Read this part of the
Plan over and over again until you thoroughly understand
it. The Protocols envision building up the armies of
America and China to the point where they will be used
to respond to any and all attempted uprisings against
the global rule of Antichrist!
At this point in time,
China has been built up both militarily and economically
to where they are now threatening our very existence!
AND, to cement this newly acquired might, they have
carefully bribed and/or blackmailed American officials
on both sides of the aisle, including Joe and Hunter
China can order Biden
to do what THEY want him to do, not based on America's
National Interest.
AND, the Biden
White House is debating policy based on what may make
China mad!
NEWS BRIEF: "'Chaos'
in the White House", Daily
Mail, 2 February 2021
"President Joe Biden
threatened to re impose sanctions on Myanmar on Monday
as his administration debates whether to call the military
takeover a 'coup.' Insiders familiar with the back-and-forth
described the discussions as 'chaos' as officials fear
that the White House calling the military takeover a
coup could anger China..."
It is a sad day in our
history when a major presidential decision is based
upon what "could anger China".
If I were a Taiwanese
citizen with enough wealth to "get out of Dodge",
I would certainly do so now. Certainly, wealthy Taiwanese
should move their financial assets to foreign banks,
and begin liquidating their physical assets, beginning
with a new home in a new country, possibly Singapore.
This frightening reality
that American White House officials are basing their
decisions on what "could anger China" will
apply to the ongoing crisis between China and Taiwan.
When the chips are down, China can now order President
Biden to order his military to "stand-down"
and not fight a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
In fact, the new Defense
Secretary, Lloyd Austin, has just ordered all military
units to "stand down" for 60 days (Story in
Paragraph #3, below). Does this new order give China
a 60-day window to attack and conquer Taiwan?
2. Even Iran is
pushing "Sleepy Joe" around.
Iran Playing Hardball With the United States?",
United With Israel, Feb 3, 2021
"The US State Department
has issued serious warnings about Iran indicating that
the regime is not far from breakout time for a nuclear
bomb. The accelerated actions of the regime seem like
Iran is taking advantage of and playing hardball with
the new US administration."
"Taking advantage
of" ... certainly seems appropriate when discussing
"Sleepy Joe" and his Globalist foreign policies!
activates second advanced centrifuge cascade
– IAEA", DEBKAFile, Feb 2,
"Iran has begun enriching
uranium with a second cascade of advanced IR-2m centrifuges
at the Natanz underground plant, the international Atomic
Energy Agency reported on Tuesday. The UN watchdog said
that the installation of this second batch was nearing
completion and a third cluster of the same centrifuges
had begun ... Iran’s accelerated production of
fissile material is another flagrant violation of its
2015 nuclear accord with six world powers and indicates
that the Islamic Republic is going full speed ahead
on its nuclear program."
Iran has even just "tested"
a new ballistic missile!
tests space launch rocket that could double as nuclear
missile", DEBKAFile,
Feb 2, 2021
"Iran announced on
Monday that it had tested its Zulianah space launch
rocket for the first time. Zuljanah is an 84-foot, three-stage
rocket with a solid-fuel engine in its first and second
stages and a liquid-fuel engine in its third stage.
The rocket can loft a 500-pound payload as high as 310
miles ..."
When your adversary sees
that you are weak in one area, he is emboldened to probe
your defenses in another point. Iran is encouraged to
act aggressively with Biden, because her leaders see
weakness in Biden's dealings with China and others.
And, China's leaders see
this weakness all too clearly!
3. Biden's Defense
Secretary uses the fake January 6 Capitol issue as the
excuse to declare an emergency 60-Day Stand-down to
address the issue of 'White Supremacy"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Defense
secretary orders 60-day stand-down to confront extremism
in the military", Defense News,
February 3, 2021
"Defense Secretary
Lloyd Austin has called on the services to conduct a
60-day stand-down on the issue of extremism in the military,
prompted by the Jan. 6 attack on the the Capitol and
subsequent reports of both active-duty and former service
members attending a rally calling to overturn the 2020
election and the riot that ensued."
Whenever you read or hear
a news story based upon the following "fake news",
you are free to discredit the validity of what follows
in the report. What are the "fake news" nuggets
in this first paragraph?
* " Jan. 6 attack
on the the Capitol and subsequent reports of both active-duty
and former service members attending a rally ..."
My wife and I watched
live TV coverage on One America News on January 6 as
it unfolded and can tell you that it was "no attack"
and "no riot"! Protestors were mostly milling
around, not sure what to do next
* "riot that ensued"
There was certainly no
riot from MAGA supporters. But, the fact that Mass Media
could use incendiary propaganda rhetoric the next day
that turned the January 6 demonstration into "an
attack" and a "riot", speaks volumes
to the precarious position where "good can be turned
into evil"!
Remember God's Judgment
"Woe unto them that
call evil good, and good evil..." (Isaiah 5:20,KJV)
Our entire leadership
in Washington, D.C., can be summed up in Isaiah 5:20!
A military stand-down
can only hurt our daily military preparedness. While
I am not aware of the wording of the "Rules of
Engagement", any stand-down order can only weaken
our military in the face of a well-armed and belligerant
President Biden
announced a 60-day moratorium last week in the Keystone
Pipeline activity, so the question is, what other 60-day
moratoriums is Biden going to announce?
4. Antifa declares
that 'Antifa Lives and Thrives
Only if America Dies'
'Antifa Lives and Thrives Only if America Dies',"
by Andy Ngo, PJ Media, Feb 2, 2021
"Antifa is the muscle,
the Southern Poverty Law Center and other non-profits
help pick the targets, and anyone who points out their
totalitarian intolerance is called a fascist, promptly
canceled, or burned in effigy."
Consider the "most
peaceful" tactics which ANTIFA has used to silence
this journalist.
"The angry red communist
comrades of antifa and BLM have tried to cancel the
Portland-based journalist ... Antifa 'protesters'
beat him senseless and sent him to the hospital with
brain damage in 2019, engaged in a sustained smear campaign
against him due to his coverage of the group, and basically
put out a hit on him..."
"I asked Ngo at the
end of our interview, which you can listen to for yourself,
if he had to come up with a motto that gets to the heart
of antifa, what would it be? He said he would draw it
from the group’s own ten points of belief: “For
their world to live and thrive, America has to die.”
Doesn't this motto sound
a lot like the New Age mantra, which has been active
on the world scene since the end of World War II? To
comprehend how our leaders could hate this Industrial
Civilization so much they would take gradual action
to destroy it, we have to begin at the religious level
- the religion of the occult. Remember, our current
and past national leaders not only control armies, navies
and aircraft of the word, they control our national
environmental policies as well. Both Republican and
Democrat leadership -- from Clinton to Bush to Obama
to Biden -- are wholly dedicated to carrying out these
Let us hear the Satanic,
Illuminati Hatred Toward People and Our Industrial Civilization
"This publication
marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, [1979]
called the 'Quiet War', being conducted using subjective
biological warfare, fought with 'silent weapons' ...
It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering
... without implying extensive objectives of social
control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery
and benevolent genocide."
[William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 36-37, printed
August, 1990; Cooper is a New Age author. The date of
the beginning of this "Third World War" is
reported to be 1954]
Did you catch that attitude
toward all human beings: "Benevolent Genocide"!
But, there is more!
The demon Master D.K.,
writing through Bailey in "The Externalisation
of the Hierarchy", 1919, states,
"Today we are watching
the death of civilisation..Such a change is rapidly
coming and is regarded by some as death -- terrible
and to be avoided if possible. It is indeed death, but
it is benevolent and needed...For the progress of the
soul of the individual and the soul of humanity, death
is inevitable, good, and necessary." (Pages 114-115;
Emphasis added).
When our current political
leaders preside over the death of our civilization,
they will view it as a "benevolent death".
Are we nearing
the era of "benevolent slavery and genocide"?
NEWS BRIEF: "Archives:
"Benevolent Genocide",

5. Before the
A.S.E.A.N. Conference begins, China is preparing a massive
propaganda campaign.
of ASEAN Conference, Chinese Regime Prepared for PR
Disaster Scenarios: How to
Stifle Dissent", The
Epoch Times, Feb 3, 2021
"Since 2003, the
Chinese regime has held the China-ASEAN Business and
Investment Summit, an annual meeting to encourage trade
and investment between China and countries in the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations ... Chinese authorities tried
to avert public relations disasters by setting up “emergency”
protocols for the meeting."
"They also made arrangements
to make sure public opinion about the event was positive
and prevent participants from expressing negative views.
"Despite the preparations,
authorities still found that the event lacked professionalism,
according to the documents."
"The authorities
set up an on-site 'emergency command leadership team'
to respond to PR emergencies, along with 19 'emergency
management teams' to respond to any issues on the ground
... "
We encourage you to read
this entire article to realize how completely the Chinese
controlled this A.S.E.A.N.
conference! They acted in a totalitarian manner, running
roughshod over any and all opposing people and/or messages.
In Oct. 26, 2020 meeting
notes, local authorities said that “we must further
prevent foreign forces from carrying out unfavorable
propaganda online or offline during the summit, and
stabilize the overall social situation in the region.”
The term “social stability” is often used
by Chinese authorities as a euphemism for stifling dissent.
China most certainly is
trying to control A.S.E.A.N.,
which is Supernation
#9! (See map above)
6. Leaders who
reached the historic Abraham Accord peace agreements
between Israel and her Arab neighbors have been nominated
for the Nobel Peace Prize.
NEWS BRIEF: "Kushner
and Berkowitz nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Abraham
Accords", Jewish News Syndicate, Feb
4, 2021
"Jared Kushner, senior
adviser to former U.S. President Donald Trump, and his
deputy Avi Berkowitz were nominated for the Nobel Peace
Prize on Sunday for their role in the normalization
deals between Israel and several Arab states known as
the Abraham Accords. "
"The two former officials
were nominated by U.S. attorney Alan Dershowitz, who
was eligible to do so in his capacity as professor emeritus
of Harvard Law School."
"In a four-month
span last year, Israel signed normalization deals with
the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.
They were the first such measures signed between Israel
and Muslim-majority countries in decades."
President Trump
may get his well-deserved international praise that
he certainly deserves.