivi, that’s
not true at all ... according to Haviv, who is
the medical director of Israel’s leading
center for respiratory care, the vast majority
of severe cases and those leading to hospitalizations
are coming from those who have received the vaccine."
to Dr. Haviv, the vaccinated account for 85-90%
of all new hospitalizations and 95% of 'severe'
cases at the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem'
... one infected patient will spread the virus
to “a large number of people” and
that it doesn’t just happen “here
or there,” it’s happening frequently."
Consumer confidence
in this COVID vaccine is fading rapidly!
"Despite most
of them taking the jab, the country has seen a
quick spike in cases that has resulted in more
daily positive test results than they had on the
same day last year..."
What is official
response? They go absolutely bonkers, issuing
the same orders as if the vaccination program
was proving 100% effective. In other words, such
people join the Albert Einstein definition of
"The Israeli
Health Ministry used the data to justify tightening
restrictions for their authoritarian vaccine passports.
After their emergency vote on Thursday, citizens
are now required to provide proof of vaccination,
a positive test, or proof that they recovered
recently from the virus to participate in most
indoor and outdoor activities,” the report
"This would
include restaurants, parks, and gyms. Synagogues,
along with other houses of worship were originally
going to be included in the expanded restrictions
but were later removed."
"Back on August
7, GP ran another report that featured a video
where the director of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention admitted that the vaccines
created for COVID-19 cannot prevent transmission
of the illness."
"So, in other
words, even with being vaccinated, you can still
spread this illness around. That raises the question,
why even be vaccinated at all?"
Now, consider one
way in which Israeli authorities are trying to
get people to sign up for the vaccine jab.
PM Bennett warns that Israelis who are not getting
vaccinated are "postponing the Messiah"!
Minister of Israel warns that if people don’t
get vaccinated they will 'postpone the Messiah'
End Times Headlines,
August 10, 2021
"Did Naftali
Bennett just threaten to cancel the Messiah?"
Now, that is a high
price for any Israeli to pay just because they
are not convinced that this vaccine is dangerous.
After all, Jews have been waiting for Messiah
for 5,000 years.
Such a suggestion
would be very powerful incentive.
Prime Minister called for all Israelis to get
vaccinated but implicit in his words was a message
that non-vaccination would postpone the Messiah."
What did he say,
" '“If
we get vaccinated in Elul, we can hear the shofar
in Tishrei'.”
Every Jew worth
his salt knew that Bennett was saying that, if
enough Jews do not get vaccinated, their long-awaited
Messiah might not come!
Very weak, that
Jewish Fellow wearing messiah's cape!
Albert Einstein's definition of insanity: "Thinking
that repeating what you have just failed at repeatedly,
thinking that you will get a different result,
is true insanity.
Harris Congratulates President Herzog:
Stresses Commitment to 2-State Solution",
United With Israel, August 11, 2021
"US Vice-President
Harris congratulated President Isaac Herzog on
his new position and reiterated Washington’s
commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
to the new Israeli President for adopting the
idea that the Israeli - Palestinian conflict could
be solved only by two distinct nations living
peacefully beside one another -- a two-state solution.
Despite Palestinian
rhetoric time and time again for the past 40 years,
people like Biden, Harris, and Leftist Israelis
continue to state that their goal in this problem
remains the same goal which Palestinians have
poured countless bullets into!
How many more victims
have to be lost before politicians are going to
finally understand? The Palestinians do NOT want
peace; they want the finish the bloody genocide
of the Jewish people which Adolf Hitler tried
so hard to finish!
around the world are about set us all insane!
5. Voters
are getting increasingly angry!
NEWS BRIEF: "American
Armageddon", American Greatness,
August 11, 2021
are growing angrier by the day in a way different
from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s
Silent Majority or Tea Party furor of over a decade
ago. "
"For the first
time in their lives, all Americans of all classes
and races are starting to fear a self-created
apocalypse that threatens their families’
safety and the American way of life. "
In other words,
American voters are becoming increasingly worried
that President Biden and VP Harris and Speaker
Pelosi and others like AOC and Cori Bush and Lebron
James and Colin Kaepernick are forcefully guiding
this country straight down a Self-Inflicted wound
from which there shall be no return!
Armageddon" will equal "Civilizational
6. National
Sins which mortify God to the point of acting
in Judgment.
* Homosexuality
-- especially spread amongst the youth
"Atlanta School Tells Parents Their Kindergartener
Should Leave District if They Don’t Like
LGBTQ+ Teaching", End Times
Headlines, August 11, 2021
"Another 'inclusive'
public school system appears determined to push
the LGBTQ+ agenda on children, teaching them about
such concepts even in kindergarten ... When one
Catholic couple found out about the controversial
curriculum and questioned it, they were told by
an Atlanta public elementary school principal
their child would need to leave the district to
avoid learning about LGBTQ+ issues at the age
of five ..."
"Examples of
books include 'Stella Brings the Family', which
tells the story of a gay couple, 'I Am Jazz',
which discusses transgenderism, and 'Our Class
is a Family', which encourages children to view
the classroom — instead of their parents
— as their source of support."
Jesus was totally
right! Christians must leave this country, and
failing that, leave as did Lot and his family
fleeing Sodom!