World-Class DVD From Chris Pinto
DVD Title from Chris Pinto
The 'True Christian
History of America' is a powerful documentary, showing
the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American
view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back
to England and the great Reformation.
For many years,
Americans have been taught in our schools and universities
that the founding of our Republic was the result of
the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of
that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment
first declare no taxation without representation? Or
trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of
speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare
that the “reign of political Protestantism”
would commence, just before signing the Declaration
of Independence?
Filmed on location
in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland,
and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary
contains unique interviews with experts from around
the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel
pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and
how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration,
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
At a time when
America and the principles of freedom stand in peril,
it has never been more important for the Christian world
to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is
perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool
parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history
on the influence of Christianity in the United States.
Video clips online
Presented by Christian
J. Pinto Running Time: 150+ minutes --
Chris Pinto Titles

-- Headline News

1. Amazon is planning
to build a new Headquarters Building in the Shape of
the pagan "Tower of Babel"!
The Spirit of
Antichrist is blowing throughout the entire world!
Reveals Plan To Build 'Tower of Babel' Opposite U.S.
Capitol", Israel365 News, Feb 10,
"Amazon has just
unveiled the plans for its new corporate headquarters
that will stand in Arlington, Virginia, directly across
the Potomac River from Washington DC. The announcement
inaccurately describes the design as a “double
helix” but scholars of ancient history and the
Bible will readily recognize the ancient model for the
design: the Tower of Babel."
Mac Dominick of Cutting
Edge Films has recently completed work on Volume 3,
"From The Flood to Babel"
of the "Genesis: Foundation of Our Faith"
series, depicted to the left.
Mac correctly links the
rise of the wickedness of mankind to Nephilim prior
to the World Wide Flood. He then covers several current
theories about why the tower was built including a way
to escape another future flood, a stargate to another
dimension or a home for the gods.
This original Tower was
built as a monumental Human Sacrifice edifice, with
the actual altar built at the very top. Once you can
understand this linkage, you will have from Mac's study
in the original languages and the current works of Derrick
Gilbert and Michael Heiser, a new fresh understanding
of these Old Testament scriptures.
As a result of the Satanic
attacks at Babel, God chose Abraham as the father of
a nation to be His inheritance upon the Earth and a
conduit for the coming of Messiah and God's ultimate
kingdom whereby he will rule and reign forever.
And, now, at this End
of the Age, billionaire Jeff Bezos steps to the forefront,
to provide the money and the leadership to re-build
a human sacrifice tower stretching to the heavens. And,
this activity is occurring just as the general thrust
of fulfilling prophecies are shouting to the believer
that the appearance of Antichrist is very close!!
2. This same demonic
spirit is raging today in our "Cancel Culture"
movement, preparing for the planned Antichrist Holocaust.
CEO Mike Lindell Goes on Steve Bannon’s Podcast,
Calls Covid-19 Vaccine ‘The Mark of the Beast’,"
Mediaite News, Feb 6, 2021
"MyPillow CEO Mike
Lindell went on Steve Bannon’s podcast Saturday
and claimed that the Covid-19 vaccine was the 'mark
of the beast'.”
"Calling something
the “mark of the beast” refers to a biblical
passage from the Book of Revelations that notes something
is evil or demonic in nature."
“Well, I think we
are going down a communist path; socialism is coming
in here, everyone can look at what happened in Nazi
Germany', Lindell said. 'It’s happening so fast;
when I see and experiencing [sic] the cancellation of
people, canceling out people’s jobs, they don’t
Lindell then goes on to
specifically tie the COVID-19 vaccine to the evil nature
of Antichrist.
“Now it’s
this ‘One World Order,’ this stuff is in
Revelations, you know that’s what I was talking
about, and you combine that with this vaccine, that’s
‘mark of the beast’ stuff,” he added
... The vaccine comparison comes on the heels of Lindell
Thursday night saying the “end times” are
near if his Absolute Proof documentary failed to catch
on ..."
This vaccine is NOT the
Biblical 'Mark of the Beast', but it is a conditioning
vehicle, getting people used to the concept of taking
a shot from government officials (nurses, doctors, First
Responders) so that, when the most charismatic leader
in all of human history announces that he is going to
require everyone to take a shot which will place a chip
under the skin, people will flock to carry out his mandate.
Panics like this one are
designed to condition people to taking the ultimate
"needle jab", which will condemn everyone
who takes it to Hell.
Prophecy foretells
that Antichrist's Holocaust will revolve around the
"Mark of the Beast" and will murder several
billion people.
But, this slaughter
will have begun at home and in local neighborhoods!
NEWS BRIEF: "Lucasfilm
Cancels Mandalorian’s Gina Carano for Truthfully
Saying the Nazis Culture-Cancelled Jews Before Murdering
Them", The Jewish Press, Feb
11, 2021
"Gina Carano, who
plays Cara Dune on the hit Star Wars TV franchise The
Mandalorian ... is officially gone from the Star Wars
universe because she used the H-word in what the Cancel
Culture deemed an inappropriate manner."
Here’s the historical
truth she posted on social media:
“Jews were beaten
in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors….
even by children. Because history
is edited, most people today don’t realize that
to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily
round up thousands of Jews, the government first made
their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews.
How is that any different from hating someone for their
political views?”
And, what was Disney's
official response?
They fired her!
"Carano was not currently
employed by them and they had 'no plans for her to be
in the future ... Nevertheless, her social media posts
denigrating people based on their cultural and religious
identities are abhorrent and unacceptable'.”
Gina did not denigrate
anyone, she only spoke a historical truth so that she
could warn people against the kind of hatred which we
see today, and which will result in Antichrist riding
to the world scene.
Now, back to that "Mark
of the Beast" story:
3. Germany's Parliament
advances legislation which will advance the "Mark
of the Beast" prophecy!
parliament advances Mark of the Beast with “Agenda
ID2020” ratification ",
Natural News, Feb 10, 2021
"On Jan. 29, the
German parliament (Bundestag) moved to ratify Agenda
ID2020, a centralized data collection program that will
be used to roll out the final Mark of the Beast and
enslave all of humanity forever. While it still has
to be approved by the German Federal Council, reports
indicate that Agenda ID2020 will likely run into minimal
resistance from here on out, and eventually pass."
"Under the program,
the private data of all Germans, and eventually all
humans, will be made available to every government agency,
police department and private sector company that wants
it. 'It covers all that is known about an individual
citizen, now up to 200 points of information and possibly
more as time goes on, from your bank account to your
shopping habits, health records (vaccination records,
of course), your political inclinations, and probably
even your dating habits and other entries into your
private sphere,” writes Peter Koenig for Global
Research (Canada)."
And who is the monster
backing this most horrible Absolute Dictatorship legislation!
"Designed by none
other than Bill Gates, Agenda ID2020 is part of a larger
“vaccination package” sponsored and supported
by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the World
Economic Forum (WEF), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines
and Immunization (GAVI), now referred to as the Vaccine
Carefully consider this
dynamic information! The same billionaire who is pushing
the peoples of the world to accept a risky, DNA-altering
vaccine in order to "cure" a disease which
normally has a 98% recovery rate, is now strongly supporting
a vaccination requirement in countries throughout the
Bill Gates is "paving
the road" for Antichrist to appear just as surely
as Jeff Bezos is "paving the road" for Antichrist
to have a human sacrifice tower ready for him once he
Can you feel this
"Spirit of Antichrist"?
4. Congress' impeachment
trial of Donald Trump was so ridiculously inane and
so thoroughly idiotic that both sides were confused.
in the Senate", Breitbart News,
10 Feb 2021
"Chaos erupted at
the end of the second day of the second impeachment
trial of now former President Donald Trump as House
Democrats were forced to withdraw from the record a
statement a GOP senator said was falsely attributed
to him after Senate Democrats lost control of the proceedings
Both sides descended into
And both sides
looked completely unworthy of being a Congress Person!
NEWS BRIEF: "Lindsey
Graham: House Impeachment Managers’ Argument
Was ‘Offensive’, ‘Absurd’,"
Breitbart News 10 Feb 2021
"Sen. Lindsey Graham
(R-SC) told Fox News’ Hannity on Wednesday that
House impeachment managers had grown the “not
guilty” vote in the Senate that day with an “absurd”
presentation that floated a conspiracy theory that President
Donald Trump planned the Capitol riot.
"Graham told Hannity
that Democrats had rushed to impeach Trump before investigating.
Now that their “incitement” claim was falling
apart, he said, they had to invent a “cockamamie”
theory ... I think most Republicans found the presentation
by the House managers offensive and absurd. We all know
what happened at the Capitol was terrible. I hope everybody
involved that broke into the Capitol goes to jail. But
I don’t remember any of the House managers saying
a damn thing when they were trying to break into my
house and going after [Republican Senator] Susan Collins
[of Maine] and spitting on all of us. If this is a problem
for a politician to give the speech that President Trump
did, well, then [Vice President] Kamala Harris has a
real problem, because she actively engaged in bailing
out rioters."
"“This is why
you don’t want to have snap impeachments', Graham
concluded. 'Evidence really does matter'.”
NEWS BRIEF: "Impeachment
a ‘Circus’ — Democrat House Managers
‘the B-Team,’ ‘Conspiracy Theorists’,"
Breitbart News, 11 Feb 2021
"Wednesday on FNC’s
'Hannity', Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the ranking Republican
on the House Intelligence Committee, criticized the
case made by the House Democrats in the U.S. Senate
impeachment trial currently underway. Nunes pointed
to where he saw the Democrat House impeachment managers
falling short in their case and called them 'the B-team'.”
* "... they just
don’t have any evidence,” he said. “They
haven’t had any evidence for five years."
* "They corrupted
the intelligence agencies"
* "What’s really
happening here is that you got the radical left that’s
in total control of the government now. They don’t
want Donald Trump to win. They don’t — they
fear his rallies. They fear that 74.5 million people
voted for Donald Trump. That’s what’s really
going on here.”
And, that last statement
is really the truth: "they fear his rallies. They
fear that 74.5 million people voted for Donald Trump"
To make this attack on
Trump and his vast numbers of supporters, they must
act this foolishly and illegally, even if it makes America
the most powerful Banana Republic in world history!