World-Class DVD From Chris Pinto
DVD Title from Chris Pinto
The 'True Christian
History of America' is a powerful documentary, showing
the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American
view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back
to England and the great Reformation.
For many years,
Americans have been taught in our schools and universities
that the founding of our Republic was the result of
the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of
that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment
first declare no taxation without representation? Or
trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of
speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare
that the “reign of political Protestantism”
would commence, just before signing the Declaration
of Independence?
Filmed on location
in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland,
and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary
contains unique interviews with experts from around
the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel
pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and
how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration,
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
At a time when
America and the principles of freedom stand in peril,
it has never been more important for the Christian world
to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is
perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool
parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history
on the influence of Christianity in the United States.
Video clips online
Presented by Christian
J. Pinto Running Time: 150+ minutes --
Chris Pinto Titles

-- Headline News
1. One of the
most effective long-term propaganda exercises continues
to roil the world scene:
For 18 long years,
Western propaganda has falsely warned that Iran is "just
days, weeks, or months" away from developing their
own nuclear bombs.
2013 Archives:
"Nuclear Armed Iran Fears Can Be Buried Once and
For All!", NEWS2517
An absolutely false propaganda
campaign has been aimed at Iran since April, 2003. Ignoring
the fact that Iran had possessed a nuclear weapons capability
since early, 2003, the United States, Israel, Great
Britain and other Western nations, repeatedly warned
the world that Iran is trying to develop her own nuclear
weapons and must be stopped at all costs. From 2003-2007
President Bush sent wave after wave of aircraft carriers
to Iranian coastal waters, only to threaten a military
strike for a while and then quietly withdraw.
Israel repeatedly has
falsely accused Iran, threatening her over the nuclear
weapons she is supposed to be building. In fact, Israel
has constantly talked about launching her own military
strike against nuclear power plant facilities in Iran.
The Israeli people have been whipped into such a frenzy
over this false "rumors of war" that, today,
a majority of them believe Iran is the most deadly enemy
that Israel is facing, and they support a strike.
Representative Ron Paul
has finally revealed the depth and part of the time
length of this master deception!
'Curveball' Albright Is Back With More 'Scary Iran Stories'
", The Ron Paul Institute, October
25, 2013
"David Albright of
ISIS ( Institute for Science and International Security)
has never seen an alarmist allegation about Iran that
he did not amplify in another somber ... report. (Iran
is weeks (days, minutes, seconds) away from a nuclear
weapon and must be stopped NOW)."
Returning to our featured
Ron Paul story:
"Four and a half
years ago (mid-2009), Albright's over-active imagination
led him to somberly assert that:
'Iran continues to move
forward on developing its nuclear capabilities, and
it is close to having what we would call a ‘nuclear
breakout capability.’ That’s a problem because
once Iran reaches that state then it could make a decision
to get nuclear weapons pretty rapidly. In as quickly
as a few months, Iran would be able to have enough weapons-grade
uranium for nuclear weapons.' "
came of his assertions."
Did you hear that conclusion?
came of his assertions." Again: "Nothing
came of his assertions." And yet again: "Nothing
came of his assertions."
But, a few months later,
Albright was back in the media spotlight, issuing more
warnings that will never come true.
"In December, 2009,
an 'alarming secret document' emerged that purported
to show Iran's secret nuclear goals. Again David Albright
was trotted out to opine that the document was a smoking
'The only realistic use
of this is in a nuclear weapon. It shows that either
Iran is developing the capability [to build nuclear
weapons] or it is moving to implement a bomb program
-- and either one is bad."
came of his assertions."
But, Albright was still
not finished.
"In early 2010 Albright
gave an interview with CFR's Bernard Gwertzman in which
he claimed that Iran was...six months away from a nuclear
"In October, 2012
Albright asserted that Iran could produce enough highly
enriched uranium for a bomb in just two to four months!"
But, now, this propaganda
spectre raised its tired old head again.
The Israeli Army
Chief issued this tired old warning again: "Iran
Could Be ‘Weeks Away’ from Atomic Bomb"
NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli
Army Chief: Iran Could Be
‘Weeks Away’ from Atomic Bomb",
Breitbart News, 27 Jan 2021
"Israel’s military
chief on Tuesday warned Iran’s uranium enrichment
of up to 20 percent purity could mean the country was
'months, maybe even weeks' away from obtaining the bomb
... He revealed he had ordered his forces to lay the
groundwork for strikes against Iran."
What is the real truth
A Russian general revealed,
in June, 2002, that Iran already possessed
nuclear warheads, but was lacking a capability to deliver
them all the way to Russia (NEWS1660,
"Mushroom Clouds
In The Middle East").
Iran evidently bought
nuclear warheads from Pakistan in late, 2001, and took
delivery of them in early 2002!
Why, then, has the Western
World undertaken a 20-year-old propaganda campaign to
convince the world that Iran would use nuclear weapons
if she had them, and therefore, must be prevented from
gaining this capability at all costs - even a military
The primary reason for
the continuation of this false propaganda campaign is
to "keep the pot stirred" so that the vast
changes in the Middle East can be carried out. As Jesus
said, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of
wars ..." (Matthew 24:6, KJV)
Freemasonry has even enshrined
this concept of continual conflict perfectly. Ordo
ab Chaos is a Latin phrase and the motto of
the Thirty-Third Degree of Freemasonry. It means, 'Order
out of Chaos.'”
The last point I need
to make here is that this false propaganda ploy occurred
under both Republican and Democrat leadership; therefore,
this truth proves our contention all along, that there
is a force operating above the political parties, to
whom all political leaders must bow.
President George Washington
named this upper-most level of authority, "The
Wilson alluded to this power:
"Some of the biggest
men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing,
are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They
know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so
subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so
pervasive, that they had better not speak above their
breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Hand", Ralph Epperson, p. 168)
This power is always,
in every generation, wielded through Secret Societies:
"Beneath the broad
tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents
of the secret societies, which frequently determine
in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface.'
(British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, 1874-1880,
quoted in "Unseen
Hand", Ralph Epperson, p. 76)
2. President Joe
Biden is proving to be "The Wreckonator" as
he zeroes in on President Trump's accomplishments to
demolish them in one shot.
all of Biden's executive orders and actions as president",
Business Insider, January 22, 2021
"Roughly five hours
after being sworn in as the 46th president on Wednesday,
Biden signed a stack of actions, many of which targeted
former President Donald Trump's policies."
"Biden revoked Trump's
controversial ban on travel from majority-Muslim countries,
halted construction of the former president's wall along
the US-Mexico border, and extended the Obama-era Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals program protecting young
immigrants who came to the US as children."
"Biden rejoined the
Paris climate accord ... stopped the US' withdrawal
from the World Health Organization, which Trump had
initiated last summer after accusing the United Nations
agency of cozying up to China ... extended an eviction
moratorium and student-loan-payment deferments to support
Americans struggling financially during the pandemic."
Biden so pointedly aimed
at Trump's accomplishments, one can only ask the question,
"is Biden going to serve four years only as an
anti-Trumper or will he someday strike out on his own?"
At some point, Joe Biden
is supposed to morph into "Obama-light"!
3. The global
"Great Reset" is underway and will produce:
Largest Transfer
of Wealth, Inequality in History and Highest Poverty
in Half Century
NEWS BRIEF: "Globalist
Great Reset",
100% Fed Up News, January 27, 2021
"Wallstreet and Big
Government engineered the Covid19 pandemic response
to usurp the greatest amount of power and wealth in
America’s history in just a few short months.
Due to globalists and leftists in Wallstreet and government–and
accelerated by their lies and lockdowns surrounding
Covid19, America is experiencing the largest transfer
of wealth in its history while inequality has risen
more in the last 6 months than in America’s entire
history and poverty is the highest it has been in over
half a century."
As we reported last week,
the most striking sign that this Global Reset is in
full swing is that to make this crisis reset everything,
trillions and trillions of dollars would have to be
inserted into economies worldwide. President Trump initiated
a $2.1 Trillion payout in mid-2020, followed by President
Biden asking for $1.9 Trillion.
Additionally, governments
worldwide have inserted trillions of dollars equivalent
in their own currency.
In other words, when you
see governments throughout the world seizing upon a
crisis as the excuse to pump trillions and trillions
of dollars into their economies, you will realize that
the world is passing through the "Great Reset"
-- New World Order - Kingdom of Antichrist.
We are on the way and
the Biblical Antichrist is waiting only for the
planned World War III to begin.
" The great Reset,
as we have previously mentioned, is a plan defined by
The World Economic Forum and global elites to destroy
all old forms of government. These governments will
be superseded by a global authoritarian governance structure
in which nations, privacy, and individualism matter
a lot less–perhaps not at all. China will be the
leader of this new world order along with a handful
of subordinate nations. It will also require that wealth–including
much of the land, is transferred to elites as well."
"Part of that plan
is increasing the amount of wealth among elites while
devastating the wealth of the poor and middle classes."
Americans are so panicked
over COVID-19 that they are missing the reality of what
is really occurring, and for what reason, and they do
not understand that this entire crisis was engineered
by both Republican and Democrat leaders!