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- Tuesday, 6/10/2021
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unique message and a worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years. Please help us
'Making A Deal
With The Devil'
Book by Tom Horn's
Defender Publishing
The modern world has seen
unparalleled challenges, circumstances and outright
travesties. We have battled global pandemic, shutdowns,
riots, economic strains, unprecedented political turmoil,
and fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy
However, there are greater
forces at work beneath the surface, forces that are
Satanic and which will fulfill End Times prophecies
The faltering, apostate
Christian Church, will never identify this damnable
malevolence and warn the LOST, and preach the Gospel!
You will learn: 1) Change
in Mass Media prove that mankind is headed for unspeakable
travesty; 2) How Media Masters manipulate and shape
your mindset; 3) Society is being gradually groomed
for the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast; 4) How
Western Christianity has been redefined as a CULT; 5)
Many more prophetic events
367 pages and still only
$19.95 - Order your copy today
I. Former President
Obama admits that Aliens and UFO's are real!
Raises the probability
that many millions of people will switch from whatever
religion they held, to the religion espoused by the
of God & The Nephilim"
Supernatural View From the Word of God"
Volume 1 of 2,
Only $19.99
This DVD will cover the events of Scripture
from Genesis 6 through the Flood itself. While some
current authors have gone down paths of incredulity
and blatant fantasy, there have been many solid, biblical
scholars who have taken up the subject matter. In our
new DVD, Cutting Edge Ministries has drawn on our new
research and has assembled a wealth of knowledge from
others who have remained true to the Word of God and
actual historical accounts to compile this new documentary."
We will additionally discuss the myths
of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to gain insight
into man’s interpretation of the true events of
the final 2 centuries before the Flood. We will also
explore extra-biblical information from the Book of
Enoch and its account of the Watchers that came from
the heavenly dimension to Mt. Hermon in the days of
The first DVD will resolve the important
1. Who were the Sons of God of Genesis
2. Who were the giants?
3. What was their intention when arriving to our physical
4. What was their impact on mankind?
5. Can we identify these creatures in human history
and/or myth?
6. What happened to them?
DVD 2 is to be released Summer of 2021.
There is a phenomenal amount of information
in this 2-DVD series. Please join us to gain great insight
into the supernatural nature of the Word of God, and
how we should think about these events. We promise that
this DVD set will change the way you look at the Word
of God in general and the Old Testament in particular.
As a result, we would hope that all who view it will
gain a new level of wisdom from the Word of God in order
to live our lives as more acceptable ambassadors for
Jesus Christ.
Run Time 1 hour 32 minutes -- Order
yours today

New Religions Will Arise After Contact With Aliens",
Israel365 News, June 9, 2021
" 'It’s interesting.
It wouldn’t change my politics at all', Obama
said in a podcast interview on the Ezra Klein show last
Tuesday. 'Because my entire politics is premised on
the fact that we are these tiny organisms on this little
speck floating in the middle of space'.”
No wonder Barack Obama
is so far off-base in his politics and his religion;
he believes that our existence is a "little speck
floating in the middle of space", not an Earth
whose inhabitants are so worthy that the Son of God
became a human to die for the sins of all men and women
who receive His bloody sacrifice!
Of course, the Pentagon
is within a few weeks of the deadline Trump issued while
still President, forcing a revelation as to what the
Federal Government knew and what they now believe.
"I would hope that
the knowledge that there were aliens out there would
solidify people’s sense that what we have in common
is a little more important', he said ... Obama does,
in fact, believe that the sightings are genuine and
may indicate alien origins ... "
We posted a Headline News
article in November, 2009, that deals with this issue
of many millions of people losing their Christian faith
because of the appearance of myriads of aliens and their
UFO machines. Please take a few minutes to read:
President Obama About To Announce That Aliens and UFO's
Are Real and Are Our Friends?" --
Why Are Aliens And UFO's
Important To The Appearance of Antichrist? No one can
understand the times in which we live, nor can anyone
understand the New World Order, unless they understand
Biblical prophecy and doctrine.
Now let us return to our
Scripture passage in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, "Let
no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall
not come, except there come a falling away first, and
that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
This is the predicted
great falling away of those who have professed to be
Christians)..." We have spent considerable time
exposing the great and unparalleled apostasy in which
the majority of Christian denominations are participating
today. We are at this point in world history today,
fulfilling this part of this prophecy. Paul continues,
"...and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed,
..." Of course, this man of lawlessness is the
Biblical Anti-Christ, as predicted in Daniel 9:27 and
confirmed by Jesus in Matthew 24:15.
The major point which
we want you to grasp from this passage is that the end
result of this unparalleled deception will be the appearance
of Anti-Christ. This is such a critical point, I want
to repeat it: The planned end result of this tremendous
program of deception is belief in the Anti-Christ.
are at this point in world history today!
Important News -- Analysis, Continued
2. A former Venezuelan
migrant sounds a unique alarm:
Those of you who
promote Socialism here should go live under it in Venezuela!
NEWS BRIEF: "Venezuelan
migrant fleeing to America says supporters of socialism
'shouldn't be in the United States', The
Post Millennial, May 28, 2021
"In Del Rio, Texas,
reporter Jorge Ventura spoke on Wednesday with a Venezuelan
migrant who had strong words against supporters of socialism
in America.
"I asked a Venezuelan
migrant on his thoughts on Americans that support socialism.
'They shouldn't be in the United States' he responds.
He says they don't know the reality of socialism and
that's the reason he left his home country with just
his backpack, daughter and his wife ..."
America could reach this
point where so many of its citizens are so totally unaware
of history's lessons about Socialism that they will
allow turncoat leaders to force it upon a wealthy Capitalist
"Ventura first asks
the unidentified man, part of the Venezuelan migrant
group, if he 'has any message' for individuals who support
socialism. The man responds:
"They shouldn't come
to the US then, [if they are socialists], honestly."
"If they support
socialism and want to come to the US, they shouldn't
be here. It's better that they actually go to a socialist
country so they can see [the conditions] for themselves',
the man stated."
By the time the average
citizen realizes, to his horror, how completely inept
Socialism is, he is facing shock troops and their tanks
in the street.
Now, prepare yourself
for the real shock:
"Since 2013 the Venezuelan
economy has contracted by 65 percent, the largest contraction
outside of war in 45 years' ... But the Venezuelan economic
collapse, which preceded international sanctions, stands
out because it was not triggered by external forces
or internal unrest: It was manufactured by those in
power, and thus, was totally avoidable."
As the Biden Administration
rushes to pull our economic guts out of our carcass,
he is taking an action which 'was totally avoidable'!

Why, then, are the American
Leftist Democrats/Socialists so hell-bent on destroying
the most productive economy in man's entire history?
The answer is simple but profound:
Each of these American
leaders believe that mankind must reorganize into a
global political and economic and religious system,
comprised of 10 Supernations shown above.
The United States is planned
to be the dominant nation in North America, Supernation
#1. One man, the New Age Christ, will be the top political
figure, and will need to have the final say on all matters
with the other nine supernations.
Since America's Gross
National Product is not only #1 in the entire world
Trillion, but is 49% higher than the #2 supernation,
China! In other words, the United States is still
the "King Kong" of economic nations, and King
Kong listens to no one!
He does not take orders
from anyone.
So, what does the Elite
plan to do for America? Cut her down to size, by taking
the following actions:
1) Pass laws which encourage
companies to move manufacturing facilities overseas
2) Create such a lucrative
tax code for this country which encourages workers to
stay home rather than work for a paycheck
3) Fight overseas wars
in which our leaders did not plan to win -- just to
bleed American dollars and kill her finest young men:
* Korean War
* Vietnam War
* Iraq War #1
* Iraq War #2
* Afghanistan War
* Economic collapse of
* Economic collapse of
So I repeat: what does
the Elite plan to do for America? Cut her down to size.
Now you know the truth!
3. The FBI conveniently
"discovers" 1,000 "white supremacists"
recently after Biden declared them a top threat.
NEWS BRIEF: "Heavily
Armed Extremist Militia of Over 1,000 Members Discovered
by Undercover Agents", American
Defense News, June 7, 2021
"... the feds have
finally uncovered a large extremist militia training
with assault weapons. Aiming to uncover the vast conspiracy
behind the insurrection by an unarmed mob of angry baby
boomers, that caused the death of ONE unarmed rioter,
and frightened Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(AOC) into therapy, Biden’s DOJ has been working
And their extraordinary
efforts are finally paying off."
In other words, he Department
of Justice has created a plan whereby they can accuse
any "violent, white supremacist' group of being
guilty of a so-called 'terrorist incident", giving
agents the ability to knock down your door!
And, of course,
they are heavily armed and trained in military tactics.
4. President Biden
is planning the most widespread gun registration and
confiscation program in history.
Largest Gun Registration and Confiscation Scheme Is
Being Planned By the Biden Administration",
Townhall, June 8, 2021
"We know Joe Biden
wants to confiscate guns. He’s open about it ...
That’s not legal, but when has that ever-stopped
Democrats from waging their war on the Second Amendment.
Appealing to the Supreme
Court can take years, giving the enforcement arm of
the Executive Branch time to thoroughly crack down on
law-abiding gun owners.
But there is more to Biden's
scheme and that is the really terrible news.
"Biden is then taking
to tweaking current regulations through the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. It’s
through this avenue that his scheme to turn millions
into felons is being planned ... A new rule proposed
by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
(ATF) at the request of President Joe Biden would make
most firearms with stabilizing pistol braces illegal.
Owners would have to register, turn in, or disassemble
the guns to avoid federal felony charges. One government
estimate found as many as 40 million guns could be affected."
proposed rulemaking on pistol-braced firearms represents
a gross abuse of executive authority,” said Aidan
Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs for Gun Owners
of America, in a statement. Bosco said the rule would
outlaw the vast majority of braces on the market and
read like it was 'reverse-engineered to make braces
illegal'.” He called it 'arbitrary and capricious'.”
I remember a situation
in always-Liberal New York State. The Legislature passed
a bill, and the governor signed it into law, forbidding
"Bump Fire" accessory following the mass shooting
at Las Vegas.
However, none of the gun
owners who had this accessory actually turned it in!
Even though state authorities knew who each of these
owners were, and where they lived. I would assume the
same scenario would play out on a national level!
5. Crossing animals
with humans:
NEWS BRIEF: "Crossing
Humans with Animals: America Sinks into Deep Depravity",
Canada Free Press, June 10, 2021
"How little life
matters even while hordes are demanding that we see
that 'Black Lives Matter'. We can only stand amazed
that anyone would dare to start a movement based on
this slogan when almost 4,000 black babies a day are
aborted, and many thousands of black lives are lost
yearly to black-on-black crime."
"But the proverbial
“confusion of face” has always followed
the days of deepest depravity. (Ezra 9:7)"
What does this mean?
"... Because we no
longer regard our sin we are cast or dumped
into confusion by the Almighty and any chance
of recovery grows slimmer by the day."
Listen to the Word of
God on this matter.